evcc: 0.131.4 -> 0.131.5
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / python-modules / pygitguardian / default.nix
2   lib,
3   buildPythonPackage,
4   fetchFromGitHub,
5   marshmallow-dataclass,
6   marshmallow,
7   pdm-backend,
8   pytestCheckHook,
9   pythonOlder,
10   requests,
11   responses,
12   setuptools,
13   typing-extensions,
14   vcrpy,
17 buildPythonPackage rec {
18   pname = "pygitguardian";
19   version = "1.17.0";
20   pyproject = true;
22   disabled = pythonOlder "3.8";
24   src = fetchFromGitHub {
25     owner = "GitGuardian";
26     repo = "py-gitguardian";
27     rev = "refs/tags/v${version}";
28     hash = "sha256-+L0rF5wy4iL/6nPdLSXwYazxsobH2G3pCATrqYe9B6U=";
29   };
31   pythonRelaxDeps = [
32     "marshmallow-dataclass"
33     "setuptools"
34   ];
36   build-system = [
37     pdm-backend
38   ];
40   dependencies = [
41     marshmallow
42     marshmallow-dataclass
43     requests
44     setuptools
45     typing-extensions
46   ];
48   nativeCheckInputs = [
49     pytestCheckHook
50     vcrpy
51     responses
52   ];
54   pythonImportsCheck = [ "pygitguardian" ];
56   disabledTests = [
57     # Tests require an API key
58     "test_bogus_rate_limit"
59     "test_compute_sca_files"
60     "test_content_scan_exceptions"
61     "test_content_scan"
62     "test_create_honeytoken"
63     "test_create_jwt"
64     "test_extra_headers"
65     "test_health_check"
66     "test_multi_content_exceptions"
67     "test_multi_content_scan"
68     "test_multiscan_parameters"
69     "test_quota_overview"
70     "test_rate_limit"
71     "test_read_metadata_bad_response"
72     "test_read_metadata_no_remediation_message"
73     "test_read_metadata_remediation_message"
74     "test_retrieve_secret_incident"
75     "test_sca_client_scan_diff"
76     "test_sca_scan_all_with_params"
77     "test_sca_scan_directory_invalid_tar"
78     "test_sca_scan_directory"
79     "test_versions_from_headers"
80   ];
82   meta = with lib; {
83     description = "Library to access the GitGuardian API";
84     homepage = "https://github.com/GitGuardian/py-gitguardian";
85     changelog = "https://github.com/GitGuardian/py-gitguardian/blob/v${version}/CHANGELOG.md";
86     license = licenses.mit;
87     maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ];
88   };