implement PETrackII for fragment files from scATAC experiments
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1 # Time-stamp: <2024-10-02 16:11:19 Tao Liu>
3 """Description: Naive call differential peaks from 4 bedGraph tracks for scores.
5 This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6 under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
7 the distribution).
8 """
10 # ------------------------------------
11 # python modules
12 # ------------------------------------
14 import os
15 from MACS3.IO import BedGraphIO
16 from MACS3.Signal import ScoreTrack
18 # ------------------------------------
19 # constants
20 # ------------------------------------
22 # ------------------------------------
23 # Misc functions
24 # ------------------------------------
25 from MACS3.Utilities.Logger import logging
27 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
28 debug = logger.debug
29 info =
30 error = logger.critical
31 warn = logger.warning
32 # ------------------------------------
33 # Classes
34 # ------------------------------------
36 # ------------------------------------
37 # Main function
38 # ------------------------------------
41 def run(options):
42 if options.maxgap >= options.minlen:
43 error("MAXGAP should be smaller than MINLEN! Your input is MAXGAP = %d and MINLEN = %d" % (options.maxgap, options.minlen))
45 info("Read and build treatment 1 bedGraph...")
46 t1bio = BedGraphIO.bedGraphIO(options.t1bdg)
47 t1btrack = t1bio.read_bedGraph()
49 info("Read and build control 1 bedGraph...")
50 c1bio = BedGraphIO.bedGraphIO(options.c1bdg)
51 c1btrack = c1bio.read_bedGraph()
53 info("Read and build treatment 2 bedGraph...")
54 t2bio = BedGraphIO.bedGraphIO(options.t2bdg)
55 t2btrack = t2bio.read_bedGraph()
57 info("Read and build control 2 bedGraph...")
58 c2bio = BedGraphIO.bedGraphIO(options.c2bdg)
59 c2btrack = c2bio.read_bedGraph()
61 depth1 = options.depth1
62 depth2 = options.depth2
64 if depth1 > depth2: # scale down condition 1 to size of condition 2
65 depth1 = depth2 / depth1
66 depth2 = 1.0
67 elif depth1 < depth2: # scale down condition 2 to size of condition 1
68 depth2 = depth1 / depth2
69 depth1 = 1.0
70 else: # no need to scale down any
71 depth1 = 1.0
72 depth2 = 1.0
74 twoconditionscore = ScoreTrack.TwoConditionScores(t1btrack,
75 c1btrack,
76 t2btrack,
77 c2btrack,
78 depth1,
79 depth2)
81 twoconditionscore.finalize()
82 (cat1, cat2, cat3) = twoconditionscore.call_peaks(min_length=options.minlen, max_gap=options.maxgap, cutoff=options.cutoff)
84 info("Write peaks...")
86 if options.ofile:
87 ofiles = [os.path.join(options.outdir, x) for x in options.ofile]
88 name_prefix = [x.encode() for x in options.ofile]
89 else:
90 ofiles = [os.path.join(options.outdir, "%s_c%.1f_cond1.bed" % (options.oprefix, options.cutoff)),
91 os.path.join(options.outdir, "%s_c%.1f_cond2.bed" % (options.oprefix, options.cutoff)),
92 os.path.join(options.outdir, "%s_c%.1f_common.bed" % (options.oprefix, options.cutoff))
94 name_prefix = [x.encode() for x in [options.oprefix+"_cond1_", options.oprefix+"_cond2_", options.oprefix+"_common_"]]
96 nf = open(ofiles[0], 'w')
97 cat1.write_to_bed(nf, name_prefix=name_prefix[0], name=b"condition 1", description=b"unique regions in condition 1", score_column="score")
98 nf.close()
100 nf = open(ofiles[1], 'w')
101 cat2.write_to_bed(nf, name_prefix=name_prefix[1], name=b"condition 2", description=b"unique regions in condition 2", score_column="score")
102 nf.close()
104 nf = open(ofiles[2], 'w')
105 cat3.write_to_bed(nf, name_prefix=name_prefix[2], name=b"common", description=b"common regions in both conditions", score_column="score")
106 nf.close()
107 info("Done")