base16-schemes: unstable-2024-06-21 -> unstable-2024-11-12
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / gitlab.nix
1 # This test runs gitlab and performs the following tests:
2 # - Creating users
3 # - Pushing commits
4 #   - over the API
5 #   - over SSH
6 # - Creating Merge Requests and merging them
7 # - Opening and closing issues.
8 # - Downloading repository archives as tar.gz and tar.bz2
9 # Run with
10 # [nixpkgs]$ nix-build -A nixosTests.gitlab
12 { pkgs, lib, ... }:
14 let
15   inherit (import ./ssh-keys.nix pkgs) snakeOilPrivateKey snakeOilPublicKey;
16   initialRootPassword = "notproduction";
17   rootProjectId = "2";
19   aliceUsername = "alice";
20   aliceUserId = "2";
21   alicePassword = "R5twyCgU0uXC71wT9BBTCqLs6HFZ7h3L";
22   aliceProjectId = "1";
23   aliceProjectName = "test-alice";
25   bobUsername = "bob";
26   bobUserId = "3";
27   bobPassword = "XwkkBbl2SiIwabQzgcoaTbhsotijEEtF";
28   bobProjectId = "2";
29 in {
30   name = "gitlab";
31   meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ globin yayayayaka ];
33   nodes = {
34     gitlab = { ... }: {
35       imports = [ common/user-account.nix ];
37       environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ git ];
39       virtualisation.memorySize = 6144;
40       virtualisation.cores = 4;
41       virtualisation.useNixStoreImage = true;
42       virtualisation.writableStore = false;
44 = lib.mkForce "no";
45 = lib.mkForce "no";
46 = lib.mkForce "no";
47 = lib.mkForce "no";
49       services.nginx = {
50         enable = true;
51         recommendedProxySettings = true;
52         virtualHosts = {
53           localhost = {
54             locations."/".proxyPass = "http://unix:/run/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse.socket";
55           };
56         };
57       };
59       services.openssh.enable = true;
61       services.dovecot2 = {
62         enable = true;
63         enableImap = true;
64       };
66 = "dump";
68       services.gitlab = {
69         enable = true;
70         databasePasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "dbPassword" "xo0daiF4";
71         initialRootPasswordFile = pkgs.writeText "rootPassword" initialRootPassword;
72         smtp.enable = true;
73         pages = {
74           enable = true;
75           settings.pages-domain = "localhost";
76         };
77         extraConfig = {
78           incoming_email = {
79             enabled = true;
80             mailbox = "inbox";
81             address = "alice@localhost";
82             user = "alice";
83             password = "foobar";
84             host = "localhost";
85             port = 143;
86           };
87         };
88         secrets = {
89           secretFile = pkgs.writeText "secret" "Aig5zaic";
90           otpFile = pkgs.writeText "otpsecret" "Riew9mue";
91           dbFile = pkgs.writeText "dbsecret" "we2quaeZ";
92           jwsFile = pkgs.runCommand "oidcKeyBase" {} "${pkgs.openssl}/bin/openssl genrsa 2048 > $out";
93         };
95         # reduce memory usage
96         sidekiq.concurrency = 1;
97         puma.workers = 2;
98       };
99     };
100   };
102   testScript = { nodes, ... }:
103     let
104       auth = pkgs.writeText "auth.json" (builtins.toJSON {
105         grant_type = "password";
106         username = "root";
107         password = initialRootPassword;
108       });
110       createUserAlice = pkgs.writeText "create-user-alice.json" (builtins.toJSON rec {
111         username = aliceUsername;
112         name = username;
113         email = "alice@localhost";
114         password = alicePassword;
115         skip_confirmation = true;
116       });
118       createUserBob = pkgs.writeText "create-user-bob.json" (builtins.toJSON rec {
119         username = bobUsername;
120         name = username;
121         email = "bob@localhost";
122         password = bobPassword;
123         skip_confirmation = true;
124       });
126       aliceAuth = pkgs.writeText "alice-auth.json" (builtins.toJSON {
127         grant_type = "password";
128         username = aliceUsername;
129         password = alicePassword;
130       });
132       bobAuth = pkgs.writeText "bob-auth.json" (builtins.toJSON {
133         grant_type = "password";
134         username = bobUsername;
135         password = bobPassword;
136       });
138       aliceAddSSHKey = pkgs.writeText "alice-add-ssh-key.json" (builtins.toJSON {
139         id = aliceUserId;
140         title = "snakeoil@nixos";
141         key = snakeOilPublicKey;
142       });
144       createProjectAlice = pkgs.writeText "create-project-alice.json" (builtins.toJSON {
145         name = aliceProjectName;
146         visibility = "public";
147       });
149       putFile = pkgs.writeText "put-file.json" (builtins.toJSON {
150         branch = "master";
151         author_email = "";
152         author_name = "Firstname Lastname";
153         content = "some content";
154         commit_message = "create a new file";
155       });
157       mergeRequest = pkgs.writeText "merge-request.json" (builtins.toJSON {
158         id = bobProjectId;
159         target_project_id = aliceProjectId;
160         source_branch = "master";
161         target_branch = "master";
162         title = "Add some other file";
163       });
165       newIssue = pkgs.writeText "new-issue.json" (builtins.toJSON {
166         title = "useful issue title";
167       });
169       closeIssue = pkgs.writeText "close-issue.json" (builtins.toJSON {
170         issue_iid = 1;
171         state_event = "close";
172       });
174       # Wait for all GitLab services to be fully started.
175       waitForServices = ''
176         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitaly.service")
177         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab-workhorse.service")
178         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab-mailroom.service")
179         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab.service")
180         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab-pages.service")
181         gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab-sidekiq.service")
182         gitlab.wait_for_file("${}/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket")
183         gitlab.wait_until_succeeds("curl -sSf http://gitlab/users/sign_in")
184       '';
186       # The actual test of GitLab. Only push data to GitLab if
187       # `doSetup` is is true.
188       test = doSetup: ''
189         GIT_SSH_COMMAND = "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
191         gitlab.succeed(
192             "curl -isSf http://gitlab | grep -i location | grep http://gitlab/users/sign_in"
193         )
194         gitlab.succeed(
195             "${pkgs.sudo}/bin/sudo -u gitlab -H gitlab-rake gitlab:check 1>&2"
196         )
197         gitlab.succeed(
198             "echo \"Authorization: Bearer $(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @${auth} http://gitlab/oauth/token | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.access_token')\" >/tmp/headers"
199         )
200       '' + lib.optionalString doSetup ''
201         with subtest("Create user Alice"):
202             gitlab.succeed(
203                 """[ "$(curl -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H @/tmp/headers -d @${createUserAlice} http://gitlab/api/v4/users)" = "201" ]"""
204             )
205             gitlab.succeed(
206                 "echo \"Authorization: Bearer $(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @${aliceAuth} http://gitlab/oauth/token | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.access_token')\" >/tmp/headers-alice"
207             )
209         with subtest("Create user Bob"):
210             gitlab.succeed(
211                 """ [ "$(curl -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}' -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H @/tmp/headers -d @${createUserBob} http://gitlab/api/v4/users)" = "201" ]"""
212             )
213             gitlab.succeed(
214                 "echo \"Authorization: Bearer $(curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @${bobAuth} http://gitlab/oauth/token | ${pkgs.jq}/bin/jq -r '.access_token')\" >/tmp/headers-bob"
215             )
217         with subtest("Setup Git and SSH for Alice"):
218             gitlab.succeed("git config --global Alice")
219             gitlab.succeed("git config --global alice@nixos.invalid")
220             gitlab.succeed("mkdir -m 700 /root/.ssh")
221             gitlab.succeed("cat ${snakeOilPrivateKey} > /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa")
222             gitlab.succeed("chmod 600 /root/.ssh/id_ecdsa")
223             gitlab.succeed(
224                 """
225                 [ "$(curl \
226                     -o /dev/null \
227                     -w '%{http_code}' \
228                     -X POST \
229                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
230                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice -d @${aliceAddSSHKey} \
231                     http://gitlab/api/v4/user/keys)" = "201" ]
232                 """
233             )
235         with subtest("Create a new repository"):
236             # Alice creates a new repository
237             gitlab.succeed(
238                 """
239                 [ "$(curl \
240                     -o /dev/null \
241                     -w '%{http_code}' \
242                     -X POST \
243                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
244                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
245                     -d @${createProjectAlice} \
246                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects)" = "201" ]
247                 """
248             )
250             # Alice commits an initial commit
251             gitlab.succeed(
252                 """
253                 [ "$(curl \
254                     -o /dev/null \
255                     -w '%{http_code}' \
256                     -X POST \
257                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
258                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
259                     -d @${putFile} \
260                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/repository/files/some-file.txt)" = "201" ]"""
261             )
263         with subtest("git clone over HTTP"):
264             gitlab.succeed(
265                 """git clone http://gitlab/alice/${aliceProjectName}.git clone-via-http""",
266                 timeout=15
267             )
269         with subtest("Push a commit via SSH"):
270             gitlab.succeed(
271                 f"""GIT_SSH_COMMAND="{GIT_SSH_COMMAND}" git clone gitlab@gitlab:alice/${aliceProjectName}.git""",
272                 timeout=15
273             )
274             gitlab.succeed(
275                 """echo "a commit sent over ssh" > ${aliceProjectName}/ssh.txt"""
276             )
277             gitlab.succeed(
278                 """
279                 cd ${aliceProjectName} || exit 1
280                 git add .
281                 """
282             )
283             gitlab.succeed(
284                 """
285                 cd ${aliceProjectName} || exit 1
286                 git commit -m "Add a commit to be sent over ssh"
287                 """
288             )
289             gitlab.succeed(
290                 f"""
291                 cd ${aliceProjectName} || exit 1
292                 GIT_SSH_COMMAND="{GIT_SSH_COMMAND}" git push --set-upstream origin master
293                 """,
294                 timeout=15
295             )
297         with subtest("Fork a project"):
298             # Bob forks Alice's project
299             gitlab.succeed(
300                 """
301                 [ "$(curl \
302                     -o /dev/null \
303                     -w '%{http_code}' \
304                     -X POST \
305                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
306                     -H @/tmp/headers-bob \
307                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/fork)" = "201" ]
308                 """
309             )
311             # Bob creates a commit
312             gitlab.wait_until_succeeds(
313                 """
314                 [ "$(curl \
315                     -o /dev/null \
316                     -w '%{http_code}' \
317                     -X POST \
318                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
319                     -H @/tmp/headers-bob \
320                     -d @${putFile} \
321                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${bobProjectId}/repository/files/some-other-file.txt)" = "201" ]
322                 """
323             )
325         with subtest("Create a Merge Request"):
326             # Bob opens a merge request against Alice's repository
327             gitlab.wait_until_succeeds(
328                 """
329                 [ "$(curl \
330                     -o /dev/null \
331                     -w '%{http_code}' \
332                     -X POST \
333                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
334                     -H @/tmp/headers-bob \
335                     -d @${mergeRequest} \
336                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${bobProjectId}/merge_requests)" = "201" ]
337                 """
338             )
340             # Alice merges the MR
341             gitlab.wait_until_succeeds(
342                 """
343                 [ "$(curl \
344                     -o /dev/null \
345                     -w '%{http_code}' \
346                     -X PUT \
347                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
348                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
349                     -d @${mergeRequest} \
350                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/merge_requests/1/merge)" = "200" ]
351                 """
352             )
354         with subtest("Create an Issue"):
355             # Bob opens an issue on Alice's repository
356             gitlab.succeed(
357                 """[ "$(curl \
358                     -o /dev/null \
359                     -w '%{http_code}' \
360                     -X POST \
361                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
362                     -H @/tmp/headers-bob \
363                     -d @${newIssue} \
364                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/issues)" = "201" ]
365                 """
366             )
368             # Alice closes the issue
369             gitlab.wait_until_succeeds(
370                 """
371                 [ "$(curl \
372                     -o /dev/null \
373                     -w '%{http_code}' \
374                     -X PUT \
375                     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
376                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice -d @${closeIssue} http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/issues/1)" = "200" ]
377                 """
378             )
379       '' + ''
380         with subtest("Download archive.tar.gz"):
381             gitlab.succeed(
382                 """
383                 [ "$(curl \
384                     -o /dev/null \
385                     -w '%{http_code}' \
386                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
387                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/repository/archive.tar.gz)" = "200" ]
388                 """
389             )
390             gitlab.succeed(
391                 """
392                 curl \
393                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
394                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/repository/archive.tar.gz > /tmp/archive.tar.gz
395                 """
396             )
397             gitlab.succeed("test -s /tmp/archive.tar.gz")
399         with subtest("Download archive.tar.bz2"):
400             gitlab.succeed(
401                 """
402                 [ "$(curl \
403                     -o /dev/null \
404                     -w '%{http_code}' \
405                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
406                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/repository/archive.tar.bz2)" = "200" ]
407                 """
408             )
409             gitlab.succeed(
410                 """
411                 curl \
412                     -H @/tmp/headers-alice \
413                     http://gitlab/api/v4/projects/${aliceProjectId}/repository/archive.tar.bz2 > /tmp/archive.tar.bz2
414                 """
415             )
416             gitlab.succeed("test -s /tmp/archive.tar.bz2")
417       '';
419   in ''
420       gitlab.start()
421     ''
422     + waitForServices
423     + test true
424     + ''
425       gitlab.systemctl("start gitlab-backup.service")
426       gitlab.wait_for_unit("gitlab-backup.service")
427       gitlab.wait_for_file("${}/backup/dump_gitlab_backup.tar")
428       gitlab.systemctl("stop postgresql.service gitlab-config.service")
429       gitlab.succeed(
430           "find ${} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -not -name backup -execdir rm -r {} +"
431       )
432       gitlab.succeed("systemd-tmpfiles --create")
433       gitlab.succeed("rm -rf ${}")
434       gitlab.systemctl("start gitlab-config.service gitaly.service gitlab-postgresql.service")
435       gitlab.wait_for_file("${}/tmp/sockets/gitaly.socket")
436       gitlab.succeed(
437           "sudo -u gitlab -H gitlab-rake gitlab:backup:restore RAILS_ENV=production BACKUP=dump force=yes"
438       )
439       gitlab.systemctl("start")
440     ''
441     + waitForServices
442     + test false;