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[Neurips2024_16722.git] / graph / graph_pg_extra.py
2 import networkx as nx
3 import numpy as np
4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
7 def generate_graph_and_matrices(n, p, plot=False):
8 """
9 Generates a random graph and computes the Laplacian, Incidence, and Diagonal matrices.
11 :param n: Number of nodes
12 :param p: Probability of edges
13 :return: Laplacian matrix L, Incidence matrix C, Diagonal matrix D, Weight matrix W
14 """
15 # Create a random undirected graph
16 G = nx.erdos_renyi_graph(n, p)
18 # Ensure the graph is connected
19 if not nx.is_connected(G):
20 raise ValueError("The generated graph is not connected. Please try again with a different probability or number of nodes.")
22 # Assign weights to the edges
23 for u, v in G.edges():
24 G[u][v]['weight'] = 1 # Example: Assigning weight 1 to all edges
26 # Calculate the Laplacian matrix L
27 L = nx.laplacian_matrix(G).toarray()
29 # Calculate the Incidence matrix C
30 C = -nx.incidence_matrix(G, oriented=True).T.toarray()
32 # Calculate the Weight matrix W as Identity matrix - Laplacian / (2 * max_degree)
33 max_degree = max(dict(G.degree(weight='weight')).values())
34 W = np.eye(n) - L / (2 * max_degree)
35 D = np.diag([np.sqrt(W[i, j]/2) for i, j in G.edges])
36 V = np.matmul(D,C)
38 # Get the neighbors of each node including the node itself
39 neighbors = {node: set([node]) | set(G.neighbors(node)) for node in G.nodes}
41 # Get the list of edges connected to each node
42 edges_connected = {node: set(G.edges(node)) for node in G.nodes}
45 # Print the number of created edges from the total possible number of edges
46 created_edges = G.number_of_edges()
47 # total_possible_edges = n * (n - 1) // 2 # For undirected graph
48 # print(f"Created {created_edges} edges from {total_possible_edges} possible edges.")
51 # Initialize a dictionary to store the indices of edges connected to each node
52 edge_indices = {node: [] for node in G.nodes}
54 # Assign indices to the edges and store them in the dictionary
55 for index, (u, v) in enumerate(G.edges()):
56 if v > u: # Ensure that j > i
57 edge_indices[u].append(index)
58 elif u > v: # Ensure that j > i
59 edge_indices[v].append(index)
62 n = len(G.nodes)
63 H = np.zeros((n, n)) # Initialize Metropolis matrix
65 for i in G.nodes:
66 for j in G.neighbors(i):
67 H[i, j] = 1 / (1 + max(G.degree[i], G.degree[j]))
69 # Set diagonal elements
70 H[i, i] = 1 - np.sum(H[i, :])
72 neighbors = 1*(W>0)
73 zr = np.eye(n)-W
74 zc = np.eye(n)-W
76 # Plot the graph
77 if plot:
78 pos = nx.spring_layout(G)
79 nx.draw(G, pos, with_labels=True, node_color='skyblue', node_size=2000, edge_color='black', linewidths=1, font_size=15, connectionstyle='arc3,rad=0.1')
81 # Label the edges with their indices
82 edge_labels = {(u, v): idx for idx, (u, v) in enumerate(G.edges())}
83 nx.draw_networkx_edge_labels(G, pos, edge_labels=edge_labels, font_color='red')
85 plt.show()
87 return L, C, W, D, V, neighbors, edges_connected, edge_indices, created_edges, H, neighbors, zr, zc
92 #### Example usage:
93 # n = 5 # Number of nodes
94 # p = 0.8 # Probability of edges
95 # L, C, W, D, V, neighbors, edges_connected, edge_indices, num_edges, H = generate_graph_and_matrices(n, p, plot=False)
97 # print("Laplacian Matrix L:\n", L)
98 # print("Incidence Matrix C:\n", C)
99 # print("Diagonal Matrix D:\n", D)
100 # print("Weight Matrix W:\n", W)
101 # print("Metropolis Matrix H:\n", H)
102 # print("Neighbors of each node including the node itself:\n", neighbors)
103 # print("List of edges connected to each node:\n", edges_connected)
104 # print("Indices of edges connected to each node (j > i):\n", edge_indices)