fdo#74697 Add Bluez 5 support for impress remote.
[LibreOffice.git] / lotuswordpro / source / filter / bento.hxx
1 /* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
2 /*************************************************************************
4 * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
5 * either of the following licenses
7 * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
8 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
10 * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000
12 * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
13 * =============================================
14 * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
15 * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
17 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
18 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
19 * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
21 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
22 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
24 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
26 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
27 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
28 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
29 * MA 02111-1307 USA
32 * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1
33 * =================================================
34 * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards
35 * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file
36 * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
37 * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html.
39 * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis,
43 * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and
44 * obligations concerning the Software.
46 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: IBM Corporation
48 * Copyright: 2008 by IBM Corporation
50 * All Rights Reserved.
52 * Contributor(s): _______________________________________
55 ************************************************************************/
56 #ifndef BENTO_H
57 #define BENTO_H
59 #include <string>
60 #include <vector>
61 #include "lwpsvstream.hxx"
63 #define BEN_CC __stdcall
64 #ifdef COMP_BENTO
65 #define BEN_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport)
66 #else
67 #define BEN_EXPORT
68 #endif
70 using namespace std;
72 #include "ut.hxx"
73 #include "utlist.hxx"
74 #include <tools/stream.hxx> // SvStream definition
75 #include <sot/storage.hxx> // SotStorageStream definition, add by 10/24/2005
77 namespace OpenStormBento
83 #define BEN_LABEL_SIZE 24
85 #define BEN_MAGIC_BYTES "\xA4""CM""\xA5""Hdr""\xD7"
87 enum BenError
89 BenErr_OK = 0,
90 BenErr_NameConflict = 1,
91 BenErr_DuplicateObjectID = 2,
92 BenErr_UnknownBentoFormatVersion = 3,
93 BenErr_NamedObjectError = 4,
94 BenErr_NamedObjectIllegalValue = 5,
95 BenErr_InvalidTOC = 6,
96 BenErr_64BitOffsetNotSupported = 7,
97 BenErr_ReadPastEndOfTOC = 8,
98 BenErr_ContainerWithNoObjects = 9,
99 BenErr_ObjectWithNoProperties = 10,
100 BenErr_PropertyWithNoValues = 11,
101 BenErr_IllegalInMemoryTOC = 12,
102 BenErr_PropertyAlreadyExists = 13,
103 BenErr_UnexpectedEndOfFile = 14,
104 BenErr_InvalidWriteOffset = 15,
105 BenErr_InvalidImmediateWrite = 16,
106 BenErr_TOCSeedError = 17,
107 BenErr_ReadPastEndOfContainer = 18,
108 BenErr_DuplicateName = 19,
109 BenErr_BadReferencedList = 20,
110 BenErr_IllegalContinuedImmediate = 21,
111 BenErr_NotBentoContainer = 22,
112 BenErr_PropertyWithMoreThanOneValue = 23
114 // IMPORTANT - UtStream errors (UtErr_....) are also valid Bento
115 // errors. They have codes of 100 and higher. When, say, a Bento
116 // container open fails due to an access violation (somebody else, say,
117 // has it open exclusive), will get a UtErr code. If define own
118 // subclass of UtStream (custom handler), can define own error codes--
119 // those should start at 200
122 UtDefClassP(LtcBenContainer);
123 UtDefClassP(CBenIDListElmt);
124 UtDefClassP(CBenObject);
125 UtDefClassP(CBenProperty);
126 UtDefClassP(CBenReference);
127 UtDefClassP(CBenValue);
128 UtDefClassP(CBenValueSegment);
129 UtDefClassP(CBenNamedObjectListElmt);
130 UtDefClassP(CBenNamedObject);
131 UtDefClassP(CBenPropertyName);
132 UtDefClassP(CBenTypeName);
134 typedef unsigned char BenByte;
135 typedef unsigned short BenWord;
136 typedef unsigned long BenDWord;
137 typedef void * BenDataPtr;
138 typedef const void * BenConstDataPtr;
140 typedef unsigned long BenContainerPos;
141 typedef unsigned long BenObjectID;
142 typedef unsigned long BenGeneration;
144 sal_uLong BenOpenContainer(LwpSvStream * pStream, pLtcBenContainer * ppContainer);
146 class CBenIDListElmt : public CUtListElmt
148 public: // Internal methods
149 CBenIDListElmt(BenObjectID ID, pCBenIDListElmt pPrev) : CUtListElmt(pPrev)
150 { cID = ID; }
151 CBenIDListElmt(BenObjectID ID) { cID = ID; }
152 BenObjectID GetID() { return cID; }
154 private: // Data
155 BenObjectID cID;
158 class CBenNamedObjectListElmt : public CUtListElmt
160 public: // Methods
161 // added to remove warning
162 CBenNamedObjectListElmt(pCBenNamedObjectListElmt pPrev) : CUtListElmt(pPrev)
163 { cpNamedObject = NULL; }
164 void SetNamedObject(pCBenNamedObject pObj)
166 cpNamedObject = pObj;
169 CBenNamedObjectListElmt(pCBenNamedObject pNamedObject,
170 pCBenNamedObjectListElmt pPrev) : CUtListElmt(pPrev)
171 { cpNamedObject = pNamedObject; }
172 pCBenNamedObject GetNamedObject() { return cpNamedObject; }
174 private: // Data
175 pCBenNamedObject cpNamedObject;
178 class LtcUtBenValueStream : public SvStream
180 public:
181 LtcUtBenValueStream(pCBenValue pValue);
182 ~LtcUtBenValueStream();
184 public: // Overridden methods
186 /* added by */
187 CBenValue * GetValue(){ return cpValue; };
188 sal_uLong GetSize() { return m_ulValueLength; };
189 protected: // Overridden methods
191 virtual sal_uLong GetData( void* pData, sal_uLong nSize );
192 virtual sal_uLong PutData( const void* pData, sal_uLong nSize );
193 virtual sal_uLong SeekPos( sal_uLong nPos );
194 virtual void SetSize( sal_uLong nSize );
195 virtual void FlushData();
197 private: // Data
198 pCBenValue cpValue;
199 unsigned long cCurrentPosition;
201 sal_uLong m_ulValueLength; // Added by , sum of length of all sub-valuesegments
202 // void GetAmountLeft(sal_uLong * pAmtLeft); useless in SODC
205 class LtcBenContainer
207 public:
208 BenError Open();
209 BenError Close();
210 BenError RegisterPropertyName(const char * sPropertyName,
211 pCBenPropertyName * ppPropertyName);
212 // Pass NULL to begin iteration. Done when returns NULL.
213 // Objects are returned in order of increasing ID
214 pCBenObject GetNextObject(pCBenObject pCurrObject);
215 pCBenObject FindNextObjectWithProperty(pCBenObject pCurrObject,
216 BenObjectID PropertyID);
218 public: // Internal methods
219 LtcBenContainer(LwpSvStream * pStream);
220 ~LtcBenContainer();
222 BenError Read(BenDataPtr pBuffer, unsigned long MaxSize,
223 unsigned long * pAmtRead);
224 BenError ReadKnownSize(BenDataPtr pBuffer, unsigned long Amt);
225 BenError SeekToPosition(BenContainerPos Pos);
226 BenError SeekFromEnd(long Offset);
228 BenObjectID GetNextAvailObjectID() { return cNextAvailObjectID; }
229 void SetNextAvailObjectID(BenObjectID ID) { cNextAvailObjectID = ID; }
230 pCUtList GetObjects() { return &cObjects; }
231 pCUtList GetNamedObjects() { return &cNamedObjects; }
233 LtcUtBenValueStream * FindNextValueStreamWithPropertyName(const char * sPropertyName, LtcUtBenValueStream * pCurrentValueStream);
234 LtcUtBenValueStream * FindValueStreamWithPropertyName(const char * sPropertyName);
235 BenError CreateGraphicStream(SvStream * &pStream, const char *pObjectName);
237 BenError GetSize(sal_uLong * pLength);
238 LwpSvStream * GetStream()
240 return cpStream;
242 private: // Data
243 CUtOwningList cObjects;
244 CUtList cNamedObjects;
245 LwpSvStream * cpStream;
246 sal_uLong m_ulLength; // Added for TOCRead.cpp
247 BenObjectID cNextAvailObjectID; // for new object
250 class CBenObject : public CBenIDListElmt
252 public:
253 pCBenProperty UseProperty(BenObjectID PropertyID);
254 pCBenValue UseValue(BenObjectID PropertyID);
255 virtual UtBool IsNamedObject();
256 pLtcBenContainer GetContainer() { return cpContainer; }
257 BenObjectID GetObjectID() { return GetID(); }
258 public: // Internal methods
259 CBenObject(pLtcBenContainer pContainer, BenObjectID ObjectID,
260 pCBenIDListElmt pPrev) : CBenIDListElmt(ObjectID, pPrev)
261 { cpContainer = pContainer; }
262 pCUtList GetProperties() { return &cProperties; }
264 private: // Data
265 pLtcBenContainer cpContainer;
266 CUtOwningList cProperties;
269 class CBenValue : public CBenIDListElmt
271 public:
272 unsigned long GetValueSize();
273 BenError ReadValueData(BenDataPtr pBuffer,
274 unsigned long Offset, unsigned long MaxSize, unsigned long * pAmtRead);
276 pCBenProperty BEN_EXPORT GetProperty() { return cpProperty; }
278 public: // Internal methods
279 // added to remove WARNING
280 CBenValue(BenObjectID TypeID):CBenIDListElmt(TypeID)
282 cpProperty = NULL;
283 cpReferencedList = NULL;
286 void SetProperty(pCBenProperty pProperty)
288 cpProperty = pProperty;
291 CBenValue(pCBenProperty pProperty, BenObjectID TypeID) :
292 CBenIDListElmt(TypeID)
294 cpProperty = pProperty;
295 cpReferencedList = NULL;
297 BenObjectID GetTypeNameID() { return GetID(); }
298 inline pCBenValueSegment GetNextValueSegment(pCBenValueSegment
299 pCurrValueSegment);
300 inline pLtcBenContainer GetContainer();
301 pCUtList GetValueSegments() { return &cValueSegments; }
302 // Currently, no generation support
303 BenGeneration GetGeneration() { return 1; }
305 private: // Data
306 pCBenProperty cpProperty;
307 CUtOwningList cValueSegments;
308 pCBenValue cpReferencedList;
311 class CBenProperty : public CBenIDListElmt
313 public:
314 // In the Apple Bento, a property can have multiple values, each of a
315 // different type. But we never use it that way, so in this code a
316 // property has exactly one value
318 pCBenValue UseValue() { return &cValue; }
319 pCBenObject GetBenObject() { return cpObject; }
320 pLtcBenContainer GetContainer() { return GetBenObject()->GetContainer(); }
322 public: // Internal methods
323 // changed to remove WARNING here
324 CBenProperty(pCBenObject pObject, BenObjectID PropertyID,
325 BenObjectID TypeID, pCBenIDListElmt pPrevProperty) :
326 CBenIDListElmt(PropertyID, pPrevProperty), cValue(TypeID)
328 cpObject = pObject;
329 cValue.SetProperty(this);
332 BenObjectID GetPropertyNameID() { return GetID(); }
334 private: // Data
335 pCBenObject cpObject;
336 CBenValue cValue;
339 // In our implementation, reference is always just the object ID for the
340 // object referenced (but you shouldn't assume that)
341 #define BEN_REFERENCE_SIZE 4
343 class CBenReference
345 public: // Methods
346 BenByte * GetData() { return cData; }
348 private: // Data
349 BenByte cData[BEN_REFERENCE_SIZE];
352 class CBenValueSegment : public CUtListElmt
354 public: // Internal methods
355 CBenValueSegment(pCBenValue pValue, BenContainerPos Pos,
356 unsigned long Size) : CUtListElmt(pValue->GetValueSegments())
357 { cpValue = pValue; cImmediate = UT_FALSE; cPos = Pos;
358 cSize = Size; }
359 CBenValueSegment(pCBenValue pValue, BenConstDataPtr pImmData,
360 unsigned short Size) : CUtListElmt(pValue->GetValueSegments())
361 { cpValue = pValue; cImmediate = UT_TRUE;
362 UtHugeMemcpy(cImmData, pImmData, Size); cSize = Size; }
363 CBenValueSegment(BenContainerPos Pos, unsigned long Size)
364 { cpValue = NULL; cImmediate = UT_FALSE; cPos = Pos;
365 cSize = Size; }
366 CBenValueSegment(BenConstDataPtr pImmData, unsigned short Size)
367 { cpValue = NULL; cImmediate = UT_TRUE;
368 UtHugeMemcpy(cImmData, pImmData, Size); cSize = Size; }
369 UtBool IsLast()
371 return cpValue == NULL || cpValue->GetValueSegments()->GetLast() ==
372 this;
374 UtBool IsImmediate() { return cImmediate; }
375 BenContainerPos GetPosition() { return cPos; }
376 unsigned long GetSize() { return cSize; }
377 void SetSize(unsigned long Size) { cSize = Size; }
378 BenByte * GetImmediateData() { return cImmData; }
380 private: // Data
381 pCBenValue cpValue;
382 UtBool cImmediate;
383 union
385 BenContainerPos cPos;
386 BenByte cImmData[4];
388 unsigned long cSize;
391 inline pCBenValueSegment CBenValue::GetNextValueSegment(pCBenValueSegment
392 pCurrValueSegment)
393 { return (pCBenValueSegment) cValueSegments.GetNextOrNULL(pCurrValueSegment); }
395 inline pLtcBenContainer CBenValue::GetContainer()
396 { return GetProperty()->GetContainer(); }
398 class CBenNamedObject : public CBenObject
400 public: // Methods
401 virtual UtBool IsNamedObject();
402 virtual UtBool IsPropertyName();
403 virtual UtBool IsTypeName();
405 public: // Internal methods
406 CBenNamedObject(pLtcBenContainer pContainer, BenObjectID ObjectID,
407 pCBenObject pPrevObject, const char * sName,
408 pCBenNamedObjectListElmt pPrevNamedObjectListElmt);
409 const char * GetName() { return csName.data(); }
412 const char * GetNameCStr() { return csName.c_str(); }
415 void SetPosition(BenContainerPos Pos) { cPos = Pos; }
416 BenContainerPos GetPosition(void) { return cPos; }
417 size_t GetLength(void) { return csName.length()+ 1; }
418 pCBenNamedObjectListElmt GetNameListElmt() { return &cNameListElmt; }
420 private: // Data
421 string csName;
422 CBenNamedObjectListElmt cNameListElmt;
423 BenContainerPos cPos;
426 class CBenPropertyName : public CBenNamedObject
428 public: // Internal methods
429 CBenPropertyName(pLtcBenContainer pContainer, BenObjectID ObjectID,
430 pCBenObject pPrevObject, const char * sName,
431 pCBenNamedObjectListElmt pPrevNamedObjectListElmt) :
432 CBenNamedObject(pContainer, ObjectID, pPrevObject, sName,
433 pPrevNamedObjectListElmt) { ; }
434 virtual UtBool IsPropertyName();
437 class CBenTypeName : public CBenNamedObject
439 public: // Internal methods
440 CBenTypeName(pLtcBenContainer pContainer, BenObjectID ObjectID,
441 pCBenObject pPrevObject, const char * sName,
442 pCBenNamedObjectListElmt pPrevNamedObjectListElmt) :
443 CBenNamedObject(pContainer, ObjectID, pPrevObject, sName,
444 pPrevNamedObjectListElmt) { ; }
445 virtual UtBool IsTypeName();
449 } // end namespace OpenStormBento
450 #endif
452 /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */