vuls: init at 0.27.0
[NixPkgs.git] / lib / fileset /
1 #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
2 #!nix-shell -i bash -p sta jq bc nix -I nixpkgs=../..
3 # shellcheck disable=SC2016
5 # Benchmarks lib.fileset
6 # Run:
7 # [nixpkgs]$ lib/fileset/ HEAD
9 set -euo pipefail
10 shopt -s inherit_errexit dotglob
12 if (( $# == 0 )); then
13 echo "Usage: $0 HEAD"
14 echo "Benchmarks the current tree against the HEAD commit. Any git ref will work."
15 exit 1
17 compareTo=$1
19 SCRIPT_FILE=$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")
20 SCRIPT_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT_FILE")
22 nixpkgs=$(cd "$SCRIPT_DIR/../.."; pwd)
24 tmp="$(mktemp -d)"
25 clean_up() {
26 rm -rf "$tmp"
28 trap clean_up EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM
29 work="$tmp/work"
30 mkdir "$work"
31 cd "$work"
33 declare -a stats=(
34 ".envs.elements"
35 ".envs.number"
36 ".gc.totalBytes"
37 ".list.concats"
38 ".list.elements"
39 ".nrFunctionCalls"
40 ".nrLookups"
41 ".nrOpUpdates"
42 ".nrPrimOpCalls"
43 ".nrThunks"
44 ".sets.elements"
45 ".sets.number"
46 ".symbols.number"
47 ".values.number"
50 runs=10
52 run() {
53 # Empty the file
54 : > cpuTimes
56 for i in $(seq 0 "$runs"); do
57 NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$1 NIX_SHOW_STATS=1 NIX_SHOW_STATS_PATH=$tmp/stats.json \
58 nix-instantiate --eval --strict --show-trace >/dev/null \
59 --expr 'with import <nixpkgs/lib>; with fileset; '"$2"
61 # Only measure the time after the first run, one is warmup
62 if (( i > 0 )); then
63 jq '.cpuTime' "$tmp/stats.json" >> cpuTimes
65 done
67 # Compute mean and standard deviation
68 read -r mean sd < <(sta --mean --sd --brief <cpuTimes)
70 jq --argjson mean "$mean" --argjson sd "$sd" \
71 '.cpuTimeMean = $mean | .cpuTimeSd = $sd' \
72 "$tmp/stats.json"
75 bench() {
76 echo "Benchmarking expression $1" >&2
77 #echo "Running benchmark on index" >&2
78 run "$nixpkgs" "$1" > "$tmp/new.json"
80 #echo "Checking out $compareTo" >&2
81 git -C "$nixpkgs" worktree add --quiet "$tmp/worktree" "$compareTo"
82 trap 'git -C "$nixpkgs" worktree remove "$tmp/worktree"' EXIT
83 #echo "Running benchmark on $compareTo" >&2
84 run "$tmp/worktree" "$1" > "$tmp/old.json"
87 read -r oldMean oldSd newMean newSd percentageMean percentageSd < \
88 <(jq -rn --slurpfile old "$tmp/old.json" --slurpfile new "$tmp/new.json" \
89 ' $old[0].cpuTimeMean as $om
90 | $old[0].cpuTimeSd as $os
91 | $new[0].cpuTimeMean as $nm
92 | $new[0].cpuTimeSd as $ns
93 | (100 / $om * $nm) as $pm
94 # Copied from
95 | ($pm * pow(pow($ns / $nm; 2) + pow($os / $om; 2); 0.5)) as $ps
96 | [ $om, $os, $nm, $ns, $pm, $ps ]
97 | @sh')
99 echo -e "Mean CPU time $newMean (σ = $newSd) for $runs runs is \e[0;33m$percentageMean% (σ = $percentageSd%)\e[0m of the old value $oldMean (σ = $oldSd)" >&2
101 different=0
102 for stat in "${stats[@]}"; do
103 oldValue=$(jq "$stat" "$tmp/old.json")
104 newValue=$(jq "$stat" "$tmp/new.json")
105 if (( oldValue != newValue )); then
106 percent=$(bc <<< "scale=100; result = 100/$oldValue*$newValue; scale=4; result / 1")
107 if (( oldValue < newValue )); then
108 echo -e "Statistic $stat ($newValue) is \e[0;31m$percent% (+$(( newValue - oldValue )))\e[0m of the old value $oldValue" >&2
109 else
110 echo -e "Statistic $stat ($newValue) is \e[0;32m$percent% (-$(( oldValue - newValue )))\e[0m of the old value $oldValue" >&2
112 (( different++ )) || true
114 done
115 echo "$different stats differ between the current tree and $compareTo"
116 echo ""
119 # Create a fairly populated tree
120 touch f{0..5}
121 mkdir d{0..5}
122 mkdir e{0..5}
123 touch d{0..5}/f{0..5}
124 mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}
125 mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}
126 touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
127 mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}
128 mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}
129 touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
130 mkdir -p d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}
131 mkdir -p e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}/e{0..5}
132 touch d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/d{0..5}/f{0..5}
134 bench 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = ./.; }'
136 rm -rf -- *
138 touch {0..1000}
139 bench 'toSource { root = ./.; fileset = unions (mapAttrsToList (name: value: ./. + "/${name}") (builtins.readDir ./.)); }'
140 rm -rf -- *