evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / beam-modules / mix-configure-hook.sh
1 # shellcheck shell=bash
2 # this hook will symlink all dependencies found in ERL_LIBS
3 # since Elixir 1.12.2 elixir does not look into ERL_LIBS for
4 # elixir depencencies anymore, so those have to be symlinked to the _build directory
5 mkdir -p _build/"$MIX_ENV"/lib
6 while read -r -d ':' lib; do
7 for dir in "$lib"/*; do
8 # Strip version number for directory name if it exists, so naming of
9 # all libs matches what mix's expectation.
10 dest=$(basename "$dir" | cut -d '-' -f1)
11 build_dir="_build/$MIX_ENV/lib/$dest"
12 ((MIX_DEBUG == 1)) && echo "Linking $dir to $build_dir"
13 # Symlink libs to _build so that mix can find them when compiling.
14 # This is what allows mix to compile the package without searching
15 # for dependencies over the network.
16 ln -s "$dir" "$build_dir"
17 done
18 done <<< "$ERL_LIBS:"