simplify output msgs of callvar
[MACS.git] / MACS3 / Commands /
1 # Time-stamp: <2021-03-10 23:51:54 Tao Liu>
3 """Description: macs call
5 Copyright (c) 2017 Tao Liu <>
7 This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 under the terms of the BSD License (see the file COPYING included
9 with the distribution).
11 @status: release candidate
12 @version: $Id$
13 @author: Tao Liu
14 @contact:
15 """
17 # ------------------------------------
18 # python modules
19 # ------------------------------------
21 import logging
22 import datetime
23 import sys
24 from functools import partial
25 import multiprocessing as mp
27 from time import time
28 from math import ceil
30 # ------------------------------------
31 # own python modules
32 # ------------------------------------
33 from MACS3.Utilities.Constants import *
34 from MACS3.Utilities.OptValidator import opt_validate_callvar
35 from MACS3.IO.PeakIO import PeakIO
36 from MACS3.IO.BAM import BAMaccessor
37 from MACS3.Signal.RACollection import RACollection
38 from MACS3.Signal.PeakVariants import PeakVariants
41 VCFHEADER_0="""##fileformat=VCFv4.1
42 ##fileDate=%s
43 ##source=MACS_V%s
44 ##Program_Args=%s
45 ##INFO=<ID=M,Number=.,Type=String,Description="MACS Model with minimum BIC value">
46 ##INFO=<ID=MT,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Mutation type: SNV/Insertion/Deletion">
47 ##INFO=<ID=DPT,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth Treatment: Read depth in ChIP-seq data">
48 ##INFO=<ID=DPC,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth Control: Read depth in control data">
49 ##INFO=<ID=DP1T,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top1 allele in ChIP-seq data">
50 ##INFO=<ID=DP2T,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top2 allele in ChIP-seq data">
51 ##INFO=<ID=DP1C,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top1 allele in control data">
52 ##INFO=<ID=DP2C,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top2 allele in control data">
53 ##INFO=<ID=lnLHOMOMAJOR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Log(e) scaled genotype likelihoods of homozygous with major allele model">
54 ##INFO=<ID=lnLHOMOMINOR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Log(e) scaled genotype likelihoods of homozygous with minor allele model">
55 ##INFO=<ID=lnLHETERNOAS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Log(e) scaled genotype likelihoods of heterozygous with no allele-specific model">
56 ##INFO=<ID=lnLHETERAS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Log(e) scaled genotype likelihoods of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
57 ##INFO=<ID=BICHOMOMAJOR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="BIC value of homozygous with major allele model">
58 ##INFO=<ID=BICHOMOMINOR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="BIC value of homozygous with minor allele model">
59 ##INFO=<ID=BICHETERNOAS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="BIC value of heterozygous with no allele-specific model">
60 ##INFO=<ID=BICHETERAS,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="BIC value of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
61 ##INFO=<ID=GQHOMO,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype quality of homozygous with major allele model">
62 ##INFO=<ID=GQHETERNOAS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype quality of heterozygous with no allele-specific model">
63 ##INFO=<ID=GQHETERAS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype quality of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
64 ##INFO=<ID=GQHETERASsig,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype quality of allele-specific significance compared with no allele-specific model">
65 ##INFO=<ID=AR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Estimated allele ratio of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
66 ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype">
67 ##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="read depth after filtering">
68 ##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype quality score">"""
70 VCFHEADER="""##fileformat=VCFv4.1
71 ##fileDate=%s
72 ##source=MACS_V%s
73 ##Program_Args=%s
74 ##INFO=<ID=M,Number=.,Type=String,Description="MACS Model with minimum BIC value">
75 ##INFO=<ID=MT,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Mutation type: SNV/Insertion/Deletion">
76 ##INFO=<ID=DPT,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth Treatment: Read depth in ChIP-seq data">
77 ##INFO=<ID=DPC,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Depth Control: Read depth in control data">
78 ##INFO=<ID=DP1T,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top1 allele in ChIP-seq data">
79 ##INFO=<ID=DP2T,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top2 allele in ChIP-seq data">
80 ##INFO=<ID=DP1C,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top1 allele in control data">
81 ##INFO=<ID=DP2C,Number=.,Type=String,Description="Read depth of top2 allele in control data">
82 ##INFO=<ID=DBIC,Number=.,Type=Float,Description="Difference of BIC of selected model vs second best alternative model">
83 ##INFO=<ID=BICHOMOMAJOR,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="BIC of homozygous with major allele model">
84 ##INFO=<ID=BICHOMOMINOR,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="BIC of homozygous with minor allele model">
85 ##INFO=<ID=BICHETERNOAS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="BIC of heterozygous with no allele-specific model">
86 ##INFO=<ID=BICHETERAS,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="BIC of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
87 ##INFO=<ID=AR,Number=1,Type=Float,Description="Estimated allele ratio of heterozygous with allele-specific model">
88 ##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,Description="Genotype">
89 ##FORMAT=<ID=DP,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Read depth after filtering bad reads">
90 ##FORMAT=<ID=GQ,Number=1,Type=Integer,Description="Genotype Quality score">
91 ##FORMAT=<ID=PL,Number=3,Type=Integer,Description="Normalized, Phred-scaled genotype likelihoods for 00, 01, 11 genotype">"""
93 # ------------------------------------
94 # Main function
95 # ------------------------------------
97 def check_names(treat, control, error_stream):
98 """check common chromosome names"""
99 tchrnames = set(treat.get_chr_names())
100 cchrnames = set(control.get_chr_names())
101 commonnames = tchrnames.intersection(cchrnames)
102 if len(commonnames)==0:
103 error_stream("No common chromosome names can be found from treatment and control! Check your input files! MACS will quit...")
104 error_stream("Chromosome names in treatment: %s" % ",".join(sorted(tchrnames)))
105 error_stream("Chromosome names in control: %s" % ",".join(sorted(cchrnames)))
106 sys.exit()
109 def run( args ):
110 """The Main function/pipeline for MACS
113 options = opt_validate_callvar( args )
115 info =
116 warn = options.warn
117 debug = options.debug
118 error = options.error
120 peakbedfile = options.peakbed
121 peaktfile = options.tfile
122 peakcfile = options.cfile
123 top2allelesminr = options.top2allelesMinRatio
124 min_altallele_count = options.altalleleMinCount
125 max_allowed_ar = options.maxAR
126 NP =
127 if NP<=0:
128 NP = 1
129 min_homo_GQ = options.GQCutoffHomo
130 min_heter_GQ = options.GQCutoffHetero
131 minQ = options.Q
132 maxDuplicate = options.maxDuplicate
134 # parameter for assembly
135 fermiMinOverlap = options.fermiMinOverlap
136 fermi = options.fermi
138 peakio = open( peakbedfile )
139 peaks = PeakIO()
140 i = 0
141 for l in peakio:
142 fs = l.rstrip().split()
143 i += 1
144 peaks.add( fs[0].encode(), int(fs[1]), int(fs[2]), name=b"%d" % i )
145 peaks.sort()
147 chrs = peaks.get_chr_names()
149 tbam = BAMaccessor( peaktfile )
150 if peakcfile:
151 cbam = BAMaccessor( peakcfile )
152 assert tbam.get_chromosomes()[0] in cbam.get_chromosomes() or cbam.get_chromosomes()[0] in tbam.get_chromosomes(), Exception("It seems Treatment and Control BAM use different naming for chromosomes! Check headers of both files.")
153 #assert tbam.get_chromosomes() == cbam.get_chromosomes(), Exception("Treatment and Control BAM files have different orders of sorted chromosomes! Please check BAM Headers and re-sort BAM files.")
154 else:
155 cbam = None
158 ra_collections = []
160 # prepare and write header of output file (.vcf)
161 ovcf = open(options.ofile, "w")
162 tmpcmdstr = " --fermi "+ fermi+ " --fermi-overlap "+str(fermiMinOverlap)
163 ovcf.write ( VCFHEADER % ("%Y%m%d"), MACS_VERSION, " ".join(sys.argv[1:] + ["-Q", str(minQ), "-D", str(maxDuplicate), "--max-ar", str(max_allowed_ar), "--top2alleles-mratio", str(top2allelesminr), "--top2allele-count", str(min_altallele_count), "-g", str(min_heter_GQ), "-G", str(min_homo_GQ), tmpcmdstr]) ) + "\n" )
164 for (chrom, chrlength) in tbam.get_rlengths().items():
165 ovcf.write( "##contig=<ID=%s,length=%d,assembly=NA>\n" % ( chrom.decode(), chrlength ) )
166 ovcf.write ( "\t".join( ("#CHROM","POS","ID","REF","ALT","QUAL","FILTER","INFO","FORMAT","SAMPLE") ) + "\n" )
168 # to get time
169 t_total = 0
170 t_prepare_ra = 0
171 t_assemble = 0
172 #t_call_top2alleles = 0
173 #t_call_lnL = 0
174 t_call_variants = 0
175 t_call_GT = 0
176 #t_call_to_vcf = 0
177 t_total_0 = time()
179 for chrom in tbam.get_chromosomes():
180 peaks_chr = peaks.get_data_from_chrom( chrom )
181 for peak in peaks_chr:
182 # note, when we extract reads from BAM within a peak
183 # region, we assume BAM should be sorted and the BAM
184 # should be generated from "samtools view -L" process.
186 # print ( "---begin of peak---")
187 info ( f"Peak: {chrom.decode()} {peak['start']} {peak['end']}" )
189 flag_todo_lassembly = False
191 t0 = time()
192 try:
193 if cbam:
194 ra_collection = RACollection( chrom, peak, tbam.get_reads_in_region( chrom, peak["start"], peak["end"], maxDuplicate=maxDuplicate ), cbam.get_reads_in_region( chrom, peak["start"], peak["end"], maxDuplicate=maxDuplicate) )
195 else:
196 ra_collection = RACollection( chrom, peak, tbam.get_reads_in_region( chrom, peak["start"], peak["end"], maxDuplicate=maxDuplicate ) )
197 except:
198 info ("No reads found in peak: ", chrom.decode(), peak["start"], peak["end"], ". Skipped!")
199 # while there is no reads in peak region, simply skip it.
200 continue
202 ra_collection.remove_outliers( percent = 5 )
203 t_prepare_ra += time() - t0
205 # print ( "Reads in Peak:")
206 # print ( ra_collection.get_FASTQ().decode() )
208 s = ra_collection["peak_refseq"]
210 peak_variants = PeakVariants( chrom.decode(), peak["start"], peak["end"], s )
213 if fermi == "auto" or fermi == "off":
214 # first pass to call variant w/o assembly
215 # multiprocessing the following part
216 t_call_variants_0 = time()
217 info ( " Call variants w/o assembly")
219 # -- now make multi processes
220 # divide right-left into NP parts
221 window_size = ceil( ( ra_collection["right"] - ra_collection["left"] ) / NP )
223 P = mp.Pool( NP )
224 # this partial function will only be used in multiprocessing
225 p_call_variants_at_range = partial(call_variants_at_range, s=s, collection=ra_collection, top2allelesminr=top2allelesminr, max_allowed_ar = max_allowed_ar, min_altallele_count = min_altallele_count, min_homo_GQ = min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ = min_heter_GQ, minQ=minQ)
227 ranges = []
228 for i in range( NP ):
229 l = i * window_size + ra_collection["left"]
230 r = min( (i + 1) * window_size + ra_collection["left"], ra_collection["right"] )
231 ranges.append( (l, r) )
233 mapresults = P.map_async( p_call_variants_at_range, ranges )
234 P.close()
235 P.join()
236 results = mapresults.get(timeout=window_size*300)
237 for i in range( NP ):
238 for result in results[ i ]:
239 peak_variants.add_variant( result[0], result[1] )
241 t_call_variants += time() - t_call_variants_0
243 # Next, check if we should do local assembly
244 if ( fermi == "auto" and ( peak_variants.has_indel() or peak_variants.has_refer_biased_01() ) ) or fermi == "on":
245 #print( peak_variants.has_indel() )
246 #print( peak_variants.has_refer_biased_01() )
248 # invoke fermi to assemble local sequence and filter out those can not be mapped to unitigs.
249 info ( " Try to call variants w/ fermi-lite assembly")
250 unitig_collection = ra_collection.build_unitig_collection( fermiMinOverlap )
251 if unitig_collection == -1:
252 info(" Too many mismatches found while assembling the sequence, we will skip this region entirely!")
253 continue
254 elif unitig_collection == 0:
255 info ( " Failed to assemble unitigs, fall back to previous results" )
256 if peak_variants.n_variants() > 0:
257 peak_variants.fix_indels()
258 ovcf.write( peak_variants.toVCF() )
259 continue
260 # uncomment the following to print those assembled unitigs and their alignments to reference genome
261 #for u in unitig_collection["URAs_list"]:
262 # print( u["seq"].decode(), u["lpos"], u["rpos"], u["count"] )
263 # print( "a",u["unitig_aln"].decode() )
264 # print( "r",u["reference_aln"].decode() )
265 else:
266 # if we do not assemble, write results now
267 if peak_variants.n_variants() > 0:
268 peak_variants.fix_indels()
269 ovcf.write( peak_variants.toVCF() )
270 continue
272 # reach here only if we need l assembly and the assembly returns result
274 # If a peak has no indel but with refer_biased_01, we
275 # revisit all refer_biased_01 now. We do not use
276 # multiprocessing here for simplicity since there won't be
277 # too many in a peak region.
278 if ( fermi == "auto" and ( not peak_variants.has_indel() ) and peak_variants.has_refer_biased_01() ):
279 pos_tobe_revisit = peak_variants.get_refer_biased_01s()
280 for i in pos_tobe_revisit:
281 ref_nt = chr(s[ i-ra_collection["left"] ] ).encode()
282 if ref_nt == b'N':
283 peak_variants.remove_variant( i )
284 continue
285 PRI = unitig_collection.get_PosReadsInfo_ref_pos ( i, ref_nt, Q=minQ )
286 if PRI.raw_read_depth( opt="T" ) == 0: # skip if coverage is 0
287 peak_variants.remove_variant( i )
288 continue
289 PRI.update_top_alleles( top2allelesminr, min_altallele_count, max_allowed_ar )
290 PRI.call_GT( max_allowed_ar )
291 PRI.apply_GQ_cutoff(min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ)
292 if not PRI.filterflag():
293 peak_variants.replace_variant( i, PRI.toVariant() )
294 else:
295 peak_variants.remove_variant( i )
296 if peak_variants.n_variants() > 0:
297 peak_variants.fix_indels()
298 ovcf.write( peak_variants.toVCF() )
299 continue
301 # in this case, we call variants at every locations in the peak based on local assembly.
302 if ( fermi == "on" or ( fermi == "auto" and peak_variants.has_indel() ) ):
303 peak_variants = PeakVariants( chrom.decode(), peak["start"], peak["end"], s ) #reset
305 # --- make multi processes
306 # divide right-left into NP parts
307 window_size = ceil( ( ra_collection["right"] - ra_collection["left"] ) / NP )
308 P = mp.Pool( NP )
309 # this partial function will only be used in multiprocessing
310 p_call_variants_at_range = partial(call_variants_at_range, s=s, collection=unitig_collection, top2allelesminr=top2allelesminr, max_allowed_ar = max_allowed_ar, min_altallele_count = min_altallele_count, min_homo_GQ = min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ = min_heter_GQ, minQ=minQ)
311 ranges = []
312 for i in range( NP ):
313 l = i * window_size + ra_collection["left"]
314 r = min( (i + 1) * window_size + ra_collection["left"], ra_collection["right"] )
315 ranges.append( (l, r) )
317 mapresults = P.map_async( p_call_variants_at_range, ranges )
318 P.close()
319 P.join()
320 results = mapresults.get(timeout=window_size*300)
321 for i in range( NP ):
322 for result in results[ i ]:
323 peak_variants.add_variant( result[0], result[1] )
325 if peak_variants.n_variants() > 0:
326 peak_variants.fix_indels()
327 ovcf.write( peak_variants.toVCF() )
329 #print ("time to retrieve read alignment information from BAM:",t_prepare_ra,"(",round( 100 * t_prepare_ra/t_total, 2),"% )")
330 return
332 def call_variants_at_range ( lr, s, collection, top2allelesminr, max_allowed_ar, min_altallele_count, min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ, minQ ):
333 #def call_variants_at_range ( lr, chrom, s, collection, top2allelesminr, max_allowed_ar, min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ ):
334 result = []
335 for i in range( lr[ 0 ], lr[ 1 ] ):
336 ref_nt = chr(s[ i-collection["left"] ] ).encode()
337 if ref_nt == b'N':
338 continue
340 PRI = collection.get_PosReadsInfo_ref_pos ( i, ref_nt, Q=minQ )
341 if PRI.raw_read_depth( opt="T" ) == 0: # skip if coverage is 0
342 continue
344 PRI.update_top_alleles( top2allelesminr, min_altallele_count, max_allowed_ar )
345 if not PRI.filterflag():
346 #PRI.update_top_alleles( top2allelesminr )
347 PRI.call_GT( max_allowed_ar )
348 PRI.apply_GQ_cutoff(min_homo_GQ, min_heter_GQ)
349 if not PRI.filterflag():
350 result.append( ( i, PRI.toVariant() ) )
351 return result