nixos/calibre-web: restore compatibility with old dataDir values (#375539)
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / tests / web-apps / mastodon / remote-databases.nix
1 import ../../make-test-python.nix (
2   { pkgs, ... }:
3   let
4     cert =
5       pkgs:
6       pkgs.runCommand "selfSignedCerts" { buildInputs = [ pkgs.openssl ]; } ''
7         openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -nodes -subj '/CN=mastodon.local' -days 36500
8         mkdir -p $out
9         cp key.pem cert.pem $out
10       '';
12     hosts = ''
13 mastodon.local
14     '';
16     postgresqlPassword = "thisisnotasecret";
17     redisPassword = "thisisnotasecrettoo";
19   in
20   {
21     name = "mastodon-remote-postgresql";
22     meta.maintainers = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; [
23       erictapen
24       izorkin
25     ];
27     nodes = {
28       databases =
29         { config, ... }:
30         {
31           environment = {
32             etc = {
33               "redis/password-redis-db".text = redisPassword;
34             };
35           };
36           networking = {
37             interfaces.eth1 = {
38               ipv4.addresses = [
39                 {
40                   address = "";
41                   prefixLength = 24;
42                 }
43               ];
44             };
45             extraHosts = hosts;
46             firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
49             ];
50           };
52           services.redis.servers.mastodon = {
53             enable = true;
54             bind = "";
55             port = 31637;
56             requirePassFile = "/etc/redis/password-redis-db";
57           };
59           services.postgresql = {
60             enable = true;
61             enableTCPIP = true;
62             authentication = ''
63               hostnossl mastodon mastodon md5
64             '';
65             ensureDatabases = [ "mastodon" ];
66             ensureUsers = [
67               {
68                 name = "mastodon";
69                 ensureDBOwnership = true;
70               }
71             ];
72             initialScript = pkgs.writeText "postgresql_init.sql" ''
73               CREATE ROLE mastodon LOGIN PASSWORD '${postgresqlPassword}';
74             '';
75           };
76         };
78       nginx =
79         { nodes, ... }:
80         {
81           networking = {
82             interfaces.eth1 = {
83               ipv4.addresses = [
84                 {
85                   address = "";
86                   prefixLength = 24;
87                 }
88               ];
89             };
90             extraHosts = hosts;
91             firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
92               80
93               443
94             ];
95           };
97           security = {
98             pki.certificateFiles = [ "${cert pkgs}/cert.pem" ];
99           };
101           services.nginx = {
102             enable = true;
103             recommendedProxySettings = true;
104             virtualHosts."mastodon.local" = {
105               root = "/var/empty";
106               forceSSL = true;
107               enableACME = pkgs.lib.mkForce false;
108               sslCertificate = "${cert pkgs}/cert.pem";
109               sslCertificateKey = "${cert pkgs}/key.pem";
110               locations."/" = {
111                 tryFiles = "$uri @proxy";
112               };
113               locations."@proxy" = {
114                 proxyPass = "${toString}";
115                 proxyWebsockets = true;
116               };
117             };
118           };
119         };
121       server =
122         { config, pkgs, ... }:
123         {
124           virtualisation.memorySize = 2048;
126           environment = {
127             etc = {
128               "mastodon/password-redis-db".text = redisPassword;
129               "mastodon/password-posgressql-db".text = postgresqlPassword;
130             };
131           };
133           networking = {
134             interfaces.eth1 = {
135               ipv4.addresses = [
136                 {
137                   address = "";
138                   prefixLength = 24;
139                 }
140               ];
141             };
142             extraHosts = hosts;
143             firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [
146             ];
147           };
149           services.mastodon = {
150             enable = true;
151             configureNginx = false;
152             localDomain = "mastodon.local";
153             enableUnixSocket = false;
154             streamingProcesses = 2;
155             redis = {
156               createLocally = false;
157               host = "";
158               port = 31637;
159               passwordFile = "/etc/mastodon/password-redis-db";
160             };
161             database = {
162               createLocally = false;
163               host = "";
164               port = 5432;
165               name = "mastodon";
166               user = "mastodon";
167               passwordFile = "/etc/mastodon/password-posgressql-db";
168             };
169             smtp = {
170               createLocally = false;
171               fromAddress = "mastodon@mastodon.local";
172             };
173             extraConfig = {
174               BIND = "";
175               EMAIL_DOMAIN_ALLOWLIST = "";
176               RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES = "true";
177               TRUSTED_PROXY_IP = "";
178             };
179           };
180         };
182       client =
183         { pkgs, ... }:
184         {
185           environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.jq ];
186           networking = {
187             interfaces.eth1 = {
188               ipv4.addresses = [
189                 {
190                   address = "";
191                   prefixLength = 24;
192                 }
193               ];
194             };
195             extraHosts = hosts;
196           };
198           security = {
199             pki.certificateFiles = [ "${cert pkgs}/cert.pem" ];
200           };
201         };
202     };
204     testScript = import ./script.nix {
205       inherit pkgs;
206       extraInit = ''
207         nginx.wait_for_unit("nginx.service")
208         nginx.wait_for_open_port(443)
209         databases.wait_for_unit("redis-mastodon.service")
210         databases.wait_for_unit("postgresql.service")
211         databases.wait_for_open_port(31637)
212         databases.wait_for_open_port(5432)
213       '';
214       extraShutdown = ''
215         nginx.shutdown()
216         databases.shutdown()
217       '';
218     };
219   }