1 import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
4 # In a real deployment this should naturally not common from the nix store
5 # and be seeded via agenix or as a non-nix managed file.
7 # These credentials are from the nitter wiki and are expired. We must provide
8 # credentials in the correct format, otherwise nitter fails to start. They
9 # must not be valid, as unauthorized errors are handled gracefully.
10 guestAccountFile = pkgs.writeText "guest_accounts.jsonl" ''
11 {"oauth_token":"1719213587296620928-BsXY2RIJEw7fjxoNwbBemgjJhueK0m","oauth_token_secret":"N0WB0xhL4ng6WTN44aZO82SUJjz7ssI3hHez2CUhTiYqy"}
16 meta.maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [ erdnaxe ];
23 # Provide dummy guest accounts
24 guestAccounts = guestAccountFile;
29 machine.wait_for_unit("nitter.service")
30 machine.wait_for_open_port(80)
31 machine.succeed("curl --fail http://localhost:80/")