11 stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
13 version = "unstable-18012020";
15 src = fetchFromGitHub {
16 owner = "joielechong";
17 repo = "iso-country-flags-svg-collection";
18 rev = "9ebbd577b9a70fbfd9a1931be80c66e0d2f31a9d";
19 sha256 = "17bm7w4md56xywixfvp7vr3d6ihvxk3383i9i4rpmgm6qa9dyxdl";
42 mv build $out/share/iso-flags
46 homepage = "https://github.com/joielechong/iso-country-flags-svg-collection";
47 description = "248 country flag SVG & PNG icons with different icon styles";
48 license = [ licenses.publicDomain ];
49 platforms = platforms.linux; # the output assets should work anywhere, but unsure about the tools to build them...
50 maintainers = [ maintainers.mkg20001 ];