1 # -*- Mode: makefile; -*- #
3 # This file is part of MKUltra - Gene's ultimate make include files.
5 # Copyright © 2016-2017 Gene Hightower <gene@digilicious.com>
7 # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 # the Free Software Foundation, version 3.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program. See the file LICENSE. If not, see
18 # <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
22 uname := $(shell uname)
24 ifneq (,$(findstring CYGWIN_NT,$(uname)))
27 ifneq (,$(findstring MINGW32_NT,$(uname)))
33 # Java is "special" in many ways, doesn't use pkg-config: requires
36 JAVA := $(findstring Java,$(USES))
37 USES := $(filter-out Java,$(USES))
39 current_dir := $(dir $(CURDIR)/$(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
40 include $(current_dir)defs.$(TARG)
43 JAVAC ?= $(JAVA_HOME)/bin/javac
47 BINDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/bin
48 LIBDIR ?= $(PREFIX)/lib
49 DATADIR ?= $(PREFIX)/share
53 libfiles := $(foreach x,$(LIBS),$(a_pfx)$(x)$(a_sfx)) $(foreach x,$(LIBS),$(so_pfx)$(x)$(so_sfx))
54 prgfiles := $(foreach x,$(PROGRAMS),$(x)$(exe_sfx))
55 tstfiles := $(foreach x,$(TESTS),$(x)$(exe_sfx))
57 ifeq (clang++,$(notdir $(CXX)))
62 -Wno-c++98-compat-pedantic \
64 -Wno-disabled-macro-expansion \
65 -Wno-exit-time-destructors \
67 -Wno-global-constructors \
68 -Wno-missing-field-initializers \
69 -Wno-missing-prototypes \
70 -Wno-missing-variable-declarations \
74 -Wno-sign-conversion \
75 -Wno-undefined-func-template \
76 -Wno-unused-const-variable \
77 -Wno-unused-exception-parameter \
78 -Wno-unused-parameter \
79 -Wno-zero-as-null-pointer-constant \
80 -Wno-zero-length-array
82 warnings_cpp := $(warnings)
88 -Wno-missing-field-initializers \
90 -Wno-unused-const-variable \
95 -Woverloaded-virtual \
101 safty_flags := -fsanitize=address -fsanitize=undefined -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope
103 visibility_flags := -fvisibility=hidden
105 cstd_flags := -std=c11
106 cxxstd_flags := -std=c++17
112 CFLAGS += $(lto_flags) $(cstd_flags) $(warnings_c) $(dep_flags) $(visibility_flags) $(opt_flags) $(safty_flags)
113 CXXFLAGS += $(lto_flags) $(cxxstd_flags) $(warnings_cpp) $(dep_flags) $(visibility_flags) $(opt_flags) $(safty_flags)
115 LDLIBS += $(lto_flags) -lstdc++fs
116 LDFLAGS += $(safty_flags)
119 CFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_LIB=$(pkg_config_lib) pkg-config $(PKG_CONFIG_FLAGS) --cflags $(USES))
120 CXXFLAGS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_LIB=$(pkg_config_lib) pkg-config $(PKG_CONFIG_FLAGS) --cflags $(USES))
121 LDLIBS += $(shell PKG_CONFIG_LIB=$(pkg_config_lib) pkg-config $(PKG_CONFIG_FLAGS) --libs $(USES))
124 #############################################################################
127 $(CXX) -o $@ -fPIC $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -c $<
130 $(CC) -o $@ -fPIC $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
132 #############################################################################
134 ifneq (,$(BUNDLE_PREFIX))
135 # Bundle for NeXTSTEP, OPENSTEP, GNUstep, and their lineal descendants
138 bundle_dir = $(BUNDLE_PREFIX)/Contents
139 bundle_bin_dir = $(bundle_dir)/MacOS
140 bundle_lib_dir = $(bundle_dir)/lib
141 bundle_dat_dir = $(bundle_dir)/share
143 bundle_all_dirs = $(bundle_bin_dir) $(bundle_lib_dir) $(bundle_dat_dir)
151 #############################################################################
154 ifneq (,$(strip $(libfiles)))
157 ifneq (,$(strip $(prgfiles)))
162 check:: all $(tstfiles)
167 install:: $(libfiles) $(LIBDIR)
168 cp $(libfiles) $(LIBDIR)
169 ifneq (,$(bundle_lib_dir))
170 cp $(libfiles) $(bundle_lib_dir)
175 install:: $(prgfiles) $(BINDIR)
176 cp $(prgfiles) $(BINDIR)
177 ifneq (,$(bundle_bin_dir))
178 cp $(prgfiles) $(bundle_bin_dir)
183 install:: $(DATA) $(DATADIR)
184 cp -r $(DATA) $(DATADIR)
185 ifneq (,$(bundle_dat_dir))
186 cp -r $(DATA) $(bundle_dat_dir)
191 tests: all $(tstfiles)
193 install-tests:: all $(tstfiles) $(BINDIR)
194 cp $(tstfiles) $(BINDIR)
200 #############################################################################
205 check:: $(1)$(exe_sfx)
209 valgrind $(VGFLAGS) ./$(1) ;
212 $(foreach t,$(TESTS),$(eval $(call test_cmd,$(t))))
214 #############################################################################
217 $(1)_all_stems := $$($(1)_STEMS)
218 $(1)_objs := $$(patsubst %,%$(o_sfx),$$($(1)_all_stems))
219 $(1)_deps := $$(patsubst %,%.d,$$($(1)_all_stems))
221 -include $$($(1)_deps)
224 $(1)$(exe_sfx):: $$($(1)_objs) $$($(1)_EXTRAS)
225 $(CXX) -o $$@ $$^ $(LDFLAGS) $(LDLIBS) -L. $(foreach l,$(LIBS),-l$(l))
228 rm -f $(1)$(exe_sfx) $$($(1)_objs) $$($(1)_deps)
231 $(foreach prog,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(call link_cmd,$(prog))))
232 $(foreach prog,$(TESTS),$(eval $(call link_cmd,$(prog))))
234 #############################################################################
237 $(1)_all_stems := $$($(1)_STEMS)
238 $(1)_objs := $$(patsubst %,%$(o_sfx),$$($(1)_all_stems))
239 $(1)_deps := $$(patsubst %,%.d,$$($(1)_all_stems))
241 -include $$($(1)_deps)
243 $(a_pfx)$(1)$(a_sfx): $$($(1)_objs)
246 $(so_pfx)$(1)$(so_sfx): $$($(1)_objs)
247 $(CXX) -shared -o $$@ $$^ $(filter-out -static,$(LDFLAGS)) $(LOADLIBES) $(LDLIBS)
250 rm -f $(so_pfx)$(1)$(so_sfx) $(a_pfx)$(1)$(a_sfx) $$($(1)_objs) $$($(1)_deps)
253 $(foreach lib,$(LIBS),$(eval $(call lib_cmd,$(lib))))
255 #############################################################################
261 @echo JAVA_HOME == $(JAVA_HOME)
264 @echo USES == $(USES)
265 @echo PROGRAMS == $(PROGRAMS)
266 @echo LIBS == $(LIBS)
267 @echo TESTS == $(TESTS)
268 @echo CFLAGS == $(CFLAGS)
269 @echo CXXFLAGS == $(CXXFLAGS)
270 @echo LDFLAGS == $(LDFLAGS)
273 @echo libfiles == $(libfiles)
274 @echo prgfiles == $(prgfiles)
275 @echo tstfiles == $(tstfiles)
280 @echo $(1)_all_stems == $$($(1)_all_stems)
281 @echo $(1)_objs == $$($(1)_objs)
282 @echo $(1)_deps == $$($(1)_deps)
285 $(foreach x,$(PROGRAMS),$(eval $(call dump_template,$(x))))
286 $(foreach x,$(LIBS),$(eval $(call dump_template,$(x))))
287 $(foreach x,$(TESTS),$(eval $(call dump_template,$(x))))
289 .PHONY:: all check dump install install-tests tests all_programs all_libraries