vuls: init at 0.27.0
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / modules / services / networking / peroxide.nix
1 { config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
3 with lib;
5 let
6   cfg =;
7   settingsFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml { };
8   stateDir = "peroxide";
9 in
11 = {
12     enable = mkEnableOption "peroxide";
14     package = mkPackageOption pkgs "peroxide" {
15       default = [ "peroxide" ];
16     };
18     logLevel = mkOption {
19       #
20       type = types.enum [ "Panic" "Fatal" "Error" "Warning" "Info" "Debug" "Trace" ];
21       default = "Warning";
22       example = "Info";
23       description = "Only log messages of this priority or higher.";
24     };
26     settings = mkOption {
27       type = types.submodule {
28         freeformType = settingsFormat.type;
30         options = {
31           UserPortImap = mkOption {
32             type = types.port;
33             default = 1143;
34             description = "The port on which to listen for IMAP connections.";
35           };
37           UserPortSmtp = mkOption {
38             type = types.port;
39             default = 1025;
40             description = "The port on which to listen for SMTP connections.";
41           };
43           ServerAddress = mkOption {
44             type = types.str;
45             default = "[::0]";
46             example = "localhost";
47             description = "The address on which to listen for connections.";
48           };
49         };
50       };
51       default = { };
52       description = ''
53         Configuration for peroxide.  See
54         [config.example.yaml](
55         for an example configuration.
56       '';
57     };
58   };
60   config = mkIf cfg.enable {
61     services.peroxide.settings = {
62       # peroxide deletes the cache directory on startup, which requires write
63       # permission on the parent directory, so we can't use
64       # /var/cache/peroxide
65       CacheDir = "/var/cache/peroxide/cache";
66       X509Key = mkDefault "/var/lib/${stateDir}/key.pem";
67       X509Cert = mkDefault "/var/lib/${stateDir}/cert.pem";
68       CookieJar = "/var/lib/${stateDir}/cookies.json";
69       CredentialsStore = "/var/lib/${stateDir}/credentials.json";
70     };
72     users.users.peroxide = {
73       isSystemUser = true;
74       group = "peroxide";
75     };
76     users.groups.peroxide = { };
78 = {
79       description = "Peroxide ProtonMail bridge";
80       requires = [ "" ];
81       after = [ "" ];
82       wantedBy = [ "" ];
84       restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."peroxide.conf".source ];
86       serviceConfig = {
87         Type = "simple";
88         User = "peroxide";
89         LogsDirectory = "peroxide";
90         LogsDirectoryMode = "0750";
91         # Specify just "peroxide" so that the user has write permission, because
92         # peroxide deletes and recreates the cache directory on startup.
93         CacheDirectory = [ "peroxide" "peroxide/cache" ];
94         CacheDirectoryMode = "0700";
95         StateDirectory = stateDir;
96         StateDirectoryMode = "0700";
97         ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/peroxide -log-file=/var/log/peroxide/peroxide.log -log-level ${cfg.logLevel}";
98         ExecReload = "${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID";
99       };
101       preStart = ''
102         # Create a self-signed certificate if no certificate exists.
103         if [[ ! -e "${cfg.settings.X509Key}" && ! -e "${cfg.settings.X509Cert}" ]]; then
104             ${cfg.package}/bin/peroxide-cfg -action gen-x509 \
105               -x509-org 'N/A' \
106               -x509-cn 'nixos' \
107               -x509-cert "${cfg.settings.X509Cert}" \
108               -x509-key "${cfg.settings.X509Key}"
109         fi
110       '';
111     };
113     #
114     services.logrotate.settings.peroxide = {
115       files = "/var/log/peroxide/peroxide.log";
116       rotate = 31;
117       frequency = "daily";
118       compress = true;
119       delaycompress = true;
120       missingok = true;
121       notifempty = true;
122       su = "peroxide peroxide";
123       postrotate = "systemctl reload peroxide";
124     };
126     environment.etc."peroxide.conf".source = settingsFormat.generate "peroxide.conf" cfg.settings;
127     environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ];
128   };
130   meta.maintainers = with maintainers; [ aanderse aidalgol ];