silx: 2.1.1 -> 2.1.2 (#361612)
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / os-specific / darwin / apple-sdk / default.nix
1 # Compatibility stubs for packages that used the old SDK frameworks.
2 # TODO(@reckenrode) Make these stubs warn after framework usage has been cleaned up in nixpkgs.
3 { lib, callPackage }:
5 let
6   mkStub = callPackage ./mk-stub.nix { } "10.12";
8   frameworks = lib.genAttrs [
9     "AGL"
10     "AVFoundation"
11     "AVKit"
12     "Accelerate"
13     "Accounts"
14     "AddressBook"
15     "AppKit"
16     "AppKitScripting"
17     "AppleScriptKit"
18     "AppleScriptObjC"
19     "ApplicationServices"
20     "AudioToolbox"
21     "AudioUnit"
22     "AudioVideoBridging"
23     "Automator"
24     "CFNetwork"
25     "CalendarStore"
26     "Carbon"
27     "Cocoa"
28     "Collaboration"
29     "ContactsPersistence"
30     "CoreAudio"
31     "CoreAudioKit"
32     "CoreBluetooth"
33     "CoreData"
34     "CoreFoundation"
35     "CoreGraphics"
36     "CoreImage"
37     "CoreLocation"
38     "CoreMIDI"
39     "CoreMIDIServer"
40     "CoreMedia"
41     "CoreMediaIO"
42     "CoreServices"
43     "CoreSymbolication"
44     "CoreText"
45     "CoreVideo"
46     "CoreWLAN"
47     "DVDPlayback"
48     "DebugSymbols"
49     "DirectoryService"
50     "DiscRecording"
51     "DiscRecordingUI"
52     "DiskArbitration"
53     "DisplayServices"
54     "EventKit"
55     "ExceptionHandling"
56     "FWAUserLib"
57     "ForceFeedback"
58     "Foundation"
59     "GLKit"
60     "GLUT"
61     "GSS"
62     "GameCenter"
63     "GameController"
64     "GameKit"
65     "GameplayKit"
66     "Hypervisor"
67     "ICADevices"
68     "IMServicePlugIn"
69     "IOBluetooth"
70     "IOBluetoothUI"
71     "IOKit"
72     "IOSurface"
73     "ImageCaptureCore"
74     "ImageIO"
75     "InputMethodKit"
76     "InstallerPlugins"
77     "InstantMessage"
78     "JavaFrameEmbedding"
79     "JavaNativeFoundation"
80     "JavaRuntimeSupport"
81     "JavaScriptCore"
82     "JavaVM"
83     "Kerberos"
84     "Kernel"
85     "LDAP"
86     "LatentSemanticMapping"
87     "LocalAuthentication"
88     "MapKit"
89     "MediaAccessibility"
90     "MediaPlayer"
91     "MediaToolbox"
92     "Metal"
93     "MetalKit"
94     "ModelIO"
95     "MultitouchSupport"
96     "NetFS"
97     "OSAKit"
98     "OpenAL"
99     "OpenCL"
100     "OpenDirectory"
101     "OpenGL"
102     "PCSC"
103     "PreferencePanes"
104     "PubSub"
105     "QTKit"
106     "Quartz"
107     "QuartzCore"
108     "QuickLook"
109     "QuickTime"
110     "SceneKit"
111     "ScreenSaver"
112     "Scripting"
113     "ScriptingBridge"
114     "Security"
115     "SecurityFoundation"
116     "SecurityInterface"
117     "ServiceManagement"
118     "SkyLight"
119     "Social"
120     "SpriteKit"
121     "StoreKit"
122     "SyncServices"
123     "System"
124     "SystemConfiguration"
125     "TWAIN"
126     "Tcl"
127     "UIFoundation"
128     "VideoDecodeAcceleration"
129     "VideoToolbox"
130     "WebKit"
131     "vmnet"
132   ] mkStub;
134   bareFrameworks = lib.genAttrs [
135     "AGL"
136     "AVFoundation"
137     "AVKit"
138     "Accelerate"
139     "Accounts"
140     "AddressBook"
141     "AppKit"
142     "AppKitScripting"
143     "AppleScriptKit"
144     "AppleScriptObjC"
145     "ApplicationServices"
146     "AudioToolbox"
147     "AudioUnit"
148     "AudioVideoBridging"
149     "Automator"
150     "CFNetwork"
151     "CalendarStore"
152     "Carbon"
153     "Cocoa"
154     "Collaboration"
155     "CoreAudio"
156     "CoreAudioKit"
157     "CoreBluetooth"
158     "CoreData"
159     "CoreFoundation"
160     "CoreGraphics"
161     "CoreImage"
162     "CoreLocation"
163     "CoreMIDI"
164     "CoreMIDIServer"
165     "CoreMedia"
166     "CoreMediaIO"
167     "CoreServices"
168     "CoreText"
169     "CoreVideo"
170     "CoreWLAN"
171     "DVDPlayback"
172     "DirectoryService"
173     "DiscRecording"
174     "DiscRecordingUI"
175     "DiskArbitration"
176     "EventKit"
177     "ExceptionHandling"
178     "FWAUserLib"
179     "ForceFeedback"
180     "Foundation"
181     "GLKit"
182     "GLUT"
183     "GSS"
184     "GameCenter"
185     "GameController"
186     "GameKit"
187     "GameplayKit"
188     "Hypervisor"
189     "ICADevices"
190     "IMServicePlugIn"
191     "IOBluetooth"
192     "IOBluetoothUI"
193     "IOKit"
194     "IOSurface"
195     "ImageCaptureCore"
196     "ImageIO"
197     "InputMethodKit"
198     "InstallerPlugins"
199     "InstantMessage"
200     "JavaFrameEmbedding"
201     "JavaNativeFoundation"
202     "JavaRuntimeSupport"
203     "JavaScriptCore"
204     "JavaVM"
205     "Kerberos"
206     "Kernel"
207     "LDAP"
208     "LatentSemanticMapping"
209     "LocalAuthentication"
210     "MapKit"
211     "MediaAccessibility"
212     "MediaPlayer"
213     "MediaToolbox"
214     "Metal"
215     "MetalKit"
216     "ModelIO"
217     "NetFS"
218     "OSAKit"
219     "OpenAL"
220     "OpenCL"
221     "OpenDirectory"
222     "OpenGL"
223     "PCSC"
224     "PreferencePanes"
225     "PubSub"
226     "QTKit"
227     "Quartz"
228     "QuartzCore"
229     "QuickLook"
230     "QuickTime"
231     "SceneKit"
232     "ScreenSaver"
233     "Scripting"
234     "ScriptingBridge"
235     "Security"
236     "SecurityFoundation"
237     "SecurityInterface"
238     "ServiceManagement"
239     "Social"
240     "SpriteKit"
241     "StoreKit"
242     "SyncServices"
243     "System"
244     "SystemConfiguration"
245     "TWAIN"
246     "Tcl"
247     "VideoDecodeAcceleration"
248     "VideoToolbox"
249     "WebKit"
250     "vmnet"
251   ] mkStub;
254   inherit bareFrameworks frameworks;
256   libs = lib.genAttrs [
257     "Xplugin"
258     "sandbox"
259     "simd"
260     "utmp"
261     "xpc"
262   ] mkStub;
264   version = "10.12";
266 // lib.genAttrs [
267   "darwin-stubs"
268   "Libsystem"
269   "objc4"
270   "sdk"
271   "sdkRoot"
272 ] mkStub