2 # some of the comments match the comments in MogileFS/Worker/Fsck.pm
3 # _exactly_ for reference purposes
8 use Time::HiRes qw(sleep);
12 find_mogclient_or_skip();
15 my $sto = eval { temp_store(); };
17 plan skip_all => "Can't create temporary test database: $@";
23 $mogroot{1} = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
24 $mogroot{2} = File::Temp::tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
25 my $dev2host = { 1 => 1, 2 => 2, };
26 foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %$dev2host) {
27 my $root = $mogroot{$dev2host->{$_}};
28 mkdir("$root/dev$_") or die "Failed to create dev$_ dir: $!";
31 my $ms1 = create_mogstored("", $mogroot{1});
32 ok($ms1, "got mogstored1");
33 my $ms2 = create_mogstored("", $mogroot{2});
34 ok($ms1, "got mogstored2");
36 while (! -e "$mogroot{1}/dev1/usage" &&
37 ! -e "$mogroot{2}/dev2/usage") {
38 print "Waiting on usage...\n";
42 my $tmptrack = create_temp_tracker($sto);
45 my $admin = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => '');
46 $admin or die "failed to create admin socket: $!";
47 my $moga = MogileFS::Admin->new(hosts => [ "" ]);
48 my $mogc = MogileFS::Client->new(
50 hosts => [ "" ],
52 my $be = $mogc->{backend}; # gross, reaching inside of MogileFS::Client
54 # test some basic commands to backend
55 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("domain", "add", "testdom"), "created test domain");
56 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("class", "add", "testdom", "2copies", "--mindevcount=2"), "created 2copies class in testdom");
57 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("class", "add", "testdom", "1copy", "--mindevcount=1"), "created 1copy class in testdom");
59 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("host", "add", "hostA", "--ip=", "--status=alive"), "created hostA");
60 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("host", "add", "hostB", "--ip=", "--status=alive"), "created hostB");
62 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("device", "add", "hostA", 1), "created dev1 on hostA");
63 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("device", "add", "hostB", 2), "created dev2 on hostB");
65 sub wait_for_monitor {
67 my $was = $be->{timeout}; # can't use local on phash :(
69 ok($be->do_request("clear_cache", {}), "waited for monitor")
70 or die "Failed to wait for monitor";
71 ok($be->do_request("clear_cache", {}), "waited for monitor")
72 or die "Failed to wait for monitor";
73 $be->{timeout} = $was;
76 sub wait_for_empty_queue {
77 my ($table, $dbh) = @_;
83 $count = $dbh->selectrow_array("SELECT COUNT(*) from $table");
84 return if ($count == 0);
87 my $time = $delay * $limit;
88 die "$table is not empty after ${time}s!";
92 my ($tmptrack, $dbh) = @_;
94 # this should help prevent race conditions:
95 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_queue", $dbh);
97 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("fsck", "stop"), "stop fsck");
98 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("fsck", "clearlog"), "clear fsck log");
99 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("fsck", "reset"), "reset fsck");
100 ok($tmptrack->mogadm("fsck", "start"), "started fsck");
103 wait_for_monitor($be);
105 my ($req, $rv, %opts, @paths, @fsck_log, $info);
106 my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
112 # upload a file and wait for replica to appear
114 my $fh = $mogc->new_file($key, "1copy");
116 ok(close($fh), "closed file");
119 # first obvious fucked-up case: no devids even presumed to exist.
121 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
122 is($info->{devcount}, 1, "ensure devcount is correct at start");
124 # ensure repl queue is empty before destroying file_on
125 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_replicate", $dbh);
127 my @devids = $sto->fid_devids($info->{fid});
128 is(scalar(@devids), 1, "devids retrieved");
129 is($sto->remove_fidid_from_devid($info->{fid}, $devids[0]), 1,
130 "delete $key from file_on table");
132 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
134 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
135 } while (scalar(@fsck_log) < 3 && sleep(0.1));
137 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_queue", $dbh);
138 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
140 my $nopa = $fsck_log[0];
141 is($nopa->{evcode}, "NOPA", "evcode for no paths logged");
143 # entering "desperate" mode
144 my $srch = $fsck_log[1];
145 is($srch->{evcode}, "SRCH", "evcode for start search logged");
147 # wow, we actually found it!
148 my $fond = $fsck_log[2];
149 is($fond->{evcode}, "FOND", "evcode for start search logged");
151 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
152 is($info->{devcount}, 1, "ensure devcount is correct at fsck end");
153 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
154 is(scalar(@paths), 1, "get_paths returns correctly at fsck end");
157 # update class to require 2copies and have fsck fix it
159 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
160 is(scalar(@paths), 1, "only one path exists before fsck");
162 # _NOT_ using "updateclass" command since that enqueues for replication
163 my $fid = MogileFS::FID->new($info->{fid});
164 my $classid_2copies = $sto->get_classid_by_name($fid->dmid, "2copies");
165 is($fid->update_class(classid => $classid_2copies), 1, "classid updated");
167 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
170 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
171 } while (scalar(@paths) == 1 and sleep(0.1));
172 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "replicated from fsck");
174 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
175 is($info->{devcount}, 2, "ensure devcount is updated by replicate");
178 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
179 } while (scalar(@fsck_log) == 0 and sleep(0.1));
181 my $povi = $fsck_log[0];
182 is($povi->{evcode}, "POVI", "policy violation logged by fsck");
184 my $repl = $fsck_log[1];
185 is($repl->{evcode}, "REPL", "replication request logged by fsck");
188 # wrong devcount in file column, but otherwise everything is OK
190 foreach my $wrong_devcount (13, 0, 1) {
191 is($dbh->do("UPDATE file SET devcount = ? WHERE fid = ?", undef, $wrong_devcount, $info->{fid}), 1, "set improper devcount");
193 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
194 is($info->{devcount}, $wrong_devcount, "devcount is set to $wrong_devcount");
196 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
199 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
200 } while ($info->{devcount} == $wrong_devcount && sleep(0.1));
201 is($info->{devcount}, 2, "devcount is corrected by fsck");
203 # XXX POVI gets logged here, but BCNT might be more correct...
204 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_queue", $dbh);
205 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
206 is($fsck_log[0]->{evcode}, "POVI", "policy violation logged");
210 # nuke a file from disk but keep the file_on row
212 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
213 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "two paths returned from get_paths");
214 $req = HTTP::Request->new(DELETE => $paths[0]);
215 $rv = $ua->request($req);
216 ok($rv->is_success, "DELETE successful");
218 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
220 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
221 } while (scalar(@fsck_log) < 2 && sleep(0.1));
223 my $miss = $fsck_log[0];
224 is($miss->{evcode}, "MISS", "missing file logged by fsck");
226 my $repl = $fsck_log[1];
227 is($repl->{evcode}, "REPL", "replication request logged by fsck");
229 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_replicate", $dbh);
231 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
232 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "two paths returned from get_paths");
233 foreach my $path (@paths) {
234 $rv = $ua->get($path);
235 is($rv->content, "hello\n", "GET successful on restored path");
239 # change the length of a file from disk and have fsck correct it
241 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
242 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "two paths returned from get_paths");
243 $req = HTTP::Request->new(PUT => $paths[0]);
244 $req->content("hello\r\n");
245 $rv = $ua->request($req);
246 ok($rv->is_success, "PUT successful");
248 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
250 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
251 } while (scalar(@fsck_log) < 2 && sleep(0.1));
253 my $blen = $fsck_log[0];
254 is($blen->{evcode}, "BLEN", "missing file logged by fsck");
256 my $repl = $fsck_log[1];
257 is($repl->{evcode}, "REPL", "replication request logged by fsck");
259 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_replicate", $dbh);
261 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
262 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "two paths returned from get_paths");
263 foreach my $path (@paths) {
264 $rv = $ua->get($path);
265 is($rv->content, "hello\n", "GET successful on restored path");
269 # nuke a file completely and irreparably
271 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
272 is(scalar(@paths), 2, "two paths returned from get_paths");
273 foreach my $path (@paths) {
274 $req = HTTP::Request->new(DELETE => $path);
275 $rv = $ua->request($req);
276 ok($rv->is_success, "DELETE successful");
279 full_fsck($tmptrack, $dbh);
281 @fsck_log = $sto->fsck_log_rows;
282 } while (scalar(@fsck_log) < 4 && sleep(0.1));
284 is($fsck_log[0]->{evcode}, "MISS", "missing file logged for first path");
285 is($fsck_log[1]->{evcode}, "MISS", "missing file logged for second path");
286 is($fsck_log[2]->{evcode}, "SRCH", "desperate search attempt logged");
287 is($fsck_log[3]->{evcode}, "GONE", "inability to fix FID logged");
289 wait_for_empty_queue("file_to_queue", $dbh);
290 $info = $mogc->file_info($key);
292 # XXX devcount probably needs to be updated on GONE
293 # is($info->{devcount}, 2, "devcount updated to zero");
294 @paths = $mogc->get_paths($key);
295 is(scalar(@paths), 0, "get_paths returns nothing");