tmuxPlugins.catppucin: unstable-2024-05-16 -> 2.1.2 (#379030)
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / python-modules / asyncwhois / default.nix
2   lib,
3   buildPythonPackage,
4   fetchFromGitHub,
5   hatchling,
6   pytest-asyncio,
7   pytest-mock,
8   pytestCheckHook,
9   python-dateutil,
10   python-socks,
11   pythonOlder,
12   tldextract,
13   whodap,
16 buildPythonPackage rec {
17   pname = "asyncwhois";
18   version = "1.1.9";
19   pyproject = true;
21   disabled = pythonOlder "3.9";
23   src = fetchFromGitHub {
24     owner = "pogzyb";
25     repo = "asyncwhois";
26     tag = "v${version}";
27     hash = "sha256-Eb7De2AMxZi0Wu8dYA5wlX84BbF62L24vIuBEnvfxBU=";
28   };
30   build-system = [ hatchling ];
32   dependencies = [
33     python-dateutil
34     python-socks
35     tldextract
36     whodap
37   ] ++ python-socks.optional-dependencies.asyncio;
39   nativeCheckInputs = [
40     pytest-asyncio
41     pytest-mock
42     pytestCheckHook
43   ];
45   disabledTests = [
46     # Tests require network access
47     "test_pywhois_aio_get_hostname_from_ip"
48     "test_pywhois_get_hostname_from_ip"
49     "test_pywhois_aio_lookup_ipv4"
50     "test_not_found"
51     "test_aio_from_whois_cmd"
52     "test_aio_get_hostname_from_ip"
53     "test_from_whois_cmd"
54     "test_get_hostname_from_ip"
55     "test_whois_query_run"
56     "test_whois_query_create_connection"
57     "test_whois_query_send_and_recv"
58     "test_input_parameters_for_domain_query"
59     "test__get_top_level_domain"
60   ];
62   pythonImportsCheck = [ "asyncwhois" ];
64   meta = with lib; {
65     description = "Python module for retrieving WHOIS information";
66     homepage = "";
67     changelog = "${version}";
68     license = licenses.asl20;
69     maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab ];
70   };