envision-unwrapped: 0-unstable-2024-10-20 -> 1.1.1 (#360652)
[NixPkgs.git] / maintainers / scripts / bootstrap-files / refresh-tarballs.bash
1 #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
2 #! nix-shell --pure
3 #! nix-shell -i bash
4 #! nix-shell -p curl cacert
5 #! nix-shell -p git
6 #! nix-shell -p nix
7 #! nix-shell -p jq
9 set -o pipefail
11 # How the refresher works:
13 # For a given list of <targets>:
14 # 1. fetch latest successful '.build` job
15 # 2. fetch oldest evaluation that contained that '.build', extract nixpkgs commit
16 # 3. fetch all the `.build` artifacts from '$out/on-server/' directory
17 # 4. calculate hashes and craft the commit message with the details on
18 # how to upload the result to 'tarballs.nixos.org'
20 scratch_dir=$(mktemp -d)
21 trap 'rm -rf -- "${scratch_dir}"' EXIT
23 usage() {
24 cat >&2 <<EOF
25 Usage:
26 $0 [ --commit ] --targets=<target>[,<target>,...]
28 The tool must be ran from the root directory of 'nixpkgs' repository.
30 Synopsis:
31 'refresh-tarballs.bash' script fetches latest bootstrapFiles built
32 by hydra, registers them in 'nixpkgs' and provides commands to
33 upload seed files to 'tarballs.nixos.org'.
35 This is usually done in the following cases:
37 1. Single target fix: current bootstrap files for a single target
38 are problematic for some reason (target-specific bug). In this
39 case we can refresh just that target as:
41 \$ $0 --commit --targets=i686-unknown-linux-gnu
43 2. Routine refresh: all bootstrap files should be refreshed to avoid
44 debugging problems that only occur on very old binaries.
46 \$ $0 --commit --all-targets
48 To get help on uploading refreshed binaries to 'tarballs.nixos.org'
49 please have a look at <maintainers/scripts/bootstrap-files/README.md>.
50 EOF
51 exit 1
54 # log helpers
56 die() {
57 echo "ERROR: $*" >&2
58 exit 1
61 info() {
62 echo "INFO: $*" >&2
65 [[ ${#@} -eq 0 ]] && usage
67 # known targets
70 aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
71 aarch64-unknown-linux-musl
72 i686-unknown-linux-gnu
73 x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
74 x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
75 aarch64-apple-darwin
76 x86_64-apple-darwin
79 is_native() {
80 local t target=$1
81 for t in "${NATIVE_TARGETS[@]}"; do
82 [[ $t == $target ]] && return 0
83 done
84 return 1
88 armv5tel-unknown-linux-gnueabi
89 armv6l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
90 armv6l-unknown-linux-musleabihf
91 armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf
92 mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabi64
93 mips64el-unknown-linux-gnuabin32
94 mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu
95 powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnuabielfv2
96 powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
97 riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu
98 s390x-unknown-linux-gnu
99 x86_64-unknown-freebsd
102 is_cross() {
103 local t target=$1
104 for t in "${CROSS_TARGETS[@]}"; do
105 [[ $t == $target ]] && return 0
106 done
107 return 1
110 nar_sri_get() {
111 local restore_path store_path
112 ((${#@} != 2)) && die "nar_sri_get /path/to/name.nar.xz name"
113 restore_path="${scratch_dir}/$2"
114 xz -d < "$1" | nix-store --restore "${restore_path}"
115 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to unpack '$1'"
117 store_path=$(nix-store --add "${restore_path}")
118 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to add '$restore_path' to store"
119 rm -rf -- "${restore_path}"
121 nix-hash --to-sri "$(nix-store --query --hash "${store_path}")"
124 # collect passed options
126 targets=()
127 commit=no
129 for arg in "$@"; do
130 case "$arg" in
131 --all-targets)
132 targets+=(
137 --targets=*)
138 # Convert "--targets=a,b,c" to targets=(a b c) bash array.
139 comma_targets=${arg#--targets=}
140 targets+=(${comma_targets//,/ })
142 --commit)
143 commit=yes
146 usage
148 esac
149 done
151 for target in "${targets[@]}"; do
152 # Native and cross jobsets differ a bit. We'll have to pick the
153 # one based on target name:
154 if is_native $target; then
155 jobset=nixpkgs/trunk
156 job="stdenvBootstrapTools.${target}.build"
157 elif is_cross $target; then
158 jobset=nixpkgs/cross-trunk
159 job="bootstrapTools.${target}.build"
160 else
161 die "'$target' is not present in either of 'NATIVE_TARGETS' or 'CROSS_TARGETS'. Please add one."
164 # 'nixpkgs' prefix where we will write new tarball hashes
165 case "$target" in
166 *linux*) nixpkgs_prefix="pkgs/stdenv/linux" ;;
167 *darwin*) nixpkgs_prefix="pkgs/stdenv/darwin" ;;
168 *freebsd*) nixpkgs_prefix="pkgs/stdenv/freebsd" ;;
169 *) die "don't know where to put '$target'" ;;
170 esac
172 # We enforce s3 prefix for all targets here. This slightly differs
173 # from manual uploads targets where names were chosen inconsistently.
174 s3_prefix="stdenv/$target"
176 # resolve 'latest' build to the build 'id', construct the link.
177 latest_build_uri="https://hydra.nixos.org/job/$jobset/$job/latest"
178 latest_build="$target.latest-build"
179 info "Fetching latest successful build from '${latest_build_uri}'"
180 curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -L "$latest_build_uri" > "$latest_build"
181 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to fetch latest successful build"
182 latest_build_id=$(jq '.id' < "$latest_build")
183 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Did not find 'id' in latest build"
184 build_uri="https://hydra.nixos.org/build/${latest_build_id}"
186 # We pick oldest jobset evaluation and extract the 'nicpkgs' commit.
188 # We use oldest instead of latest to make the result more stable
189 # across unrelated 'nixpkgs' updates. Ideally two subsequent runs of
190 # this refresher should produce the same output (provided there are
191 # no bootstrapTools updates committed between the two runs).
192 oldest_eval_id=$(jq '.jobsetevals|min' < "$latest_build")
193 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Did not find 'jobsetevals' in latest build"
194 eval_uri="https://hydra.nixos.org/eval/${oldest_eval_id}"
195 eval_meta="$target.eval-meta"
196 info "Fetching oldest eval details from '${eval_uri}' (can take a minute)"
197 curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -L "${eval_uri}" > "$eval_meta"
198 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to fetch eval metadata"
199 nixpkgs_revision=$(jq --raw-output ".jobsetevalinputs.nixpkgs.revision" < "$eval_meta")
200 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to fetch revision"
202 # Extract the build paths out of the build metadata
203 drvpath=$(jq --raw-output '.drvpath' < "${latest_build}")
204 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Did not find 'drvpath' in latest build"
205 outpath=$(jq --raw-output '.buildoutputs.out.path' < "${latest_build}")
206 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Did not find 'buildoutputs' in latest build"
207 build_timestamp=$(jq --raw-output '.timestamp' < "${latest_build}")
208 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Did not find 'timestamp' in latest build"
209 build_time=$(TZ=UTC LANG=C date --date="@${build_timestamp}" --rfc-email)
210 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to format timestamp"
212 info "Fetching bootstrap tools to calculate hashes from '${outpath}'"
213 nix-store --realize "$outpath"
214 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to fetch '${outpath}' from hydra"
216 fnames=()
218 target_file="${nixpkgs_prefix}/bootstrap-files/${target}.nix"
219 info "Writing '${target_file}'"
221 # header
222 cat <<EOF
223 # Autogenerated by maintainers/scripts/bootstrap-files/refresh-tarballs.bash as:
224 # $ ./refresh-tarballs.bash --targets=${target}
226 # Metadata:
227 # - nixpkgs revision: ${nixpkgs_revision}
228 # - hydra build: ${latest_build_uri}
229 # - resolved hydra build: ${build_uri}
230 # - instantiated derivation: ${drvpath}
231 # - output directory: ${outpath}
232 # - build time: ${build_time}
235 for p in "${outpath}/on-server"/*; do
236 fname=$(basename "$p")
237 fnames+=("$fname")
238 case "$fname" in
239 bootstrap-tools.tar.xz) attr=bootstrapTools ;;
240 busybox) attr=$fname ;;
241 unpack.nar.xz) attr=unpack ;;
242 *) die "Don't know how to map '$fname' to attribute name. Please update me."
243 esac
245 executable_arg=
246 executable_nix=
247 if [[ -x "$p" ]]; then
248 executable_arg="--executable"
249 executable_nix="executable = true;"
251 unpack_nix=
252 name_nix=
253 if [[ $fname = *.nar.xz ]]; then
254 unpack_nix="unpack = true;"
255 name_nix="name = \"${fname%.nar.xz}\";"
256 sri=$(nar_sri_get "$p" "${fname%.nar.xz}")
257 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to get hash of '$p'"
258 else
259 sha256=$(nix-prefetch-url $executable_arg --name "$fname" "file://$p")
260 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to get the hash for '$p'"
261 sri=$(nix-hash --to-sri "sha256:$sha256")
262 [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && die "Failed to convert '$sha256' hash to an SRI form"
265 # individual file entries
266 cat <<EOF
267 $attr = import <nix/fetchurl.nix> {
268 url = "http://tarballs.nixos.org/${s3_prefix}/${nixpkgs_revision}/$fname";
269 hash = "${sri}";$(
270 [[ -n ${executable_nix} ]] && printf "\n %s" "${executable_nix}"
271 [[ -n ${name_nix} ]] && printf "\n %s" "${name_nix}"
272 [[ -n ${unpack_nix} ]] && printf "\n %s" "${unpack_nix}"
276 done
277 # footer
278 cat <<EOF
281 } > "${target_file}"
283 target_file_commit_msg=${target}.commit_message
284 cat > "$target_file_commit_msg" <<EOF
285 ${nixpkgs_prefix}: update ${target} bootstrap-files
287 sha256sum of files to be uploaded:
290 echo "$ sha256sum ${outpath}/on-server/*"
291 sha256sum ${outpath}/on-server/*
294 Suggested commands to upload files to 'tarballs.nixos.org':
296 $ nix-store --realize ${outpath}
297 $ aws s3 cp --recursive --acl public-read ${outpath}/on-server/ s3://nixpkgs-tarballs/${s3_prefix}/${nixpkgs_revision}
298 $ aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nixpkgs-tarballs/${s3_prefix}/${nixpkgs_revision} ./
299 $ sha256sum ${fnames[*]}
300 $ sha256sum ${outpath}/on-server/*
303 cat "$target_file_commit_msg"
304 if [[ $commit == yes ]]; then
305 git commit "${target_file}" -F "$target_file_commit_msg"
306 else
307 info "DRY RUN: git commit ${target_file} -F $target_file_commit_msg"
309 rm -- "$target_file_commit_msg"
311 # delete temp files
312 rm -- "$latest_build" "$eval_meta"
313 done