1 $NHDT-Branch: NetHack-3.6-Mar2020 $:$NHDT-Revision: 1.2 $ $NHDT-Date: 1583606861 2020/03/07 18:47:41 $
3 fixes36.6 contains a terse summary of changes made to 3.6.5 in order to
4 produce 3.6.6 as well as any post-release fixes in binaries.
7 General Fixes and Modified Features
8 -----------------------------------
9 invalid status highlight color could be maliciously used to corrupt memory
10 formatting corpse names used internal buffers differently from formatting
11 other objects and could potentially clobber memory
12 avoid divide by 0 crash if 'bogusmon' (file of bogus monster types) is empty
13 avoid #wizrumorcheck crash if either 'rumors.tru' or 'rumors.fal' or both
14 were empty when makedefs built 'rumors'
15 avoid "<mon>'s glorkum pass harmlessly through the shade" for weaponless mon
18 Platform- and/or Interface-Specific Fixes or Features
19 -----------------------------------------------------