update credits
[LibreOffice.git] / sc / sdi / drawsh.sdi
1 /*
2  * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
3  *
4  * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
5  * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
6  * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
7  *
8  * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
9  *
10  *   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
11  *   contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
12  *   with this work for additional information regarding copyright
13  *   ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
14  *   License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
15  *   except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
16  *   the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
17  */
18 interface TableDraw
20     // support assign macro for shape objects
21     SID_ASSIGNMACRO             [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = NoState; Export = FALSE; ]
23      // Drawing geht von Basic aus gar nicht, darum alles mit Export = FALSE
25     FID_DEFINE_NAME             [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
26     FID_ADD_NAME                [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
27     SID_DEFINE_COLROWNAMERANGES [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
28     SID_OPENDLG_SOLVE           [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
29     SID_OPENDLG_OPTSOLVER       [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
30     SID_OPENDLG_PIVOTTABLE      [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
31     SID_OPENDLG_TABOP           [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
32     SID_FILTER                  [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
33     SID_SPECIAL_FILTER          [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
34     SID_DEFINE_DBNAME           [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
35     SID_OPENDLG_CONSOLIDATE     [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
36     SID_OPENDLG_EDIT_PRINTAREA  [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
37      // andere:
38     SID_DRAW_CHART              [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
39      //!    SID_STYLE_DESIGNER  [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
40      //!    SID_OPENDLG_FUNCTION[ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
41     SID_STYLE_FAMILY2           [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
42     SID_STYLE_FAMILY4           [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
43     SID_STYLE_APPLY             [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
44     SID_STYLE_WATERCAN          [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
45     SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE    [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
46     SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
47     SID_STYLE_NEW               [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
48     SID_STYLE_EDIT              [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
49     SID_STYLE_DELETE            [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
50     SID_STYLE_HIDE              [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
51     SID_STYLE_SHOW              [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
53      //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54     SID_TEXT_STANDARD       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = NoState; Export = FALSE; ]
55     SID_DRAWTEXT_ATTR_DLG   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = NoState; Export = FALSE; ]
57      // ---- Slot-IDs fuer Objectbar:
58     SID_COLOR_TABLE         [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
59     SID_GRADIENT_LIST       [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
60     SID_HATCH_LIST          [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
61     SID_BITMAP_LIST         [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
62     SID_DASH_LIST           [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
63     SID_LINEEND_LIST        [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
65      // Flaechen-Attribute
66     SID_ATTR_FILL_STYLE     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
68     // #i25616#
70     [
71         ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr;
72         StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState;
73         Export = FALSE;
74     ]
76     SID_ATTR_FILL_COLOR     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
77     SID_ATTR_FILL_GRADIENT  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
78     SID_ATTR_FILL_HATCH     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
79     SID_ATTR_FILL_BITMAP    [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
80     SID_ATTR_FILL_TRANSPARENCE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
81     SID_ATTR_FILL_FLOATTRANSPARENCE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
83      // ---- Linien-Attribute:
84     SID_ATTR_LINE_STYLE     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
85     SID_ATTR_LINEEND_STYLE  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
86     SID_ATTR_LINE_START [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
87     SID_ATTR_LINE_END [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
88     SID_ATTR_LINE_DASH      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
89     SID_ATTR_LINE_WIDTH     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
90     SID_ATTR_LINE_COLOR     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
91     SID_ATTR_LINE_TRANSPARENCE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
92     SID_ATTR_LINE_JOINT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
93     SID_ATTR_LINE_CAP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
94     SID_ATTRIBUTES_AREA     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
95     SID_ATTRIBUTES_LINE     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
96     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
98     // For the sidebar
99     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_WIDTH    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
100     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_HEIGHT   [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
101     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_POS_X    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
102     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_POS_Y    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
103     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_ANGLE    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
104     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_ROT_X    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
105     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_ROT_Y    [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
106     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_PROTECT_POS  [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
107     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_PROTECT_SIZE [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
108     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_AUTOWIDTH [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
109     SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM_AUTOHEIGHT [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrStateForIFBX; Export = FALSE; ]
111      // ---- Ausrichtungs - Funktionen:
112      //!    PseudoSlots gibt Aerger mit Referenz-Dialogen ???
114     [
115          //     PseudoSlots = TRUE;
116         PseudoSlots = FALSE ;
117         Export = FALSE ;
118          //     PseudoPrefix = SID_OBJECT_ALIGN;
119         ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;
120         StateMethod = NoState ;
121         GroupId = GID_FORMAT ;
122         FastCall , Cachable ;
123         ToolBoxConfig ;
124     ]
125     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_LEFT   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
126     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_CENTER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
127     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_RIGHT  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
128     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_UP     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
129     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_MIDDLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
130     SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_DOWN   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
132     // pseudo slots from Format menu
133     SID_ALIGN_ANY_LEFT      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
134     SID_ALIGN_ANY_HCENTER   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
135     SID_ALIGN_ANY_RIGHT     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
136     SID_ALIGN_ANY_TOP       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
137     SID_ALIGN_ANY_VCENTER   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
138     SID_ALIGN_ANY_BOTTOM    [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
140      // ---- andere Funktionen:
141     SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
142     SID_OBJECT_HELL     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
143     SID_FRAME_TO_TOP    [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
144     SID_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
145     SID_FRAME_UP        [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
146     SID_FRAME_DOWN      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
147     SID_GROUP           [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
148     SID_UNGROUP         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
149     SID_ENTER_GROUP     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
150     SID_LEAVE_GROUP     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
151      // !!! special
152     SID_DELETE          [ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE ;]
154     /*
155     SfxVoidItem Delete SID_DELETE ( )
156     [
157         ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;
158         StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ;
159         Export = FALSE ;
160         GroupId = GID_EDIT ;
161         FastCall , Cachable ;
162         ToolBoxConfig , MenuConfig , AccelConfig ;
163     ]
164     */
165     SID_DELETE_CONTENTS [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
166     SID_CUT             [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
167     SID_COPY            [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
168     SID_PASTE           [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
169     SID_SELECTALL       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
170     SID_OBJECT_ROTATE   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
171     SID_OBJECT_MIRROR   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
172     SID_BEZIER_EDIT     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
173     SID_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc;StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
174     /*
175     SfxVoidItem ObjectMirrorHorizontal SID_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL ( )
176     [
177         StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ;
178         Export = FALSE ;
179         GroupId = GID_FORMAT ;
180         Cachable ;
181         MenuConfig ;  //FS
182     ]
183     */
184     SID_MIRROR_VERTICAL     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
185     SID_FLIP_HORIZONTAL     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
186     SID_FLIP_VERTICAL       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
187     SID_ANCHOR_PAGE         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
188     SID_ANCHOR_TOGGLE       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
189     SID_ANCHOR_CELL         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
190      // ---- FontWork:
191     SID_FONTWORK            [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
192     SID_FORMTEXT_STYLE      [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
193     SID_FORMTEXT_ADJUST     [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
194     SID_FORMTEXT_DISTANCE   [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
195     SID_FORMTEXT_START      [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
196     SID_FORMTEXT_MIRROR     [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
197     SID_FORMTEXT_HIDEFORM   [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
198     SID_FORMTEXT_OUTLINE    [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
199     SID_FORMTEXT_SHADOW     [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
200     SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWCOLOR  [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
201     SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWXVAL   [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
202     SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWYVAL   [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
203     SID_FORMTEXT_STDFORM    [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
204     SID_ATTR_POSITION       [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
205     SID_ATTR_SIZE           [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
206     SID_TABLE_CELL          [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
207     SID_ORIGINALSIZE        [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
208     SID_HYPERLINK_SETLINK   [ ExecMethod = ExecuteHLink; Export = FALSE; ]
209     SID_HYPERLINK_GETLINK   [ StateMethod = GetHLinkState; Export = FALSE; ]
210     SID_ENABLE_HYPHENATION  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
212     // #i68101#
213     SID_TITLE_DESCRIPTION_OBJECT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
214     SID_RENAME_OBJECT       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
216     SID_FORMATPAINTBRUSH    [ ExecMethod = ExecFormatPaintbrush; StateMethod = StateFormatPaintbrush; ]
218     SID_OPEN_XML_FILTERSETTINGS     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
219     SID_EXTRUSION_TOOGLE            [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
220     SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_DOWN         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
221     SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_UP           [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
222     SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_LEFT         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
223     SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_RIGHT        [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
224     SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_FLOATER     [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
225     SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_DIALOG      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
226     SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
227     SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_FLOATER  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
228     SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE_FLOATER   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
229     SID_EXTRUSION_3D_COLOR          [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
230     SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH             [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
231     SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION         [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
232     SID_EXTRUSION_PROJECTION        [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
233     SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_DIRECTION[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
234     SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_INTENSITY[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
235     SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE           [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
237     SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE                      [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
238     SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE_TYPE                 [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
239     SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT_FLOATER          [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
240     SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_FLOATER  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
241     SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT                  [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
242     SID_FONTWORK_SAME_LETTER_HEIGHTS        [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
243     SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING          [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
244     SID_FONTWORK_KERN_CHARACTER_PAIRS       [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
245     SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_DIALOG   [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
248     SID_DRAW_HLINK_EDIT             [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
249     SID_DRAW_HLINK_DELETE           [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
250     SID_OPEN_HYPERLINK              [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
254  // ===========================================================================
255 shell ScDrawShell
257     import TableDraw;