Avoid potential negative array index access to cached text.
[LibreOffice.git] / reportdesign / inc / strings.hxx
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4; fill-column: 100 -*- */
2 /*
3 * This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
8 */
9 #pragma once
11 #include <rtl/ustring.hxx>
13 // Dialog Controls
15 inline constexpr OUString RID_STR_CLASS_FIXEDTEXT = u"Label"_ustr;
16 inline constexpr OUString RID_STR_CLASS_FIXEDLINE = u"Line"_ustr;
17 inline constexpr OUString RID_STR_CLASS_IMAGECONTROL = u"Graphic"_ustr;
18 inline constexpr OUString RID_STR_CLASS_FORMATTEDFIELD = u"FormattedField"_ustr;
20 //= service names
22 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_FIXEDTEXT = u"com.sun.star.report.FixedText"_ustr;
23 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_FORMATTEDFIELD = u"com.sun.star.report.FormattedField"_ustr;
24 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_IMAGECONTROL = u"com.sun.star.report.ImageControl"_ustr;
25 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_FORMATCONDITION = u"com.sun.star.report.FormatCondition"_ustr;
26 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_FUNCTION = u"com.sun.star.report.Function"_ustr;
27 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_REPORTDEFINITION = u"com.sun.star.report.ReportDefinition"_ustr;
28 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_SHAPE = u"com.sun.star.report.Shape"_ustr;
29 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_FIXEDLINE = u"com.sun.star.report.FixedLine"_ustr;
30 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_SECTION = u"com.sun.star.report.Section"_ustr;
31 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_GROUP = u"com.sun.star.report.Group"_ustr;
33 //= property names
35 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_VISIBLE = u"Visible"_ustr;
36 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_NAME = u"Name"_ustr;
37 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_HEIGHT = u"Height"_ustr;
38 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BACKCOLOR = u"BackColor"_ustr;
39 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BACKTRANSPARENT = u"BackTransparent"_ustr;
40 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONTROLBACKGROUND = u"ControlBackground"_ustr;
41 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONTROLBACKGROUNDTRANSPARENT = u"ControlBackgroundTransparent"_ustr;
42 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORCENEWPAGE = u"ForceNewPage"_ustr;
43 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_NEWROWORCOL = u"NewRowOrCol"_ustr;
44 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_KEEPTOGETHER = u"KeepTogether"_ustr;
45 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CANGROW = u"CanGrow"_ustr;
46 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CANSHRINK = u"CanShrink"_ustr;
47 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_REPEATSECTION = u"RepeatSection"_ustr;
48 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_GROUP = u"Group"_ustr;
49 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_REPORTDEFINITION = u"ReportDefinition"_ustr;
51 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_GROUPINTERVAL = u"GroupInterval"_ustr;
52 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_EXPRESSION = u"Expression"_ustr;
53 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_GROUPON = u"GroupOn"_ustr;
54 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_SORTASCENDING = u"SortAscending"_ustr;
56 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MASTERFIELDS = u"MasterFields"_ustr;
57 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DETAILFIELDS = u"DetailFields"_ustr;
58 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CAPTION = u"Caption"_ustr;
59 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_COMMAND = u"Command"_ustr;
60 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BACKGRAPHICLOCATION = u"BackGraphicLocation"_ustr;
61 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ORIENTATION = u"Orientation"_ustr;
62 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAPERSIZE = u"Size"_ustr;
63 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_GROUPKEEPTOGETHER = u"GroupKeepTogether"_ustr;
64 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAGEHEADEROPTION = u"PageHeaderOption"_ustr;
65 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAGEFOOTEROPTION = u"PageFooterOption"_ustr;
66 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_COMMANDTYPE = u"CommandType"_ustr;
67 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_REPORTHEADERON = u"ReportHeaderOn"_ustr;
68 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_REPORTFOOTERON = u"ReportFooterOn"_ustr;
69 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAGEHEADERON = u"PageHeaderOn"_ustr;
70 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAGEFOOTERON = u"PageFooterOn"_ustr;
71 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_HEADERON = u"HeaderOn"_ustr;
72 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FOOTERON = u"FooterOn"_ustr;
73 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_WIDTH = u"Width"_ustr;
74 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_POSITIONX = u"PositionX"_ustr;
75 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_POSITIONY = u"PositionY"_ustr;
76 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_AUTOGROW = u"AutoGrow"_ustr;
77 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MINHEIGHT = u"MinHeight"_ustr;
78 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DATAFIELD = u"DataField"_ustr;
79 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PARAADJUST = u"ParaAdjust"_ustr;
80 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTDESCRIPTOR = u"FontDescriptor"_ustr;
81 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTDESCRIPTORASIAN = u"FontDescriptorAsian"_ustr;
82 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTDESCRIPTORCOMPLEX = u"FontDescriptorComplex"_ustr;
83 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONTROLTEXTEMPHASISMARK = u"ControlTextEmphasis"_ustr;
84 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARRELIEF = u"CharRelief"_ustr;
85 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCOLOR = u"CharColor"_ustr;
86 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_VERTICALALIGN = u"VerticalAlign"_ustr;
87 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_IMAGEURL = u"ImageURL"_ustr;
88 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARUNDERLINECOLOR = u"CharUnderlineColor"_ustr;
89 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LABEL = u"Label"_ustr;
90 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_EFFECTIVEDEFAULT = u"EffectiveDefault"_ustr;
91 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_EFFECTIVEMAX = u"EffectiveMax"_ustr;
92 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_EFFECTIVEMIN = u"EffectiveMin"_ustr;
93 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMATKEY = u"FormatKey"_ustr;
94 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MAXTEXTLEN = u"MaxTextLen"_ustr;
95 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMATSSUPPLIER = u"FormatsSupplier"_ustr;
96 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONTROLBORDER = u"ControlBorder"_ustr;
97 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONTROLBORDERCOLOR = u"ControlBorderColor"_ustr;
98 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDER = u"Border"_ustr;
99 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDERCOLOR = u"BorderColor"_ustr;
100 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DEFAULTCONTROL = u"DefaultControl"_ustr;
102 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LEFTMARGIN = u"LeftMargin"_ustr;
103 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_RIGHTMARGIN = u"RightMargin"_ustr;
104 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TOPMARGIN = u"TopMargin"_ustr;
105 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BOTTOMMARGIN = u"BottomMargin"_ustr;
107 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PRINTREPEATEDVALUES = u"PrintRepeatedValues"_ustr;
108 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CONDITIONALPRINTEXPRESSION = u"ConditionalPrintExpression"_ustr;
109 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_STARTNEWCOLUMN = u"StartNewColumn"_ustr;
110 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_RESETPAGENUMBER = u"ResetPageNumber"_ustr;
111 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PRINTWHENGROUPCHANGE = u"PrintWhenGroupChange"_ustr;
112 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_STATE = u"State"_ustr;
113 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TIME_STATE = u"TimeState"_ustr;
114 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DATE_STATE = u"DateState"_ustr;
115 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTCHARWIDTH = u"FontCharWidth"_ustr;
116 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTCHARSET = u"CharFontCharSet"_ustr;
117 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTFAMILY = u"CharFontFamily"_ustr;
118 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTHEIGHT = u"CharHeight"_ustr;
119 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTHEIGHT = u"FontHeight"_ustr;
120 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTKERNING = u"FontKerning"_ustr;
121 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONT = u"FontDescriptor"_ustr;
122 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTNAME = u"FontName"_ustr;
123 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTORIENTATION = u"CharRotation"_ustr;
124 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTPITCH = u"CharFontPitch"_ustr;
125 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARSTRIKEOUT = u"CharStrikeout"_ustr;
126 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTSTRIKEOUT = u"FontStrikeout"_ustr;
127 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTSTYLENAME = u"CharFontStyleName"_ustr;
128 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTUNDERLINE = u"CharUnderline"_ustr;
129 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTWEIGHT = u"CharWeight"_ustr;
130 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTWIDTH = u"FontWidth"_ustr;
131 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTTYPE = u"FontType"_ustr;
133 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ENABLED = u"Enabled"_ustr;
135 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHAREMPHASIS = u"CharEmphasis"_ustr;
136 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTNAME = u"CharFontName"_ustr;
137 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTSTYLENAME = u"CharFontStyleName"_ustr;
138 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTFAMILY = u"CharFontFamily"_ustr;
139 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTCHARSET = u"CharFontCharSet"_ustr;
140 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTPITCH = u"CharFontPitch"_ustr;
141 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARHEIGHT = u"CharHeight"_ustr;
142 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARUNDERLINE = u"CharUnderline"_ustr;
143 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWEIGHT = u"CharWeight"_ustr;
144 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARPOSTURE = u"CharPosture"_ustr;
145 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWORDMODE = u"CharWordMode"_ustr;
146 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARROTATION = u"CharRotation"_ustr;
147 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARSCALEWIDTH = u"CharScaleWidth"_ustr;
149 // Asian
150 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHAREMPHASISASIAN = u"CharEmphasisAsian"_ustr;
151 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTNAMEASIAN = u"CharFontNameAsian"_ustr;
152 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTSTYLENAMEASIAN = u"CharFontStyleNameAsian"_ustr;
153 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTFAMILYASIAN = u"CharFontFamilyAsian"_ustr;
154 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTCHARSETASIAN = u"CharFontCharSetAsian"_ustr;
155 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTPITCHASIAN = u"CharFontPitchAsian"_ustr;
156 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARHEIGHTASIAN = u"CharHeightAsian"_ustr;
157 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARUNDERLINEASIAN = u"CharUnderlineAsian"_ustr;
158 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWEIGHTASIAN = u"CharWeightAsian"_ustr;
159 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARPOSTUREASIAN = u"CharPostureAsian"_ustr;
160 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWORDMODEASIAN = u"CharWordModeAsian"_ustr;
161 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARROTATIONASIAN = u"CharRotationAsian"_ustr;
162 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARSCALEWIDTHASIAN = u"CharScaleWidthAsian"_ustr;
163 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARLOCALEASIAN = u"CharLocaleAsian"_ustr;
165 // Complex
166 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHAREMPHASISCOMPLEX = u"CharEmphasisComplex"_ustr;
167 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTNAMECOMPLEX = u"CharFontNameComplex"_ustr;
168 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTSTYLENAMECOMPLEX = u"CharFontStyleNameComplex"_ustr;
169 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTFAMILYCOMPLEX = u"CharFontFamilyComplex"_ustr;
170 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTCHARSETCOMPLEX = u"CharFontCharSetComplex"_ustr;
171 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFONTPITCHCOMPLEX = u"CharFontPitchComplex"_ustr;
172 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARHEIGHTCOMPLEX = u"CharHeightComplex"_ustr;
173 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARUNDERLINECOMPLEX = u"CharUnderlineComplex"_ustr;
174 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWEIGHTCOMPLEX = u"CharWeightComplex"_ustr;
175 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARPOSTURECOMPLEX = u"CharPostureComplex"_ustr;
176 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARWORDMODECOMPLEX = u"CharWordModeComplex"_ustr;
177 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARROTATIONCOMPLEX = u"CharRotationComplex"_ustr;
178 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARSCALEWIDTHCOMPLEX = u"CharScaleWidthComplex"_ustr;
179 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARLOCALECOMPLEX = u"CharLocaleComplex"_ustr;
181 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_STATUSINDICATOR = u"StatusIndicator"_ustr;
182 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_SECTION = u"Section"_ustr;
183 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FILTER = u"Filter"_ustr;
184 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ESCAPEPROCESSING = u"EscapeProcessing"_ustr;
186 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MULTILINE = u"MultiLine"_ustr;
187 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ACTIVECONNECTION = u"ActiveConnection"_ustr;
188 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DATASOURCENAME = u"DataSourceName"_ustr;
189 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMULA = u"Formula"_ustr;
190 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_INITIALFORMULA = u"InitialFormula"_ustr;
191 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PREEVALUATED = u"PreEvaluated"_ustr;
192 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_DEEPTRAVERSING = u"DeepTraversing"_ustr;
193 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MIMETYPE = u"MimeType"_ustr;
194 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BACKGROUNDCOLOR = u"BackgroundColor"_ustr;
195 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TEXT = u"Text"_ustr;
196 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TEXTCOLOR = u"TextColor"_ustr;
197 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TEXTLINECOLOR = u"TextLineColor"_ustr;
198 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTRELIEF = u"FontRelief"_ustr;
199 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTEMPHASISMARK = u"FontEmphasisMark"_ustr;
200 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ZORDER = u"ZOrder"_ustr;
201 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_OPAQUE = u"Opaque"_ustr;
202 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TRANSFORMATION = u"Transformation"_ustr;
203 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CUSTOMSHAPEENGINE = u"CustomShapeEngine"_ustr;
204 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CUSTOMSHAPEDATA = u"CustomShapeData"_ustr;
205 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CUSTOMSHAPEGEOMETRY = u"CustomShapeGeometry"_ustr;
207 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_NUMBERINGTYPE = u"NumberingType"_ustr;
208 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PAGESTYLELAYOUT = u"PageStyleLayout"_ustr;
209 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ISLANDSCAPE = u"IsLandscape"_ustr;
210 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_ALIGN = u"Align"_ustr;
211 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TYPE = u"Type"_ustr;
213 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PRESERVEIRI = u"PreserveIRI"_ustr;
214 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_SCALEMODE = u"ScaleMode"_ustr;
216 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LINESTYLE = u"LineStyle"_ustr;
217 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LINEDASH = u"LineDash"_ustr;
218 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LINECOLOR = u"LineColor"_ustr;
219 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LINETRANSPARENCE = u"LineTransparence"_ustr;
220 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_LINEWIDTH = u"LineWidth"_ustr;
222 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARFLASH = u"CharFlash"_ustr;
223 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARESCAPEMENTHEIGHT = u"CharEscapementHeight"_ustr;
224 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARLOCALE = u"CharLocale"_ustr;
225 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARESCAPEMENT = u"CharEscapement"_ustr;
226 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCASEMAP = u"CharCaseMap"_ustr;
227 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCOMBINEISON = u"CharCombineIsOn"_ustr;
228 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCOMBINEPREFIX = u"CharCombinePrefix"_ustr;
229 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCOMBINESUFFIX = u"CharCombineSuffix"_ustr;
230 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARHIDDEN = u"CharHidden"_ustr;
231 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARSHADOWED = u"CharShadowed"_ustr;
232 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARCONTOURED = u"CharContoured"_ustr;
233 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARAUTOKERNING = u"CharAutoKerning"_ustr;
234 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARKERNING = u"CharKerning"_ustr;
235 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_HYPERLINKURL = u"HyperLinkURL"_ustr;
236 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_HYPERLINKTARGET = u"HyperLinkTarget"_ustr;
237 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_HYPERLINKNAME = u"HyperLinkName"_ustr;
238 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_VISITEDCHARSTYLENAME = u"VisitedCharStyleName"_ustr;
239 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_UNVISITEDCHARSTYLENAME = u"UnvisitedCharStyleName"_ustr;
240 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_APPLYFILTER = u"ApplyFilter"_ustr;
241 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_MAXROWS = u"MaxRows"_ustr;
243 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_REPORTNAME = u"ReportName"_ustr;
244 inline constexpr OUString CFG_REPORTDESIGNER = u"SunReportBuilder"_ustr;
245 inline constexpr OUString DBREPORTHEADER = u"ReportHeader"_ustr;
246 inline constexpr OUString DBREPORTFOOTER = u"ReportFooter"_ustr;
247 inline constexpr OUString DBPAGEHEADER = u"PageHeader"_ustr;
248 inline constexpr OUString DBPAGEFOOTER = u"PageFooter"_ustr;
249 inline constexpr OUString DBGROUPHEADER = u"GroupHeader"_ustr;
250 inline constexpr OUString DBGROUPFOOTER = u"GroupFooter"_ustr;
251 inline constexpr OUString DBDETAIL = u"Detail"_ustr;
252 inline constexpr OUString REPORTCONTROLFORMAT = u"ReportControlFormat"_ustr;
253 inline constexpr OUString CURRENT_WINDOW = u"CurrentWindow"_ustr;
254 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FONTCOLOR = u"FontColor"_ustr;
255 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_EMPTY_IS_NULL = u"ConvertEmptyToNull"_ustr;
256 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FILTERPROPOSAL = u"UseFilterValueProposal"_ustr;
257 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_POSITION = u"Position"_ustr;
258 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMATKEYDATE = u"FormatKeyDate"_ustr;
259 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMATKEYTIME = u"FormatKeyTime"_ustr;
260 inline constexpr OUString DBOVERLAPPEDCONTROL = u"OverlappedControl"_ustr;
261 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FORMULALIST = u"FormulaList"_ustr;
262 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_SCOPE = u"Scope"_ustr;
263 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_CHARTTYPE = u"ChartType"_ustr;
264 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_PREVIEW_COUNT = u"RowLimit"_ustr;
265 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_TITLE = u"Title"_ustr;
266 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_AREA = u"Area"_ustr;
267 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_FILLCOLOR = u"FillColor"_ustr;
268 inline constexpr OUString DBTEXTBOXBOUNDCONTENT = u"TextBoxBoundContent"_ustr;
270 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_SETTINGSIMPORTER = u"com.sun.star.comp.Report.XMLOasisSettingsImporter"_ustr;
271 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_STYLESIMPORTER = u"com.sun.star.comp.Report.XMLOasisStylesImporter"_ustr;
272 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_CONTENTIMPORTER = u"com.sun.star.comp.Report.XMLOasisContentImporter"_ustr;
273 inline constexpr OUString SERVICE_METAIMPORTER = u"com.sun.star.comp.Report.XMLOasisMetaImporter"_ustr;
274 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDERLEFT = u"BorderLeft"_ustr;
275 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDERRIGHT = u"BorderRight"_ustr;
276 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDERTOP = u"BorderTop"_ustr;
277 inline constexpr OUString PROPERTY_BORDERBOTTOM = u"BorderBottom"_ustr;
279 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab cinoptions=b1,g0,N-s cinkeys+=0=break: */