8 stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
10 version = "0-unstable-2024-10-01";
12 # This package uses a mirror as the source because the
13 # original provider uses the same URL for updated content.
14 src = fetchFromGitHub {
16 repo = "jp-zip-codes";
17 rev = "94ddc993224a6e2c65480f9109564f7f68125665";
18 hash = "sha256-/2f/HXxrxKc6dv5E67S59xIpdJUkh0fX0lyTuo2y1N4=";
23 install -Dt $out ken_all.zip
24 install -Dt $out jigyosyo.zip
28 passthru.updateScript = nix-update-script {
36 description = "Zip files containing japanese zip codes";
37 longDescription = "Zip files with japanese zip codes for japanese IME dictionaries";
38 homepage = "https://github.com/musjj/jp-zip-codes";
39 license = lib.licenses.publicDomain;
40 maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ pineapplehunter ];
41 platforms = lib.platforms.all;
42 # this does not need to be separately built
43 # it only provides some zip files