2 # reason for failure: tests try to open display
3 "test_background_color"
4 "test_scene_add_remove"
7 "test_basic_scene_with_default_values"
8 "test_dry_run_with_png_format"
9 "test_dry_run_with_png_format_skipped_animations"
10 "test_FixedMobjects3D"
11 "test_basic_scene_l_flag"
13 "test_s_flag_opengl_renderer"
14 "test_s_flag_no_animations"
15 "test_image_output_for_static_scene"
16 "test_no_image_output_with_interactive_embed"
17 "test_no_default_image_output_with_non_static_scene"
18 "test_image_output_for_static_scene_with_write_to_movie"
22 "test_write_to_movie_disables_window"
24 "test_pixel_coords_to_space_coords"
30 "test_dash_as_filename"
31 "test_images_are_created_when_png_format_set_for_opengl"
32 "test_t_values_with_skip_animations"
33 "test_static_wait_detection"
34 "test_non_static_wait_detection"
36 "test_gif_format_output"
37 "test_animate_with_changed_custom_attribute"
38 "test_images_are_zero_padded_when_zero_pad_set_for_opengl"
39 "test_mp4_format_output"
40 "test_videos_not_created_when_png_format_set"
41 "test_images_are_created_when_png_format_set"
42 "test_images_are_zero_padded_when_zero_pad_set"
43 "test_webm_format_output"
44 "test_default_format_output_for_transparent_flag"
45 "test_mov_can_be_set_as_output_format"
46 "test_force_window_opengl_render_with_format"
47 "test_get_frame_with_preview_disabled"
48 "test_get_frame_with_preview_enabled"
50 # reason for failure: tests try to reach network
51 "test_logging_to_file"
52 "test_plugin_function_like"
54 "test_plugin_with_all"
58 # E Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=1.01
59 # E Frame no -1. You can use --show_diff to visually show the difference.
60 # E Mismatched elements: 18525 / 1639680 (1.13%)
61 # E Max absolute difference: 255
62 # E Max relative difference: 255.
67 # test_ImplicitFunction[/test_implicit_graph] failing with:
69 # E Not equal to tolerance rtol=1e-07, atol=1.01
70 # E Frame no -1. You can use --show_diff to visually show the difference.
71 # E Mismatched elements: 1185[/633] / 1639680[/1639680] (0.0723[/0.0386]%)
72 # E Max absolute difference: 125[/121]
73 # E Max relative difference: 6.5[/1]
75 # These started failing after relaxing the “watchdog” and “isosurfaces” dependencies,
76 # likely due to a tolerance difference. They should, however, start working again when [1] is
77 # included in a Manim release.
78 # [1]: https://github.com/ManimCommunity/manim/pull/3376
79 "test_ImplicitFunction"
83 # TypeError: __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'msg' - maybe you meant pytest.mark.skipif?
84 "test_force_window_opengl_render_with_movies"
86 # mismatching expecation on the new commandline
87 "test_manim_new_command"
89 # This tests checks if the manim executable is a python script. In our case it is not.
90 # It is a wrapper shell script instead.
91 "test_manim_checkhealth_subcommand"