1 Source: mogilefs-server
4 Maintainer: Jonathan Steinert <deb@hachi.kuiki.net>
5 Build-Depends-Indep: debhelper (>= 4.1.40), perl (>= 5.6.0-16), libstring-crc32-perl
6 Standards-Version:
10 Depends: ${perl:Depends}, libperlbal-perl (>= 1.79), libio-aio-perl, debconf (>= 1.2.0), sysstat
11 Suggests: mogilefs-utils
12 Description: storage node daemon for MogileFS
13 Mogstored is a storage node daemon for MogileFS, the open-source
14 application-level distributed filesystem from Danga Interactive.
18 Depends: ${perl:Depends}, libdbd-mysql-perl, libdbi-perl, debconf (>= 1.2.0), libnet-netmask-perl, libwww-perl, libdanga-socket-perl
19 Suggests: mogilefs-utils
20 Description: scalable distributed filesystem from Danga Interactive
21 MogileFS is an open-source, application-level distributed filesystem. It
22 creates a host-neutral, filesystem-agnostic method of distributing files
23 that has many advantages over NFS and single-machine raid. This set
24 of utilities is very scalable and can handle Livejournal.com's load, for
25 which it was designed.