13 buildPythonPackage rec {
15 format = "setuptools";
18 disabled = pythonAtLeast "3.11";
20 src = fetchFromGitHub {
24 sha256 = "19igd6ibf9araqhq9bxmzbzdz05vp089zxvddkiik3b5gb7l17nh";
28 # Fix numpy compatibility
29 # https://github.com/libdynd/dynd-python/issues/746
31 url = "https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/plain/numpy-compatibility.patch?h=python-dynd&id=e626acabd041069861311f314ac3dbe9e6fd24b7";
32 sha256 = "sha256-oA/3G8CGeDhiYXbNX+G6o3QSb7rkKItuCDCbnK3Rt10=";
33 name = "numpy-compatibility.patch";
37 # setup.py invokes git on build but we're fetching a tarball, so
38 # can't retrieve git version. We hardcode:
40 substituteInPlace setup.py --replace "ver = check_output(['git', 'describe', '--dirty'," "ver = '${version}'"
41 substituteInPlace setup.py --replace "'--always', '--match', 'v*']).decode('ascii').strip('\n')" ""
44 dontUseCmakeConfigure = true;
46 nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
53 propagatedBuildInputs = [
58 # ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'dynd.config'
61 pythonImportsCheck = [ "dynd" ];
64 homepage = "http://libdynd.org";
65 license = licenses.bsd2;
66 description = "Python exposure of dynd";
67 maintainers = with maintainers; [ teh ];