4 This release file is currently not tested on hydra.nixos.org
5 because it requires unfree software, but it is tested by
6 https://hydra.nix-community.org/jobset/nixpkgs/cuda-nixos-unstable.
8 Cf. https://github.com/nix-community/infra/pull/1335
10 Test for example like this:
12 $ hydra-eval-jobs pkgs/top-level/release-cuda.nix -I .
16 lib = import ../../lib;
17 ensureList = x: if builtins.isList x then x else [ x ];
18 allowUnfreePredicate =
23 || builtins.elem license.shortName [
29 ) (ensureList p.meta.license);
33 # The platforms for which we build Nixpkgs.
39 # Attributes passed to nixpkgs.
42 inherit allowUnfreePredicate;
43 "${variant}Support" = true;
50 assert builtins.elem variant [
57 mkReleaseLib = import ./release-lib.nix;
58 release-lib = mkReleaseLib (
59 { inherit supportedSystems nixpkgsArgs; } // lib.intersectAttrs (lib.functionArgs mkReleaseLib) args
69 # Package sets to evaluate whole
70 packageSets = builtins.filter (lib.strings.hasPrefix "cudaPackages") (builtins.attrNames pkgs);
71 evalPackageSet = pset: mapTestOn { ${pset} = packagePlatforms pkgs.${pset}; };
85 cctag = linux; # Failed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/233581
87 cholmod-extra = linux;
90 deepin.image-editor = linux;
93 gpu-screen-recorder = linux;
94 gst_all_1.gst-plugins-bad = linux;
98 monado = linux; # Failed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/233581
100 obs-studio-plugins.obs-backgroundremoval = linux;
107 pixinsight = linux; # Failed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/233581
112 truecrack-cuda = linux;
114 ueberzugpp = linux; # Failed in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/233581
115 wyoming-faster-whisper = linux;
126 faster-whisper = linux;
128 gpt-2-simple = linux;
136 numpy = linux; # Only affected by MKL?
139 openai-whisper = linux;
144 pyrealsense2WithCuda = linux;
145 pytorch-lightning = linux;
148 scikit-learn = linux; # Only affected by MKL?
149 scipy = linux; # Only affected by MKL?
150 spacy-transformers = linux;
152 tensorflow-probability = linux;
155 tiny-cuda-nn = linux;
159 transformers = linux;
160 ttstokenizer = linux;
164 // (lib.genAttrs packageSets evalPackageSet);