Version 0.41.3
[MineClone/MineClone2/MineClone2-Fixes.git] / mods / ITEMS / mcl_cake / init.lua
1 --[[
2 #!#!#!#Cake mod created by Jordan4ibanez#!#!#
3 #!#!#!#Released under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported #!#!#
4 ]]--
6 local cake_texture = {"cake_top.png","cake_bottom.png","cake_inner.png","cake_side.png","cake_side.png","cake_side.png"}
7 local slice_1 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, -5/16, 0/16, 7/16}
8 local slice_2 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, -3/16, 0/16, 7/16}
9 local slice_3 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, -1/16, 0/16, 7/16}
10 local slice_4 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, 1/16, 0/16, 7/16}
11 local slice_5 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, 3/16, 0/16, 7/16}
12 local slice_6 = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, 5/16, 0/16, 7/16}
14 local full_cake = { -7/16, -8/16, -7/16, 7/16, 0/16, 7/16}
16 minetest.register_craft({
17 output = "mcl_cake:cake",
18 recipe = {
19 {'mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket', 'mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket', 'mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket'},
20 {'mcl_core:sugar', 'mcl_throwing:egg', 'mcl_core:sugar'},
21 {'mcl_farming:wheat_item', 'mcl_farming:wheat_item', 'mcl_farming:wheat_item'},
23 replacements = {
24 {"mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket", "mcl_buckets:bucket_empty"},
25 {"mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket", "mcl_buckets:bucket_empty"},
26 {"mcl_mobitems:milk_bucket", "mcl_buckets:bucket_empty"},
30 minetest.register_node("mcl_cake:cake", {
31 description = "Cake",
32 _doc_items_longdesc = "Cakes can be placed and eaten to restore hunger points. A cake has 7 slices. Each slice restores 2 hunger points and 0.4 saturation points. Cakes will be destroyed when dug or when the block below them is broken.",
33 _doc_items_usagehelp = "Place the cake anywhere, then rightclick it to eat a single slice. You can't eat from the cake when your hunger bar is full.",
34 tiles = {"cake_top.png","cake_bottom.png","cake_side.png","cake_side.png","cake_side.png","cake_side.png"},
35 inventory_image = "cake.png",
36 wield_image = "cake.png",
37 paramtype = "light",
38 is_ground_content = false,
39 drawtype = "nodebox",
40 selection_box = {
41 type = "fixed",
42 fixed = full_cake
44 node_box = {
45 type = "fixed",
46 fixed = full_cake
48 stack_max = 1,
49 groups = {handy=1, cake=7, food=2,no_eat_delay=1, attached_node=1, dig_by_piston=1, comparator_signal=14},
50 drop = '',
51 on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack)
52 local newcake = minetest.do_item_eat(2, ItemStack("mcl_cake:cake_6"), ItemStack("mcl_cake:cake"), clicker, {type="nothing"})
53 -- Check if we were allowed to eat
54 if newcake:get_name() ~= "mcl_cake:cake" then
55 minetest.add_node(pos,{type="node",name="mcl_cake:cake_6",param2=0})
56 end
57 end,
58 sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
60 _food_particles = false,
61 _mcl_saturation = 0.4,
62 _mcl_blast_resistance = 2.5,
63 _mcl_hardness = 0.5,
66 local register_slice = function(level, nodebox, desc)
67 local this = "mcl_cake:cake_"..level
68 local after_eat = "mcl_cake:cake_"..(level-1)
69 local on_rightclick
70 if level > 1 then
71 on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack)
72 local newcake = minetest.do_item_eat(2, ItemStack(after_eat), ItemStack(this), clicker, {type="nothing"})
73 -- Check if we were allowed to eat
74 if newcake:get_name() ~= this then
75 minetest.add_node(pos,{type="node",name=after_eat,param2=0})
76 end
77 end
78 else
79 -- Last slice
80 on_rightclick = function(pos, node, clicker, itemstack)
81 local newcake = minetest.do_item_eat(2, ItemStack("mcl:cake:cake 0"), ItemStack("mcl_cake:cake_1"), clicker, {type="nothing"})
82 -- Check if we were allowed to eat
83 if newcake:get_name() ~= this then
84 minetest.remove_node(pos)
85 core.check_for_falling(pos)
86 end
87 end
88 end
90 minetest.register_node(this, {
91 description = desc,
92 _doc_items_create_entry = false,
93 tiles = cake_texture,
94 paramtype = "light",
95 is_ground_content = false,
96 drawtype = "nodebox",
97 selection_box = {
98 type = "fixed",
99 fixed = nodebox,
101 node_box = {
102 type = "fixed",
103 fixed = nodebox,
105 groups = {handy=1, cake=level, food=2,no_eat_delay=1,attached_node=1,not_in_creative_inventory=1,dig_by_piston=1,comparator_signal=level*2},
106 drop = '',
107 on_rightclick = on_rightclick,
108 sounds = mcl_sounds.node_sound_leaves_defaults(),
110 _food_particles = false,
111 _mcl_saturation = 0.4,
112 _mcl_blast_resistance = 2.5,
113 _mcl_hardness = 0.5,
116 if minetest.get_modpath("doc") then
117 doc.add_entry_alias("nodes", "mcl_cake:cake", "nodes", "mcl_cake:cake_"..level)
121 register_slice(6, slice_6, "Cake (6 Slices Left)")
122 register_slice(5, slice_5, "Cake (5 Slices Left)")
123 register_slice(4, slice_4, "Cake (4 Slices Left)")
124 register_slice(3, slice_3, "Cake (3 Slices Left)")
125 register_slice(2, slice_2, "Cake (2 Slices Left)")
126 register_slice(1, slice_1, "Cake (1 Slice Left)")