17 buildPythonPackage rec {
18 pname = "pygitguardian";
22 disabled = pythonOlder "3.8";
24 src = fetchFromGitHub {
25 owner = "GitGuardian";
26 repo = "py-gitguardian";
27 rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
28 hash = "sha256-+L0rF5wy4iL/6nPdLSXwYazxsobH2G3pCATrqYe9B6U=";
32 "marshmallow-dataclass"
54 pythonImportsCheck = [ "pygitguardian" ];
57 # Tests require an API key
58 "test_bogus_rate_limit"
59 "test_compute_sca_files"
60 "test_content_scan_exceptions"
62 "test_create_honeytoken"
66 "test_multi_content_exceptions"
67 "test_multi_content_scan"
68 "test_multiscan_parameters"
71 "test_read_metadata_bad_response"
72 "test_read_metadata_no_remediation_message"
73 "test_read_metadata_remediation_message"
74 "test_retrieve_secret_incident"
75 "test_sca_client_scan_diff"
76 "test_sca_scan_all_with_params"
77 "test_sca_scan_directory_invalid_tar"
78 "test_sca_scan_directory"
79 "test_versions_from_headers"
83 description = "Library to access the GitGuardian API";
84 homepage = "https://github.com/GitGuardian/py-gitguardian";
85 changelog = "https://github.com/GitGuardian/py-gitguardian/blob/v${version}/CHANGELOG.md";
86 license = licenses.mit;
87 maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ];