1 // Current as of 3/05/2007
2 // This defines the role of all the template variables specific to the
3 // 'vc8' project type with the java language.
5 // Please try to keep this alphabetically sorted.
7 allowunsafeblocks = Enable/disable the use of the unsafe keyword.
8 common_defines = Specifies macros that are common to all target types.
9 defines = Macros that are specific to a particular configuration.
10 guid = The value for this variable is generated during project generation.
11 keyfile = Indicate the keyfile to use when signing the assembly.
12 prversion = This setting specifies the ProductVersion in the generated .vjsproj file.
13 registerforcominterop = This setting corresponds to the Build Output property "Register for COM interop". The boolean values true and false correspond to enabling or disabling the feature in the IDE.
14 schemaversion = This setting specifies the SchemaVersion in the generated .vjsproj file.
15 startupobject = This corresponds to the Application property "Startup object".
16 trace = This setting corresponds to the Build General property "Conditional Compilation Constants". If this boolean template variable is set, the TRACE constant will be defined.
17 warning_level = This corresponds to the Build General property "Warning level". Valid values are 0 through 4.
18 winapp = This boolean template variable indicates whether the application target is for the Console or Windows subsystem.