Merge pull request #308829 from r-ryantm/auto-update/qlog
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / invidious.nix
1 import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }: {
2   name = "invidious";
4   meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
5     maintainers = [ sbruder ];
6   };
8   nodes = {
9     postgres-tcp = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
10       services.postgresql = {
11         enable = true;
12         initialScript = pkgs.writeText "init-postgres-with-password" ''
13           CREATE USER invidious WITH PASSWORD 'correct horse battery staple';
14           CREATE DATABASE invidious WITH OWNER invidious;
15         '';
16         enableTCPIP = true;
17         authentication = ''
18           host invidious invidious samenet scram-sha-256
19         '';
20       };
21       networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ ];
22     };
23     machine = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: {
24       services.invidious = {
25         enable = true;
26       };
28       specialisation = {
29         nginx.configuration = {
30           services.invidious = {
31             nginx.enable = true;
32             domain = "";
33           };
34           services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
35             forceSSL = false;
36             enableACME = false;
37           };
38           networking.hosts."" = [ "" ];
39         };
40         nginx-scale.configuration = {
41           services.invidious = {
42             nginx.enable = true;
43             domain = "";
44             serviceScale = 3;
45           };
46           services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
47             forceSSL = false;
48             enableACME = false;
49           };
50           networking.hosts."" = [ "" ];
51         };
52         nginx-scale-ytproxy.configuration = {
53           services.invidious = {
54             nginx.enable = true;
55             http3-ytproxy.enable = true;
56             domain = "";
57             serviceScale = 3;
58           };
59           services.nginx.virtualHosts."" = {
60             forceSSL = false;
61             enableACME = false;
62           };
63           networking.hosts."" = [ "" ];
64         };
65         postgres-tcp.configuration = {
66           services.invidious = {
67             database = {
68               createLocally = false;
69               host = "postgres-tcp";
70               passwordFile = toString (pkgs.writeText "database-password" "correct horse battery staple");
71             };
72           };
73         };
74       };
75     };
76   };
78   testScript = { nodes, ... }: ''
79     def curl_assert_status_code(url, code, form=None):
80         assert int(machine.succeed(f"curl -s -o /dev/null -w %{{http_code}} {'-F ' + form + ' ' if form else '''}{url}")) == code
83     def activate_specialisation(name: str):
84         machine.succeed(f"${}/specialisation/{name}/bin/switch-to-configuration test >&2")
87     url = "http://localhost:${toString}"
88     port = ${toString}
90     # start postgres vm now
91     postgres_tcp.start()
93     machine.wait_for_open_port(port)
94     curl_assert_status_code(f"{url}/search", 200)
96     activate_specialisation("nginx")
97     machine.wait_for_open_port(80)
98     curl_assert_status_code("", 200)
100     activate_specialisation("nginx-scale")
101     machine.wait_for_open_port(80)
102     # this depends on nginx round-robin behaviour for the upstream servers
103     curl_assert_status_code("", 200)
104     curl_assert_status_code("", 200)
105     curl_assert_status_code("", 200)
106     machine.succeed("journalctl -eu invidious.service | grep -o '200 GET /search'")
107     machine.succeed("journalctl -eu invidious-1.service | grep -o '200 GET /search'")
108     machine.succeed("journalctl -eu invidious-2.service | grep -o '200 GET /search'")
110     activate_specialisation("nginx-scale-ytproxy")
111     machine.wait_for_unit("http3-ytproxy.service")
112     machine.wait_for_open_port(80)
113     machine.wait_until_succeeds("ls /run/http3-ytproxy/socket/http-proxy.sock")
114     curl_assert_status_code("", 200)
115     # this should error out as no internet connectivity is available in the test
116     curl_assert_status_code("", 502)
117     machine.succeed("journalctl -eu http3-ytproxy.service | grep -o 'dQw4w9WgXcQ'")
119     postgres_tcp.wait_for_unit("postgresql.service")
120     activate_specialisation("postgres-tcp")
121     machine.wait_for_open_port(port)
122     curl_assert_status_code(f"{url}/search", 200)
123   '';