fdo#74697 Add Bluez 5 support for impress remote.
[LibreOffice.git] / solenv / gbuild / Jar.mk
1 # -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
3 # This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
5 # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
9 # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
11 # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
12 # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
13 # with this work for additional information regarding copyright
14 # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
15 # License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
16 # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
17 # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
20 # Jar class
23 gb_Jar_JARCOMMAND := jar
25 gb_Jar_LAYER_DIRS := \
26 OOO:program/classes \
27 URE:ure/share/java
29 # location of files going to be packed into .jar file
30 define gb_Jar_get_workdir
31 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_get_classdir,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)))
32 endef
34 # location of manifest file in workdir
35 define gb_Jar_get_manifest_target
36 $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1))/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
37 endef
39 gb_Jar_get_packagename = Jar/$(1)
41 gb_Jar__get_layer = $(strip $(foreach group,$(gb_Jar_VALIDGROUPS),$(if $(filter $(1),$(gb_Jar_$(group))),$(group))))
42 gb_Jar__get_dir_for_layer = $(patsubst $(1):%,%,$(filter $(1):%,$(gb_Jar_LAYER_DIRS)))
43 gb_Jar__get_instdir = $(call gb_Jar__get_dir_for_layer,$(call gb_Jar__get_layer,$(1)))
45 # creates classset and META-INF folders if they don't exist
46 # adds manifest version, class path, solarversion and content from sources to manifest file
47 # creates the target folder of the jar file if it doesn't exist
48 # creates the jar file
49 # jar program does not remove the target in case of error, so rm it manually
50 # XXX: PACKAGEDIRS need special treatment, because sometimes we need to
51 # add into the jar another class hierarchy created outside of our class
52 # set (e.g., by javamaker). Because jar does not allow two same root dirs
53 # when creating the archive, we work around this deficiency by creating
54 # the archive with the main class hierarchy and then updating it from
55 # the other one(s), which seems to work .-)
56 define gb_Jar__command
57 $(call gb_Output_announce,$*,$(true),JAR,3)
58 $(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
59 mkdir -p $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1))/META-INF && \
60 echo Manifest-Version: 1.0 > $(call gb_Jar_get_manifest_target,$(1)) && \
61 $(if $(JARCLASSPATH),echo "Class-Path: $(strip $(JARCLASSPATH))" >> $(call gb_Jar_get_manifest_target,$(1)) &&) \
62 echo "Solar-Version: $(LIBO_VERSION_MAJOR).$(LIBO_VERSION_MINOR).$(LIBO_VERSION_MICRO).$(LIBO_VERSION_PATCH)" >> $(call gb_Jar_get_manifest_target,$(1)) && \
63 $(if $(MANIFEST),cat $(MANIFEST) >> $(call gb_Jar_get_manifest_target,$(1)) &&) \
64 mkdir -p $(dir $(2)) && cd $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1)) && \
65 $(gb_Jar_JARCOMMAND) cfm $(2) $(call gb_Jar_get_manifest_target,$(1)) \
67 $(foreach root,$(PACKAGEDIRS),&& cd $(dir $(root)) && $(gb_Jar_JARCOMMAND) uf $(2) $(notdir $(root))) \
68 || (rm $(2); false) )
69 endef
71 # clean target reuses clean target of ClassSet
72 $(call gb_Jar_get_clean_target,%) : $(call gb_JavaClassSet_get_clean_target,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,%))
73 $(call gb_Output_announce,$*,$(false),JAR,3)
74 $(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
75 rm -f $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$*) $(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$*))
77 # the outdir target depends on the workdir target and is built by delivering the latter
78 # the workdir target is created by cd'ing to the target directory and adding/updating the files
80 # rule for creating the jar file using the command defined above
81 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,%) : $(call gb_JavaClassSet_get_target,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,%))
82 $(call gb_Jar__command,$*,$@,$*,$?)
84 # resets scoped variables (see explanations where they are set)
85 # creates a class set and a dependency to it
86 # registers target and clean target
87 # adds jar files to DeliverLogTarget
88 # adds dependency for outdir target to workdir target (pattern rule for delivery is in Package.mk)
89 define gb_Jar_Jar
90 ifeq (,$$(findstring $(1),$$(gb_Jar_KNOWN)))
91 $$(eval $$(call gb_Output_info,Currently known jars are: $(sort $(gb_Jar_KNOWN)),ALL))
92 $$(eval $$(call gb_Output_error,Jar $(1) must be registered in Repository.mk))
93 endif
94 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : MANIFEST :=
95 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : JARCLASSPATH :=
96 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEROOTS :=
97 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEDIRS :=
98 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEFILES :=
99 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_JavaClassSet,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)))
100 $(eval $(call gb_Module_register_target,$(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)),$(call gb_Jar_get_clean_target,$(1))))
101 $(call gb_Helper_make_userfriendly_targets,$(1),Jar,$(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)))
102 $(call gb_Deliver_add_deliverable,$(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)),$(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)),$(1))
103 $(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1))
104 $(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)) :| $(dir $(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1))).dir
106 ifneq ($(gb_RUNNABLE_INSTDIR),)
107 $(if $(filter OOO URE,$(call gb_Jar__get_layer,$(1))),\
108 $(call gb_Jar__Jar_package,$(1),$(call gb_Jar_get_packagename,$(1)),$(notdir $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)))) \
110 endif
112 endef
114 # gb_Jar__Jar_package jar package filename
115 define gb_Jar__Jar_package
116 $(call gb_Package_Package_internal,$(2),$(WORKDIR)/Jar)
117 $(call gb_Package_set_outdir,$(2),$(INSTDIR))
118 $(call gb_Package_add_file,$(2),$(call gb_Jar__get_instdir,$(1))/$(3),$(3))
120 $(call gb_Package_get_target,$(2)) : $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1))
121 $(call gb_Jar_get_outdir_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Package_get_target,$(2))
122 $(call gb_Jar_get_clean_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Package_get_clean_target,$(2))
124 endef
126 # source files are forwarded to the ClassSet
127 define gb_Jar_add_sourcefile
128 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_add_sourcefile,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)),$(2))
130 endef
132 # PACKAGEROOTS is the list of all root folders created by the JavaClassSet to pack into the jar (without META-INF as this is added automatically)
133 define gb_Jar_set_packageroot
134 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEROOTS := $(2)
136 endef
138 # PACKAGEDIRS is the list of additional root directories to pack into the jar
139 define gb_Jar_add_packagedir
140 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEDIRS += $(2)
142 endef
144 define gb_Jar_add_packagedirs
145 $(foreach packagedir,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_add_packagedir,$(1),$(packagedir)))
147 endef
149 # PACKAGEFILES is the list of all root files to pack into the jar
150 define gb_Jar_add_packagefile
151 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : PACKAGEFILES += $(2)
152 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1))/$(strip $(2))
153 $(call gb_Jar_get_workdir,$(1))/$(strip $(2)) : $(3) $(call gb_JavaClassSet_get_target,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)))
154 mkdir -p $$(dir $$@)
155 cp -rf $(3) $$@
157 endef
159 # gb_Jar_add_packagefiles jar target-dir file(s)
160 define gb_Jar_add_packagefiles
161 $(foreach file,$(3),$(call gb_Jar_add_packagefile,$(1),$(if $(strip $(2)),$(strip $(2))/)$(notdir $(file)),$(file)))
163 endef
165 define gb_Jar_add_sourcefiles
166 $(foreach sourcefile,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_add_sourcefile,$(1),$(sourcefile)))
168 endef
170 define gb_Jar_add_generated_sourcefile
171 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_add_generated_sourcefile,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)),$(2))
173 endef
175 define gb_Jar_add_generated_sourcefiles
176 $(foreach sourcefile,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_add_generated_sourcefile,$(1),$(sourcefile)))
178 endef
180 define gb_JarTest_set_classpath
181 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
182 gb_JarTest_set_classpath: use gb_JavaClassSet_add_classpath instead.)
183 endef
185 # JARCLASSPATH is the class path that is written to the manifest of the jar
186 define gb_Jar_set_jarclasspath
187 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
188 gb_Jar_set_jarclasspath: use gb_Jar_add_manifest_classpath instead.)
190 endef
192 define gb_Jar_add_manifest_classpath
193 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : JARCLASSPATH += $(2)
195 endef
197 # provide a manifest template containing jar specific information to be written into the manifest
198 # it will be appended to the standard content that is written in the build command explicitly
199 # the jar file gets a dependency to the manifest template
200 define gb_Jar_set_manifest
201 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : MANIFEST := $(2)
202 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : $(2)
204 endef
206 define gb_Jar_add_jar
207 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
208 gb_Jar_add_jar: use gb_Jar_use_jar instead.)
209 endef
211 # URE jars are not added to manifest classpath; and neither is unoil.jar, which
212 # is available at runtime via URE_MORE_JAVA_TYPES:
213 gb_Jar_default_jars := $(gb_Jar_URE) unoil
215 # remember: classpath is "inherited" to ClassSet
216 define gb_Jar_use_jar
217 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_use_jar,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)),$(2))
218 $(if $(filter-out $(gb_Jar_default_jars),$(2)),\
219 $(call gb_Jar_add_manifest_classpath,$(1),$(2).jar))
221 endef
223 define gb_Jar_add_system_jar
224 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
225 gb_Jar_add_system_jar: use gb_Jar_use_system_jar instead.)
226 endef
228 define gb_Jar_use_system_jar
229 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_use_system_jar,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)),$(2))
230 $(call gb_Jar_add_manifest_classpath,$(1),$(call gb_Helper_make_url,$(2)))
232 endef
234 define gb_Jar_add_jars
235 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
236 gb_Jar_add_jars: use gb_Jar_use_jars instead.)
237 endef
239 # specify jars with imported modules
240 define gb_Jar_use_jars
241 $(foreach jar,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_use_jar,$(1),$(jar)))
243 endef
245 define gb_Jar_add_system_jars
246 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
247 gb_Jar_add_system_jars: use gb_Jar_use_system_jars instead.)
248 endef
250 define gb_Jar_use_system_jars
251 $(foreach jar,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_use_system_jar,$(1),$(jar)))
253 endef
255 # this forwards to functions that must be defined in RepositoryExternal.mk.
256 # $(eval $(call gb_Jar_use_external,jar,external))
257 define gb_Jar_use_external
258 $(if $(value gb_Jar__use_$(2)),\
259 $(call gb_Jar__use_$(2),$(1)),\
260 $(error gb_Jar_use_external: unknown external: $(2)))
262 endef
264 define gb_Jar_use_externals
265 $(foreach external,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_use_external,$(1),$(external)))
267 endef
269 define gb_Jar_add_customtarget_dependency
270 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
271 gb_Jar_add_customtarget_dependency: use gb_Jar_use_customtarget instead.)
272 endef
274 define gb_Jar_use_customtarget
275 $(call gb_JavaClassSet_use_customtarget,$(call gb_Jar_get_classsetname,$(1)),$(2))
277 endef
279 define gb_Jar_add_customtarget_dependencies
280 $$(call gb_Output_error,\
281 gb_Jar_add_customtarget_dependencies: use gb_Jar_use_customtargets instead.)
282 endef
284 define gb_Jar_use_customtargets
285 $(foreach customtarget,$(2),$(call gb_Jar_use_customtarget,$(1),$(customtarget)))
287 endef
289 # possible directories for jar files containing UNO services
291 OOO:vnd.sun.star.expand:\dLO_JAVA_DIR/ \
292 URE:vnd.sun.star.expand:\dURE_INTERNAL_JAVA_DIR/ \
293 OXT:./ \
295 # get component prefix from layer name ("OOO", "URE", "OXT", "INTERN")
296 gb_Jar__get_componentprefix = \
297 $(patsubst $(1):%,%,$(or \
298 $(filter $(1):%,$(gb_Jar_COMPONENTPREFIXES)), \
299 $(call gb_Output_error,no ComponentTarget native prefix for layer '$(1)')))
301 # layer must be specified explicitly in this macro (different to libraries)
302 define gb_Jar_set_componentfile
303 $(call gb_ComponentTarget_ComponentTarget,$(2),$(call gb_Jar__get_componentprefix,$(3)),$(notdir $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1))))
304 $(call gb_Jar_get_target,$(1)) : \
305 $(call gb_ComponentTarget_get_outdir_target,$(2))
306 $(call gb_Jar_get_clean_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_ComponentTarget_get_clean_target,$(2))
308 endef
310 # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4: