1 { pkgs, nodejs, lib, python3Packages, fetchFromGitHub, nixosTests, fetchNpmDeps, npmHooks }:
5 buildPythonApplication rec {
9 src = fetchFromGitHub {
12 rev = "refs/tags/${version}";
13 sha256 = "sha256-kZNf7Rlb1DZtQe4dK1B283OkzQQcCX+pbvZzfL65gsA=";
16 npmDeps = fetchNpmDeps {
18 hash = "sha256-RBpuhFI0hdi8bB48Pks9Ac/UdcQ/DJw+WFnNj5f7IYE=";
27 # Remove when https://github.com/posativ/isso/pull/973 is available.
28 substituteInPlace isso/tests/test_comments.py \
29 --replace "self.client.delete_cookie('localhost.local', '1')" "self.client.delete_cookie(key='1', domain='localhost')"
32 propagatedBuildInputs = [
47 npmHooks.npmConfigHook
50 NODE_PATH = "$npmDeps";
53 ln -s ${npmDeps}/node_modules ./node_modules
54 export PATH="${npmDeps}/bin:$PATH"
68 passthru.tests = { inherit (nixosTests) isso; };
71 description = "Commenting server similar to Disqus";
73 homepage = "https://posativ.org/isso/";
74 license = licenses.mit;
75 maintainers = with maintainers; [ fgaz ];