39 rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
41 version = "6.0"; # keep in sync with lianad
43 src = fetchFromGitHub {
44 owner = "wizardsardine";
47 hash = "sha256-LLDgo4GoRTVYt72IT0II7O5wiMDrvJhe0f2yjzxQgsE=";
51 lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
53 "liana-6.0.0" = "sha256-04jER209Q9xj9HJ6cLXuK3a2b6fIjAYI+X0+J8noP6A=";
54 "iced_futures-0.12.3" = "sha256-ztWEde3bJpT8lmk+pNhj/v2cpw/z3TNvzCSvEXwinKQ=";
70 sourceRoot = "${src.name}/gui";
73 install -Dm0644 ./ui/static/logos/liana-app-icon.svg $out/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/liana.svg
74 wrapProgram $out/bin/liana-gui --prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH : "${lib.makeLibraryPath runtimeLibs}"
82 desktopName = "Liana";
83 comment = meta.description;
90 mainProgram = "liana-gui";
91 description = "A Bitcoin wallet leveraging on-chain timelocks for safety and recovery";
92 homepage = "https://wizardsardine.com/liana";
93 changelog = "https://github.com/wizardsardine/liana/releases/tag/${src.rev}";
94 license = licenses.bsd3;
95 maintainers = with maintainers; [ dunxen ];
96 platforms = platforms.linux;
97 broken = stdenv.hostPlatform.isAarch64;