Merge pull request #589 from tjni/clean-up-build-dependencies
[MACS.git] / MACS3 / Signal / Pileup.pyx
1 # cython: language_level=3
2 # cython: profile=True
3 # Time-stamp: <2023-08-02 14:19:28 Tao Liu>
5 """Module Description: For pileup functions.
7 This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the BSD License (see the file LICENSE included with
9 the distribution).
10 """
12 # ------------------------------------
13 # python modules
14 # ------------------------------------
15 from time import time as ttime
17 # ------------------------------------
18 # MACS3 modules
19 # ------------------------------------
20 from MACS3.Utilities.Constants import *
21 from MACS3.Signal.cPosValCalculation cimport single_end_pileup as c_single_end_pileup
22 from MACS3.Signal.cPosValCalculation cimport write_pv_array_to_bedGraph as c_write_pv_array_to_bedGraph
23 from MACS3.Signal.cPosValCalculation cimport PosVal
24 from MACS3.Signal.cPosValCalculation cimport quick_pileup as c_quick_pileup
26 # ------------------------------------
27 # Other modules
28 # ------------------------------------
29 import numpy as np
30 cimport numpy as np
31 from numpy cimport int32_t, float32_t
32 from cpython cimport bool
33 from cpython cimport PyObject
35 # ------------------------------------
36 # C lib
37 # ------------------------------------
38 from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free, qsort
40 # ------------------------------------
41 # utility internal functions
42 # ------------------------------------
43 cdef inline float mean( float a, float b ):
44 return ( a + b ) / 2
46 cdef void clean_up_ndarray ( np.ndarray x ):
47 """ Clean up numpy array in two steps
48 """
49 cdef:
50 long i
51 i = x.shape[0] // 2
52 x.resize( 100000 if i > 100000 else i, refcheck=False)
53 x.resize( 0, refcheck=False)
54 return
56 cdef np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] fix_coordinates(np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] poss, int rlength):
57 """Fix the coordinates.
58 """
59 cdef:
60 long i
61 int32_t * ptr
63 ptr = <int32_t *>
65 # fix those negative coordinates
66 for i in range( poss.shape[0] ):
67 if ptr[i] < 0:
68 ptr[i] = 0
69 else:
70 break
72 # fix those over-boundary coordinates
73 for i in range( poss.shape[0]-1, -1, -1 ):
74 if ptr[i] > rlength:
75 ptr[i] = rlength
76 else:
77 break
78 return poss
80 # ------------------------------------
81 # functions
82 # ------------------------------------
84 # ------------------------------------
85 # functions for pileup_cmd only
86 # ------------------------------------
88 # This function uses pure C code for pileup
89 cpdef void pileup_and_write_se( trackI,
90 bytes output_filename,
91 int d,
92 float scale_factor,
93 float baseline_value = 0.0,
94 bint directional = True,
95 bint halfextension = True ):
96 """ Pileup a FWTrackI object and write the pileup result into a
97 bedGraph file.
99 This function calls pure C functions from cPosValCalculation.
101 This function is currently only used `macs3 pileup` cmd.
103 cdef:
104 long five_shift, three_shift, l, i
105 list chroms
106 int n_chroms
107 bytes chrom
108 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] plus_tags, minus_tags
109 dict chrlengths = trackI.get_rlengths ()
110 int * plus_tags_pos
111 int * minus_tags_pos
112 long rlength
113 long fl
114 bytes py_bytes
115 char * chrom_char
116 PosVal * _data
117 long l_data
119 # This block should be reused to determine the actual shift values
120 if directional:
121 # only extend to 3' side
122 if halfextension:
123 five_shift = d//-4 # five shift is used to move cursor towards 5' direction to find the start of fragment
124 three_shift = d*3//4 # three shift is used to move cursor towards 3' direction to find the end of fragment
125 else:
126 five_shift = 0
127 three_shift = d
128 else:
129 # both sides
130 if halfextension:
131 five_shift = d//4
132 three_shift = five_shift
133 else:
134 five_shift = d//2
135 three_shift = d - five_shift
136 # end of the block
138 chroms = list(chrlengths.keys())
139 n_chroms = len( chroms )
141 fh = open(output_filename, "w")
142 fh.write("")
143 fh.close()
145 for i in range( n_chroms ):
146 chrom = chroms[ i ]
147 (plus_tags, minus_tags) = trackI.get_locations_by_chr(chrom)
148 rlength = <long> chrlengths[ chrom ]
149 plus_tags_pos = <int *>
150 minus_tags_pos = <int *>
152 _data = c_single_end_pileup( plus_tags_pos, plus_tags.shape[0], minus_tags_pos, minus_tags.shape[0], five_shift, three_shift, 0, rlength, scale_factor, baseline_value, &l_data )
154 # write
155 py_bytes = chrom
156 chrom_char = py_bytes
157 c_write_pv_array_to_bedGraph( _data, l_data, chrom_char, output_filename, 1 )
159 # clean
160 free( _data )
161 return
163 # function to pileup BAMPE/BEDPE stored in PETrackI object and write to a BEDGraph file
164 # this function uses c function
165 cpdef pileup_and_write_pe( petrackI,
166 bytes output_filename,
167 float scale_factor = 1,
168 float baseline_value = 0.0):
169 """ Pileup a PETrackI object and write the pileup result into a
170 bedGraph file.
172 This function calls pure C functions from cPosValCalculation.
174 This function is currently only used `macs3 pileup` cmd.
176 cdef:
177 dict chrlengths = petrackI.get_rlengths ()
178 list chroms
179 int n_chroms
180 int i
181 bytes chrom
183 np.ndarray locs
184 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] locs0
185 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] locs1
187 int * start_pos
188 int * end_pos
189 long fl
190 bytes py_bytes
191 char * chrom_char
192 PosVal * _data
193 long l_data
195 chroms = list(chrlengths.keys())
196 n_chroms = len( chroms )
198 fh = open(output_filename, "w")
199 fh.write("")
200 fh.close()
202 for i in range( n_chroms ):
203 chrom = chroms[ i ]
204 locs = petrackI.get_locations_by_chr(chrom)
206 locs0 = np.sort(locs['l'])
207 locs1 = np.sort(locs['r'])
208 start_pos = <int *>
209 end_pos = <int *>
211 _data = c_quick_pileup ( start_pos, end_pos, locs0.shape[0], scale_factor, baseline_value, &l_data )
213 # write
214 py_bytes = chrom
215 chrom_char = py_bytes
216 c_write_pv_array_to_bedGraph( _data, l_data, chrom_char, output_filename, 1 )
218 # clean
219 free( _data )
220 return
222 # ------------------------------------
223 # functions for other codes
224 # ------------------------------------
226 # general pileup function implemented in cython
227 cpdef list se_all_in_one_pileup ( np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] plus_tags, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] minus_tags, long five_shift, long three_shift, int rlength, float scale_factor, float baseline_value ):
228 """Return pileup given 5' end of fragment at plus or minus strand
229 separately, and given shift at both direction to recover a
230 fragment. This function is for single end sequencing library
231 only. Please directly use 'quick_pileup' function for Pair-end
232 library.
234 It contains a super-fast and simple algorithm proposed by Jie
235 Wang. It will take sorted start positions and end positions, then
236 compute pileup values.
238 It will return a pileup result in similar structure as
239 bedGraph. There are two python arrays:
241 [end positions, values] or '[p,v] array' in other description for
242 functions within MACS3.
244 Two arrays have the same length and can be matched by index. End
245 position at index x (p[x]) record continuous value of v[x] from
246 p[x-1] to p[x].
249 cdef:
250 long i_s, i_e, i, I
251 int a, b, p, pre_p, pileup
252 list tmp
253 long lp = plus_tags.shape[0]
254 long lm = minus_tags.shape[0]
255 long l = lp + lm
256 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] start_poss, end_poss, ret_p
257 np.ndarray[np.float32_t, ndim=1] ret_v
258 # pointers are used for numpy arrays
259 int32_t * start_poss_ptr
260 int32_t * end_poss_ptr
261 int32_t * ret_p_ptr # pointer for position array
262 float32_t * ret_v_ptr # pointer for value array
265 start_poss = np.concatenate( ( plus_tags-five_shift, minus_tags-three_shift ) )
266 end_poss = np.concatenate( ( plus_tags+three_shift, minus_tags+five_shift ) )
268 # sort
269 start_poss.sort()
270 end_poss.sort()
272 # fix negative coordinations and those extends over end of chromosomes
273 start_poss = fix_coordinates(start_poss, rlength)
274 end_poss = fix_coordinates(end_poss, rlength)
276 lx = start_poss.shape[0]
278 start_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
279 end_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
281 ret_p = np.zeros( 2 * lx, dtype="int32" )
282 ret_v = np.zeros( 2 * lx, dtype="float32" )
284 ret_p_ptr = <int32_t *>
285 ret_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
287 tmp = [ret_p, ret_v] # for (endpos,value)
288 i_s = 0 # index of start_poss
289 i_e = 0 # index of end_poss
290 I = 0
292 pileup = 0
293 if start_poss.shape[0] == 0: return tmp
294 pre_p = min(start_poss_ptr[0],end_poss_ptr[0])
296 if pre_p != 0:
297 # the first chunk of 0
298 ret_p_ptr[0] = pre_p
299 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(0,baseline_value)
300 ret_p_ptr += 1
301 ret_v_ptr += 1
302 I += 1
304 pre_v = pileup
306 assert start_poss.shape[0] == end_poss.shape[0]
307 lx = start_poss.shape[0]
309 while i_s < lx and i_e < lx:
310 if start_poss_ptr[0] < end_poss_ptr[0]:
311 p = start_poss_ptr[0]
312 if p != pre_p:
313 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
314 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
315 ret_p_ptr += 1
316 ret_v_ptr += 1
317 I += 1
318 pre_p = p
319 pileup += 1
320 i_s += 1
321 start_poss_ptr += 1
322 elif start_poss_ptr[0] > end_poss_ptr[0]:
323 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
324 if p != pre_p:
325 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
326 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
327 ret_p_ptr += 1
328 ret_v_ptr += 1
329 I += 1
330 pre_p = p
331 pileup -= 1
332 i_e += 1
333 end_poss_ptr += 1
334 else:
335 i_s += 1
336 i_e += 1
337 start_poss_ptr += 1
338 end_poss_ptr += 1
340 if i_e < lx:
341 # add rest of end positions
342 for i in range(i_e, lx):
343 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
344 if p != pre_p:
345 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
346 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
347 ret_p_ptr += 1
348 ret_v_ptr += 1
349 I += 1
350 pre_p = p
351 pileup -= 1
352 end_poss_ptr += 1
354 # clean mem
355 clean_up_ndarray( start_poss )
356 clean_up_ndarray( end_poss )
358 # resize
359 ret_p.resize( I, refcheck=False )
360 ret_v.resize( I, refcheck=False )
362 return tmp
364 # quick pileup implemented in cython
365 cpdef list quick_pileup ( np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] start_poss, np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] end_poss, float scale_factor, float baseline_value ):
366 """Return pileup given plus strand and minus strand positions of fragments.
368 A super-fast and simple algorithm proposed by Jie Wang. It will
369 take sorted start positions and end positions, then compute pileup
370 values.
372 It will return a pileup result in similar structure as
373 bedGraph. There are two python arrays:
375 [end positions, values] or [p,v]
377 Two arrays have the same length and can be matched by index. End
378 position at index x (p[x]) record continuous value of v[x] from
379 p[x-1] to p[x].
382 cdef:
383 long i_s, i_e, i, I
384 int a, b, p, pre_p, pileup
385 list tmp
386 long ls = start_poss.shape[0]
387 long le = end_poss.shape[0]
388 long l = ls + le
389 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] ret_p
390 np.ndarray[np.float32_t, ndim=1] ret_v
391 # pointers are used for numpy arrays
392 int32_t * start_poss_ptr
393 int32_t * end_poss_ptr
394 int32_t * ret_p_ptr # pointer for position array
395 float32_t * ret_v_ptr # pointer for value array
396 #int max_pileup = 0
398 start_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
399 end_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
401 ret_p = np.zeros( l, dtype="int32" )
402 ret_v = np.zeros( l, dtype="float32" )
404 ret_p_ptr = <int32_t *>
405 ret_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
407 tmp = [ret_p, ret_v] # for (endpos,value)
409 i_s = 0 # index of plus_tags
410 i_e = 0 # index of minus_tags
411 I = 0
413 pileup = 0
414 if ls == 0: return tmp
415 pre_p = min(start_poss_ptr[0], end_poss_ptr[0])
417 if pre_p != 0:
418 # the first chunk of 0
419 ret_p_ptr[0] = pre_p
420 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(0,baseline_value)
421 ret_p_ptr += 1
422 ret_v_ptr += 1
423 I += 1
425 pre_v = pileup
427 while i_s < ls and i_e < le:
428 if start_poss_ptr[0] < end_poss_ptr[0]:
429 p = start_poss_ptr[0]
430 if p != pre_p:
431 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
432 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
433 ret_p_ptr += 1
434 ret_v_ptr += 1
435 I += 1
436 pre_p = p
437 pileup += 1
438 #if pileup > max_pileup:
439 # max_pileup = pileup
440 i_s += 1
441 start_poss_ptr += 1
442 elif start_poss_ptr[0] > end_poss_ptr[0]:
443 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
444 if p != pre_p:
445 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
446 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
447 ret_p_ptr += 1
448 ret_v_ptr += 1
449 I += 1
450 pre_p = p
451 pileup -= 1
452 i_e += 1
453 end_poss_ptr += 1
454 else:
455 i_s += 1
456 i_e += 1
457 start_poss_ptr += 1
458 end_poss_ptr += 1
460 if i_e < le:
461 # add rest of end positions
462 for i in range(i_e, le):
463 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
464 #for p in minus_tags[i_e:]:
465 if p != pre_p:
466 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
467 ret_v_ptr[0] = max(pileup * scale_factor, baseline_value)
468 ret_p_ptr += 1
469 ret_v_ptr += 1
470 I += 1
471 pre_p = p
472 pileup -= 1
473 end_poss_ptr += 1
475 ret_p.resize( I, refcheck=False )
476 ret_v.resize( I, refcheck=False )
478 return tmp
480 # quick pileup implemented in cython
481 cpdef list naive_quick_pileup ( np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] sorted_poss, int extension):
482 """Simple pileup, every tag will be extended left and right with length `extension`.
484 Note: Assumption is that `poss` has to be pre-sorted! There is no
485 check on whether it's sorted.
487 cdef:
488 long i_s, i_e, i, I
489 int a, b, p, pre_p, pileup
490 long l = sorted_poss.shape[0]
491 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] start_poss
492 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] end_poss
493 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] ret_p
494 np.ndarray[np.float32_t, ndim=1] ret_v
495 # pointers are used for numpy arrays
496 int32_t * start_poss_ptr
497 int32_t * end_poss_ptr
498 int32_t * ret_p_ptr # pointer for position array
499 float32_t * ret_v_ptr # pointer for value array
501 start_poss = sorted_poss - extension
502 start_poss[ start_poss < 0 ] = 0
503 end_poss = sorted_poss + extension
505 start_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
506 end_poss_ptr = <int32_t *>
509 ret_p = np.zeros( 2*l, dtype="int32" )
510 ret_v = np.zeros( 2*l, dtype="float32" )
512 ret_p_ptr = <int32_t *>
513 ret_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
515 i_s = 0 # index of plus_tags
516 i_e = 0 # index of minus_tags
517 I = 0
519 pileup = 0
520 if l == 0: return ret
521 pre_p = min(start_poss_ptr[0], end_poss_ptr[0])
523 if pre_p != 0:
524 # the first chunk of 0
525 ret_p_ptr[0] = pre_p
526 ret_v_ptr[0] = 0
527 ret_p_ptr += 1
528 ret_v_ptr += 1
529 I += 1
531 pre_v = pileup
533 while i_s < l and i_e < l:
534 if start_poss_ptr[0] < end_poss_ptr[0]:
535 p = start_poss_ptr[0]
536 if p != pre_p:
537 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
538 ret_v_ptr[0] = pileup
539 ret_p_ptr += 1
540 ret_v_ptr += 1
541 I += 1
542 pre_p = p
543 pileup += 1
544 i_s += 1
545 start_poss_ptr += 1
546 elif start_poss_ptr[0] > end_poss_ptr[0]:
547 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
548 if p != pre_p:
549 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
550 ret_v_ptr[0] = pileup
551 ret_p_ptr += 1
552 ret_v_ptr += 1
553 I += 1
554 pre_p = p
555 pileup -= 1
556 i_e += 1
557 end_poss_ptr += 1
558 else:
559 i_s += 1
560 i_e += 1
561 start_poss_ptr += 1
562 end_poss_ptr += 1
564 # add rest of end positions
565 if i_e < l:
566 for i in range(i_e, l):
567 p = end_poss_ptr[0]
568 if p != pre_p:
569 ret_p_ptr[0] = p
570 ret_v_ptr[0] = pileup
571 ret_p_ptr += 1
572 ret_v_ptr += 1
573 I += 1
574 pre_p = p
575 pileup -= 1
576 end_poss_ptr += 1
578 ret_p.resize( I, refcheck=False )
579 ret_v.resize( I, refcheck=False )
581 return [ ret_p, ret_v ]
583 # general function to compare two pv arrays in cython.
584 cpdef list over_two_pv_array ( list pv_array1, list pv_array2, func="max" ):
585 """Merge two position-value arrays. For intersection regions, take
586 the maximum value within region.
588 pv_array1 and pv_array2 are [p,v] type lists, same as the output
589 from quick_pileup function. 'p' and 'v' are numpy arrays of int32
590 and float32.
592 available operations are 'max', 'min', and 'mean'
595 cdef:
596 int pre_p, p1, p2
597 float v1, v2
598 np.ndarray[np.int32_t, ndim=1] a1_pos, a2_pos, ret_pos
599 np.ndarray[np.float32_t, ndim=1] a1_v, a2_v, ret_v
600 int32_t * a1_pos_ptr
601 int32_t * a2_pos_ptr
602 int32_t * ret_pos_ptr
603 float32_t * a1_v_ptr
604 float32_t * a2_v_ptr
605 float32_t * ret_v_ptr
606 long l1, l2, l, i1, i2, I
608 if func == "max":
609 f = max
610 elif func == "min":
611 f = min
612 elif func == "mean":
613 f = mean
614 else:
615 raise Exception("Invalid function")
617 [ a1_pos, a1_v ] = pv_array1
618 [ a2_pos, a2_v ] = pv_array2
619 ret_pos = np.zeros( a1_pos.shape[0] + a2_pos.shape[0], dtype="int32" )
620 ret_v = np.zeros( a1_pos.shape[0] + a2_pos.shape[0], dtype="float32" )
622 a1_pos_ptr = <int32_t *>
623 a1_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
624 a2_pos_ptr = <int32_t *>
625 a2_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
626 ret_pos_ptr = <int32_t *>
627 ret_v_ptr = <float32_t *>
629 l1 = a1_pos.shape[0]
630 l2 = a2_pos.shape[0]
632 i1 = 0
633 i2 = 0
634 I = 0
636 pre_p = 0 # remember the previous position in the new bedGraphTrackI object ret
638 while i1 < l1 and i2 < l2:
639 ret_v_ptr[0] = f( a1_v_ptr[0], a2_v_ptr[0] )
640 I += 1
641 if a1_pos_ptr[0] < a2_pos_ptr[0]:
642 # clip a region from pre_p to p1, then set pre_p as p1.
643 ret_pos_ptr[0] = a1_pos_ptr[0]
644 ret_pos_ptr += 1
645 ret_v_ptr += 1
646 pre_p = a1_pos_ptr[0]
647 # call for the next p1 and v1
648 a1_pos_ptr += 1
649 a1_v_ptr += 1
650 i1 += 1
651 elif a1_pos_ptr[0] > a2_pos_ptr[0]:
652 # clip a region from pre_p to p2, then set pre_p as p2.
653 ret_pos_ptr[0] = a2_pos_ptr[0]
654 ret_pos_ptr += 1
655 ret_v_ptr += 1
656 pre_p = a2_pos_ptr[0]
657 # call for the next p1 and v1
658 a2_pos_ptr += 1
659 a2_v_ptr += 1
660 i2 += 1
661 else:
662 # from pre_p to p1 or p2, then set pre_p as p1 or p2.
663 ret_pos_ptr[0] = a1_pos_ptr[0]
664 ret_pos_ptr += 1
665 ret_v_ptr += 1
666 pre_p = a1_pos_ptr[0]
667 # call for the next p1, v1, p2, v2.
668 a1_pos_ptr += 1
669 a1_v_ptr += 1
670 i1 += 1
671 a2_pos_ptr += 1
672 a2_v_ptr += 1
673 i2 += 1
675 ret_pos.resize( I, refcheck=False )
676 ret_v.resize( I, refcheck=False )
677 return [ret_pos, ret_v]
679 cpdef naive_call_peaks ( list pv_array, float min_v, float max_v = 1e30, int max_gap = 50, int min_length = 200 ):
680 cdef:
681 int peak_length, pre_p, p, i, summit, tstart, tend
682 long x # index used for searching the first peak
683 double v, summit_value, tvalue
684 bytes chrom
685 set chrs
686 list peak_content # (pre_p, p, v) for each region in the peak
687 list ret_peaks = [] # returned peak summit and height
689 peak_content = []
690 ( ps,vs ) = pv_array
691 psn = iter(ps).__next__ # assign the next function to a viable to speed up
692 vsn = iter(vs).__next__
693 x = 0
694 pre_p = 0 # remember previous position
695 while True:
696 # find the first region above min_v
697 try: # try to read the first data range for this chrom
698 p = psn()
699 v = vsn()
700 except:
701 break
702 x += 1 # index for the next point
703 if v > min_v:
704 peak_content = [ ( pre_p , p, v ), ]
705 pre_p = p
706 break # found the first range above min_v
707 else:
708 pre_p = p
710 for i in range( x, len( ps ) ):
711 # continue scan the rest regions
712 p = psn()
713 v = vsn()
714 if v <= min_v: # not be detected as 'peak'
715 pre_p = p
716 continue
717 # for points above min_v
718 # if the gap is allowed
719 # gap = pre_p - peak_content[-1][1] or the dist between pre_p and the last p
720 if pre_p - peak_content[ -1 ][ 1 ] <= max_gap:
721 peak_content.append( ( pre_p, p, v ) )
722 else:
723 # when the gap is not allowed, close this peak IF length is larger than min_length
724 if peak_content[ -1 ][ 1 ] - peak_content[ 0 ][ 0 ] >= min_length:
725 __close_peak( peak_content, ret_peaks, max_v, min_length )
726 # reset and start a new peak
727 peak_content = [ ( pre_p, p, v ), ]
728 pre_p = p
730 # save the last peak
731 if peak_content:
732 if peak_content[ -1 ][ 1 ] - peak_content[ 0 ][ 0 ] >= min_length:
733 __close_peak( peak_content, ret_peaks, max_v, min_length )
734 return ret_peaks
736 cdef void __close_peak( peak_content, peaks, float max_v, int min_length ):
737 """Internal function to find the summit and height
739 If the height is larger than max_v, skip
741 tsummit = []
742 summit = 0
743 summit_value = 0
744 for (tstart,tend,tvalue) in peak_content:
745 if not summit_value or summit_value < tvalue:
746 tsummit = [int((tend+tstart)/2),]
747 summit_value = tvalue
748 elif summit_value == tvalue:
749 tsummit.append( int((tend+tstart)/2) )
750 summit = tsummit[int((len(tsummit)+1)/2)-1 ]
751 if summit_value < max_v:
752 peaks.append( (summit, summit_value) )
753 return