openvswitch: generalize builder
[NixPkgs.git] / maintainers / scripts /
1 from __future__ import annotations
2 from typing import Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Tuple
3 import argparse
4 import asyncio
5 import contextlib
6 import json
7 import os
8 import re
9 import subprocess
10 import sys
11 import tempfile
13 class CalledProcessError(Exception):
14 process: asyncio.subprocess.Process
16 class UpdateFailedException(Exception):
17 pass
19 def eprint(*args, **kwargs):
20 print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
22 async def check_subprocess(*args, **kwargs):
23 """
24 Emulate check argument of function.
25 """
26 process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, **kwargs)
27 returncode = await process.wait()
29 if returncode != 0:
30 error = CalledProcessError()
31 error.process = process
33 raise error
35 return process
37 async def run_update_script(nixpkgs_root: str, merge_lock: asyncio.Lock, temp_dir: Optional[Tuple[str, str]], package: Dict, keep_going: bool):
38 worktree: Optional[str] = None
40 update_script_command = package['updateScript']
42 if temp_dir is not None:
43 worktree, _branch = temp_dir
45 # Ensure the worktree is clean before update.
46 await check_subprocess('git', 'reset', '--hard', '--quiet', 'HEAD', cwd=worktree)
48 # Update scripts can use $(dirname $0) to get their location but we want to run
49 # their clones in the git worktree, not in the main nixpkgs repo.
50 update_script_command = map(lambda arg: re.sub(r'^{0}'.format(re.escape(nixpkgs_root)), worktree, arg), update_script_command)
52 eprint(f" - {package['name']}: UPDATING ...")
54 try:
55 update_process = await check_subprocess(
56 'env',
57 f"UPDATE_NIX_NAME={package['name']}",
58 f"UPDATE_NIX_PNAME={package['pname']}",
59 f"UPDATE_NIX_OLD_VERSION={package['oldVersion']}",
60 f"UPDATE_NIX_ATTR_PATH={package['attrPath']}",
61 *update_script_command,
62 stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
63 stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
64 cwd=worktree,
66 update_info = await
68 await merge_changes(merge_lock, package, update_info, temp_dir)
69 except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
70 eprint('Cancelling…')
71 raise asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError()
72 except CalledProcessError as e:
73 eprint(f" - {package['name']}: ERROR")
74 eprint()
75 eprint(f"--- SHOWING ERROR LOG FOR {package['name']} ----------------------")
76 eprint()
77 stderr = await
78 eprint(stderr.decode('utf-8'))
79 with open(f"{package['pname']}.log", 'wb') as logfile:
80 logfile.write(stderr)
81 eprint()
82 eprint(f"--- SHOWING ERROR LOG FOR {package['name']} ----------------------")
84 if not keep_going:
85 raise UpdateFailedException(f"The update script for {package['name']} failed with exit code {e.process.returncode}")
87 @contextlib.contextmanager
88 def make_worktree() -> Generator[Tuple[str, str], None, None]:
89 with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as wt:
90 branch_name = f'update-{os.path.basename(wt)}'
91 target_directory = f'{wt}/nixpkgs'
93['git', 'worktree', 'add', '-b', branch_name, target_directory])
94 yield (target_directory, branch_name)
95['git', 'worktree', 'remove', '--force', target_directory])
96['git', 'branch', '-D', branch_name])
98 async def commit_changes(name: str, merge_lock: asyncio.Lock, worktree: str, branch: str, changes: List[Dict]) -> None:
99 for change in changes:
100 # Git can only handle a single index operation at a time
101 async with merge_lock:
102 await check_subprocess('git', 'add', *change['files'], cwd=worktree)
103 commit_message = '{attrPath}: {oldVersion} {newVersion}'.format(**change)
104 if 'commitMessage' in change:
105 commit_message = change['commitMessage']
106 elif 'commitBody' in change:
107 commit_message = commit_message + '\n\n' + change['commitBody']
108 await check_subprocess('git', 'commit', '--quiet', '-m', commit_message, cwd=worktree)
109 await check_subprocess('git', 'cherry-pick', branch)
111 async def check_changes(package: Dict, worktree: str, update_info: str):
112 if 'commit' in package['supportedFeatures']:
113 changes = json.loads(update_info)
114 else:
115 changes = [{}]
117 # Try to fill in missing attributes when there is just a single change.
118 if len(changes) == 1:
119 # Dynamic data from updater take precedence over static data from passthru.updateScript.
120 if 'attrPath' not in changes[0]:
121 # update.nix is always passing attrPath
122 changes[0]['attrPath'] = package['attrPath']
124 if 'oldVersion' not in changes[0]:
125 # update.nix is always passing oldVersion
126 changes[0]['oldVersion'] = package['oldVersion']
128 if 'newVersion' not in changes[0]:
129 attr_path = changes[0]['attrPath']
130 obtain_new_version_process = await check_subprocess('nix-instantiate', '--expr', f'with import ./. {{}}; lib.getVersion {attr_path}', '--eval', '--strict', '--json', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, cwd=worktree)
131 changes[0]['newVersion'] = json.loads((await'utf-8'))
133 if 'files' not in changes[0]:
134 changed_files_process = await check_subprocess('git', 'diff', '--name-only', 'HEAD', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, cwd=worktree)
135 changed_files = (await
136 changes[0]['files'] = changed_files
138 if len(changed_files) == 0:
139 return []
141 return changes
143 async def merge_changes(merge_lock: asyncio.Lock, package: Dict, update_info: str, temp_dir: Optional[Tuple[str, str]]) -> None:
144 if temp_dir is not None:
145 worktree, branch = temp_dir
146 changes = await check_changes(package, worktree, update_info)
148 if len(changes) > 0:
149 await commit_changes(package['name'], merge_lock, worktree, branch, changes)
150 else:
151 eprint(f" - {package['name']}: DONE, no changes.")
152 else:
153 eprint(f" - {package['name']}: DONE.")
155 async def updater(nixpkgs_root: str, temp_dir: Optional[Tuple[str, str]], merge_lock: asyncio.Lock, packages_to_update: asyncio.Queue[Optional[Dict]], keep_going: bool, commit: bool):
156 while True:
157 package = await packages_to_update.get()
158 if package is None:
159 # A sentinel received, we are done.
160 return
162 if not ('commit' in package['supportedFeatures'] or 'attrPath' in package):
163 temp_dir = None
165 await run_update_script(nixpkgs_root, merge_lock, temp_dir, package, keep_going)
167 async def start_updates(max_workers: int, keep_going: bool, commit: bool, packages: List[Dict]):
168 merge_lock = asyncio.Lock()
169 packages_to_update: asyncio.Queue[Optional[Dict]] = asyncio.Queue()
171 with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
172 temp_dirs: List[Optional[Tuple[str, str]]] = []
174 # Do not create more workers than there are packages.
175 num_workers = min(max_workers, len(packages))
177 nixpkgs_root_process = await check_subprocess('git', 'rev-parse', '--show-toplevel', stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE)
178 nixpkgs_root = (await'utf-8').strip()
180 # Set up temporary directories when using auto-commit.
181 for i in range(num_workers):
182 temp_dir = stack.enter_context(make_worktree()) if commit else None
183 temp_dirs.append(temp_dir)
185 # Fill up an update queue,
186 for package in packages:
187 await packages_to_update.put(package)
189 # Add sentinels, one for each worker.
190 # A workers will terminate when it gets sentinel from the queue.
191 for i in range(num_workers):
192 await packages_to_update.put(None)
194 # Prepare updater workers for each temp_dir directory.
195 # At most `num_workers` instances of `run_update_script` will be running at one time.
196 updaters = asyncio.gather(*[updater(nixpkgs_root, temp_dir, merge_lock, packages_to_update, keep_going, commit) for temp_dir in temp_dirs])
198 try:
199 # Start updater workers.
200 await updaters
201 except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError:
202 # When one worker is cancelled, cancel the others too.
203 updaters.cancel()
204 except UpdateFailedException as e:
205 # When one worker fails, cancel the others, as this exception is only thrown when keep_going is false.
206 updaters.cancel()
207 eprint(e)
208 sys.exit(1)
210 def main(max_workers: int, keep_going: bool, commit: bool, packages_path: str) -> None:
211 with open(packages_path) as f:
212 packages = json.load(f)
214 eprint()
215 eprint('Going to be running update for following packages:')
216 for package in packages:
217 eprint(f" - {package['name']}")
218 eprint()
220 confirm = input('Press Enter key to continue...')
221 if confirm == '':
222 eprint()
223 eprint('Running update for:')
225, keep_going, commit, packages))
227 eprint()
228 eprint('Packages updated!')
229 sys.exit()
230 else:
231 eprint('Aborting!')
232 sys.exit(130)
234 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Update packages')
235 parser.add_argument('--max-workers', '-j', dest='max_workers', type=int, help='Number of updates to run concurrently', nargs='?', default=4)
236 parser.add_argument('--keep-going', '-k', dest='keep_going', action='store_true', help='Do not stop after first failure')
237 parser.add_argument('--commit', '-c', dest='commit', action='store_true', help='Commit the changes')
238 parser.add_argument('packages', help='JSON file containing the list of package names and their update scripts')
240 if __name__ == '__main__':
241 args = parser.parse_args()
243 try:
244 main(args.max_workers, args.keep_going, args.commit, args.packages)
245 except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
246 # Let’s cancel outside of the main loop too.
247 sys.exit(130)