chromium,chromedriver: 129.0.6668.91 -> 129.0.6668.100
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / by-name / ht / httptoolkit-server / only-build-for-one-platform.patch
1 diff --git a/pack.ts b/pack.ts
2 index aba98cc..03ce86a 100644
3 --- a/pack.ts
4 +++ b/pack.ts
5 @@ -75,33 +75,7 @@ const packageApp = async () => {
6 delete pJson.scripts.prepack; // We don't want to rebuild - all built code will be in the packed content
7 await fs.writeJson(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'package.json'), pJson);
9 - const buildScript = path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, '');
11 - // Run build-release in this folder, for each platform. For each bundle, we copy in
12 - // only the relevant platform-specific NSS files.
13 - console.log('Building for Linux');
14 - await fs.mkdir(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss'));
15 - await fs.copy(path.join(__dirname, 'nss', 'linux'), path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss', 'linux'));
16 - await spawn(buildScript, ['linux'], { cwd: OUTPUT_DIR, stdio: 'inherit' });
18 - console.log('Building for Darwin');
19 - await fs.remove(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss', 'linux'));
20 - await fs.copy(path.join(__dirname, 'nss', 'darwin'), path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss', 'darwin'));
21 - await spawn(buildScript, ['darwin'], { cwd: OUTPUT_DIR, stdio: 'inherit' });
23 - console.log('Building for Win32');
24 - await fs.remove(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss', 'darwin'));
25 - await fs.copy(path.join(__dirname, 'nss', 'win32'), path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, 'nss', 'win32'));
26 - await spawn(buildScript, ['win32'], { cwd: OUTPUT_DIR, stdio: 'inherit' });
28 - // Oclif builds a nodeless platform-agnostic bundle too (although in our case, nothing is
29 - // really platform agnostic). Not necessary, probably won't work - drop it.
30 - await fs.remove(path.join(
32 - 'dist',
33 - `v${pJson.version}`,
34 - `httptoolkit-server-v${pJson.version}.tar.gz`
35 - ));
36 + await spawn('npm', ['exec', '--', 'oclif-dev', 'pack', '--targets=linux-x64'], { cwd: OUTPUT_DIR, stdio: 'inherit' });
39 packageApp().catch(e => {