update version. tweak the test (install cython 3.0 for non-x64)
[MACS.git] / test / test_ScoreTrack.py
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
2 # Time-stamp: <2020-11-30 14:12:58 Tao Liu>
4 import io
5 import unittest
6 from numpy.testing import assert_equal, assert_almost_equal, assert_array_equal
8 from MACS3.Signal.ScoreTrack import *
9 from MACS3.Signal.BedGraph import bedGraphTrackI
11 class Test_TwoConditionScores(unittest.TestCase):
12 def setUp(self):
13 self.t1bdg = bedGraphTrackI()
14 self.t2bdg = bedGraphTrackI()
15 self.c1bdg = bedGraphTrackI()
16 self.c2bdg = bedGraphTrackI()
17 self.test_regions1 = [(b"chrY",0,70,0.00,0.01),
18 (b"chrY",70,80,7.00,0.5),
19 (b"chrY",80,150,0.00,0.02)]
20 self.test_regions2 = [(b"chrY",0,75,20.0,4.00),
21 (b"chrY",75,90,35.0,6.00),
22 (b"chrY",90,150,10.0,15.00)]
23 for a in self.test_regions1:
24 self.t1bdg.safe_add_loc(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3])
25 self.c1bdg.safe_add_loc(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[4])
27 for a in self.test_regions2:
28 self.t2bdg.safe_add_loc(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3])
29 self.c2bdg.safe_add_loc(a[0],a[1],a[2],a[4])
31 self.twoconditionscore = TwoConditionScores( self.t1bdg,
32 self.c1bdg,
33 self.t2bdg,
34 self.c2bdg,
35 1.0,
36 1.0 )
37 self.twoconditionscore.build()
38 self.twoconditionscore.finalize()
39 (self.cat1,self.cat2,self.cat3) = self.twoconditionscore.call_peaks(min_length=10, max_gap=10, cutoff=3)
41 class Test_ScoreTrackII(unittest.TestCase):
43 def setUp(self):
44 # for initiate scoretrack
45 self.test_regions1 = [(b"chrY",10,100,10),
46 (b"chrY",60,10,10),
47 (b"chrY",110,15,20),
48 (b"chrY",160,5,20),
49 (b"chrY",210,20,5)]
50 self.treat_edm = 10
51 self.ctrl_edm = 5
52 # for different scoring method
53 self.p_result = [60.49, 0.38, 0.08, 0.0, 6.41] # -log10(p-value), pseudo count 1 added
54 self.q_result = [58.17, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.13] # -log10(q-value) from BH, pseudo count 1 added
55 self.l_result = [58.17, 0.0, -0.28, -3.25, 4.91] # log10 likelihood ratio, pseudo count 1 added
56 self.f_result = [0.96, 0.00, -0.12, -0.54, 0.54] # note, pseudo count 1 would be introduced.
57 self.d_result = [90.00, 0, -5.00, -15.00, 15.00]
58 self.m_result = [10.00, 1.00, 1.50, 0.50, 2.00]
59 # for norm
60 self.norm_T = np.array([[ 10, 100, 20, 0],
61 [ 60, 10, 20, 0],
62 [110, 15, 40, 0],
63 [160, 5, 40, 0],
64 [210, 20, 10, 0]]).transpose()
65 self.norm_C = np.array([[ 10, 50, 10, 0],
66 [ 60, 5, 10, 0],
67 [110, 7.5, 20, 0],
68 [160, 2.5, 20, 0],
69 [210, 10, 5, 0]]).transpose()
70 self.norm_M = np.array([[ 10, 10, 2, 0],
71 [ 60, 1, 2, 0],
72 [110, 1.5, 4, 0],
73 [160, 0.5, 4, 0],
74 [210, 2, 1, 0]]).transpose()
75 self.norm_N = np.array([[ 10, 100, 10, 0], # note precision lost
76 [ 60, 10, 10, 0],
77 [110, 15, 20, 0],
78 [160, 5, 20, 0],
79 [210, 20, 5, 0]]).transpose()
81 # for write_bedGraph
82 self.bdg1 = """chrY 0 10 100.00000
83 chrY 10 60 10.00000
84 chrY 60 110 15.00000
85 chrY 110 160 5.00000
86 chrY 160 210 20.00000
87 """
88 self.bdg2 = """chrY 0 60 10.00000
89 chrY 60 160 20.00000
90 chrY 160 210 5.00000
91 """
92 self.bdg3 = """chrY 0 10 60.48912
93 chrY 10 60 0.37599
94 chrY 60 110 0.07723
95 chrY 110 160 0.00006
96 chrY 160 210 6.40804
97 """
98 # for peak calls
99 self.peak1 = """chrY 0 60 peak_1 60.4891
100 chrY 160 210 peak_2 6.40804
102 self.summit1 = """chrY 5 6 peak_1 60.4891
103 chrY 185 186 peak_2 6.40804
105 self.xls1 ="""chr start end length abs_summit pileup -log10(pvalue) fold_enrichment -log10(qvalue) name
106 chrY 1 60 60 6 100 63.2725 9.18182 -1 MACS_peak_1
107 chrY 161 210 50 186 20 7.09102 3.5 -1 MACS_peak_2
110 def assertListAlmostEqual ( self, a, b, places =2 ):
111 return all( [self.assertAlmostEqual(x, y, places=places) for (x, y) in zip( a, b)] )
113 def test_compute_scores(self):
114 s1 = ScoreTrackII( self.treat_edm, self.ctrl_edm )
115 s1.add_chromosome( b"chrY", 5 )
116 for a in self.test_regions1:
117 s1.add( a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] )
119 s1.set_pseudocount ( 1.0 )
121 s1.change_score_method( ord('p') )
122 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
123 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in r[3]], self.p_result )
125 s1.change_score_method( ord('q') )
126 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
127 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in list(r[3])], self.q_result )
129 s1.change_score_method( ord('l') )
130 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
131 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in list(r[3])], self.l_result )
133 s1.change_score_method( ord('f') )
134 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
135 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in list(r[3])], self.f_result )
137 s1.change_score_method( ord('d') )
138 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
139 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in list(r[3])], self.d_result )
141 s1.change_score_method( ord('m') )
142 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
143 self.assertListAlmostEqual( [round(x,2) for x in list(r[3])], self.m_result )
145 def test_normalize(self):
146 s1 = ScoreTrackII( self.treat_edm, self.ctrl_edm )
147 s1.add_chromosome( b"chrY", 5 )
148 for a in self.test_regions1:
149 s1.add( a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] )
151 s1.change_normalization_method( ord('T') )
152 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
153 assert_array_equal( r, self.norm_T )
155 s1.change_normalization_method( ord('C') )
156 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
157 assert_array_equal( r, self.norm_C )
159 s1.change_normalization_method( ord('M') )
160 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
161 assert_array_equal( r, self.norm_M )
163 s1.change_normalization_method( ord('N') )
164 r = s1.get_data_by_chr(b"chrY")
165 assert_array_equal( r, self.norm_N )
167 def test_writebedgraph ( self ):
168 s1 = ScoreTrackII( self.treat_edm, self.ctrl_edm )
169 s1.add_chromosome( b"chrY", 5 )
170 for a in self.test_regions1:
171 s1.add( a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] )
173 s1.change_score_method( ord('p') )
175 strio = io.StringIO()
176 s1.write_bedGraph( strio, "NAME", "DESC", 1 )
177 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.bdg1 )
178 strio = io.StringIO()
179 s1.write_bedGraph( strio, "NAME", "DESC", 2 )
180 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.bdg2 )
181 strio = io.StringIO()
182 s1.write_bedGraph( strio, "NAME", "DESC", 3 )
183 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.bdg3 )
185 def test_callpeak ( self ):
186 s1 = ScoreTrackII( self.treat_edm, self.ctrl_edm )
187 s1.add_chromosome( b"chrY", 5 )
188 for a in self.test_regions1:
189 s1.add( a[0],a[1],a[2],a[3] )
191 s1.change_score_method( ord('p') )
192 p = s1.call_peaks( cutoff = 0.10, min_length=10, max_gap=10 )
193 strio = io.StringIO()
194 p.write_to_bed( strio, trackline = False )
195 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.peak1 )
197 strio = io.StringIO()
198 p.write_to_summit_bed( strio, trackline = False )
199 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.summit1 )
201 strio = io.StringIO()
202 p.write_to_xls( strio )
203 self.assertEqual( strio.getvalue(), self.xls1 )