Release NixOS 23.11
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / xandikos.nix
1 import ./make-test-python.nix (
2   { pkgs, lib, ... }:
4     {
5       name = "xandikos";
7       meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ _0x4A6F ];
9       nodes = {
10         xandikos_client = {};
11         xandikos_default = {
12           networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 8080 ];
13           services.xandikos.enable = true;
14         };
15         xandikos_proxy = {
16           networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 8080 ];
17           services.xandikos.enable = true;
18           services.xandikos.address = "localhost";
19           services.xandikos.port = 8080;
20           services.xandikos.routePrefix = "/xandikos-prefix/";
21           services.xandikos.extraOptions = [
22             "--defaults"
23           ];
24           services.nginx = {
25             enable = true;
26             recommendedProxySettings = true;
27             virtualHosts."xandikos" = {
28               serverName = "xandikos.local";
29               basicAuth.xandikos = "snakeOilPassword";
30               locations."/xandikos/" = {
31                 proxyPass = "http://localhost:8080/xandikos-prefix/";
32               };
33             };
34           };
35         };
36       };
38       testScript = ''
39         start_all()
41         with subtest("Xandikos default"):
42             xandikos_default.wait_for_unit("")
43             xandikos_default.wait_for_unit("xandikos.service")
44             xandikos_default.wait_for_open_port(8080)
45             xandikos_default.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:8080/")
46             xandikos_default.succeed(
47                 "curl -s --fail --location http://localhost:8080/ | grep -i Xandikos"
48             )
49             xandikos_client.wait_for_unit("")
50   "curl --fail http://xandikos_default:8080/")
52         with subtest("Xandikos proxy"):
53             xandikos_proxy.wait_for_unit("")
54             xandikos_proxy.wait_for_unit("xandikos.service")
55             xandikos_proxy.wait_for_open_port(8080)
56             xandikos_proxy.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:8080/")
57             xandikos_proxy.succeed(
58                 "curl -s --fail --location http://localhost:8080/ | grep -i Xandikos"
59             )
60             xandikos_client.wait_for_unit("")
61   "curl --fail http://xandikos_proxy:8080/")
62             xandikos_client.succeed(
63                 "curl -s --fail -u xandikos:snakeOilPassword -H 'Host: xandikos.local' http://xandikos_proxy/xandikos/ | grep -i Xandikos"
64             )
65             xandikos_client.succeed(
66                 "curl -s --fail -u xandikos:snakeOilPassword -H 'Host: xandikos.local' http://xandikos_proxy/xandikos/user/ | grep -i Xandikos"
67             )
68       '';
69     }