19 buildPythonPackage rec {
20 pname = "flask-restplus";
24 inherit pname version;
25 sha256 = "0p4zz8b5bwbw7w0vhbyihl99d2gw13cb81rxzj4z626a1cnl8vm6";
28 checkInputs = [ nose blinker tzlocal mock rednose ];
29 propagatedBuildInputs = [ flask six jsonschema pytz aniso8601 flask-restful ]
30 ++ lib.optional isPy27 enum34;
32 # RuntimeError: Working outside of application context.
40 homepage = "https://github.com/noirbizarre/flask-restplus";
41 description = "Fast, easy and documented API development with Flask";
42 license = lib.licenses.mit;