presenterm: 0.9.0 -> 0.10.0 (#378946)
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / servers / home-assistant / component-packages.nix
1 # Generated by
2 # Do not edit!
5   version = "2025.1.4";
6   components = {
7     "3_day_blinds" =
8       ps: with ps; [
9       ];
10     "abode" =
11       ps: with ps; [
12         jaraco-abode
13       ];
14     "acaia" =
15       ps: with ps; [
16         aioacaia
17         aioesphomeapi
18         aioruuvigateway
19         aioshelly
20         bleak
21         bleak-esphome
22         bleak-retry-connector
23         bluetooth-adapters
24         bluetooth-auto-recovery
25         bluetooth-data-tools
26         dbus-fast
27         esphome-dashboard-api
28         ha-ffmpeg
29         habluetooth
30         hassil
31         home-assistant-intents
32         ifaddr
33         mutagen
34         pymicro-vad
35         pyserial
36         pyspeex-noise
37         pyudev
38         zeroconf
39       ];
40     "accuweather" =
41       ps: with ps; [
42         accuweather
43       ];
44     "acer_projector" =
45       ps: with ps; [
46         pyserial
47       ];
48     "acmeda" =
49       ps: with ps; [
50         aiopulse
51       ];
52     "acomax" =
53       ps: with ps; [
54       ];
55     "actiontec" =
56       ps: with ps; [
57       ];
58     "adax" =
59       ps: with ps; [
60         adax
61         adax-local
62       ];
63     "adguard" =
64       ps: with ps; [
65         adguardhome
66       ];
67     "ads" =
68       ps: with ps; [
69         pyads
70       ];
71     "advantage_air" =
72       ps: with ps; [
73         advantage-air
74       ];
75     "aemet" =
76       ps: with ps; [
77         aemet-opendata
78       ];
79     "aep_ohio" =
80       ps: with ps; [
81       ];
82     "aep_texas" =
83       ps: with ps; [
84       ];
85     "aftership" =
86       ps: with ps; [
87         pyaftership
88       ];
89     "agent_dvr" =
90       ps: with ps; [
91         agent-py
92       ];
93     "air_quality" =
94       ps: with ps; [
95       ];
96     "airgradient" =
97       ps: with ps; [
98         airgradient
99       ];
100     "airly" =
101       ps: with ps; [
102         airly
103       ];
104     "airnow" =
105       ps: with ps; [
106         pyairnow
107       ];
108     "airq" =
109       ps: with ps; [
110         aioairq
111       ];
112     "airthings" =
113       ps: with ps; [
114         airthings-cloud
115       ];
116     "airthings_ble" =
117       ps: with ps; [
118         aioesphomeapi
119         aioruuvigateway
120         aioshelly
121         airthings-ble
122         bleak
123         bleak-esphome
124         bleak-retry-connector
125         bluetooth-adapters
126         bluetooth-auto-recovery
127         bluetooth-data-tools
128         dbus-fast
129         esphome-dashboard-api
130         ha-ffmpeg
131         habluetooth
132         hassil
133         home-assistant-intents
134         ifaddr
135         mutagen
136         pymicro-vad
137         pyserial
138         pyspeex-noise
139         pyudev
140         zeroconf
141       ];
142     "airtouch4" =
143       ps: with ps; [
144         airtouch4pyapi
145       ];
146     "airtouch5" =
147       ps: with ps; [
148         airtouch5py
149       ];
150     "airvisual" =
151       ps: with ps; [
152         pyairvisual
153       ];
154     "airvisual_pro" =
155       ps: with ps; [
156         pyairvisual
157       ];
158     "airzone" =
159       ps: with ps; [
160         aioairzone
161       ];
162     "airzone_cloud" =
163       ps: with ps; [
164         aioairzone-cloud
165       ];
166     "aladdin_connect" =
167       ps: with ps; [
168       ];
169     "alarm_control_panel" =
170       ps: with ps; [
171       ];
172     "alarmdecoder" =
173       ps: with ps; [
174         adext
175       ];
176     "alert" =
177       ps: with ps; [
178       ];
179     "alexa" =
180       ps: with ps; [
181         pyturbojpeg
182       ];
183     "alpha_vantage" =
184       ps: with ps; [
185         alpha-vantage
186       ];
187     "amazon_polly" =
188       ps: with ps; [
189         boto3
190       ];
191     "amberelectric" =
192       ps: with ps; [
193         amberelectric
194       ];
195     "ambient_network" =
196       ps: with ps; [
197         aioambient
198       ];
199     "ambient_station" =
200       ps: with ps; [
201         aioambient
202       ];
203     "amcrest" =
204       ps: with ps; [
205         amcrest
206         ha-ffmpeg
207       ];
208     "amp_motorization" =
209       ps: with ps; [
210       ];
211     "ampio" =
212       ps: with ps; [
213         asmog
214       ];
215     "analytics" =
216       ps: with ps; [
217         aiohasupervisor
218         fnv-hash-fast
219         psutil-home-assistant
220         sqlalchemy
221       ];
222     "analytics_insights" =
223       ps: with ps; [
224         python-homeassistant-analytics
225       ];
226     "android_ip_webcam" =
227       ps: with ps; [
228         pydroid-ipcam
229       ];
230     "androidtv" =
231       ps:
232       with ps;
233       [
234         adb-shell
235         androidtv
236       ]
237       ++ adb-shell.optional-dependencies.async
238       ++ androidtv.optional-dependencies.async;
239     "androidtv_remote" =
240       ps: with ps; [
241         androidtvremote2
242       ];
243     "anel_pwrctrl" =
244       ps: with ps; [
245         anel-pwrctrl-homeassistant
246       ];
247     "anova" =
248       ps: with ps; [
249         anova-wifi
250       ];
251     "anthemav" =
252       ps: with ps; [
253         anthemav
254       ];
255     "anthropic" =
256       ps: with ps; [
257         anthropic
258         ha-ffmpeg
259         hassil
260         home-assistant-intents
261         mutagen
262         pymicro-vad
263         pyspeex-noise
264       ];
265     "anwb_energie" =
266       ps: with ps; [
267       ];
268     "aosmith" =
269       ps: with ps; [
270         py-aosmith
271       ];
272     "apache_kafka" =
273       ps: with ps; [
274         aiokafka
275       ];
276     "apcupsd" =
277       ps: with ps; [
278         aioapcaccess
279       ];
280     "api" =
281       ps: with ps; [
282       ];
283     "appalachianpower" =
284       ps: with ps; [
285       ];
286     "apple_tv" =
287       ps: with ps; [
288         ifaddr
289         pyatv
290         zeroconf
291       ];
292     "application_credentials" =
293       ps: with ps; [
294       ];
295     "apprise" =
296       ps: with ps; [
297         apprise
298       ];
299     "aprilaire" =
300       ps: with ps; [
301         pyaprilaire
302       ];
303     "aprs" =
304       ps: with ps; [
305         aprslib
306         geopy
307       ];
308     "aps" =
309       ps: with ps; [
310       ];
311     "apsystems" =
312       ps: with ps; [
313         apsystems-ez1
314       ];
315     "aquacell" =
316       ps: with ps; [
317         aioaquacell
318         ifaddr
319       ];
320     "aqualogic" =
321       ps: with ps; [
322         aqualogic
323       ];
324     "aquostv" =
325       ps: with ps; [
326         sharp-aquos-rc
327       ];
328     "aranet" =
329       ps: with ps; [
330         aioesphomeapi
331         aioruuvigateway
332         aioshelly
333         aranet4
334         bleak
335         bleak-esphome
336         bleak-retry-connector
337         bluetooth-adapters
338         bluetooth-auto-recovery
339         bluetooth-data-tools
340         dbus-fast
341         esphome-dashboard-api
342         ha-ffmpeg
343         habluetooth
344         hassil
345         home-assistant-intents
346         ifaddr
347         mutagen
348         pymicro-vad
349         pyserial
350         pyspeex-noise
351         pyudev
352         zeroconf
353       ];
354     "arcam_fmj" =
355       ps: with ps; [
356         arcam-fmj
357       ];
358     "arest" =
359       ps: with ps; [
360       ];
361     "arris_tg2492lg" =
362       ps: with ps; [
363         arris-tg2492lg
364       ];
365     "artsound" =
366       ps: with ps; [
367       ];
368     "aruba" =
369       ps: with ps; [
370         pexpect
371       ];
372     "arve" =
373       ps: with ps; [
374         asyncarve
375       ];
376     "arwn" =
377       ps: with ps; [
378         aiohasupervisor
379         paho-mqtt_1
380       ];
381     "aseko_pool_live" =
382       ps: with ps; [
383         aioaseko
384       ];
385     "assist_pipeline" =
386       ps: with ps; [
387         ha-ffmpeg
388         hassil
389         home-assistant-intents
390         mutagen
391         pymicro-vad
392         pyspeex-noise
393       ];
394     "assist_satellite" =
395       ps: with ps; [
396         ha-ffmpeg
397         hassil
398         home-assistant-intents
399         mutagen
400         pymicro-vad
401         pyspeex-noise
402       ];
403     "asuswrt" =
404       ps: with ps; [
405         aioasuswrt
406         pyasuswrt
407       ];
408     "atag" =
409       ps: with ps; [
410         pyatag
411       ];
412     "aten_pe" =
413       ps: with ps; [
414         atenpdu
415       ];
416     "atlanticcityelectric" =
417       ps: with ps; [
418       ];
419     "atome" =
420       ps: with ps; [
421         pyatome
422       ];
423     "august" =
424       ps: with ps; [
425         yalexs
426         yalexs-ble
427       ];
428     "august_ble" =
429       ps: with ps; [
430       ];
431     "aurora" =
432       ps: with ps; [
433         auroranoaa
434       ];
435     "aurora_abb_powerone" =
436       ps: with ps; [
437         aurorapy
438       ];
439     "aussie_broadband" =
440       ps: with ps; [
441         pyaussiebb
442       ];
443     "autarco" =
444       ps: with ps; [
445         autarco
446       ];
447     "auth" =
448       ps: with ps; [
449       ];
450     "automation" =
451       ps: with ps; [
452       ];
453     "avea" =
454       ps: with ps; [
455         avea
456       ];
457     "avion" =
458       ps: with ps; [
459         avion
460       ];
461     "awair" =
462       ps: with ps; [
463         python-awair
464       ];
465     "aws" =
466       ps: with ps; [
467         aiobotocore
468         botocore
469       ];
470     "axis" =
471       ps: with ps; [
472         aiohasupervisor
473         axis
474         paho-mqtt_1
475       ];
476     "azure_data_explorer" =
477       ps:
478       with ps;
479       [
480         azure-kusto-data
481         azure-kusto-ingest
482       ]
483       ++ azure-kusto-data.optional-dependencies.aio;
484     "azure_devops" =
485       ps: with ps; [
486         aioazuredevops
487       ];
488     "azure_event_hub" =
489       ps: with ps; [
490         azure-eventhub
491       ];
492     "azure_service_bus" =
493       ps: with ps; [
494         azure-servicebus
495       ];
496     "backup" =
497       ps: with ps; [
498         aiohasupervisor
499         cronsim
500         securetar
501       ];
502     "baf" =
503       ps: with ps; [
504         aiobafi6
505       ];
506     "baidu" =
507       ps: with ps; [
508       ]; # missing inputs: baidu-aip
509     "balboa" =
510       ps: with ps; [
511         pybalboa
512       ];
513     "bang_olufsen" =
514       ps: with ps; [
515         mozart-api
516       ];
517     "bayesian" =
518       ps: with ps; [
519       ];
520     "bbox" =
521       ps: with ps; [
522       ]; # missing inputs: pybbox
523     "beewi_smartclim" =
524       ps: with ps; [
525       ]; # missing inputs: beewi-smartclim
526     "bge" =
527       ps: with ps; [
528       ];
529     "binary_sensor" =
530       ps: with ps; [
531       ];
532     "bitcoin" =
533       ps: with ps; [
534         blockchain
535       ];
536     "bizkaibus" =
537       ps: with ps; [
538         bizkaibus
539       ];
540     "blackbird" =
541       ps: with ps; [
542         pyblackbird
543       ];
544     "blebox" =
545       ps: with ps; [
546         blebox-uniapi
547       ];
548     "blink" =
549       ps: with ps; [
550         blinkpy
551       ];
552     "bliss_automation" =
553       ps: with ps; [
554       ];
555     "bloc_blinds" =
556       ps: with ps; [
557       ];
558     "blockchain" =
559       ps: with ps; [
560       ]; # missing inputs: python-blockchain-api
561     "blue_current" =
562       ps: with ps; [
563         bluecurrent-api
564       ];
565     "bluemaestro" =
566       ps: with ps; [
567         aioesphomeapi
568         aioruuvigateway
569         aioshelly
570         bleak
571         bleak-esphome
572         bleak-retry-connector
573         bluemaestro-ble
574         bluetooth-adapters
575         bluetooth-auto-recovery
576         bluetooth-data-tools
577         dbus-fast
578         esphome-dashboard-api
579         ha-ffmpeg
580         habluetooth
581         hassil
582         home-assistant-intents
583         ifaddr
584         mutagen
585         pymicro-vad
586         pyserial
587         pyspeex-noise
588         pyudev
589         zeroconf
590       ];
591     "blueprint" =
592       ps: with ps; [
593       ];
594     "bluesound" =
595       ps: with ps; [
596         ifaddr
597         pyblu
598         zeroconf
599       ];
600     "bluetooth" =
601       ps: with ps; [
602         bleak
603         bleak-retry-connector
604         bluetooth-adapters
605         bluetooth-auto-recovery
606         bluetooth-data-tools
607         dbus-fast
608         habluetooth
609         pyserial
610         pyudev
611       ];
612     "bluetooth_adapters" =
613       ps: with ps; [
614         aioesphomeapi
615         aioruuvigateway
616         aioshelly
617         bleak
618         bleak-esphome
619         bleak-retry-connector
620         bluetooth-adapters
621         bluetooth-auto-recovery
622         bluetooth-data-tools
623         dbus-fast
624         esphome-dashboard-api
625         ha-ffmpeg
626         habluetooth
627         hassil
628         home-assistant-intents
629         ifaddr
630         mutagen
631         pymicro-vad
632         pyserial
633         pyspeex-noise
634         pyudev
635         zeroconf
636       ];
637     "bluetooth_le_tracker" =
638       ps: with ps; [
639         aioesphomeapi
640         aioruuvigateway
641         aioshelly
642         bleak
643         bleak-esphome
644         bleak-retry-connector
645         bluetooth-adapters
646         bluetooth-auto-recovery
647         bluetooth-data-tools
648         dbus-fast
649         esphome-dashboard-api
650         ha-ffmpeg
651         habluetooth
652         hassil
653         home-assistant-intents
654         ifaddr
655         mutagen
656         pymicro-vad
657         pyserial
658         pyspeex-noise
659         pyudev
660         zeroconf
661       ];
662     "bluetooth_tracker" =
663       ps: with ps; [
664         bt-proximity
665         pybluez
666       ];
667     "bmw_connected_drive" =
668       ps:
669       with ps;
670       [
671         bimmer-connected
672       ]
673       ++ bimmer-connected.optional-dependencies.china;
674     "bond" =
675       ps: with ps; [
676         bond-async
677       ];
678     "bosch_shc" =
679       ps: with ps; [
680         boschshcpy
681         ifaddr
682         zeroconf
683       ];
684     "brandt" =
685       ps: with ps; [
686       ];
687     "braviatv" =
688       ps: with ps; [
689         pybravia
690       ];
691     "brel_home" =
692       ps: with ps; [
693       ];
694     "bring" =
695       ps: with ps; [
696         bring-api
697       ];
698     "broadlink" =
699       ps: with ps; [
700         broadlink
701       ];
702     "brother" =
703       ps: with ps; [
704         brother
705         pysnmp
706       ];
707     "brottsplatskartan" =
708       ps: with ps; [
709         brottsplatskartan
710       ];
711     "browser" =
712       ps: with ps; [
713       ];
714     "brunt" =
715       ps: with ps; [
716         brunt
717       ];
718     "bryant_evolution" =
719       ps: with ps; [
720         evolutionhttp
721       ];
722     "bsblan" =
723       ps: with ps; [
724         python-bsblan
725       ];
726     "bswitch" =
727       ps: with ps; [
728       ];
729     "bt_home_hub_5" =
730       ps: with ps; [
731         bthomehub5-devicelist
732       ];
733     "bt_smarthub" =
734       ps: with ps; [
735         btsmarthub-devicelist
736       ];
737     "bthome" =
738       ps: with ps; [
739         aioesphomeapi
740         aioruuvigateway
741         aioshelly
742         bleak
743         bleak-esphome
744         bleak-retry-connector
745         bluetooth-adapters
746         bluetooth-auto-recovery
747         bluetooth-data-tools
748         bthome-ble
749         dbus-fast
750         esphome-dashboard-api
751         ha-ffmpeg
752         habluetooth
753         hassil
754         home-assistant-intents
755         ifaddr
756         mutagen
757         pymicro-vad
758         pyserial
759         pyspeex-noise
760         pyudev
761         zeroconf
762       ];
763     "bticino" =
764       ps: with ps; [
765       ];
766     "bubendorff" =
767       ps: with ps; [
768       ];
769     "buienradar" =
770       ps: with ps; [
771         buienradar
772       ];
773     "button" =
774       ps: with ps; [
775       ];
776     "caldav" =
777       ps: with ps; [
778         caldav
779         icalendar
780       ];
781     "calendar" =
782       ps: with ps; [
783       ];
784     "cambridge_audio" =
785       ps: with ps; [
786         aiostreammagic
787       ];
788     "camera" =
789       ps: with ps; [
790         pyturbojpeg
791       ];
792     "canary" =
793       ps: with ps; [
794         ha-ffmpeg
795         py-canary
796       ];
797     "cast" =
798       ps: with ps; [
799         aiohasupervisor
800         cronsim
801         ha-ffmpeg
802         hass-nabucasa
803         hassil
804         home-assistant-intents
805         ifaddr
806         mutagen
807         plexapi
808         plexauth
809         plexwebsocket
810         pychromecast
811         pymicro-vad
812         pyspeex-noise
813         python-matter-server
814         pyturbojpeg
815         securetar
816         zeroconf
817       ];
818     "ccm15" =
819       ps: with ps; [
820         py-ccm15
821       ];
822     "cert_expiry" =
823       ps: with ps; [
824       ];
825     "chacon_dio" =
826       ps: with ps; [
827         dio-chacon-wifi-api
828       ];
829     "channels" =
830       ps: with ps; [
831         pychannels
832       ];
833     "cisco_ios" =
834       ps: with ps; [
835         pexpect
836       ];
837     "cisco_mobility_express" =
838       ps: with ps; [
839         ciscomobilityexpress
840       ];
841     "cisco_webex_teams" =
842       ps: with ps; [
843         webexpythonsdk
844       ];
845     "citybikes" =
846       ps: with ps; [
847       ];
848     "clementine" =
849       ps: with ps; [
850       ]; # missing inputs: python-clementine-remote
851     "clickatell" =
852       ps: with ps; [
853       ];
854     "clicksend" =
855       ps: with ps; [
856       ];
857     "clicksend_tts" =
858       ps: with ps; [
859       ];
860     "climate" =
861       ps: with ps; [
862       ];
863     "cloud" =
864       ps: with ps; [
865         aiohasupervisor
866         cronsim
867         ha-ffmpeg
868         hass-nabucasa
869         hassil
870         home-assistant-intents
871         mutagen
872         pymicro-vad
873         pyspeex-noise
874         python-matter-server
875         pyturbojpeg
876         securetar
877       ];
878     "cloudflare" =
879       ps: with ps; [
880         pycfdns
881       ];
882     "cmus" =
883       ps: with ps; [
884       ]; # missing inputs: pycmus
885     "co2signal" =
886       ps: with ps; [
887         aioelectricitymaps
888       ];
889     "coautilities" =
890       ps: with ps; [
891       ];
892     "coinbase" =
893       ps: with ps; [
894       ]; # missing inputs: coinbase coinbase-advanced-py
895     "color_extractor" =
896       ps: with ps; [
897         colorthief
898       ];
899     "comed" =
900       ps: with ps; [
901       ];
902     "comed_hourly_pricing" =
903       ps: with ps; [
904       ];
905     "comelit" =
906       ps: with ps; [
907         aiocomelit
908       ];
909     "comfoconnect" =
910       ps: with ps; [
911         pycomfoconnect
912       ];
913     "command_line" =
914       ps: with ps; [
915         jsonpath
916       ];
917     "compensation" =
918       ps: with ps; [
919         numpy
920       ];
921     "concord232" =
922       ps: with ps; [
923       ]; # missing inputs: concord232
924     "coned" =
925       ps: with ps; [
926       ];
927     "config" =
928       ps: with ps; [
929       ];
930     "configurator" =
931       ps: with ps; [
932       ];
933     "control4" =
934       ps: with ps; [
935         pycontrol4
936       ];
937     "conversation" =
938       ps: with ps; [
939         hassil
940         home-assistant-intents
941       ];
942     "cookidoo" =
943       ps: with ps; [
944         cookidoo-api
945       ];
946     "coolmaster" =
947       ps: with ps; [
948         pycoolmasternet-async
949       ];
950     "counter" =
951       ps: with ps; [
952       ];
953     "cover" =
954       ps: with ps; [
955       ];
956     "cozytouch" =
957       ps: with ps; [
958       ];
959     "cppm_tracker" =
960       ps: with ps; [
961       ]; # missing inputs: clearpasspy
962     "cpuspeed" =
963       ps: with ps; [
964         py-cpuinfo
965       ];
966     "cribl" =
967       ps: with ps; [
968       ];
969     "crownstone" =
970       ps: with ps; [
971         crownstone-cloud
972         crownstone-sse
973         crownstone-uart
974         pyserial
975         pyudev
976       ];
977     "cups" =
978       ps: with ps; [
979         pycups
980       ];
981     "currencylayer" =
982       ps: with ps; [
983       ];
984     "dacia" =
985       ps: with ps; [
986       ];
987     "daikin" =
988       ps: with ps; [
989         pydaikin
990       ];
991     "danfoss_air" =
992       ps: with ps; [
993         pydanfossair
994       ];
995     "datadog" =
996       ps: with ps; [
997         datadog
998       ];
999     "date" =
1000       ps: with ps; [
1001       ];
1002     "datetime" =
1003       ps: with ps; [
1004       ];
1005     "ddwrt" =
1006       ps: with ps; [
1007       ];
1008     "deako" =
1009       ps: with ps; [
1010         ifaddr
1011         pydeako
1012         zeroconf
1013       ];
1014     "debugpy" =
1015       ps: with ps; [
1016         debugpy
1017       ];
1018     "deconz" =
1019       ps: with ps; [
1020         pydeconz
1021       ];
1022     "decora" =
1023       ps: with ps; [
1024         bluepy
1025       ]; # missing inputs: decora
1026     "decora_wifi" =
1027       ps: with ps; [
1028       ]; # missing inputs: decora-wifi
1029     "default_config" =
1030       ps: with ps; [
1031         aiodhcpwatcher
1032         aiodiscover
1033         aiohasupervisor
1034         async-upnp-client
1035         av
1036         bleak
1037         bleak-retry-connector
1038         bluetooth-adapters
1039         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1040         bluetooth-data-tools
1041         cached-ipaddress
1042         cronsim
1043         dbus-fast
1044         fnv-hash-fast
1045         go2rtc-client
1046         ha-ffmpeg
1047         habluetooth
1048         hass-nabucasa
1049         hassil
1050         home-assistant-frontend
1051         home-assistant-intents
1052         ifaddr
1053         mutagen
1054         numpy
1055         pillow
1056         psutil-home-assistant
1057         pymicro-vad
1058         pynacl
1059         pyserial
1060         pyspeex-noise
1061         python-matter-server
1062         pyturbojpeg
1063         pyudev
1064         securetar
1065         sqlalchemy
1066         zeroconf
1067       ];
1068     "delijn" =
1069       ps: with ps; [
1070         pydelijn
1071       ];
1072     "delmarva" =
1073       ps: with ps; [
1074       ];
1075     "deluge" =
1076       ps: with ps; [
1077         deluge-client
1078       ];
1079     "demo" =
1080       ps: with ps; [
1081         hassil
1082         home-assistant-intents
1083       ];
1084     "denon" =
1085       ps: with ps; [
1086       ];
1087     "denonavr" =
1088       ps: with ps; [
1089         denonavr
1090       ];
1091     "derivative" =
1092       ps: with ps; [
1093       ];
1094     "devialet" =
1095       ps: with ps; [
1096         devialet
1097         ifaddr
1098         zeroconf
1099       ];
1100     "device_automation" =
1101       ps: with ps; [
1102       ];
1103     "device_sun_light_trigger" =
1104       ps: with ps; [
1105         pillow
1106       ];
1107     "device_tracker" =
1108       ps: with ps; [
1109       ];
1110     "devolo_home_control" =
1111       ps: with ps; [
1112         devolo-home-control-api
1113         ifaddr
1114         zeroconf
1115       ];
1116     "devolo_home_network" =
1117       ps: with ps; [
1118         devolo-plc-api
1119       ];
1120     "dexcom" =
1121       ps: with ps; [
1122         pydexcom
1123       ];
1124     "dhcp" =
1125       ps: with ps; [
1126         aiodhcpwatcher
1127         aiodiscover
1128         cached-ipaddress
1129       ];
1130     "diagnostics" =
1131       ps: with ps; [
1132       ];
1133     "dialogflow" =
1134       ps: with ps; [
1135       ];
1136     "diaz" =
1137       ps: with ps; [
1138       ];
1139     "digital_loggers" =
1140       ps: with ps; [
1141       ];
1142     "digital_ocean" =
1143       ps: with ps; [
1144         python-digitalocean
1145       ];
1146     "directv" =
1147       ps: with ps; [
1148         directv
1149       ];
1150     "discogs" =
1151       ps: with ps; [
1152         discogs-client
1153       ];
1154     "discord" =
1155       ps: with ps; [
1156         nextcord
1157       ];
1158     "discovergy" =
1159       ps: with ps; [
1160         pydiscovergy
1161       ];
1162     "dlib_face_detect" =
1163       ps: with ps; [
1164         face-recognition
1165       ];
1166     "dlib_face_identify" =
1167       ps: with ps; [
1168         face-recognition
1169       ];
1170     "dlink" =
1171       ps: with ps; [
1172       ]; # missing inputs: pyW215
1173     "dlna_dmr" =
1174       ps: with ps; [
1175         async-upnp-client
1176         getmac
1177         ifaddr
1178       ];
1179     "dlna_dms" =
1180       ps: with ps; [
1181         async-upnp-client
1182         ifaddr
1183       ];
1184     "dnsip" =
1185       ps: with ps; [
1186         aiodns
1187       ];
1188     "dominos" =
1189       ps: with ps; [
1190       ]; # missing inputs: pizzapi
1191     "doods" =
1192       ps: with ps; [
1193         pillow
1194         pydoods
1195       ];
1196     "doorbird" =
1197       ps: with ps; [
1198         doorbirdpy
1199       ];
1200     "dooya" =
1201       ps: with ps; [
1202       ];
1203     "dormakaba_dkey" =
1204       ps: with ps; [
1205         aioesphomeapi
1206         aioruuvigateway
1207         aioshelly
1208         bleak
1209         bleak-esphome
1210         bleak-retry-connector
1211         bluetooth-adapters
1212         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1213         bluetooth-data-tools
1214         dbus-fast
1215         esphome-dashboard-api
1216         ha-ffmpeg
1217         habluetooth
1218         hassil
1219         home-assistant-intents
1220         ifaddr
1221         mutagen
1222         py-dormakaba-dkey
1223         pymicro-vad
1224         pyserial
1225         pyspeex-noise
1226         pyudev
1227         zeroconf
1228       ];
1229     "downloader" =
1230       ps: with ps; [
1231       ];
1232     "dremel_3d_printer" =
1233       ps: with ps; [
1234         dremel3dpy
1235       ];
1236     "drop_connect" =
1237       ps: with ps; [
1238         aiohasupervisor
1239         dropmqttapi
1240         paho-mqtt_1
1241       ];
1242     "dsmr" =
1243       ps: with ps; [
1244         dsmr-parser
1245       ];
1246     "dsmr_reader" =
1247       ps: with ps; [
1248         aiohasupervisor
1249         paho-mqtt_1
1250       ];
1251     "dublin_bus_transport" =
1252       ps: with ps; [
1253       ];
1254     "duckdns" =
1255       ps: with ps; [
1256       ];
1257     "duke_energy" =
1258       ps: with ps; [
1259         aiodukeenergy
1260         fnv-hash-fast
1261         psutil-home-assistant
1262         sqlalchemy
1263       ];
1264     "dunehd" =
1265       ps: with ps; [
1266         pdunehd
1267       ];
1268     "duotecno" =
1269       ps: with ps; [
1270         pyduotecno
1271       ];
1272     "duquesne_light" =
1273       ps: with ps; [
1274       ];
1275     "dwd_weather_warnings" =
1276       ps: with ps; [
1277         dwdwfsapi
1278       ];
1279     "dweet" =
1280       ps: with ps; [
1281       ]; # missing inputs: dweepy
1282     "dynalite" =
1283       ps: with ps; [
1284         aiohasupervisor
1285         cronsim
1286         dynalite-devices
1287         dynalite-panel
1288         home-assistant-frontend
1289         pillow
1290         securetar
1291       ];
1292     "eafm" =
1293       ps: with ps; [
1294         aioeafm
1295       ];
1296     "eastron" =
1297       ps: with ps; [
1298       ];
1299     "easyenergy" =
1300       ps: with ps; [
1301         easyenergy
1302       ];
1303     "ebox" =
1304       ps: with ps; [
1305       ]; # missing inputs: pyebox
1306     "ebusd" =
1307       ps: with ps; [
1308       ]; # missing inputs: ebusdpy
1309     "ecoal_boiler" =
1310       ps: with ps; [
1311         ecoaliface
1312       ];
1313     "ecobee" =
1314       ps: with ps; [
1315         python-ecobee-api
1316       ];
1317     "ecoforest" =
1318       ps: with ps; [
1319         pyecoforest
1320       ];
1321     "econet" =
1322       ps: with ps; [
1323         pyeconet
1324       ];
1325     "ecovacs" =
1326       ps: with ps; [
1327         deebot-client
1328         py-sucks
1329       ];
1330     "ecowitt" =
1331       ps: with ps; [
1332         aioecowitt
1333       ];
1334     "eddystone_temperature" =
1335       ps:
1336       with ps;
1337       [
1338         beacontools
1339       ]
1340       ++ beacontools.optional-dependencies.scan;
1341     "edimax" =
1342       ps: with ps; [
1343         pyedimax
1344       ];
1345     "edl21" =
1346       ps: with ps; [
1347         pysml
1348       ];
1349     "efergy" =
1350       ps: with ps; [
1351         pyefergy
1352       ];
1353     "egardia" =
1354       ps: with ps; [
1355         pythonegardia
1356       ];
1357     "eheimdigital" =
1358       ps: with ps; [
1359         eheimdigital
1360       ];
1361     "eight_sleep" =
1362       ps: with ps; [
1363       ];
1364     "electrasmart" =
1365       ps: with ps; [
1366         pyelectra
1367       ];
1368     "electric_kiwi" =
1369       ps: with ps; [
1370       ]; # missing inputs: electrickiwi-api
1371     "elevenlabs" =
1372       ps: with ps; [
1373         elevenlabs
1374       ];
1375     "elgato" =
1376       ps: with ps; [
1377         elgato
1378       ];
1379     "eliqonline" =
1380       ps: with ps; [
1381         eliqonline
1382       ];
1383     "elkm1" =
1384       ps: with ps; [
1385         elkm1-lib
1386         ifaddr
1387       ];
1388     "elmax" =
1389       ps: with ps; [
1390         elmax-api
1391       ];
1392     "elv" =
1393       ps: with ps; [
1394         pypca
1395       ];
1396     "elvia" =
1397       ps: with ps; [
1398         fnv-hash-fast
1399         psutil-home-assistant
1400         sqlalchemy
1401       ]; # missing inputs: elvia
1402     "emby" =
1403       ps: with ps; [
1404         pyemby
1405       ];
1406     "emoncms" =
1407       ps: with ps; [
1408         pyemoncms
1409       ];
1410     "emoncms_history" =
1411       ps: with ps; [
1412       ];
1413     "emonitor" =
1414       ps: with ps; [
1415         aioemonitor
1416       ];
1417     "emulated_hue" =
1418       ps: with ps; [
1419         ifaddr
1420       ];
1421     "emulated_kasa" =
1422       ps: with ps; [
1423         sense-energy
1424       ];
1425     "emulated_roku" =
1426       ps: with ps; [
1427         emulated-roku
1428         ifaddr
1429       ];
1430     "energenie_power_sockets" =
1431       ps: with ps; [
1432         pyegps
1433       ];
1434     "energie_vanons" =
1435       ps: with ps; [
1436       ];
1437     "energy" =
1438       ps: with ps; [
1439         fnv-hash-fast
1440         psutil-home-assistant
1441         sqlalchemy
1442       ];
1443     "energyzero" =
1444       ps: with ps; [
1445         energyzero
1446       ];
1447     "enigma2" =
1448       ps: with ps; [
1449         openwebifpy
1450       ];
1451     "enmax" =
1452       ps: with ps; [
1453       ];
1454     "enocean" =
1455       ps: with ps; [
1456         enocean
1457       ];
1458     "enphase_envoy" =
1459       ps: with ps; [
1460         pyenphase
1461       ];
1462     "entur_public_transport" =
1463       ps: with ps; [
1464         enturclient
1465       ];
1466     "environment_canada" =
1467       ps: with ps; [
1468         env-canada
1469       ];
1470     "envisalink" =
1471       ps: with ps; [
1472         pyenvisalink
1473       ];
1474     "ephember" =
1475       ps: with ps; [
1476         pyephember
1477       ];
1478     "epic_games_store" =
1479       ps: with ps; [
1480         epicstore-api
1481       ];
1482     "epion" =
1483       ps: with ps; [
1484         epion
1485       ];
1486     "epson" =
1487       ps: with ps; [
1488         epson-projector
1489       ];
1490     "eq3btsmart" =
1491       ps: with ps; [
1492         aioesphomeapi
1493         aioruuvigateway
1494         aioshelly
1495         bleak
1496         bleak-esphome
1497         bleak-retry-connector
1498         bluetooth-adapters
1499         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1500         bluetooth-data-tools
1501         dbus-fast
1502         eq3btsmart
1503         esphome-dashboard-api
1504         ha-ffmpeg
1505         habluetooth
1506         hassil
1507         home-assistant-intents
1508         ifaddr
1509         mutagen
1510         pymicro-vad
1511         pyserial
1512         pyspeex-noise
1513         pyudev
1514         zeroconf
1515       ];
1516     "escea" =
1517       ps: with ps; [
1518         pescea
1519       ];
1520     "esera_onewire" =
1521       ps: with ps; [
1522       ];
1523     "esphome" =
1524       ps: with ps; [
1525         aioesphomeapi
1526         bleak
1527         bleak-esphome
1528         bleak-retry-connector
1529         bluetooth-adapters
1530         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1531         bluetooth-data-tools
1532         dbus-fast
1533         esphome-dashboard-api
1534         ha-ffmpeg
1535         habluetooth
1536         hassil
1537         home-assistant-intents
1538         ifaddr
1539         mutagen
1540         pymicro-vad
1541         pyserial
1542         pyspeex-noise
1543         pyudev
1544         zeroconf
1545       ];
1546     "etherscan" =
1547       ps: with ps; [
1548       ]; # missing inputs: python-etherscan-api
1549     "eufy" =
1550       ps: with ps; [
1551         lakeside
1552       ];
1553     "eufylife_ble" =
1554       ps: with ps; [
1555         aioesphomeapi
1556         aioruuvigateway
1557         aioshelly
1558         bleak
1559         bleak-esphome
1560         bleak-retry-connector
1561         bluetooth-adapters
1562         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1563         bluetooth-data-tools
1564         dbus-fast
1565         esphome-dashboard-api
1566         eufylife-ble-client
1567         ha-ffmpeg
1568         habluetooth
1569         hassil
1570         home-assistant-intents
1571         ifaddr
1572         mutagen
1573         pymicro-vad
1574         pyserial
1575         pyspeex-noise
1576         pyudev
1577         zeroconf
1578       ];
1579     "event" =
1580       ps: with ps; [
1581       ];
1582     "evergy" =
1583       ps: with ps; [
1584       ];
1585     "everlights" =
1586       ps: with ps; [
1587         pyeverlights
1588       ];
1589     "evil_genius_labs" =
1590       ps: with ps; [
1591         pyevilgenius
1592       ];
1593     "evohome" =
1594       ps: with ps; [
1595         evohome-async
1596       ];
1597     "ezviz" =
1598       ps: with ps; [
1599         ha-ffmpeg
1600         pyezviz
1601       ];
1602     "faa_delays" =
1603       ps: with ps; [
1604         faadelays
1605       ];
1606     "facebook" =
1607       ps: with ps; [
1608       ];
1609     "fail2ban" =
1610       ps: with ps; [
1611       ];
1612     "familyhub" =
1613       ps: with ps; [
1614         python-family-hub-local
1615       ];
1616     "fan" =
1617       ps: with ps; [
1618       ];
1619     "fastdotcom" =
1620       ps: with ps; [
1621       ]; # missing inputs: fastdotcom
1622     "feedreader" =
1623       ps: with ps; [
1624         feedparser
1625       ];
1626     "ffmpeg" =
1627       ps: with ps; [
1628         ha-ffmpeg
1629       ];
1630     "ffmpeg_motion" =
1631       ps: with ps; [
1632         ha-ffmpeg
1633       ];
1634     "ffmpeg_noise" =
1635       ps: with ps; [
1636         ha-ffmpeg
1637       ];
1638     "fibaro" =
1639       ps: with ps; [
1640         pyfibaro
1641       ];
1642     "fido" =
1643       ps: with ps; [
1644         pyfido
1645       ];
1646     "file" =
1647       ps: with ps; [
1648         file-read-backwards
1649       ];
1650     "file_upload" =
1651       ps: with ps; [
1652       ];
1653     "filesize" =
1654       ps: with ps; [
1655       ];
1656     "filter" =
1657       ps: with ps; [
1658         fnv-hash-fast
1659         psutil-home-assistant
1660         sqlalchemy
1661       ];
1662     "fints" =
1663       ps: with ps; [
1664         fints
1665       ];
1666     "fire_tv" =
1667       ps: with ps; [
1668       ];
1669     "fireservicerota" =
1670       ps: with ps; [
1671         pyfireservicerota
1672       ];
1673     "firmata" =
1674       ps: with ps; [
1675         pymata-express
1676       ];
1677     "fitbit" =
1678       ps: with ps; [
1679         fitbit
1680       ];
1681     "fivem" =
1682       ps: with ps; [
1683         fivem-api
1684       ];
1685     "fixer" =
1686       ps: with ps; [
1687         fixerio
1688       ];
1689     "fjaraskupan" =
1690       ps: with ps; [
1691         aioesphomeapi
1692         aioruuvigateway
1693         aioshelly
1694         bleak
1695         bleak-esphome
1696         bleak-retry-connector
1697         bluetooth-adapters
1698         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1699         bluetooth-data-tools
1700         dbus-fast
1701         esphome-dashboard-api
1702         fjaraskupan
1703         ha-ffmpeg
1704         habluetooth
1705         hassil
1706         home-assistant-intents
1707         ifaddr
1708         mutagen
1709         pymicro-vad
1710         pyserial
1711         pyspeex-noise
1712         pyudev
1713         zeroconf
1714       ];
1715     "fleetgo" =
1716       ps: with ps; [
1717         ritassist
1718       ];
1719     "flexit" =
1720       ps: with ps; [
1721         pymodbus
1722       ];
1723     "flexit_bacnet" =
1724       ps: with ps; [
1725         flexit-bacnet
1726       ];
1727     "flexom" =
1728       ps: with ps; [
1729       ];
1730     "flic" =
1731       ps: with ps; [
1732         pyflic
1733       ];
1734     "flick_electric" =
1735       ps: with ps; [
1736         pyflick
1737       ];
1738     "flipr" =
1739       ps: with ps; [
1740         flipr-api
1741       ];
1742     "flo" =
1743       ps: with ps; [
1744         aioflo
1745       ];
1746     "flock" =
1747       ps: with ps; [
1748       ];
1749     "flume" =
1750       ps: with ps; [
1751         pyflume
1752       ];
1753     "flux" =
1754       ps: with ps; [
1755       ];
1756     "flux_led" =
1757       ps: with ps; [
1758         flux-led
1759         ifaddr
1760       ];
1761     "folder" =
1762       ps: with ps; [
1763       ];
1764     "folder_watcher" =
1765       ps: with ps; [
1766         watchdog
1767       ];
1768     "foobot" =
1769       ps: with ps; [
1770         foobot-async
1771       ];
1772     "forecast_solar" =
1773       ps: with ps; [
1774         forecast-solar
1775       ];
1776     "forked_daapd" =
1777       ps: with ps; [
1778         spotifyaio
1779       ]; # missing inputs: pyforked-daapd pylibrespot-java
1780     "fortios" =
1781       ps: with ps; [
1782         fortiosapi
1783       ];
1784     "foscam" =
1785       ps: with ps; [
1786         libpyfoscam
1787       ];
1788     "foursquare" =
1789       ps: with ps; [
1790       ];
1791     "free_mobile" =
1792       ps: with ps; [
1793       ]; # missing inputs: freesms
1794     "freebox" =
1795       ps: with ps; [
1796         freebox-api
1797         ha-ffmpeg
1798       ];
1799     "freedns" =
1800       ps: with ps; [
1801       ];
1802     "freedompro" =
1803       ps: with ps; [
1804         pyfreedompro
1805       ];
1806     "fritz" =
1807       ps:
1808       with ps;
1809       [
1810         fritzconnection
1811         ifaddr
1812         xmltodict
1813       ]
1814       ++ fritzconnection.optional-dependencies.qr;
1815     "fritzbox" =
1816       ps: with ps; [
1817         pyfritzhome
1818       ];
1819     "fritzbox_callmonitor" =
1820       ps:
1821       with ps;
1822       [
1823         fritzconnection
1824       ]
1825       ++ fritzconnection.optional-dependencies.qr;
1826     "fronius" =
1827       ps: with ps; [
1828         pyfronius
1829       ];
1830     "frontend" =
1831       ps: with ps; [
1832         aiohasupervisor
1833         cronsim
1834         home-assistant-frontend
1835         pillow
1836         securetar
1837       ];
1838     "frontier_silicon" =
1839       ps: with ps; [
1840         afsapi
1841       ];
1842     "fujitsu_anywair" =
1843       ps: with ps; [
1844       ];
1845     "fujitsu_fglair" =
1846       ps: with ps; [
1847         ayla-iot-unofficial
1848       ];
1849     "fully_kiosk" =
1850       ps: with ps; [
1851         aiohasupervisor
1852         paho-mqtt_1
1853         python-fullykiosk
1854       ];
1855     "futurenow" =
1856       ps: with ps; [
1857         pyfnip
1858       ];
1859     "fyta" =
1860       ps: with ps; [
1861         fyta-cli
1862       ];
1863     "garadget" =
1864       ps: with ps; [
1865       ];
1866     "garages_amsterdam" =
1867       ps: with ps; [
1868         odp-amsterdam
1869       ];
1870     "gardena_bluetooth" =
1871       ps: with ps; [
1872         aioesphomeapi
1873         aioruuvigateway
1874         aioshelly
1875         bleak
1876         bleak-esphome
1877         bleak-retry-connector
1878         bluetooth-adapters
1879         bluetooth-auto-recovery
1880         bluetooth-data-tools
1881         dbus-fast
1882         esphome-dashboard-api
1883         gardena-bluetooth
1884         ha-ffmpeg
1885         habluetooth
1886         hassil
1887         home-assistant-intents
1888         ifaddr
1889         mutagen
1890         pymicro-vad
1891         pyserial
1892         pyspeex-noise
1893         pyudev
1894         zeroconf
1895       ];
1896     "gaviota" =
1897       ps: with ps; [
1898       ];
1899     "gc100" =
1900       ps: with ps; [
1901       ]; # missing inputs: python-gc100
1902     "gdacs" =
1903       ps: with ps; [
1904         aio-georss-gdacs
1905       ];
1906     "generic" =
1907       ps: with ps; [
1908         av
1909         numpy
1910         pillow
1911         pyturbojpeg
1912       ];
1913     "generic_hygrostat" =
1914       ps: with ps; [
1915       ];
1916     "generic_thermostat" =
1917       ps: with ps; [
1918         fnv-hash-fast
1919         psutil-home-assistant
1920         sqlalchemy
1921       ];
1922     "geniushub" =
1923       ps: with ps; [
1924         geniushub-client
1925       ];
1926     "geo_json_events" =
1927       ps: with ps; [
1928         aio-geojson-generic-client
1929       ];
1930     "geo_location" =
1931       ps: with ps; [
1932       ];
1933     "geo_rss_events" =
1934       ps: with ps; [
1935         georss-generic-client
1936       ];
1937     "geocaching" =
1938       ps: with ps; [
1939         geocachingapi
1940       ];
1941     "geofency" =
1942       ps: with ps; [
1943       ];
1944     "geonetnz_quakes" =
1945       ps: with ps; [
1946         aio-geojson-geonetnz-quakes
1947       ];
1948     "geonetnz_volcano" =
1949       ps: with ps; [
1950         aio-geojson-geonetnz-volcano
1951       ];
1952     "gios" =
1953       ps: with ps; [
1954         gios
1955       ];
1956     "github" =
1957       ps: with ps; [
1958         aiogithubapi
1959       ];
1960     "gitlab_ci" =
1961       ps: with ps; [
1962         python-gitlab
1963       ];
1964     "gitter" =
1965       ps: with ps; [
1966       ]; # missing inputs: gitterpy
1967     "glances" =
1968       ps: with ps; [
1969         glances-api
1970       ];
1971     "go2rtc" =
1972       ps: with ps; [
1973         go2rtc-client
1974         pyturbojpeg
1975       ];
1976     "goalzero" =
1977       ps: with ps; [
1978         goalzero
1979       ];
1980     "gogogate2" =
1981       ps: with ps; [
1982         ismartgate
1983       ];
1984     "goodwe" =
1985       ps: with ps; [
1986         goodwe
1987       ];
1988     "google" =
1989       ps: with ps; [
1990         gcal-sync
1991         ical
1992         oauth2client
1993       ];
1994     "google_assistant" =
1995       ps: with ps; [
1996         aiohasupervisor
1997         python-matter-server
1998         pyturbojpeg
1999       ];
2000     "google_assistant_sdk" =
2001       ps: with ps; [
2002         gassist-text
2003       ];
2004     "google_cloud" =
2005       ps: with ps; [
2006         google-cloud-speech
2007         google-cloud-texttospeech
2008       ];
2009     "google_generative_ai_conversation" =
2010       ps: with ps; [
2011         google-generativeai
2012         ha-ffmpeg
2013         hassil
2014         home-assistant-intents
2015         mutagen
2016         pymicro-vad
2017         pyspeex-noise
2018       ];
2019     "google_mail" =
2020       ps: with ps; [
2021         google-api-python-client
2022       ];
2023     "google_maps" =
2024       ps: with ps; [
2025         locationsharinglib
2026       ];
2027     "google_photos" =
2028       ps: with ps; [
2029         google-photos-library-api
2030       ];
2031     "google_pubsub" =
2032       ps: with ps; [
2033         google-cloud-pubsub
2034       ];
2035     "google_sheets" =
2036       ps: with ps; [
2037         gspread
2038       ];
2039     "google_tasks" =
2040       ps: with ps; [
2041         google-api-python-client
2042       ];
2043     "google_translate" =
2044       ps: with ps; [
2045         gtts
2046       ];
2047     "google_travel_time" =
2048       ps: with ps; [
2049         googlemaps
2050       ];
2051     "google_wifi" =
2052       ps: with ps; [
2053       ];
2054     "govee_ble" =
2055       ps: with ps; [
2056         aioesphomeapi
2057         aioruuvigateway
2058         aioshelly
2059         bleak
2060         bleak-esphome
2061         bleak-retry-connector
2062         bluetooth-adapters
2063         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2064         bluetooth-data-tools
2065         dbus-fast
2066         esphome-dashboard-api
2067         govee-ble
2068         ha-ffmpeg
2069         habluetooth
2070         hassil
2071         home-assistant-intents
2072         ifaddr
2073         mutagen
2074         pymicro-vad
2075         pyserial
2076         pyspeex-noise
2077         pyudev
2078         zeroconf
2079       ];
2080     "govee_light_local" =
2081       ps: with ps; [
2082         govee-local-api
2083         ifaddr
2084       ];
2085     "gpsd" =
2086       ps: with ps; [
2087         gps3
2088       ];
2089     "gpslogger" =
2090       ps: with ps; [
2091       ];
2092     "graphite" =
2093       ps: with ps; [
2094       ];
2095     "gree" =
2096       ps: with ps; [
2097         greeclimate
2098         ifaddr
2099       ];
2100     "greeneye_monitor" =
2101       ps: with ps; [
2102         greeneye-monitor
2103       ];
2104     "greenwave" =
2105       ps: with ps; [
2106       ]; # missing inputs: greenwavereality
2107     "group" =
2108       ps: with ps; [
2109       ];
2110     "growatt_server" =
2111       ps: with ps; [
2112         growattserver
2113       ];
2114     "gstreamer" =
2115       ps: with ps; [
2116       ]; # missing inputs: gstreamer-player
2117     "gtfs" =
2118       ps: with ps; [
2119         pygtfs
2120       ];
2121     "guardian" =
2122       ps: with ps; [
2123         aioguardian
2124       ];
2125     "habitica" =
2126       ps: with ps; [
2127         habitipy
2128       ];
2129     "hardkernel" =
2130       ps: with ps; [
2131         aiohasupervisor
2132         psutil-home-assistant
2133       ];
2134     "hardware" =
2135       ps: with ps; [
2136         psutil-home-assistant
2137       ];
2138     "harman_kardon_avr" =
2139       ps: with ps; [
2140         hkavr
2141       ];
2142     "harmony" =
2143       ps: with ps; [
2144         aioharmony
2145       ];
2146     "harvey" =
2147       ps: with ps; [
2148       ];
2149     "hassio" =
2150       ps: with ps; [
2151         aiohasupervisor
2152       ];
2153     "havana_shade" =
2154       ps: with ps; [
2155       ];
2156     "haveibeenpwned" =
2157       ps: with ps; [
2158       ];
2159     "hddtemp" =
2160       ps: with ps; [
2161       ];
2162     "hdmi_cec" =
2163       ps: with ps; [
2164         pycec
2165       ];
2166     "heatmiser" =
2167       ps: with ps; [
2168         heatmiserv3
2169       ];
2170     "heiwa" =
2171       ps: with ps; [
2172       ];
2173     "heos" =
2174       ps: with ps; [
2175         pyheos
2176       ];
2177     "here_travel_time" =
2178       ps: with ps; [
2179         here-routing
2180         here-transit
2181       ];
2182     "hexaom" =
2183       ps: with ps; [
2184       ];
2185     "hi_kumo" =
2186       ps: with ps; [
2187       ];
2188     "hikvision" =
2189       ps: with ps; [
2190       ]; # missing inputs: pyHik
2191     "hikvisioncam" =
2192       ps: with ps; [
2193         hikvision
2194       ];
2195     "hisense_aehw4a1" =
2196       ps: with ps; [
2197         pyaehw4a1
2198       ];
2199     "history" =
2200       ps: with ps; [
2201         fnv-hash-fast
2202         psutil-home-assistant
2203         sqlalchemy
2204       ];
2205     "history_stats" =
2206       ps: with ps; [
2207         fnv-hash-fast
2208         psutil-home-assistant
2209         sqlalchemy
2210       ];
2211     "hitron_coda" =
2212       ps: with ps; [
2213       ];
2214     "hive" =
2215       ps: with ps; [
2216         pyhiveapi
2217       ];
2218     "hko" =
2219       ps: with ps; [
2220       ]; # missing inputs: hko
2221     "hlk_sw16" =
2222       ps: with ps; [
2223         hlk-sw16
2224       ];
2225     "holiday" =
2226       ps: with ps; [
2227         babel
2228         holidays
2229       ];
2230     "home_connect" =
2231       ps: with ps; [
2232         homeconnect
2233       ];
2234     "home_plus_control" =
2235       ps: with ps; [
2236       ];
2237     "homeassistant" =
2238       ps: with ps; [
2239       ];
2240     "homeassistant_alerts" =
2241       ps: with ps; [
2242         aiohasupervisor
2243       ];
2244     "homeassistant_green" =
2245       ps: with ps; [
2246         aiohasupervisor
2247         pillow
2248         psutil-home-assistant
2249         pyserial
2250         pyudev
2251         universal-silabs-flasher
2252         zha
2253       ];
2254     "homeassistant_hardware" =
2255       ps: with ps; [
2256         aiohasupervisor
2257         pillow
2258         pyserial
2259         pyudev
2260         universal-silabs-flasher
2261         zha
2262       ];
2263     "homeassistant_sky_connect" =
2264       ps: with ps; [
2265         aiohasupervisor
2266         pillow
2267         psutil-home-assistant
2268         pyserial
2269         pyudev
2270         universal-silabs-flasher
2271         zha
2272       ];
2273     "homeassistant_yellow" =
2274       ps: with ps; [
2275         aiohasupervisor
2276         pillow
2277         psutil-home-assistant
2278         pyserial
2279         pyudev
2280         universal-silabs-flasher
2281         zha
2282       ];
2283     "homekit" =
2284       ps: with ps; [
2285         base36
2286         fnv-hash-fast
2287         ha-ffmpeg
2288         hap-python
2289         ifaddr
2290         pyqrcode
2291         pyturbojpeg
2292         zeroconf
2293       ];
2294     "homekit_controller" =
2295       ps: with ps; [
2296         aioesphomeapi
2297         aiohomekit
2298         aioruuvigateway
2299         aioshelly
2300         bleak
2301         bleak-esphome
2302         bleak-retry-connector
2303         bluetooth-adapters
2304         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2305         bluetooth-data-tools
2306         dbus-fast
2307         esphome-dashboard-api
2308         ha-ffmpeg
2309         habluetooth
2310         hassil
2311         home-assistant-intents
2312         ifaddr
2313         mutagen
2314         pymicro-vad
2315         pyroute2
2316         pyserial
2317         pyspeex-noise
2318         python-otbr-api
2319         pyudev
2320         zeroconf
2321       ];
2322     "homematic" =
2323       ps: with ps; [
2324         pyhomematic
2325       ];
2326     "homematicip_cloud" =
2327       ps: with ps; [
2328         homematicip
2329       ];
2330     "homewizard" =
2331       ps: with ps; [
2332         python-homewizard-energy
2333       ];
2334     "homeworks" =
2335       ps: with ps; [
2336         pyhomeworks
2337       ];
2338     "honeywell" =
2339       ps: with ps; [
2340         aiosomecomfort
2341       ];
2342     "horizon" =
2343       ps: with ps; [
2344       ]; # missing inputs: horimote
2345     "hp_ilo" =
2346       ps: with ps; [
2347         python-hpilo
2348       ];
2349     "html5" =
2350       ps: with ps; [
2351         pywebpush
2352       ];
2353     "http" =
2354       ps: with ps; [
2355       ];
2356     "huawei_lte" =
2357       ps: with ps; [
2358         huawei-lte-api
2359         stringcase
2360         url-normalize
2361       ];
2362     "hue" =
2363       ps: with ps; [
2364         aiohue
2365       ];
2366     "huisbaasje" =
2367       ps: with ps; [
2368         energyflip-client
2369       ];
2370     "humidifier" =
2371       ps: with ps; [
2372       ];
2373     "hunterdouglas_powerview" =
2374       ps: with ps; [
2375         aiopvapi
2376       ];
2377     "hurrican_shutters_wholesale" =
2378       ps: with ps; [
2379       ];
2380     "husqvarna_automower" =
2381       ps: with ps; [
2382         aioautomower
2383       ];
2384     "husqvarna_automower_ble" =
2385       ps: with ps; [
2386         aioesphomeapi
2387         aioruuvigateway
2388         aioshelly
2389         automower-ble
2390         bleak
2391         bleak-esphome
2392         bleak-retry-connector
2393         bluetooth-adapters
2394         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2395         bluetooth-data-tools
2396         dbus-fast
2397         esphome-dashboard-api
2398         ha-ffmpeg
2399         habluetooth
2400         hassil
2401         home-assistant-intents
2402         ifaddr
2403         mutagen
2404         pymicro-vad
2405         pyserial
2406         pyspeex-noise
2407         pyudev
2408         zeroconf
2409       ];
2410     "huum" =
2411       ps: with ps; [
2412         huum
2413       ];
2414     "hvv_departures" =
2415       ps: with ps; [
2416         pygti
2417       ];
2418     "hydrawise" =
2419       ps: with ps; [
2420         pydrawise
2421       ];
2422     "hyperion" =
2423       ps: with ps; [
2424         hyperion-py
2425       ];
2426     "ialarm" =
2427       ps: with ps; [
2428         pyialarm
2429       ];
2430     "iammeter" =
2431       ps: with ps; [
2432         iammeter
2433       ];
2434     "iaqualink" =
2435       ps: with ps; [
2436         h2
2437         iaqualink
2438       ];
2439     "ibeacon" =
2440       ps: with ps; [
2441         aioesphomeapi
2442         aioruuvigateway
2443         aioshelly
2444         bleak
2445         bleak-esphome
2446         bleak-retry-connector
2447         bluetooth-adapters
2448         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2449         bluetooth-data-tools
2450         dbus-fast
2451         esphome-dashboard-api
2452         ha-ffmpeg
2453         habluetooth
2454         hassil
2455         home-assistant-intents
2456         ibeacon-ble
2457         ifaddr
2458         mutagen
2459         pymicro-vad
2460         pyserial
2461         pyspeex-noise
2462         pyudev
2463         zeroconf
2464       ];
2465     "icloud" =
2466       ps: with ps; [
2467         pyicloud
2468       ];
2469     "idasen_desk" =
2470       ps: with ps; [
2471         aioesphomeapi
2472         aioruuvigateway
2473         aioshelly
2474         bleak
2475         bleak-esphome
2476         bleak-retry-connector
2477         bluetooth-adapters
2478         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2479         bluetooth-data-tools
2480         dbus-fast
2481         esphome-dashboard-api
2482         ha-ffmpeg
2483         habluetooth
2484         hassil
2485         home-assistant-intents
2486         idasen-ha
2487         ifaddr
2488         mutagen
2489         pymicro-vad
2490         pyserial
2491         pyspeex-noise
2492         pyudev
2493         zeroconf
2494       ];
2495     "idteck_prox" =
2496       ps: with ps; [
2497       ]; # missing inputs: rfk101py
2498     "ifttt" =
2499       ps: with ps; [
2500         pyfttt
2501       ];
2502     "iglo" =
2503       ps: with ps; [
2504       ]; # missing inputs: iglo
2505     "ign_sismologia" =
2506       ps: with ps; [
2507         georss-ign-sismologia-client
2508       ];
2509     "ihc" =
2510       ps: with ps; [
2511         defusedxml
2512         ihcsdk
2513       ];
2514     "image" =
2515       ps: with ps; [
2516       ];
2517     "image_processing" =
2518       ps: with ps; [
2519         pyturbojpeg
2520       ];
2521     "image_upload" =
2522       ps: with ps; [
2523         pillow
2524       ];
2525     "imap" =
2526       ps: with ps; [
2527         aioimaplib
2528       ];
2529     "imgw_pib" =
2530       ps: with ps; [
2531         imgw-pib
2532       ];
2533     "improv_ble" =
2534       ps: with ps; [
2535         aioesphomeapi
2536         aioruuvigateway
2537         aioshelly
2538         bleak
2539         bleak-esphome
2540         bleak-retry-connector
2541         bluetooth-adapters
2542         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2543         bluetooth-data-tools
2544         dbus-fast
2545         esphome-dashboard-api
2546         ha-ffmpeg
2547         habluetooth
2548         hassil
2549         home-assistant-intents
2550         ifaddr
2551         mutagen
2552         py-improv-ble-client
2553         pymicro-vad
2554         pyserial
2555         pyspeex-noise
2556         pyudev
2557         zeroconf
2558       ];
2559     "incomfort" =
2560       ps: with ps; [
2561         incomfort-client
2562       ];
2563     "indianamichiganpower" =
2564       ps: with ps; [
2565       ];
2566     "influxdb" =
2567       ps: with ps; [
2568         influxdb
2569         influxdb-client
2570       ];
2571     "inkbird" =
2572       ps: with ps; [
2573         aioesphomeapi
2574         aioruuvigateway
2575         aioshelly
2576         bleak
2577         bleak-esphome
2578         bleak-retry-connector
2579         bluetooth-adapters
2580         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2581         bluetooth-data-tools
2582         dbus-fast
2583         esphome-dashboard-api
2584         ha-ffmpeg
2585         habluetooth
2586         hassil
2587         home-assistant-intents
2588         ifaddr
2589         inkbird-ble
2590         mutagen
2591         pymicro-vad
2592         pyserial
2593         pyspeex-noise
2594         pyudev
2595         zeroconf
2596       ];
2597     "input_boolean" =
2598       ps: with ps; [
2599       ];
2600     "input_button" =
2601       ps: with ps; [
2602       ];
2603     "input_datetime" =
2604       ps: with ps; [
2605       ];
2606     "input_number" =
2607       ps: with ps; [
2608       ];
2609     "input_select" =
2610       ps: with ps; [
2611       ];
2612     "input_text" =
2613       ps: with ps; [
2614       ];
2615     "inspired_shades" =
2616       ps: with ps; [
2617       ];
2618     "insteon" =
2619       ps: with ps; [
2620         aiohasupervisor
2621         cronsim
2622         home-assistant-frontend
2623         insteon-frontend-home-assistant
2624         pillow
2625         pyinsteon
2626         pyserial
2627         pyudev
2628         securetar
2629       ];
2630     "integration" =
2631       ps: with ps; [
2632       ];
2633     "intellifire" =
2634       ps: with ps; [
2635         intellifire4py
2636       ];
2637     "intent" =
2638       ps: with ps; [
2639       ];
2640     "intent_script" =
2641       ps: with ps; [
2642       ];
2643     "intesishome" =
2644       ps: with ps; [
2645         pyintesishome
2646       ];
2647     "ios" =
2648       ps: with ps; [
2649         ifaddr
2650         zeroconf
2651       ];
2652     "iotawatt" =
2653       ps: with ps; [
2654       ]; # missing inputs: ha-iotawattpy
2655     "iotty" =
2656       ps: with ps; [
2657         iottycloud
2658       ];
2659     "iperf3" =
2660       ps: with ps; [
2661       ]; # missing inputs: iperf3
2662     "ipma" =
2663       ps: with ps; [
2664         pyipma
2665       ];
2666     "ipp" =
2667       ps: with ps; [
2668         pyipp
2669       ];
2670     "iqvia" =
2671       ps: with ps; [
2672         numpy
2673         pyiqvia
2674       ];
2675     "irish_rail_transport" =
2676       ps: with ps; [
2677       ]; # missing inputs: pyirishrail
2678     "iron_os" =
2679       ps: with ps; [
2680         aioesphomeapi
2681         aioruuvigateway
2682         aioshelly
2683         bleak
2684         bleak-esphome
2685         bleak-retry-connector
2686         bluetooth-adapters
2687         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2688         bluetooth-data-tools
2689         dbus-fast
2690         esphome-dashboard-api
2691         ha-ffmpeg
2692         habluetooth
2693         hassil
2694         home-assistant-intents
2695         ifaddr
2696         mutagen
2697         pymicro-vad
2698         pynecil
2699         pyserial
2700         pyspeex-noise
2701         pyudev
2702         zeroconf
2703       ];
2704     "isal" =
2705       ps: with ps; [
2706         isal
2707       ];
2708     "iskra" =
2709       ps: with ps; [
2710         pyiskra
2711       ];
2712     "islamic_prayer_times" =
2713       ps: with ps; [
2714         prayer-times-calculator-offline
2715       ];
2716     "ismartwindow" =
2717       ps: with ps; [
2718       ];
2719     "israel_rail" =
2720       ps: with ps; [
2721         israel-rail-api
2722       ];
2723     "iss" =
2724       ps: with ps; [
2725       ]; # missing inputs: pyiss
2726     "ista_ecotrend" =
2727       ps: with ps; [
2728         fnv-hash-fast
2729         psutil-home-assistant
2730         pyecotrend-ista
2731         sqlalchemy
2732       ];
2733     "isy994" =
2734       ps: with ps; [
2735         pyisy
2736       ];
2737     "itach" =
2738       ps: with ps; [
2739       ]; # missing inputs: pyitachip2ir
2740     "itunes" =
2741       ps: with ps; [
2742       ];
2743     "ituran" =
2744       ps: with ps; [
2745         pyituran
2746       ];
2747     "izone" =
2748       ps: with ps; [
2749         python-izone
2750       ];
2751     "jellyfin" =
2752       ps: with ps; [
2753         jellyfin-apiclient-python
2754       ];
2755     "jewish_calendar" =
2756       ps: with ps; [
2757         hdate
2758       ];
2759     "joaoapps_join" =
2760       ps: with ps; [
2761       ]; # missing inputs: python-join-api
2762     "juicenet" =
2763       ps: with ps; [
2764         python-juicenet
2765       ];
2766     "justnimbus" =
2767       ps: with ps; [
2768         justnimbus
2769       ];
2770     "jvc_projector" =
2771       ps: with ps; [
2772         pyjvcprojector
2773       ];
2774     "kaiterra" =
2775       ps: with ps; [
2776       ]; # missing inputs: kaiterra-async-client
2777     "kaleidescape" =
2778       ps: with ps; [
2779         pykaleidescape
2780       ];
2781     "kankun" =
2782       ps: with ps; [
2783       ];
2784     "keba" =
2785       ps: with ps; [
2786         keba-kecontact
2787       ];
2788     "keenetic_ndms2" =
2789       ps: with ps; [
2790         ndms2-client
2791       ];
2792     "kef" =
2793       ps: with ps; [
2794         aiokef
2795         getmac
2796       ];
2797     "kegtron" =
2798       ps: with ps; [
2799         aioesphomeapi
2800         aioruuvigateway
2801         aioshelly
2802         bleak
2803         bleak-esphome
2804         bleak-retry-connector
2805         bluetooth-adapters
2806         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2807         bluetooth-data-tools
2808         dbus-fast
2809         esphome-dashboard-api
2810         ha-ffmpeg
2811         habluetooth
2812         hassil
2813         home-assistant-intents
2814         ifaddr
2815         kegtron-ble
2816         mutagen
2817         pymicro-vad
2818         pyserial
2819         pyspeex-noise
2820         pyudev
2821         zeroconf
2822       ];
2823     "kentuckypower" =
2824       ps: with ps; [
2825       ];
2826     "keyboard" =
2827       ps: with ps; [
2828       ]; # missing inputs: pyuserinput
2829     "keyboard_remote" =
2830       ps: with ps; [
2831         asyncinotify
2832         evdev
2833       ];
2834     "keymitt_ble" =
2835       ps: with ps; [
2836         aioesphomeapi
2837         aioruuvigateway
2838         aioshelly
2839         bleak
2840         bleak-esphome
2841         bleak-retry-connector
2842         bluetooth-adapters
2843         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2844         bluetooth-data-tools
2845         dbus-fast
2846         esphome-dashboard-api
2847         ha-ffmpeg
2848         habluetooth
2849         hassil
2850         home-assistant-intents
2851         ifaddr
2852         mutagen
2853         pymicro-vad
2854         pymicrobot
2855         pyserial
2856         pyspeex-noise
2857         pyudev
2858         zeroconf
2859       ];
2860     "kira" =
2861       ps: with ps; [
2862         pykira
2863       ];
2864     "kitchen_sink" =
2865       ps: with ps; [
2866         fnv-hash-fast
2867         psutil-home-assistant
2868         sqlalchemy
2869       ];
2870     "kiwi" =
2871       ps: with ps; [
2872         kiwiki-client
2873       ];
2874     "kmtronic" =
2875       ps: with ps; [
2876         pykmtronic
2877       ];
2878     "knocki" =
2879       ps: with ps; [
2880         knocki
2881       ];
2882     "knx" =
2883       ps: with ps; [
2884         aiohasupervisor
2885         cronsim
2886         home-assistant-frontend
2887         knx-frontend
2888         pillow
2889         securetar
2890         xknx
2891         xknxproject
2892       ];
2893     "kodi" =
2894       ps: with ps; [
2895         pykodi
2896       ];
2897     "konnected" =
2898       ps: with ps; [
2899         konnected
2900       ];
2901     "kostal_plenticore" =
2902       ps: with ps; [
2903         pykoplenti
2904       ];
2905     "kraken" =
2906       ps: with ps; [
2907         krakenex
2908         pykrakenapi
2909       ];
2910     "krispol" =
2911       ps: with ps; [
2912       ];
2913     "kulersky" =
2914       ps: with ps; [
2915         pykulersky
2916       ];
2917     "kwb" =
2918       ps: with ps; [
2919         pykwb
2920       ];
2921     "lacrosse" =
2922       ps: with ps; [
2923         pylacrosse
2924       ];
2925     "lacrosse_view" =
2926       ps: with ps; [
2927       ]; # missing inputs: lacrosse-view
2928     "lamarzocco" =
2929       ps: with ps; [
2930         aioesphomeapi
2931         aioruuvigateway
2932         aioshelly
2933         bleak
2934         bleak-esphome
2935         bleak-retry-connector
2936         bluetooth-adapters
2937         bluetooth-auto-recovery
2938         bluetooth-data-tools
2939         dbus-fast
2940         esphome-dashboard-api
2941         ha-ffmpeg
2942         habluetooth
2943         hassil
2944         home-assistant-intents
2945         ifaddr
2946         mutagen
2947         pylamarzocco
2948         pymicro-vad
2949         pyserial
2950         pyspeex-noise
2951         pyudev
2952         zeroconf
2953       ];
2954     "lametric" =
2955       ps: with ps; [
2956         demetriek
2957       ];
2958     "landisgyr_heat_meter" =
2959       ps: with ps; [
2960         pyserial
2961         pyudev
2962         ultraheat-api
2963       ];
2964     "lannouncer" =
2965       ps: with ps; [
2966       ];
2967     "lastfm" =
2968       ps: with ps; [
2969         pylast
2970       ];
2971     "launch_library" =
2972       ps: with ps; [
2973         pylaunches
2974       ];
2975     "laundrify" =
2976       ps: with ps; [
2977         laundrify-aio
2978       ];
2979     "lawn_mower" =
2980       ps: with ps; [
2981       ];
2982     "lcn" =
2983       ps: with ps; [
2984         aiohasupervisor
2985         cronsim
2986         home-assistant-frontend
2987         lcn-frontend
2988         pillow
2989         pypck
2990         securetar
2991       ];
2992     "ld2410_ble" =
2993       ps: with ps; [
2994         aioesphomeapi
2995         aioruuvigateway
2996         aioshelly
2997         bleak
2998         bleak-esphome
2999         bleak-retry-connector
3000         bluetooth-adapters
3001         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3002         bluetooth-data-tools
3003         dbus-fast
3004         esphome-dashboard-api
3005         ha-ffmpeg
3006         habluetooth
3007         hassil
3008         home-assistant-intents
3009         ifaddr
3010         ld2410-ble
3011         mutagen
3012         pymicro-vad
3013         pyserial
3014         pyspeex-noise
3015         pyudev
3016         zeroconf
3017       ];
3018     "leaone" =
3019       ps: with ps; [
3020         aioesphomeapi
3021         aioruuvigateway
3022         aioshelly
3023         bleak
3024         bleak-esphome
3025         bleak-retry-connector
3026         bluetooth-adapters
3027         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3028         bluetooth-data-tools
3029         dbus-fast
3030         esphome-dashboard-api
3031         ha-ffmpeg
3032         habluetooth
3033         hassil
3034         home-assistant-intents
3035         ifaddr
3036         leaone-ble
3037         mutagen
3038         pymicro-vad
3039         pyserial
3040         pyspeex-noise
3041         pyudev
3042         zeroconf
3043       ];
3044     "led_ble" =
3045       ps: with ps; [
3046         aioesphomeapi
3047         aioruuvigateway
3048         aioshelly
3049         bleak
3050         bleak-esphome
3051         bleak-retry-connector
3052         bluetooth-adapters
3053         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3054         bluetooth-data-tools
3055         dbus-fast
3056         esphome-dashboard-api
3057         ha-ffmpeg
3058         habluetooth
3059         hassil
3060         home-assistant-intents
3061         ifaddr
3062         led-ble
3063         mutagen
3064         pymicro-vad
3065         pyserial
3066         pyspeex-noise
3067         pyudev
3068         zeroconf
3069       ];
3070     "legrand" =
3071       ps: with ps; [
3072       ];
3073     "lektrico" =
3074       ps: with ps; [
3075         lektricowifi
3076       ];
3077     "lg_netcast" =
3078       ps: with ps; [
3079         ifaddr
3080         pylgnetcast
3081       ];
3082     "lg_soundbar" =
3083       ps: with ps; [
3084         temescal
3085       ];
3086     "lg_thinq" =
3087       ps: with ps; [
3088         thinqconnect
3089       ];
3090     "lidarr" =
3091       ps: with ps; [
3092         aiopyarr
3093       ];
3094     "life360" =
3095       ps: with ps; [
3096       ];
3097     "lifx" =
3098       ps: with ps; [
3099         aiolifx
3100         aiolifx-effects
3101         aiolifx-themes
3102         ifaddr
3103       ];
3104     "lifx_cloud" =
3105       ps: with ps; [
3106       ];
3107     "light" =
3108       ps: with ps; [
3109       ];
3110     "lightwave" =
3111       ps: with ps; [
3112         lightwave
3113       ];
3114     "limitlessled" =
3115       ps: with ps; [
3116         limitlessled
3117       ];
3118     "linear_garage_door" =
3119       ps: with ps; [
3120         linear-garage-door
3121       ];
3122     "linkplay" =
3123       ps: with ps; [
3124         python-linkplay
3125       ];
3126     "linksys_smart" =
3127       ps: with ps; [
3128       ];
3129     "linode" =
3130       ps: with ps; [
3131         linode-api
3132       ];
3133     "linux_battery" =
3134       ps: with ps; [
3135         batinfo
3136       ];
3137     "lirc" =
3138       ps: with ps; [
3139       ]; # missing inputs: python-lirc
3140     "litejet" =
3141       ps: with ps; [
3142         pylitejet
3143       ];
3144     "litterrobot" =
3145       ps: with ps; [
3146         pylitterbot
3147       ];
3148     "livisi" =
3149       ps: with ps; [
3150         livisi
3151       ];
3152     "llamalab_automate" =
3153       ps: with ps; [
3154       ];
3155     "local_calendar" =
3156       ps: with ps; [
3157         ical
3158       ];
3159     "local_file" =
3160       ps: with ps; [
3161       ];
3162     "local_ip" =
3163       ps: with ps; [
3164         ifaddr
3165       ];
3166     "local_todo" =
3167       ps: with ps; [
3168         ical
3169       ];
3170     "locative" =
3171       ps: with ps; [
3172       ];
3173     "lock" =
3174       ps: with ps; [
3175       ];
3176     "logbook" =
3177       ps: with ps; [
3178         aiohasupervisor
3179         cronsim
3180         fnv-hash-fast
3181         home-assistant-frontend
3182         pillow
3183         psutil-home-assistant
3184         securetar
3185         sqlalchemy
3186       ];
3187     "logentries" =
3188       ps: with ps; [
3189       ];
3190     "logger" =
3191       ps: with ps; [
3192       ];
3193     "london_air" =
3194       ps: with ps; [
3195       ];
3196     "london_underground" =
3197       ps: with ps; [
3198       ]; # missing inputs: london-tube-status
3199     "lookin" =
3200       ps: with ps; [
3201         aiolookin
3202       ];
3203     "loqed" =
3204       ps: with ps; [
3205         aiohasupervisor
3206         cronsim
3207         ha-ffmpeg
3208         hass-nabucasa
3209         hassil
3210         home-assistant-intents
3211         loqedapi
3212         mutagen
3213         pymicro-vad
3214         pyspeex-noise
3215         python-matter-server
3216         pyturbojpeg
3217         securetar
3218       ];
3219     "lovelace" =
3220       ps: with ps; [
3221         aiohasupervisor
3222         pillow
3223       ];
3224     "luci" =
3225       ps: with ps; [
3226         openwrt-luci-rpc
3227       ];
3228     "luftdaten" =
3229       ps: with ps; [
3230         luftdaten
3231       ];
3232     "lupusec" =
3233       ps: with ps; [
3234         lupupy
3235       ];
3236     "lutron" =
3237       ps: with ps; [
3238         pylutron
3239       ];
3240     "lutron_caseta" =
3241       ps: with ps; [
3242         pylutron-caseta
3243       ];
3244     "luxaflex" =
3245       ps: with ps; [
3246       ];
3247     "lw12wifi" =
3248       ps: with ps; [
3249       ]; # missing inputs: lw12
3250     "lyric" =
3251       ps: with ps; [
3252         aiolyric
3253       ];
3254     "madeco" =
3255       ps: with ps; [
3256       ];
3257     "madvr" =
3258       ps: with ps; [
3259         py-madvr2
3260       ];
3261     "mailgun" =
3262       ps: with ps; [
3263         pymailgunner
3264       ];
3265     "manual" =
3266       ps: with ps; [
3267       ];
3268     "manual_mqtt" =
3269       ps: with ps; [
3270         aiohasupervisor
3271         paho-mqtt_1
3272       ];
3273     "marantz" =
3274       ps: with ps; [
3275       ];
3276     "martec" =
3277       ps: with ps; [
3278       ];
3279     "marytts" =
3280       ps: with ps; [
3281       ]; # missing inputs: speak2mary
3282     "mastodon" =
3283       ps: with ps; [
3284         mastodon-py
3285       ];
3286     "matrix" =
3287       ps: with ps; [
3288         matrix-nio
3289         pillow
3290       ];
3291     "matter" =
3292       ps: with ps; [
3293         aiohasupervisor
3294         python-matter-server
3295       ];
3296     "maxcube" =
3297       ps: with ps; [
3298         maxcube-api
3299       ];
3300     "mazda" =
3301       ps: with ps; [
3302       ];
3303     "mealie" =
3304       ps: with ps; [
3305         aiomealie
3306       ];
3307     "meater" =
3308       ps: with ps; [
3309         meater-python
3310       ];
3311     "medcom_ble" =
3312       ps: with ps; [
3313         aioesphomeapi
3314         aioruuvigateway
3315         aioshelly
3316         bleak
3317         bleak-esphome
3318         bleak-retry-connector
3319         bluetooth-adapters
3320         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3321         bluetooth-data-tools
3322         dbus-fast
3323         esphome-dashboard-api
3324         ha-ffmpeg
3325         habluetooth
3326         hassil
3327         home-assistant-intents
3328         ifaddr
3329         mutagen
3330         pymicro-vad
3331         pyserial
3332         pyspeex-noise
3333         pyudev
3334         zeroconf
3335       ]; # missing inputs: medcom-ble
3336     "media_extractor" =
3337       ps:
3338       with ps;
3339       [
3340         yt-dlp
3341       ]
3342       ++ yt-dlp.optional-dependencies.default;
3343     "media_player" =
3344       ps: with ps; [
3345       ];
3346     "media_source" =
3347       ps: with ps; [
3348       ];
3349     "mediaroom" =
3350       ps: with ps; [
3351         pymediaroom
3352       ];
3353     "melcloud" =
3354       ps: with ps; [
3355         pymelcloud
3356       ];
3357     "melissa" =
3358       ps: with ps; [
3359       ]; # missing inputs: py-melissa-climate
3360     "melnor" =
3361       ps: with ps; [
3362         aioesphomeapi
3363         aioruuvigateway
3364         aioshelly
3365         bleak
3366         bleak-esphome
3367         bleak-retry-connector
3368         bluetooth-adapters
3369         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3370         bluetooth-data-tools
3371         dbus-fast
3372         esphome-dashboard-api
3373         ha-ffmpeg
3374         habluetooth
3375         hassil
3376         home-assistant-intents
3377         ifaddr
3378         melnor-bluetooth
3379         mutagen
3380         pymicro-vad
3381         pyserial
3382         pyspeex-noise
3383         pyudev
3384         zeroconf
3385       ];
3386     "meraki" =
3387       ps: with ps; [
3388       ];
3389     "mercury_nz" =
3390       ps: with ps; [
3391       ];
3392     "message_bird" =
3393       ps: with ps; [
3394         messagebird
3395       ];
3396     "met" =
3397       ps: with ps; [
3398         pymetno
3399       ];
3400     "met_eireann" =
3401       ps: with ps; [
3402         pymeteireann
3403       ];
3404     "meteo_france" =
3405       ps: with ps; [
3406         meteofrance-api
3407       ];
3408     "meteoalarm" =
3409       ps: with ps; [
3410         meteoalertapi
3411       ];
3412     "meteoclimatic" =
3413       ps: with ps; [
3414         pymeteoclimatic
3415       ];
3416     "metoffice" =
3417       ps: with ps; [
3418         datapoint
3419       ];
3420     "mfi" =
3421       ps: with ps; [
3422         mficlient
3423       ];
3424     "microbees" =
3425       ps: with ps; [
3426       ]; # missing inputs: microBeesPy
3427     "microsoft" =
3428       ps: with ps; [
3429       ]; # missing inputs: pycsspeechtts
3430     "microsoft_face" =
3431       ps: with ps; [
3432         pyturbojpeg
3433       ];
3434     "microsoft_face_detect" =
3435       ps: with ps; [
3436         pyturbojpeg
3437       ];
3438     "microsoft_face_identify" =
3439       ps: with ps; [
3440         pyturbojpeg
3441       ];
3442     "mijndomein_energie" =
3443       ps: with ps; [
3444       ];
3445     "mikrotik" =
3446       ps: with ps; [
3447         librouteros
3448       ];
3449     "mill" =
3450       ps: with ps; [
3451         mill-local
3452         millheater
3453       ];
3454     "min_max" =
3455       ps: with ps; [
3456       ];
3457     "minecraft_server" =
3458       ps: with ps; [
3459         mcstatus
3460       ];
3461     "mini_connected" =
3462       ps: with ps; [
3463       ];
3464     "minio" =
3465       ps: with ps; [
3466         minio
3467       ];
3468     "mjpeg" =
3469       ps: with ps; [
3470       ];
3471     "moat" =
3472       ps: with ps; [
3473         aioesphomeapi
3474         aioruuvigateway
3475         aioshelly
3476         bleak
3477         bleak-esphome
3478         bleak-retry-connector
3479         bluetooth-adapters
3480         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3481         bluetooth-data-tools
3482         dbus-fast
3483         esphome-dashboard-api
3484         ha-ffmpeg
3485         habluetooth
3486         hassil
3487         home-assistant-intents
3488         ifaddr
3489         moat-ble
3490         mutagen
3491         pymicro-vad
3492         pyserial
3493         pyspeex-noise
3494         pyudev
3495         zeroconf
3496       ];
3497     "mobile_app" =
3498       ps: with ps; [
3499         aiohasupervisor
3500         cronsim
3501         ha-ffmpeg
3502         hass-nabucasa
3503         hassil
3504         home-assistant-intents
3505         mutagen
3506         pillow
3507         pymicro-vad
3508         pynacl
3509         pyspeex-noise
3510         python-matter-server
3511         pyturbojpeg
3512         securetar
3513       ];
3514     "mochad" =
3515       ps: with ps; [
3516       ]; # missing inputs: pymochad
3517     "modbus" =
3518       ps: with ps; [
3519         pymodbus
3520       ];
3521     "modem_callerid" =
3522       ps: with ps; [
3523         phone-modem
3524         pyserial
3525         pyudev
3526       ];
3527     "modern_forms" =
3528       ps: with ps; [
3529         aiomodernforms
3530       ];
3531     "moehlenhoff_alpha2" =
3532       ps: with ps; [
3533       ]; # missing inputs: moehlenhoff-alpha2
3534     "mold_indicator" =
3535       ps: with ps; [
3536       ];
3537     "monarch_money" =
3538       ps: with ps; [
3539       ]; # missing inputs: typedmonarchmoney
3540     "monessen" =
3541       ps: with ps; [
3542       ];
3543     "monoprice" =
3544       ps: with ps; [
3545       ]; # missing inputs: pymonoprice
3546     "monzo" =
3547       ps: with ps; [
3548         monzopy
3549       ];
3550     "moon" =
3551       ps: with ps; [
3552       ];
3553     "mopeka" =
3554       ps: with ps; [
3555         aioesphomeapi
3556         aioruuvigateway
3557         aioshelly
3558         bleak
3559         bleak-esphome
3560         bleak-retry-connector
3561         bluetooth-adapters
3562         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3563         bluetooth-data-tools
3564         dbus-fast
3565         esphome-dashboard-api
3566         ha-ffmpeg
3567         habluetooth
3568         hassil
3569         home-assistant-intents
3570         ifaddr
3571         mopeka-iot-ble
3572         mutagen
3573         pymicro-vad
3574         pyserial
3575         pyspeex-noise
3576         pyudev
3577         zeroconf
3578       ];
3579     "motion_blinds" =
3580       ps: with ps; [
3581         ifaddr
3582         motionblinds
3583       ];
3584     "motionblinds_ble" =
3585       ps: with ps; [
3586         aioesphomeapi
3587         aioruuvigateway
3588         aioshelly
3589         bleak
3590         bleak-esphome
3591         bleak-retry-connector
3592         bluetooth-adapters
3593         bluetooth-auto-recovery
3594         bluetooth-data-tools
3595         dbus-fast
3596         esphome-dashboard-api
3597         ha-ffmpeg
3598         habluetooth
3599         hassil
3600         home-assistant-intents
3601         ifaddr
3602         motionblindsble
3603         mutagen
3604         pymicro-vad
3605         pyserial
3606         pyspeex-noise
3607         pyudev
3608         zeroconf
3609       ];
3610     "motioneye" =
3611       ps: with ps; [
3612         motioneye-client
3613       ];
3614     "motionmount" =
3615       ps: with ps; [
3616         python-motionmount
3617       ];
3618     "mpd" =
3619       ps: with ps; [
3620         mpd2
3621       ];
3622     "mqtt" =
3623       ps: with ps; [
3624         aiohasupervisor
3625         paho-mqtt_1
3626       ];
3627     "mqtt_eventstream" =
3628       ps: with ps; [
3629         aiohasupervisor
3630         paho-mqtt_1
3631       ];
3632     "mqtt_json" =
3633       ps: with ps; [
3634         aiohasupervisor
3635         paho-mqtt_1
3636       ];
3637     "mqtt_room" =
3638       ps: with ps; [
3639         aiohasupervisor
3640         paho-mqtt_1
3641       ];
3642     "mqtt_statestream" =
3643       ps: with ps; [
3644         aiohasupervisor
3645         paho-mqtt_1
3646       ];
3647     "msteams" =
3648       ps: with ps; [
3649         pymsteams
3650       ];
3651     "mullvad" =
3652       ps: with ps; [
3653         mullvad-api
3654       ];
3655     "music_assistant" =
3656       ps: with ps; [
3657         music-assistant-client
3658       ];
3659     "mutesync" =
3660       ps: with ps; [
3661         mutesync
3662       ];
3663     "my" =
3664       ps: with ps; [
3665         aiohasupervisor
3666         cronsim
3667         home-assistant-frontend
3668         pillow
3669         securetar
3670       ];
3671     "myq" =
3672       ps: with ps; [
3673       ];
3674     "mysensors" =
3675       ps: with ps; [
3676         aiohasupervisor
3677         paho-mqtt_1
3678         pymysensors
3679       ];
3680     "mystrom" =
3681       ps: with ps; [
3682         python-mystrom
3683       ];
3684     "mythicbeastsdns" =
3685       ps: with ps; [
3686         mbddns
3687       ];
3688     "myuplink" =
3689       ps: with ps; [
3690         myuplink
3691       ];
3692     "nad" =
3693       ps: with ps; [
3694         nad-receiver
3695       ];
3696     "nam" =
3697       ps: with ps; [
3698         nettigo-air-monitor
3699       ];
3700     "namecheapdns" =
3701       ps: with ps; [
3702         defusedxml
3703       ];
3704     "nanoleaf" =
3705       ps: with ps; [
3706         aionanoleaf
3707       ];
3708     "nasweb" =
3709       ps: with ps; [
3710       ]; # missing inputs: webio-api
3711     "neato" =
3712       ps: with ps; [
3713         pybotvac
3714       ];
3715     "nederlandse_spoorwegen" =
3716       ps: with ps; [
3717         nsapi
3718       ];
3719     "ness_alarm" =
3720       ps: with ps; [
3721         nessclient
3722       ];
3723     "nest" =
3724       ps: with ps; [
3725         google-nest-sdm
3726         ha-ffmpeg
3727       ];
3728     "netatmo" =
3729       ps: with ps; [
3730         aiohasupervisor
3731         cronsim
3732         ha-ffmpeg
3733         hass-nabucasa
3734         hassil
3735         home-assistant-intents
3736         mutagen
3737         pyatmo
3738         pymicro-vad
3739         pyspeex-noise
3740         python-matter-server
3741         pyturbojpeg
3742         securetar
3743       ];
3744     "netdata" =
3745       ps: with ps; [
3746         netdata
3747       ];
3748     "netgear" =
3749       ps: with ps; [
3750         pynetgear
3751       ];
3752     "netgear_lte" =
3753       ps: with ps; [
3754         eternalegypt
3755       ];
3756     "netio" =
3757       ps: with ps; [
3758       ]; # missing inputs: pynetio
3759     "network" =
3760       ps: with ps; [
3761         ifaddr
3762       ];
3763     "neurio_energy" =
3764       ps: with ps; [
3765       ]; # missing inputs: neurio
3766     "nexia" =
3767       ps: with ps; [
3768         nexia
3769       ];
3770     "nexity" =
3771       ps: with ps; [
3772       ];
3773     "nextbus" =
3774       ps: with ps; [
3775         py-nextbusnext
3776       ];
3777     "nextcloud" =
3778       ps: with ps; [
3779         nextcloudmonitor
3780       ];
3781     "nextdns" =
3782       ps: with ps; [
3783         nextdns
3784       ];
3785     "nfandroidtv" =
3786       ps: with ps; [
3787         notifications-android-tv
3788       ];
3789     "nibe_heatpump" =
3790       ps: with ps; [
3791         nibe
3792       ];
3793     "nice_go" =
3794       ps: with ps; [
3795         nice-go
3796       ];
3797     "nightscout" =
3798       ps: with ps; [
3799         py-nightscout
3800       ];
3801     "niko_home_control" =
3802       ps: with ps; [
3803         nhc
3804       ];
3805     "nilu" =
3806       ps: with ps; [
3807         niluclient
3808       ];
3809     "nina" =
3810       ps: with ps; [
3811         pynina
3812       ];
3813     "nissan_leaf" =
3814       ps: with ps; [
3815         pycarwings2
3816       ];
3817     "nmap_tracker" =
3818       ps: with ps; [
3819         aiooui
3820         getmac
3821         ifaddr
3822         netmap
3823       ];
3824     "nmbs" =
3825       ps: with ps; [
3826       ]; # missing inputs: pyrail
3827     "no_ip" =
3828       ps: with ps; [
3829       ];
3830     "noaa_tides" =
3831       ps: with ps; [
3832       ]; # missing inputs: noaa-coops
3833     "nobo_hub" =
3834       ps: with ps; [
3835         pynobo
3836       ];
3837     "nordpool" =
3838       ps: with ps; [
3839         pynordpool
3840       ];
3841     "norway_air" =
3842       ps: with ps; [
3843         pymetno
3844       ];
3845     "notify" =
3846       ps: with ps; [
3847       ];
3848     "notify_events" =
3849       ps: with ps; [
3850         notify-events
3851       ];
3852     "notion" =
3853       ps: with ps; [
3854         aionotion
3855       ];
3856     "nsw_fuel_station" =
3857       ps: with ps; [
3858       ]; # missing inputs: nsw-fuel-api-client
3859     "nsw_rural_fire_service_feed" =
3860       ps: with ps; [
3861         aio-geojson-nsw-rfs-incidents
3862       ];
3863     "nuheat" =
3864       ps: with ps; [
3865         nuheat
3866       ];
3867     "nuki" =
3868       ps: with ps; [
3869         pynuki
3870       ];
3871     "numato" =
3872       ps: with ps; [
3873       ]; # missing inputs: numato-gpio
3874     "number" =
3875       ps: with ps; [
3876       ];
3877     "nut" =
3878       ps: with ps; [
3879         aionut
3880       ];
3881     "nutrichef" =
3882       ps: with ps; [
3883       ];
3884     "nws" =
3885       ps:
3886       with ps;
3887       [
3888         pynws
3889       ]
3890       ++ pynws.optional-dependencies.retry;
3891     "nx584" =
3892       ps: with ps; [
3893         pynx584
3894       ];
3895     "nyt_games" =
3896       ps: with ps; [
3897       ]; # missing inputs: nyt_games
3898     "nzbget" =
3899       ps: with ps; [
3900       ]; # missing inputs: pynzbgetapi
3901     "oasa_telematics" =
3902       ps: with ps; [
3903         oasatelematics
3904       ];
3905     "obihai" =
3906       ps: with ps; [
3907         pyobihai
3908       ];
3909     "octoprint" =
3910       ps: with ps; [
3911         pyoctoprintapi
3912       ];
3913     "oem" =
3914       ps: with ps; [
3915         oemthermostat
3916       ];
3917     "ohmconnect" =
3918       ps: with ps; [
3919         defusedxml
3920       ];
3921     "ohme" =
3922       ps: with ps; [
3923         ohme
3924       ];
3925     "ollama" =
3926       ps: with ps; [
3927         ha-ffmpeg
3928         hassil
3929         home-assistant-intents
3930         mutagen
3931         ollama
3932         pymicro-vad
3933         pyspeex-noise
3934       ];
3935     "ombi" =
3936       ps: with ps; [
3937         pyombi
3938       ];
3939     "omnilogic" =
3940       ps: with ps; [
3941         omnilogic
3942       ];
3943     "onboarding" =
3944       ps: with ps; [
3945         aiohasupervisor
3946         pillow
3947       ];
3948     "oncue" =
3949       ps: with ps; [
3950         aiooncue
3951       ];
3952     "ondilo_ico" =
3953       ps: with ps; [
3954         ondilo
3955       ];
3956     "onewire" =
3957       ps: with ps; [
3958         pyownet
3959       ];
3960     "onkyo" =
3961       ps: with ps; [
3962         pyeiscp
3963       ];
3964     "onvif" =
3965       ps: with ps; [
3966         ha-ffmpeg
3967         onvif-zeep-async
3968         wsdiscovery
3969       ];
3970     "open_meteo" =
3971       ps: with ps; [
3972         open-meteo
3973       ];
3974     "openai_conversation" =
3975       ps: with ps; [
3976         ha-ffmpeg
3977         hassil
3978         home-assistant-intents
3979         mutagen
3980         openai
3981         pymicro-vad
3982         pyspeex-noise
3983       ];
3984     "openalpr_cloud" =
3985       ps: with ps; [
3986       ];
3987     "openerz" =
3988       ps: with ps; [
3989         openerz-api
3990       ];
3991     "openevse" =
3992       ps: with ps; [
3993         openevsewifi
3994       ];
3995     "openexchangerates" =
3996       ps: with ps; [
3997         aioopenexchangerates
3998       ];
3999     "opengarage" =
4000       ps: with ps; [
4001         open-garage
4002       ];
4003     "openhardwaremonitor" =
4004       ps: with ps; [
4005       ];
4006     "openhome" =
4007       ps: with ps; [
4008         openhomedevice
4009       ];
4010     "opensensemap" =
4011       ps: with ps; [
4012         opensensemap-api
4013       ];
4014     "opensky" =
4015       ps: with ps; [
4016         python-opensky
4017       ];
4018     "opentherm_gw" =
4019       ps: with ps; [
4020         pyotgw
4021       ];
4022     "openuv" =
4023       ps: with ps; [
4024         pyopenuv
4025       ];
4026     "openweathermap" =
4027       ps: with ps; [
4028         pyopenweathermap
4029       ];
4030     "opnsense" =
4031       ps: with ps; [
4032         pyopnsense
4033       ];
4034     "opower" =
4035       ps: with ps; [
4036         fnv-hash-fast
4037         opower
4038         psutil-home-assistant
4039         sqlalchemy
4040       ];
4041     "opple" =
4042       ps: with ps; [
4043       ]; # missing inputs: pyoppleio-legacy
4044     "oralb" =
4045       ps: with ps; [
4046         aioesphomeapi
4047         aioruuvigateway
4048         aioshelly
4049         bleak
4050         bleak-esphome
4051         bleak-retry-connector
4052         bluetooth-adapters
4053         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4054         bluetooth-data-tools
4055         dbus-fast
4056         esphome-dashboard-api
4057         ha-ffmpeg
4058         habluetooth
4059         hassil
4060         home-assistant-intents
4061         ifaddr
4062         mutagen
4063         oralb-ble
4064         pymicro-vad
4065         pyserial
4066         pyspeex-noise
4067         pyudev
4068         zeroconf
4069       ];
4070     "oru" =
4071       ps: with ps; [
4072       ]; # missing inputs: oru
4073     "oru_opower" =
4074       ps: with ps; [
4075       ];
4076     "orvibo" =
4077       ps: with ps; [
4078         orvibo
4079       ];
4080     "osoenergy" =
4081       ps: with ps; [
4082       ]; # missing inputs: pyosoenergyapi
4083     "osramlightify" =
4084       ps: with ps; [
4085       ]; # missing inputs: lightify
4086     "otbr" =
4087       ps: with ps; [
4088         aiohasupervisor
4089         ifaddr
4090         pillow
4091         psutil-home-assistant
4092         pyroute2
4093         pyserial
4094         python-otbr-api
4095         pyudev
4096         universal-silabs-flasher
4097         zeroconf
4098         zha
4099       ];
4100     "otp" =
4101       ps: with ps; [
4102         pyotp
4103       ];
4104     "ourgroceries" =
4105       ps: with ps; [
4106       ]; # missing inputs: ourgroceries
4107     "overkiz" =
4108       ps: with ps; [
4109         pyoverkiz
4110       ];
4111     "ovo_energy" =
4112       ps: with ps; [
4113         ovoenergy
4114       ];
4115     "owntracks" =
4116       ps: with ps; [
4117         aiohasupervisor
4118         cronsim
4119         ha-ffmpeg
4120         hass-nabucasa
4121         hassil
4122         home-assistant-intents
4123         mutagen
4124         paho-mqtt_1
4125         pymicro-vad
4126         pynacl
4127         pyspeex-noise
4128         python-matter-server
4129         pyturbojpeg
4130         securetar
4131       ];
4132     "p1_monitor" =
4133       ps: with ps; [
4134         p1monitor
4135       ];
4136     "palazzetti" =
4137       ps: with ps; [
4138         pypalazzetti
4139       ];
4140     "panasonic_bluray" =
4141       ps: with ps; [
4142         panacotta
4143       ];
4144     "panasonic_viera" =
4145       ps: with ps; [
4146         panasonic-viera
4147       ];
4148     "pandora" =
4149       ps: with ps; [
4150         pexpect
4151       ];
4152     "panel_custom" =
4153       ps: with ps; [
4154         aiohasupervisor
4155         cronsim
4156         home-assistant-frontend
4157         pillow
4158         securetar
4159       ];
4160     "pcs_lighting" =
4161       ps: with ps; [
4162       ];
4163     "peblar" =
4164       ps: with ps; [
4165       ]; # missing inputs: peblar
4166     "peco" =
4167       ps: with ps; [
4168         peco
4169       ];
4170     "peco_opower" =
4171       ps: with ps; [
4172       ];
4173     "pegel_online" =
4174       ps: with ps; [
4175         aiopegelonline
4176       ];
4177     "pencom" =
4178       ps: with ps; [
4179         pencompy
4180       ];
4181     "pepco" =
4182       ps: with ps; [
4183       ];
4184     "permobil" =
4185       ps: with ps; [
4186         mypermobil
4187       ];
4188     "persistent_notification" =
4189       ps: with ps; [
4190       ];
4191     "person" =
4192       ps: with ps; [
4193         pillow
4194       ];
4195     "pge" =
4196       ps: with ps; [
4197       ];
4198     "philips_js" =
4199       ps: with ps; [
4200         ha-philipsjs
4201       ];
4202     "pi_hole" =
4203       ps: with ps; [
4204         hole
4205       ];
4206     "picnic" =
4207       ps: with ps; [
4208         python-picnic-api
4209       ];
4210     "picotts" =
4211       ps: with ps; [
4212       ];
4213     "pilight" =
4214       ps: with ps; [
4215       ]; # missing inputs: pilight
4216     "pinecil" =
4217       ps: with ps; [
4218       ];
4219     "ping" =
4220       ps: with ps; [
4221         icmplib
4222       ];
4223     "pioneer" =
4224       ps: with ps; [
4225       ];
4226     "piper" =
4227       ps: with ps; [
4228       ];
4229     "pjlink" =
4230       ps: with ps; [
4231       ]; # missing inputs: pypjlink2
4232     "plaato" =
4233       ps: with ps; [
4234         aiohasupervisor
4235         cronsim
4236         ha-ffmpeg
4237         hass-nabucasa
4238         hassil
4239         home-assistant-intents
4240         mutagen
4241         pymicro-vad
4242         pyplaato
4243         pyspeex-noise
4244         python-matter-server
4245         pyturbojpeg
4246         securetar
4247       ];
4248     "plant" =
4249       ps: with ps; [
4250         fnv-hash-fast
4251         psutil-home-assistant
4252         sqlalchemy
4253       ];
4254     "plex" =
4255       ps: with ps; [
4256         plexapi
4257         plexauth
4258         plexwebsocket
4259       ];
4260     "plugwise" =
4261       ps: with ps; [
4262         plugwise
4263       ];
4264     "plum_lightpad" =
4265       ps: with ps; [
4266       ]; # missing inputs: plumlightpad
4267     "pocketcasts" =
4268       ps: with ps; [
4269         pycketcasts
4270       ];
4271     "point" =
4272       ps: with ps; [
4273         pypoint
4274       ];
4275     "poolsense" =
4276       ps: with ps; [
4277         poolsense
4278       ];
4279     "portlandgeneral" =
4280       ps: with ps; [
4281       ];
4282     "powerfox" =
4283       ps: with ps; [
4284         powerfox
4285       ];
4286     "powerwall" =
4287       ps: with ps; [
4288         tesla-powerwall
4289       ];
4290     "private_ble_device" =
4291       ps: with ps; [
4292         aioesphomeapi
4293         aioruuvigateway
4294         aioshelly
4295         bleak
4296         bleak-esphome
4297         bleak-retry-connector
4298         bluetooth-adapters
4299         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4300         bluetooth-data-tools
4301         dbus-fast
4302         esphome-dashboard-api
4303         ha-ffmpeg
4304         habluetooth
4305         hassil
4306         home-assistant-intents
4307         ifaddr
4308         mutagen
4309         pymicro-vad
4310         pyserial
4311         pyspeex-noise
4312         pyudev
4313         zeroconf
4314       ];
4315     "profiler" =
4316       ps: with ps; [
4317         guppy3
4318         objgraph
4319         pyprof2calltree
4320       ];
4321     "progettihwsw" =
4322       ps: with ps; [
4323       ]; # missing inputs: ProgettiHWSW
4324     "proliphix" =
4325       ps: with ps; [
4326       ]; # missing inputs: proliphix
4327     "prometheus" =
4328       ps: with ps; [
4329         prometheus-client
4330       ];
4331     "prosegur" =
4332       ps: with ps; [
4333         pyprosegur
4334       ];
4335     "prowl" =
4336       ps: with ps; [
4337       ];
4338     "proximity" =
4339       ps: with ps; [
4340       ];
4341     "proxmoxve" =
4342       ps: with ps; [
4343         proxmoxer
4344       ];
4345     "proxy" =
4346       ps: with ps; [
4347         pillow
4348       ];
4349     "prusalink" =
4350       ps: with ps; [
4351         pyprusalink
4352       ];
4353     "ps4" =
4354       ps: with ps; [
4355       ]; # missing inputs: pyps4-2ndscreen
4356     "pse" =
4357       ps: with ps; [
4358       ];
4359     "psoklahoma" =
4360       ps: with ps; [
4361       ];
4362     "pulseaudio_loopback" =
4363       ps: with ps; [
4364         pulsectl
4365       ];
4366     "pure_energie" =
4367       ps: with ps; [
4368         gridnet
4369       ];
4370     "purpleair" =
4371       ps: with ps; [
4372         aiopurpleair
4373       ];
4374     "push" =
4375       ps: with ps; [
4376       ];
4377     "pushbullet" =
4378       ps: with ps; [
4379         pushbullet-py
4380       ];
4381     "pushover" =
4382       ps: with ps; [
4383         pushover-complete
4384       ];
4385     "pushsafer" =
4386       ps: with ps; [
4387       ];
4388     "pvoutput" =
4389       ps: with ps; [
4390         pvo
4391       ];
4392     "pvpc_hourly_pricing" =
4393       ps: with ps; [
4394         aiopvpc
4395       ];
4396     "pyload" =
4397       ps: with ps; [
4398         pyloadapi
4399       ];
4400     "python_script" =
4401       ps: with ps; [
4402         restrictedpython
4403       ];
4404     "qbittorrent" =
4405       ps: with ps; [
4406         qbittorrent-api
4407       ];
4408     "qingping" =
4409       ps: with ps; [
4410         aioesphomeapi
4411         aioruuvigateway
4412         aioshelly
4413         bleak
4414         bleak-esphome
4415         bleak-retry-connector
4416         bluetooth-adapters
4417         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4418         bluetooth-data-tools
4419         dbus-fast
4420         esphome-dashboard-api
4421         ha-ffmpeg
4422         habluetooth
4423         hassil
4424         home-assistant-intents
4425         ifaddr
4426         mutagen
4427         pymicro-vad
4428         pyserial
4429         pyspeex-noise
4430         pyudev
4431         qingping-ble
4432         zeroconf
4433       ];
4434     "qld_bushfire" =
4435       ps: with ps; [
4436         georss-qld-bushfire-alert-client
4437       ];
4438     "qnap" =
4439       ps: with ps; [
4440         qnapstats
4441       ];
4442     "qnap_qsw" =
4443       ps: with ps; [
4444         aioqsw
4445       ];
4446     "qrcode" =
4447       ps: with ps; [
4448         pillow
4449         pyzbar
4450       ];
4451     "quadrafire" =
4452       ps: with ps; [
4453       ];
4454     "quantum_gateway" =
4455       ps: with ps; [
4456         quantum-gateway
4457       ];
4458     "qvr_pro" =
4459       ps: with ps; [
4460         pyqvrpro
4461       ];
4462     "qwikswitch" =
4463       ps: with ps; [
4464         pyqwikswitch
4465       ];
4466     "rabbitair" =
4467       ps: with ps; [
4468         ifaddr
4469         python-rabbitair
4470         zeroconf
4471       ];
4472     "rachio" =
4473       ps: with ps; [
4474         aiohasupervisor
4475         cronsim
4476         ha-ffmpeg
4477         hass-nabucasa
4478         hassil
4479         home-assistant-intents
4480         mutagen
4481         pymicro-vad
4482         pyspeex-noise
4483         python-matter-server
4484         pyturbojpeg
4485         rachiopy
4486         securetar
4487       ];
4488     "radarr" =
4489       ps: with ps; [
4490         aiopyarr
4491       ];
4492     "radio_browser" =
4493       ps: with ps; [
4494         pycountry
4495         radios
4496       ];
4497     "radiotherm" =
4498       ps: with ps; [
4499         radiotherm
4500       ];
4501     "rainbird" =
4502       ps: with ps; [
4503         pyrainbird
4504       ];
4505     "raincloud" =
4506       ps: with ps; [
4507         raincloudy
4508       ];
4509     "rainforest_eagle" =
4510       ps: with ps; [
4511         aioeagle
4512         eagle100
4513       ];
4514     "rainforest_raven" =
4515       ps: with ps; [
4516         aioraven
4517         pyserial
4518         pyudev
4519       ];
4520     "rainmachine" =
4521       ps: with ps; [
4522         regenmaschine
4523       ];
4524     "random" =
4525       ps: with ps; [
4526       ];
4527     "rapt_ble" =
4528       ps: with ps; [
4529         aioesphomeapi
4530         aioruuvigateway
4531         aioshelly
4532         bleak
4533         bleak-esphome
4534         bleak-retry-connector
4535         bluetooth-adapters
4536         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4537         bluetooth-data-tools
4538         dbus-fast
4539         esphome-dashboard-api
4540         ha-ffmpeg
4541         habluetooth
4542         hassil
4543         home-assistant-intents
4544         ifaddr
4545         mutagen
4546         pymicro-vad
4547         pyserial
4548         pyspeex-noise
4549         pyudev
4550         rapt-ble
4551         zeroconf
4552       ];
4553     "raspberry_pi" =
4554       ps: with ps; [
4555         aiohasupervisor
4556         psutil-home-assistant
4557       ];
4558     "raspyrfm" =
4559       ps: with ps; [
4560       ]; # missing inputs: raspyrfm-client
4561     "raven_rock_mfg" =
4562       ps: with ps; [
4563       ];
4564     "rdw" =
4565       ps: with ps; [
4566         vehicle
4567       ];
4568     "recollect_waste" =
4569       ps: with ps; [
4570         aiorecollect
4571       ];
4572     "recorder" =
4573       ps: with ps; [
4574         fnv-hash-fast
4575         psutil-home-assistant
4576         sqlalchemy
4577       ];
4578     "recovery_mode" =
4579       ps: with ps; [
4580         aiohasupervisor
4581         cronsim
4582         ha-ffmpeg
4583         hass-nabucasa
4584         hassil
4585         home-assistant-frontend
4586         home-assistant-intents
4587         mutagen
4588         pillow
4589         pymicro-vad
4590         pyspeex-noise
4591         python-matter-server
4592         pyturbojpeg
4593         securetar
4594       ];
4595     "recswitch" =
4596       ps: with ps; [
4597       ]; # missing inputs: pyrecswitch
4598     "reddit" =
4599       ps: with ps; [
4600         praw
4601       ];
4602     "refoss" =
4603       ps: with ps; [
4604         refoss-ha
4605       ];
4606     "rejseplanen" =
4607       ps: with ps; [
4608         rjpl
4609       ];
4610     "remember_the_milk" =
4611       ps: with ps; [
4612         httplib2
4613       ]; # missing inputs: RtmAPI
4614     "remote" =
4615       ps: with ps; [
4616       ];
4617     "remote_rpi_gpio" =
4618       ps: with ps; [
4619         gpiozero
4620       ]; # missing inputs: pigpio
4621     "renault" =
4622       ps: with ps; [
4623         renault-api
4624       ];
4625     "renson" =
4626       ps: with ps; [
4627         renson-endura-delta
4628       ];
4629     "reolink" =
4630       ps: with ps; [
4631         reolink-aio
4632       ];
4633     "repairs" =
4634       ps: with ps; [
4635       ];
4636     "repetier" =
4637       ps: with ps; [
4638       ]; # missing inputs: pyrepetierng
4639     "rest" =
4640       ps: with ps; [
4641         jsonpath
4642         xmltodict
4643       ];
4644     "rest_command" =
4645       ps: with ps; [
4646       ];
4647     "rexel" =
4648       ps: with ps; [
4649       ];
4650     "rflink" =
4651       ps: with ps; [
4652         rflink
4653       ];
4654     "rfxtrx" =
4655       ps: with ps; [
4656         pyrfxtrx
4657       ];
4658     "rhasspy" =
4659       ps: with ps; [
4660       ];
4661     "ridwell" =
4662       ps: with ps; [
4663         aioridwell
4664       ];
4665     "ring" =
4666       ps: with ps; [
4667         ha-ffmpeg
4668         ring-doorbell
4669       ];
4670     "ripple" =
4671       ps: with ps; [
4672       ]; # missing inputs: python-ripple-api
4673     "risco" =
4674       ps: with ps; [
4675         pyrisco
4676       ];
4677     "rituals_perfume_genie" =
4678       ps: with ps; [
4679         pyrituals
4680       ];
4681     "rmvtransport" =
4682       ps: with ps; [
4683         pyrmvtransport
4684       ];
4685     "roborock" =
4686       ps: with ps; [
4687         python-roborock
4688         vacuum-map-parser-roborock
4689       ];
4690     "rocketchat" =
4691       ps: with ps; [
4692         rocketchat-api
4693       ];
4694     "roku" =
4695       ps: with ps; [
4696         rokuecp
4697       ];
4698     "romy" =
4699       ps: with ps; [
4700         romy
4701       ];
4702     "roomba" =
4703       ps: with ps; [
4704         roombapy
4705       ];
4706     "roon" =
4707       ps: with ps; [
4708         roonapi
4709       ];
4710     "route53" =
4711       ps: with ps; [
4712         boto3
4713       ];
4714     "rova" =
4715       ps: with ps; [
4716         rova
4717       ];
4718     "rpi_camera" =
4719       ps: with ps; [
4720       ];
4721     "rpi_power" =
4722       ps: with ps; [
4723         rpi-bad-power
4724       ];
4725     "rss_feed_template" =
4726       ps: with ps; [
4727       ];
4728     "rtorrent" =
4729       ps: with ps; [
4730       ];
4731     "rtsp_to_webrtc" =
4732       ps: with ps; [
4733         pyturbojpeg
4734         rtsp-to-webrtc
4735       ];
4736     "ruckus_unleashed" =
4737       ps: with ps; [
4738         aioruckus
4739       ];
4740     "russound_rio" =
4741       ps: with ps; [
4742         aiorussound
4743       ];
4744     "russound_rnet" =
4745       ps: with ps; [
4746       ]; # missing inputs: russound
4747     "ruuvi_gateway" =
4748       ps: with ps; [
4749         aioruuvigateway
4750         bleak
4751         bleak-retry-connector
4752         bluetooth-adapters
4753         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4754         bluetooth-data-tools
4755         dbus-fast
4756         habluetooth
4757         pyserial
4758         pyudev
4759       ];
4760     "ruuvitag_ble" =
4761       ps: with ps; [
4762         aioesphomeapi
4763         aioruuvigateway
4764         aioshelly
4765         bleak
4766         bleak-esphome
4767         bleak-retry-connector
4768         bluetooth-adapters
4769         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4770         bluetooth-data-tools
4771         dbus-fast
4772         esphome-dashboard-api
4773         ha-ffmpeg
4774         habluetooth
4775         hassil
4776         home-assistant-intents
4777         ifaddr
4778         mutagen
4779         pymicro-vad
4780         pyserial
4781         pyspeex-noise
4782         pyudev
4783         ruuvitag-ble
4784         zeroconf
4785       ];
4786     "rympro" =
4787       ps: with ps; [
4788         pyrympro
4789       ];
4790     "sabnzbd" =
4791       ps: with ps; [
4792         pysabnzbd
4793       ];
4794     "saj" =
4795       ps: with ps; [
4796         pysaj
4797       ];
4798     "samsam" =
4799       ps: with ps; [
4800       ];
4801     "samsungtv" =
4802       ps:
4803       with ps;
4804       [
4805         async-upnp-client
4806         getmac
4807         ifaddr
4808         samsungctl
4809         samsungtvws
4810         wakeonlan
4811       ]
4812       ++ samsungctl.optional-dependencies.websocket
4813       ++ samsungtvws.optional-dependencies.async
4814       ++ samsungtvws.optional-dependencies.encrypted;
4815     "sanix" =
4816       ps: with ps; [
4817         sanix
4818       ];
4819     "satel_integra" =
4820       ps: with ps; [
4821       ]; # missing inputs: satel-integra
4822     "scene" =
4823       ps: with ps; [
4824       ];
4825     "schedule" =
4826       ps: with ps; [
4827       ];
4828     "schlage" =
4829       ps: with ps; [
4830         pyschlage
4831       ];
4832     "schluter" =
4833       ps: with ps; [
4834       ]; # missing inputs: py-schluter
4835     "scl" =
4836       ps: with ps; [
4837       ];
4838     "scrape" =
4839       ps: with ps; [
4840         beautifulsoup4
4841         jsonpath
4842         lxml
4843         xmltodict
4844       ];
4845     "screenaway" =
4846       ps: with ps; [
4847       ];
4848     "screenlogic" =
4849       ps: with ps; [
4850         screenlogicpy
4851       ];
4852     "script" =
4853       ps: with ps; [
4854       ];
4855     "scsgate" =
4856       ps: with ps; [
4857       ]; # missing inputs: scsgate
4858     "search" =
4859       ps: with ps; [
4860       ];
4861     "season" =
4862       ps: with ps; [
4863         ephem
4864       ];
4865     "select" =
4866       ps: with ps; [
4867       ];
4868     "sendgrid" =
4869       ps: with ps; [
4870         sendgrid
4871       ];
4872     "sense" =
4873       ps: with ps; [
4874         sense-energy
4875       ];
4876     "sensibo" =
4877       ps: with ps; [
4878         pysensibo
4879       ];
4880     "sensirion_ble" =
4881       ps: with ps; [
4882         aioesphomeapi
4883         aioruuvigateway
4884         aioshelly
4885         bleak
4886         bleak-esphome
4887         bleak-retry-connector
4888         bluetooth-adapters
4889         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4890         bluetooth-data-tools
4891         dbus-fast
4892         esphome-dashboard-api
4893         ha-ffmpeg
4894         habluetooth
4895         hassil
4896         home-assistant-intents
4897         ifaddr
4898         mutagen
4899         pymicro-vad
4900         pyserial
4901         pyspeex-noise
4902         pyudev
4903         sensirion-ble
4904         zeroconf
4905       ];
4906     "sensor" =
4907       ps: with ps; [
4908         fnv-hash-fast
4909         psutil-home-assistant
4910         sqlalchemy
4911       ];
4912     "sensorblue" =
4913       ps: with ps; [
4914       ];
4915     "sensorpro" =
4916       ps: with ps; [
4917         aioesphomeapi
4918         aioruuvigateway
4919         aioshelly
4920         bleak
4921         bleak-esphome
4922         bleak-retry-connector
4923         bluetooth-adapters
4924         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4925         bluetooth-data-tools
4926         dbus-fast
4927         esphome-dashboard-api
4928         ha-ffmpeg
4929         habluetooth
4930         hassil
4931         home-assistant-intents
4932         ifaddr
4933         mutagen
4934         pymicro-vad
4935         pyserial
4936         pyspeex-noise
4937         pyudev
4938         sensorpro-ble
4939         zeroconf
4940       ];
4941     "sensorpush" =
4942       ps: with ps; [
4943         aioesphomeapi
4944         aioruuvigateway
4945         aioshelly
4946         bleak
4947         bleak-esphome
4948         bleak-retry-connector
4949         bluetooth-adapters
4950         bluetooth-auto-recovery
4951         bluetooth-data-tools
4952         dbus-fast
4953         esphome-dashboard-api
4954         ha-ffmpeg
4955         habluetooth
4956         hassil
4957         home-assistant-intents
4958         ifaddr
4959         mutagen
4960         pymicro-vad
4961         pyserial
4962         pyspeex-noise
4963         pyudev
4964         sensorpush-ble
4965         zeroconf
4966       ];
4967     "sensoterra" =
4968       ps: with ps; [
4969         sensoterra
4970       ];
4971     "sentry" =
4972       ps: with ps; [
4973         sentry-sdk
4974       ];
4975     "senz" =
4976       ps: with ps; [
4977         aiosenz
4978       ];
4979     "serial" =
4980       ps: with ps; [
4981         pyserial-asyncio-fast
4982       ];
4983     "serial_pm" =
4984       ps: with ps; [
4985         pmsensor
4986       ];
4987     "sesame" =
4988       ps: with ps; [
4989       ]; # missing inputs: pysesame2
4990     "seven_segments" =
4991       ps: with ps; [
4992         pillow
4993       ];
4994     "seventeentrack" =
4995       ps: with ps; [
4996         pyseventeentrack
4997       ];
4998     "sfr_box" =
4999       ps: with ps; [
5000         sfrbox-api
5001       ];
5002     "sharkiq" =
5003       ps: with ps; [
5004         sharkiq
5005       ];
5006     "shell_command" =
5007       ps: with ps; [
5008       ];
5009     "shelly" =
5010       ps: with ps; [
5011         aioshelly
5012         bleak
5013         bleak-retry-connector
5014         bluetooth-adapters
5015         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5016         bluetooth-data-tools
5017         dbus-fast
5018         habluetooth
5019         ifaddr
5020         pyserial
5021         pyudev
5022       ];
5023     "shodan" =
5024       ps: with ps; [
5025         shodan
5026       ];
5027     "shopping_list" =
5028       ps: with ps; [
5029       ];
5030     "sia" =
5031       ps: with ps; [
5032         pysiaalarm
5033       ];
5034     "sigfox" =
5035       ps: with ps; [
5036       ];
5037     "sighthound" =
5038       ps: with ps; [
5039         pillow
5040         simplehound
5041       ];
5042     "signal_messenger" =
5043       ps: with ps; [
5044         pysignalclirestapi
5045       ];
5046     "simplefin" =
5047       ps: with ps; [
5048         simplefin4py
5049       ];
5050     "simplepush" =
5051       ps: with ps; [
5052         simplepush
5053       ];
5054     "simplisafe" =
5055       ps: with ps; [
5056         simplisafe-python
5057       ];
5058     "simply_automated" =
5059       ps: with ps; [
5060       ];
5061     "simu" =
5062       ps: with ps; [
5063       ];
5064     "sinch" =
5065       ps: with ps; [
5066       ]; # missing inputs: clx-sdk-xms
5067     "siren" =
5068       ps: with ps; [
5069       ];
5070     "sisyphus" =
5071       ps: with ps; [
5072         sisyphus-control
5073       ];
5074     "sky_hub" =
5075       ps: with ps; [
5076         pyskyqhub
5077       ];
5078     "sky_remote" =
5079       ps: with ps; [
5080         skyboxremote
5081       ];
5082     "skybeacon" =
5083       ps:
5084       with ps;
5085       [
5086         pygatt
5087       ]
5088       ++ pygatt.optional-dependencies.GATTTOOL;
5089     "skybell" =
5090       ps: with ps; [
5091         aioskybell
5092         ha-ffmpeg
5093       ];
5094     "slack" =
5095       ps: with ps; [
5096         slack-sdk
5097       ];
5098     "sleepiq" =
5099       ps: with ps; [
5100         asyncsleepiq
5101       ];
5102     "slide" =
5103       ps: with ps; [
5104         goslide-api
5105       ];
5106     "slide_local" =
5107       ps: with ps; [
5108         goslide-api
5109       ];
5110     "slimproto" =
5111       ps: with ps; [
5112         aioslimproto
5113       ];
5114     "sma" =
5115       ps: with ps; [
5116         pysma
5117       ];
5118     "smappee" =
5119       ps: with ps; [
5120         pysmappee
5121       ];
5122     "smart_blinds" =
5123       ps: with ps; [
5124       ];
5125     "smart_home" =
5126       ps: with ps; [
5127       ];
5128     "smart_meter_texas" =
5129       ps: with ps; [
5130         smart-meter-texas
5131       ];
5132     "smarther" =
5133       ps: with ps; [
5134       ];
5135     "smartthings" =
5136       ps: with ps; [
5137         aiohasupervisor
5138         cronsim
5139         ha-ffmpeg
5140         hass-nabucasa
5141         hassil
5142         home-assistant-intents
5143         mutagen
5144         pymicro-vad
5145         pysmartapp
5146         pysmartthings
5147         pyspeex-noise
5148         python-matter-server
5149         pyturbojpeg
5150         securetar
5151       ];
5152     "smarttub" =
5153       ps: with ps; [
5154         python-smarttub
5155       ];
5156     "smarty" =
5157       ps: with ps; [
5158       ]; # missing inputs: pysmarty2
5159     "smhi" =
5160       ps: with ps; [
5161         smhi-pkg
5162       ];
5163     "smlight" =
5164       ps: with ps; [
5165         pysmlight
5166       ];
5167     "sms" =
5168       ps: with ps; [
5169         python-gammu
5170       ];
5171     "smtp" =
5172       ps: with ps; [
5173       ];
5174     "smud" =
5175       ps: with ps; [
5176       ];
5177     "snapcast" =
5178       ps: with ps; [
5179         snapcast
5180       ];
5181     "snips" =
5182       ps: with ps; [
5183         aiohasupervisor
5184         paho-mqtt_1
5185       ];
5186     "snmp" =
5187       ps: with ps; [
5188         pysnmp
5189       ];
5190     "snooz" =
5191       ps: with ps; [
5192         aioesphomeapi
5193         aioruuvigateway
5194         aioshelly
5195         bleak
5196         bleak-esphome
5197         bleak-retry-connector
5198         bluetooth-adapters
5199         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5200         bluetooth-data-tools
5201         dbus-fast
5202         esphome-dashboard-api
5203         ha-ffmpeg
5204         habluetooth
5205         hassil
5206         home-assistant-intents
5207         ifaddr
5208         mutagen
5209         pymicro-vad
5210         pyserial
5211         pysnooz
5212         pyspeex-noise
5213         pyudev
5214         zeroconf
5215       ];
5216     "solaredge" =
5217       ps: with ps; [
5218         aiosolaredge
5219         stringcase
5220       ];
5221     "solaredge_local" =
5222       ps: with ps; [
5223       ]; # missing inputs: solaredge-local
5224     "solarlog" =
5225       ps: with ps; [
5226         solarlog-cli
5227       ];
5228     "solax" =
5229       ps: with ps; [
5230         solax
5231       ];
5232     "soma" =
5233       ps: with ps; [
5234         pysoma
5235       ];
5236     "somfy" =
5237       ps: with ps; [
5238       ];
5239     "somfy_mylink" =
5240       ps: with ps; [
5241         somfy-mylink-synergy
5242       ];
5243     "sonarr" =
5244       ps: with ps; [
5245         aiopyarr
5246       ];
5247     "songpal" =
5248       ps: with ps; [
5249         python-songpal
5250       ];
5251     "sonos" =
5252       ps: with ps; [
5253         async-upnp-client
5254         ifaddr
5255         plexapi
5256         plexauth
5257         plexwebsocket
5258         soco
5259         sonos-websocket
5260         spotifyaio
5261         zeroconf
5262       ];
5263     "sony_projector" =
5264       ps: with ps; [
5265         pysdcp
5266       ];
5267     "soundtouch" =
5268       ps: with ps; [
5269         libsoundtouch
5270       ];
5271     "spaceapi" =
5272       ps: with ps; [
5273       ];
5274     "spc" =
5275       ps: with ps; [
5276         pyspcwebgw
5277       ];
5278     "speedtestdotnet" =
5279       ps: with ps; [
5280         speedtest-cli
5281       ];
5282     "spider" =
5283       ps: with ps; [
5284       ];
5285     "splunk" =
5286       ps: with ps; [
5287         hass-splunk
5288       ];
5289     "spotify" =
5290       ps: with ps; [
5291         spotifyaio
5292       ];
5293     "sql" =
5294       ps: with ps; [
5295         sqlalchemy
5296         sqlparse
5297       ];
5298     "squeezebox" =
5299       ps: with ps; [
5300         pysqueezebox
5301       ];
5302     "srp_energy" =
5303       ps: with ps; [
5304         srpenergy
5305       ];
5306     "ssdp" =
5307       ps: with ps; [
5308         async-upnp-client
5309         ifaddr
5310       ];
5311     "starline" =
5312       ps: with ps; [
5313         starline
5314       ];
5315     "starlingbank" =
5316       ps: with ps; [
5317       ]; # missing inputs: starlingbank
5318     "starlink" =
5319       ps: with ps; [
5320       ]; # missing inputs: starlink-grpc-core
5321     "startca" =
5322       ps: with ps; [
5323         xmltodict
5324       ];
5325     "statistics" =
5326       ps: with ps; [
5327         fnv-hash-fast
5328         psutil-home-assistant
5329         sqlalchemy
5330       ];
5331     "statsd" =
5332       ps: with ps; [
5333         statsd
5334       ];
5335     "steam_online" =
5336       ps: with ps; [
5337         steamodd
5338       ];
5339     "steamist" =
5340       ps: with ps; [
5341         aiosteamist
5342         discovery30303
5343         ifaddr
5344       ];
5345     "stiebel_eltron" =
5346       ps: with ps; [
5347         pymodbus
5348       ]; # missing inputs: pystiebeleltron
5349     "stookwijzer" =
5350       ps: with ps; [
5351         stookwijzer
5352       ];
5353     "stream" =
5354       ps: with ps; [
5355         av
5356         numpy
5357         pyturbojpeg
5358       ];
5359     "streamlabswater" =
5360       ps: with ps; [
5361         streamlabswater
5362       ];
5363     "stt" =
5364       ps: with ps; [
5365       ];
5366     "subaru" =
5367       ps: with ps; [
5368         subarulink
5369       ];
5370     "suez_water" =
5371       ps: with ps; [
5372         pysuez
5373       ];
5374     "sun" =
5375       ps: with ps; [
5376       ];
5377     "sunweg" =
5378       ps: with ps; [
5379         sunweg
5380       ];
5381     "supervisord" =
5382       ps: with ps; [
5383       ];
5384     "supla" =
5385       ps: with ps; [
5386       ]; # missing inputs: asyncpysupla
5387     "surepetcare" =
5388       ps: with ps; [
5389         surepy
5390       ];
5391     "swepco" =
5392       ps: with ps; [
5393       ];
5394     "swiss_hydrological_data" =
5395       ps: with ps; [
5396         swisshydrodata
5397       ];
5398     "swiss_public_transport" =
5399       ps: with ps; [
5400         python-opendata-transport
5401       ];
5402     "swisscom" =
5403       ps: with ps; [
5404       ];
5405     "switch" =
5406       ps: with ps; [
5407       ];
5408     "switch_as_x" =
5409       ps: with ps; [
5410       ];
5411     "switchbee" =
5412       ps: with ps; [
5413         pyswitchbee
5414       ];
5415     "switchbot" =
5416       ps: with ps; [
5417         aioesphomeapi
5418         aioruuvigateway
5419         aioshelly
5420         bleak
5421         bleak-esphome
5422         bleak-retry-connector
5423         bluetooth-adapters
5424         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5425         bluetooth-data-tools
5426         dbus-fast
5427         esphome-dashboard-api
5428         ha-ffmpeg
5429         habluetooth
5430         hassil
5431         home-assistant-intents
5432         ifaddr
5433         mutagen
5434         pymicro-vad
5435         pyserial
5436         pyspeex-noise
5437         pyswitchbot
5438         pyudev
5439         zeroconf
5440       ];
5441     "switchbot_cloud" =
5442       ps: with ps; [
5443         switchbot-api
5444       ];
5445     "switcher_kis" =
5446       ps: with ps; [
5447         aioswitcher
5448       ];
5449     "switchmate" =
5450       ps: with ps; [
5451       ]; # missing inputs: PySwitchmate
5452     "symfonisk" =
5453       ps: with ps; [
5454       ];
5455     "syncthing" =
5456       ps: with ps; [
5457         aiosyncthing
5458       ];
5459     "syncthru" =
5460       ps: with ps; [
5461         pysyncthru
5462         url-normalize
5463       ];
5464     "synology_chat" =
5465       ps: with ps; [
5466       ];
5467     "synology_dsm" =
5468       ps: with ps; [
5469         py-synologydsm-api
5470       ];
5471     "synology_srm" =
5472       ps: with ps; [
5473       ]; # missing inputs: synology-srm
5474     "syslog" =
5475       ps: with ps; [
5476       ];
5477     "system_bridge" =
5478       ps: with ps; [
5479         ifaddr
5480         systembridgeconnector
5481         systembridgemodels
5482         zeroconf
5483       ];
5484     "system_health" =
5485       ps: with ps; [
5486       ];
5487     "system_log" =
5488       ps: with ps; [
5489       ];
5490     "systemmonitor" =
5491       ps: with ps; [
5492         psutil
5493         psutil-home-assistant
5494       ];
5495     "tado" =
5496       ps: with ps; [
5497         python-tado
5498       ];
5499     "tag" =
5500       ps: with ps; [
5501       ];
5502     "tailscale" =
5503       ps: with ps; [
5504         tailscale
5505       ];
5506     "tailwind" =
5507       ps: with ps; [
5508         gotailwind
5509       ];
5510     "tami4" =
5511       ps: with ps; [
5512       ]; # missing inputs: Tami4EdgeAPI
5513     "tank_utility" =
5514       ps: with ps; [
5515         tank-utility
5516       ];
5517     "tankerkoenig" =
5518       ps: with ps; [
5519         aiotankerkoenig
5520       ];
5521     "tapsaff" =
5522       ps: with ps; [
5523       ]; # missing inputs: tapsaff
5524     "tasmota" =
5525       ps: with ps; [
5526         aiohasupervisor
5527         hatasmota
5528         paho-mqtt_1
5529       ];
5530     "tautulli" =
5531       ps: with ps; [
5532         pytautulli
5533       ];
5534     "tcp" =
5535       ps: with ps; [
5536       ];
5537     "technove" =
5538       ps: with ps; [
5539         python-technove
5540       ];
5541     "ted5000" =
5542       ps: with ps; [
5543         xmltodict
5544       ];
5545     "tedee" =
5546       ps: with ps; [
5547       ]; # missing inputs: aiotedee
5548     "telegram" =
5549       ps:
5550       with ps;
5551       [
5552         python-telegram-bot
5553       ]
5554       ++ python-telegram-bot.optional-dependencies.socks;
5555     "telegram_bot" =
5556       ps:
5557       with ps;
5558       [
5559         python-telegram-bot
5560       ]
5561       ++ python-telegram-bot.optional-dependencies.socks;
5562     "tellduslive" =
5563       ps: with ps; [
5564         tellduslive
5565       ];
5566     "tellstick" =
5567       ps: with ps; [
5568       ]; # missing inputs: tellcore-net tellcore-py
5569     "telnet" =
5570       ps: with ps; [
5571       ];
5572     "temper" =
5573       ps: with ps; [
5574         temperusb
5575       ];
5576     "template" =
5577       ps: with ps; [
5578       ];
5579     "tensorflow" =
5580       ps: with ps; [
5581         numpy
5582         pillow
5583         pycocotools
5584         tensorflow
5585       ]; # missing inputs: tf-models-official
5586     "tesla_fleet" =
5587       ps: with ps; [
5588         tesla-fleet-api
5589       ];
5590     "tesla_wall_connector" =
5591       ps: with ps; [
5592         tesla-wall-connector
5593       ];
5594     "teslemetry" =
5595       ps: with ps; [
5596         tesla-fleet-api
5597         teslemetry-stream
5598       ];
5599     "tessie" =
5600       ps: with ps; [
5601         tesla-fleet-api
5602       ]; # missing inputs: tessie-api
5603     "text" =
5604       ps: with ps; [
5605       ];
5606     "thermobeacon" =
5607       ps: with ps; [
5608         aioesphomeapi
5609         aioruuvigateway
5610         aioshelly
5611         bleak
5612         bleak-esphome
5613         bleak-retry-connector
5614         bluetooth-adapters
5615         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5616         bluetooth-data-tools
5617         dbus-fast
5618         esphome-dashboard-api
5619         ha-ffmpeg
5620         habluetooth
5621         hassil
5622         home-assistant-intents
5623         ifaddr
5624         mutagen
5625         pymicro-vad
5626         pyserial
5627         pyspeex-noise
5628         pyudev
5629         thermobeacon-ble
5630         zeroconf
5631       ];
5632     "thermoplus" =
5633       ps: with ps; [
5634       ];
5635     "thermopro" =
5636       ps: with ps; [
5637         aioesphomeapi
5638         aioruuvigateway
5639         aioshelly
5640         bleak
5641         bleak-esphome
5642         bleak-retry-connector
5643         bluetooth-adapters
5644         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5645         bluetooth-data-tools
5646         dbus-fast
5647         esphome-dashboard-api
5648         ha-ffmpeg
5649         habluetooth
5650         hassil
5651         home-assistant-intents
5652         ifaddr
5653         mutagen
5654         pymicro-vad
5655         pyserial
5656         pyspeex-noise
5657         pyudev
5658         thermopro-ble
5659         zeroconf
5660       ];
5661     "thethingsnetwork" =
5662       ps: with ps; [
5663         ttn-client
5664       ];
5665     "thingspeak" =
5666       ps: with ps; [
5667       ]; # missing inputs: thingspeak
5668     "thinkingcleaner" =
5669       ps: with ps; [
5670       ]; # missing inputs: pythinkingcleaner
5671     "thomson" =
5672       ps: with ps; [
5673       ];
5674     "thread" =
5675       ps: with ps; [
5676         ifaddr
5677         pyroute2
5678         python-otbr-api
5679         zeroconf
5680       ];
5681     "threshold" =
5682       ps: with ps; [
5683       ];
5684     "tibber" =
5685       ps: with ps; [
5686         fnv-hash-fast
5687         psutil-home-assistant
5688         pytibber
5689         sqlalchemy
5690       ];
5691     "tikteck" =
5692       ps: with ps; [
5693       ]; # missing inputs: tikteck
5694     "tile" =
5695       ps: with ps; [
5696         pytile
5697       ];
5698     "tilt_ble" =
5699       ps: with ps; [
5700         aioesphomeapi
5701         aioruuvigateway
5702         aioshelly
5703         bleak
5704         bleak-esphome
5705         bleak-retry-connector
5706         bluetooth-adapters
5707         bluetooth-auto-recovery
5708         bluetooth-data-tools
5709         dbus-fast
5710         esphome-dashboard-api
5711         ha-ffmpeg
5712         habluetooth
5713         hassil
5714         home-assistant-intents
5715         ifaddr
5716         mutagen
5717         pymicro-vad
5718         pyserial
5719         pyspeex-noise
5720         pyudev
5721         tilt-ble
5722         zeroconf
5723       ];
5724     "time" =
5725       ps: with ps; [
5726       ];
5727     "time_date" =
5728       ps: with ps; [
5729       ];
5730     "timer" =
5731       ps: with ps; [
5732       ];
5733     "tmb" =
5734       ps: with ps; [
5735         tmb
5736       ];
5737     "tod" =
5738       ps: with ps; [
5739       ];
5740     "todo" =
5741       ps: with ps; [
5742       ];
5743     "todoist" =
5744       ps: with ps; [
5745         todoist-api-python
5746       ];
5747     "tolo" =
5748       ps: with ps; [
5749         tololib
5750       ];
5751     "tomato" =
5752       ps: with ps; [
5753       ];
5754     "tomorrowio" =
5755       ps: with ps; [
5756         pytomorrowio
5757       ];
5758     "toon" =
5759       ps: with ps; [
5760         aiohasupervisor
5761         cronsim
5762         ha-ffmpeg
5763         hass-nabucasa
5764         hassil
5765         home-assistant-intents
5766         mutagen
5767         pymicro-vad
5768         pyspeex-noise
5769         python-matter-server
5770         pyturbojpeg
5771         securetar
5772         toonapi
5773       ];
5774     "torque" =
5775       ps: with ps; [
5776       ];
5777     "totalconnect" =
5778       ps: with ps; [
5779         total-connect-client
5780       ];
5781     "touchline" =
5782       ps: with ps; [
5783       ]; # missing inputs: pytouchline
5784     "touchline_sl" =
5785       ps: with ps; [
5786         pytouchlinesl
5787       ];
5788     "tplink" =
5789       ps:
5790       with ps;
5791       [
5792         av
5793         ha-ffmpeg
5794         ifaddr
5795         numpy
5796         python-kasa
5797         pyturbojpeg
5798       ]
5799       ++ python-kasa.optional-dependencies.speedups;
5800     "tplink_lte" =
5801       ps: with ps; [
5802       ]; # missing inputs: tp-connected
5803     "tplink_omada" =
5804       ps: with ps; [
5805         tplink-omada-client
5806       ];
5807     "tplink_tapo" =
5808       ps: with ps; [
5809       ];
5810     "traccar" =
5811       ps: with ps; [
5812         pytraccar
5813         stringcase
5814       ];
5815     "traccar_server" =
5816       ps: with ps; [
5817         pytraccar
5818       ];
5819     "trace" =
5820       ps: with ps; [
5821       ];
5822     "tractive" =
5823       ps: with ps; [
5824         aiotractive
5825       ];
5826     "tradfri" =
5827       ps:
5828       with ps;
5829       [
5830         pytradfri
5831       ]
5832       ++ pytradfri.optional-dependencies.async;
5833     "trafikverket_camera" =
5834       ps: with ps; [
5835         pytrafikverket
5836       ];
5837     "trafikverket_ferry" =
5838       ps: with ps; [
5839         pytrafikverket
5840       ];
5841     "trafikverket_train" =
5842       ps: with ps; [
5843         pytrafikverket
5844       ];
5845     "trafikverket_weatherstation" =
5846       ps: with ps; [
5847         pytrafikverket
5848       ];
5849     "transmission" =
5850       ps: with ps; [
5851         transmission-rpc
5852       ];
5853     "transport_nsw" =
5854       ps: with ps; [
5855         pytransportnsw
5856       ];
5857     "travisci" =
5858       ps: with ps; [
5859       ]; # missing inputs: TravisPy
5860     "trend" =
5861       ps: with ps; [
5862         numpy
5863       ];
5864     "triggercmd" =
5865       ps: with ps; [
5866       ]; # missing inputs: triggercmd
5867     "tts" =
5868       ps: with ps; [
5869         ha-ffmpeg
5870         mutagen
5871       ];
5872     "tuya" =
5873       ps: with ps; [
5874         ha-ffmpeg
5875         tuya-device-sharing-sdk
5876       ];
5877     "twentemilieu" =
5878       ps: with ps; [
5879         twentemilieu
5880       ];
5881     "twilio" =
5882       ps: with ps; [
5883         twilio
5884       ];
5885     "twilio_call" =
5886       ps: with ps; [
5887         twilio
5888       ];
5889     "twilio_sms" =
5890       ps: with ps; [
5891         twilio
5892       ];
5893     "twinkly" =
5894       ps: with ps; [
5895         ttls
5896       ];
5897     "twitch" =
5898       ps: with ps; [
5899         twitchapi
5900       ];
5901     "twitter" =
5902       ps: with ps; [
5903         twitterapi
5904       ];
5905     "ubiwizz" =
5906       ps: with ps; [
5907       ];
5908     "ubus" =
5909       ps: with ps; [
5910         openwrt-ubus-rpc
5911       ];
5912     "uk_transport" =
5913       ps: with ps; [
5914       ];
5915     "ukraine_alarm" =
5916       ps: with ps; [
5917         uasiren
5918       ];
5919     "ultraloq" =
5920       ps: with ps; [
5921       ];
5922     "unifi" =
5923       ps: with ps; [
5924         aiounifi
5925       ];
5926     "unifi_direct" =
5927       ps: with ps; [
5928         unifi-ap
5929       ];
5930     "unifiled" =
5931       ps: with ps; [
5932         unifiled
5933       ];
5934     "unifiprotect" =
5935       ps: with ps; [
5936         uiprotect
5937         unifi-discovery
5938       ];
5939     "universal" =
5940       ps: with ps; [
5941       ];
5942     "upb" =
5943       ps: with ps; [
5944         upb-lib
5945       ];
5946     "upc_connect" =
5947       ps: with ps; [
5948         connect-box
5949       ];
5950     "upcloud" =
5951       ps: with ps; [
5952         upcloud-api
5953       ];
5954     "update" =
5955       ps: with ps; [
5956       ];
5957     "upnp" =
5958       ps: with ps; [
5959         async-upnp-client
5960         getmac
5961         ifaddr
5962       ];
5963     "uprise_smart_shades" =
5964       ps: with ps; [
5965       ];
5966     "uptime" =
5967       ps: with ps; [
5968       ];
5969     "uptimerobot" =
5970       ps: with ps; [
5971         pyuptimerobot
5972       ];
5973     "usb" =
5974       ps: with ps; [
5975         pyserial
5976         pyudev
5977       ];
5978     "usgs_earthquakes_feed" =
5979       ps: with ps; [
5980         aio-geojson-usgs-earthquakes
5981       ];
5982     "utility_meter" =
5983       ps: with ps; [
5984         cronsim
5985       ];
5986     "uvc" =
5987       ps: with ps; [
5988         uvcclient
5989       ];
5990     "v2c" =
5991       ps: with ps; [
5992         pytrydan
5993       ];
5994     "vacuum" =
5995       ps: with ps; [
5996       ];
5997     "vallox" =
5998       ps: with ps; [
5999         vallox-websocket-api
6000       ];
6001     "valve" =
6002       ps: with ps; [
6003       ];
6004     "vasttrafik" =
6005       ps: with ps; [
6006         vtjp
6007       ];
6008     "velbus" =
6009       ps: with ps; [
6010         pyserial
6011         pyudev
6012         velbus-aio
6013       ];
6014     "velux" =
6015       ps: with ps; [
6016         pyvlx
6017       ];
6018     "venstar" =
6019       ps: with ps; [
6020         venstarcolortouch
6021       ];
6022     "vera" =
6023       ps: with ps; [
6024         pyvera
6025       ];
6026     "verisure" =
6027       ps: with ps; [
6028         vsure
6029       ];
6030     "vermont_castings" =
6031       ps: with ps; [
6032       ];
6033     "versasense" =
6034       ps: with ps; [
6035         pyversasense
6036       ];
6037     "version" =
6038       ps: with ps; [
6039         pyhaversion
6040       ];
6041     "vesync" =
6042       ps: with ps; [
6043         pyvesync
6044       ];
6045     "viaggiatreno" =
6046       ps: with ps; [
6047       ];
6048     "vicare" =
6049       ps: with ps; [
6050         pyvicare
6051       ];
6052     "vilfo" =
6053       ps: with ps; [
6054         vilfo-api-client
6055       ];
6056     "vivotek" =
6057       ps: with ps; [
6058         libpyvivotek
6059       ];
6060     "vizio" =
6061       ps: with ps; [
6062         pyvizio
6063       ];
6064     "vlc" =
6065       ps: with ps; [
6066         python-vlc
6067       ];
6068     "vlc_telnet" =
6069       ps: with ps; [
6070         aiovlc
6071       ];
6072     "vodafone_station" =
6073       ps: with ps; [
6074         aiovodafone
6075       ];
6076     "voicerss" =
6077       ps: with ps; [
6078       ];
6079     "voip" =
6080       ps: with ps; [
6081         ha-ffmpeg
6082         hassil
6083         home-assistant-intents
6084         mutagen
6085         pymicro-vad
6086         pyspeex-noise
6087         voip-utils
6088       ];
6089     "volkszaehler" =
6090       ps: with ps; [
6091         volkszaehler
6092       ];
6093     "volumio" =
6094       ps: with ps; [
6095         pyvolumio
6096       ];
6097     "volvooncall" =
6098       ps: with ps; [
6099         volvooncall
6100       ];
6101     "vulcan" =
6102       ps: with ps; [
6103         vulcan-api
6104       ];
6105     "vultr" =
6106       ps: with ps; [
6107         vultr
6108       ];
6109     "w800rf32" =
6110       ps: with ps; [
6111       ]; # missing inputs: pyW800rf32
6112     "wake_on_lan" =
6113       ps: with ps; [
6114         wakeonlan
6115       ];
6116     "wake_word" =
6117       ps: with ps; [
6118       ];
6119     "wallbox" =
6120       ps: with ps; [
6121         wallbox
6122       ];
6123     "waqi" =
6124       ps: with ps; [
6125         aiowaqi
6126       ];
6127     "water_heater" =
6128       ps: with ps; [
6129       ];
6130     "waterfurnace" =
6131       ps: with ps; [
6132         waterfurnace
6133       ];
6134     "watergate" =
6135       ps: with ps; [
6136         watergate-local-api
6137       ];
6138     "watson_iot" =
6139       ps: with ps; [
6140       ]; # missing inputs: ibmiotf
6141     "watttime" =
6142       ps: with ps; [
6143         aiowatttime
6144       ];
6145     "waze_travel_time" =
6146       ps: with ps; [
6147         pywaze
6148       ];
6149     "weather" =
6150       ps: with ps; [
6151       ];
6152     "weatherflow" =
6153       ps: with ps; [
6154         pyweatherflowudp
6155       ];
6156     "weatherflow_cloud" =
6157       ps: with ps; [
6158         weatherflow4py
6159       ];
6160     "weatherkit" =
6161       ps: with ps; [
6162         apple-weatherkit
6163       ];
6164     "webhook" =
6165       ps: with ps; [
6166       ];
6167     "webmin" =
6168       ps: with ps; [
6169         webmin-xmlrpc
6170       ];
6171     "webostv" =
6172       ps: with ps; [
6173         aiowebostv
6174       ];
6175     "websocket_api" =
6176       ps: with ps; [
6177       ];
6178     "weheat" =
6179       ps: with ps; [
6180         weheat
6181       ];
6182     "wemo" =
6183       ps: with ps; [
6184         pywemo
6185       ];
6186     "whirlpool" =
6187       ps: with ps; [
6188         whirlpool-sixth-sense
6189       ];
6190     "whisper" =
6191       ps: with ps; [
6192       ];
6193     "whois" =
6194       ps: with ps; [
6195         whois
6196       ];
6197     "wiffi" =
6198       ps: with ps; [
6199         wiffi
6200       ];
6201     "wilight" =
6202       ps: with ps; [
6203         pywilight
6204       ];
6205     "wirelesstag" =
6206       ps: with ps; [
6207       ]; # missing inputs: wirelesstagpy
6208     "withings" =
6209       ps: with ps; [
6210         aiohasupervisor
6211         aiowithings
6212         cronsim
6213         ha-ffmpeg
6214         hass-nabucasa
6215         hassil
6216         home-assistant-intents
6217         mutagen
6218         pymicro-vad
6219         pyspeex-noise
6220         python-matter-server
6221         pyturbojpeg
6222         securetar
6223       ];
6224     "wiz" =
6225       ps: with ps; [
6226         ifaddr
6227         pywizlight
6228       ];
6229     "wled" =
6230       ps: with ps; [
6231         wled
6232       ];
6233     "wmspro" =
6234       ps: with ps; [
6235       ]; # missing inputs: pywmspro
6236     "wolflink" =
6237       ps: with ps; [
6238         wolf-comm
6239       ];
6240     "workday" =
6241       ps: with ps; [
6242         holidays
6243       ];
6244     "worldclock" =
6245       ps: with ps; [
6246       ];
6247     "worldtidesinfo" =
6248       ps: with ps; [
6249       ];
6250     "worxlandroid" =
6251       ps: with ps; [
6252       ];
6253     "ws66i" =
6254       ps: with ps; [
6255         pyws66i
6256       ];
6257     "wsdot" =
6258       ps: with ps; [
6259       ];
6260     "wyoming" =
6261       ps: with ps; [
6262         ha-ffmpeg
6263         hassil
6264         home-assistant-intents
6265         mutagen
6266         pymicro-vad
6267         pyspeex-noise
6268         wyoming
6269       ];
6270     "x10" =
6271       ps: with ps; [
6272       ];
6273     "xbox" =
6274       ps: with ps; [
6275         xbox-webapi
6276       ];
6277     "xeoma" =
6278       ps: with ps; [
6279         pyxeoma
6280       ];
6281     "xiaomi" =
6282       ps: with ps; [
6283         ha-ffmpeg
6284       ];
6285     "xiaomi_aqara" =
6286       ps: with ps; [
6287         pyxiaomigateway
6288       ];
6289     "xiaomi_ble" =
6290       ps: with ps; [
6291         aioesphomeapi
6292         aioruuvigateway
6293         aioshelly
6294         bleak
6295         bleak-esphome
6296         bleak-retry-connector
6297         bluetooth-adapters
6298         bluetooth-auto-recovery
6299         bluetooth-data-tools
6300         dbus-fast
6301         esphome-dashboard-api
6302         ha-ffmpeg
6303         habluetooth
6304         hassil
6305         home-assistant-intents
6306         ifaddr
6307         mutagen
6308         pymicro-vad
6309         pyserial
6310         pyspeex-noise
6311         pyudev
6312         xiaomi-ble
6313         zeroconf
6314       ];
6315     "xiaomi_miio" =
6316       ps: with ps; [
6317         construct
6318         micloud
6319         python-miio
6320       ];
6321     "xiaomi_tv" =
6322       ps: with ps; [
6323         pymitv
6324       ];
6325     "xmpp" =
6326       ps: with ps; [
6327         emoji
6328         slixmpp
6329       ];
6330     "xs1" =
6331       ps: with ps; [
6332       ]; # missing inputs: xs1-api-client
6333     "yale" =
6334       ps: with ps; [
6335         aiohasupervisor
6336         cronsim
6337         ha-ffmpeg
6338         hass-nabucasa
6339         hassil
6340         home-assistant-intents
6341         mutagen
6342         pymicro-vad
6343         pyspeex-noise
6344         python-matter-server
6345         pyturbojpeg
6346         securetar
6347         yalexs
6348         yalexs-ble
6349       ];
6350     "yale_home" =
6351       ps: with ps; [
6352       ];
6353     "yale_smart_alarm" =
6354       ps: with ps; [
6355         yalesmartalarmclient
6356       ];
6357     "yalexs_ble" =
6358       ps: with ps; [
6359         aioesphomeapi
6360         aioruuvigateway
6361         aioshelly
6362         bleak
6363         bleak-esphome
6364         bleak-retry-connector
6365         bluetooth-adapters
6366         bluetooth-auto-recovery
6367         bluetooth-data-tools
6368         dbus-fast
6369         esphome-dashboard-api
6370         ha-ffmpeg
6371         habluetooth
6372         hassil
6373         home-assistant-intents
6374         ifaddr
6375         mutagen
6376         pymicro-vad
6377         pyserial
6378         pyspeex-noise
6379         pyudev
6380         yalexs-ble
6381         zeroconf
6382       ];
6383     "yamaha" =
6384       ps: with ps; [
6385         rxv
6386       ];
6387     "yamaha_musiccast" =
6388       ps: with ps; [
6389         aiomusiccast
6390         async-upnp-client
6391         ifaddr
6392       ];
6393     "yandex_transport" =
6394       ps: with ps; [
6395         aioymaps
6396       ];
6397     "yandextts" =
6398       ps: with ps; [
6399       ];
6400     "yardian" =
6401       ps: with ps; [
6402         pyyardian
6403       ];
6404     "yeelight" =
6405       ps: with ps; [
6406         async-upnp-client
6407         ifaddr
6408         yeelight
6409       ];
6410     "yeelightsunflower" =
6411       ps: with ps; [
6412       ]; # missing inputs: yeelightsunflower
6413     "yi" =
6414       ps: with ps; [
6415         aioftp
6416         ha-ffmpeg
6417       ];
6418     "yolink" =
6419       ps: with ps; [
6420         yolink-api
6421       ];
6422     "youless" =
6423       ps: with ps; [
6424         youless-api
6425       ];
6426     "youtube" =
6427       ps: with ps; [
6428         youtubeaio
6429       ];
6430     "zabbix" =
6431       ps: with ps; [
6432         zabbix-utils
6433       ];
6434     "zamg" =
6435       ps: with ps; [
6436         zamg
6437       ];
6438     "zengge" =
6439       ps: with ps; [
6440         bluepy
6441       ]; # missing inputs: zengge
6442     "zeroconf" =
6443       ps: with ps; [
6444         ifaddr
6445         zeroconf
6446       ];
6447     "zerproc" =
6448       ps: with ps; [
6449         pyzerproc
6450       ];
6451     "zestimate" =
6452       ps: with ps; [
6453         xmltodict
6454       ];
6455     "zeversolar" =
6456       ps: with ps; [
6457         zeversolar
6458       ];
6459     "zha" =
6460       ps: with ps; [
6461         aiohasupervisor
6462         pillow
6463         pyserial
6464         pyudev
6465         universal-silabs-flasher
6466         zha
6467       ];
6468     "zhong_hong" =
6469       ps: with ps; [
6470       ]; # missing inputs: zhong-hong-hvac
6471     "ziggo_mediabox_xl" =
6472       ps: with ps; [
6473       ]; # missing inputs: ziggo-mediabox-xl
6474     "zodiac" =
6475       ps: with ps; [
6476       ];
6477     "zondergas" =
6478       ps: with ps; [
6479       ];
6480     "zone" =
6481       ps: with ps; [
6482       ];
6483     "zoneminder" =
6484       ps: with ps; [
6485         zm-py
6486       ];
6487     "zwave_js" =
6488       ps: with ps; [
6489         aiohasupervisor
6490         pyserial
6491         pyudev
6492         zwave-js-server-python
6493       ];
6494     "zwave_me" =
6495       ps: with ps; [
6496         ifaddr
6497         url-normalize
6498         zeroconf
6499         zwave-me-ws
6500       ];
6501   };
6502   # components listed in tests/components for which all dependencies are packaged
6503   supportedComponentsWithTests = [
6504     "abode"
6505     "acaia"
6506     "accuweather"
6507     "acmeda"
6508     "adax"
6509     "adguard"
6510     "advantage_air"
6511     "aemet"
6512     "aftership"
6513     "agent_dvr"
6514     "air_quality"
6515     "airgradient"
6516     "airly"
6517     "airnow"
6518     "airq"
6519     "airthings"
6520     "airthings_ble"
6521     "airtouch4"
6522     "airtouch5"
6523     "airvisual"
6524     "airvisual_pro"
6525     "airzone"
6526     "airzone_cloud"
6527     "aladdin_connect"
6528     "alarm_control_panel"
6529     "alarmdecoder"
6530     "alert"
6531     "alexa"
6532     "amberelectric"
6533     "ambient_network"
6534     "ambient_station"
6535     "analytics"
6536     "analytics_insights"
6537     "android_ip_webcam"
6538     "androidtv"
6539     "androidtv_remote"
6540     "anova"
6541     "anthemav"
6542     "anthropic"
6543     "aosmith"
6544     "apache_kafka"
6545     "apcupsd"
6546     "api"
6547     "apple_tv"
6548     "application_credentials"
6549     "apprise"
6550     "aprilaire"
6551     "aprs"
6552     "apsystems"
6553     "aquacell"
6554     "aranet"
6555     "arcam_fmj"
6556     "arve"
6557     "aseko_pool_live"
6558     "assist_pipeline"
6559     "assist_satellite"
6560     "asuswrt"
6561     "atag"
6562     "august"
6563     "aurora"
6564     "aurora_abb_powerone"
6565     "aussie_broadband"
6566     "autarco"
6567     "auth"
6568     "automation"
6569     "awair"
6570     "aws"
6571     "axis"
6572     "azure_data_explorer"
6573     "azure_devops"
6574     "azure_event_hub"
6575     "backup"
6576     "baf"
6577     "balboa"
6578     "bang_olufsen"
6579     "bayesian"
6580     "binary_sensor"
6581     "blackbird"
6582     "blebox"
6583     "blink"
6584     "blue_current"
6585     "bluemaestro"
6586     "blueprint"
6587     "bluesound"
6588     "bluetooth"
6589     "bluetooth_adapters"
6590     "bluetooth_le_tracker"
6591     "bmw_connected_drive"
6592     "bond"
6593     "bosch_shc"
6594     "braviatv"
6595     "bring"
6596     "broadlink"
6597     "brother"
6598     "brottsplatskartan"
6599     "brunt"
6600     "bryant_evolution"
6601     "bsblan"
6602     "bthome"
6603     "buienradar"
6604     "button"
6605     "caldav"
6606     "calendar"
6607     "cambridge_audio"
6608     "camera"
6609     "canary"
6610     "cast"
6611     "ccm15"
6612     "cert_expiry"
6613     "chacon_dio"
6614     "clicksend_tts"
6615     "climate"
6616     "cloud"
6617     "cloudflare"
6618     "co2signal"
6619     "color_extractor"
6620     "comelit"
6621     "comfoconnect"
6622     "command_line"
6623     "compensation"
6624     "config"
6625     "configurator"
6626     "control4"
6627     "conversation"
6628     "cookidoo"
6629     "coolmaster"
6630     "counter"
6631     "cover"
6632     "cpuspeed"
6633     "crownstone"
6634     "daikin"
6635     "datadog"
6636     "date"
6637     "datetime"
6638     "deako"
6639     "debugpy"
6640     "deconz"
6641     "default_config"
6642     "deluge"
6643     "demo"
6644     "denonavr"
6645     "derivative"
6646     "devialet"
6647     "device_automation"
6648     "device_sun_light_trigger"
6649     "device_tracker"
6650     "devolo_home_control"
6651     "devolo_home_network"
6652     "dexcom"
6653     "dhcp"
6654     "diagnostics"
6655     "dialogflow"
6656     "directv"
6657     "discord"
6658     "discovergy"
6659     "dlna_dmr"
6660     "dlna_dms"
6661     "dnsip"
6662     "doorbird"
6663     "dormakaba_dkey"
6664     "downloader"
6665     "dremel_3d_printer"
6666     "drop_connect"
6667     "dsmr"
6668     "dsmr_reader"
6669     "duckdns"
6670     "duke_energy"
6671     "dunehd"
6672     "duotecno"
6673     "dwd_weather_warnings"
6674     "dynalite"
6675     "eafm"
6676     "easyenergy"
6677     "ecobee"
6678     "ecoforest"
6679     "econet"
6680     "ecovacs"
6681     "ecowitt"
6682     "edl21"
6683     "efergy"
6684     "eheimdigital"
6685     "eight_sleep"
6686     "electrasmart"
6687     "elevenlabs"
6688     "elgato"
6689     "elkm1"
6690     "elmax"
6691     "emoncms"
6692     "emonitor"
6693     "emulated_hue"
6694     "emulated_kasa"
6695     "emulated_roku"
6696     "energenie_power_sockets"
6697     "energy"
6698     "energyzero"
6699     "enigma2"
6700     "enocean"
6701     "enphase_envoy"
6702     "environment_canada"
6703     "epic_games_store"
6704     "epion"
6705     "epson"
6706     "eq3btsmart"
6707     "escea"
6708     "esphome"
6709     "eufylife_ble"
6710     "event"
6711     "everlights"
6712     "evil_genius_labs"
6713     "evohome"
6714     "ezviz"
6715     "faa_delays"
6716     "facebook"
6717     "fail2ban"
6718     "fan"
6719     "feedreader"
6720     "ffmpeg"
6721     "fibaro"
6722     "fido"
6723     "file"
6724     "file_upload"
6725     "filesize"
6726     "filter"
6727     "fints"
6728     "fireservicerota"
6729     "firmata"
6730     "fitbit"
6731     "fivem"
6732     "fjaraskupan"
6733     "flexit_bacnet"
6734     "flic"
6735     "flick_electric"
6736     "flipr"
6737     "flo"
6738     "flume"
6739     "flux"
6740     "flux_led"
6741     "folder"
6742     "folder_watcher"
6743     "foobot"
6744     "forecast_solar"
6745     "foscam"
6746     "freebox"
6747     "freedns"
6748     "freedompro"
6749     "fritz"
6750     "fritzbox"
6751     "fritzbox_callmonitor"
6752     "fronius"
6753     "frontend"
6754     "frontier_silicon"
6755     "fujitsu_fglair"
6756     "fully_kiosk"
6757     "fyta"
6758     "garages_amsterdam"
6759     "gardena_bluetooth"
6760     "gdacs"
6761     "generic"
6762     "generic_hygrostat"
6763     "generic_thermostat"
6764     "geniushub"
6765     "geo_json_events"
6766     "geo_location"
6767     "geo_rss_events"
6768     "geocaching"
6769     "geofency"
6770     "geonetnz_quakes"
6771     "geonetnz_volcano"
6772     "gios"
6773     "github"
6774     "glances"
6775     "go2rtc"
6776     "goalzero"
6777     "gogogate2"
6778     "goodwe"
6779     "google"
6780     "google_assistant"
6781     "google_assistant_sdk"
6782     "google_cloud"
6783     "google_generative_ai_conversation"
6784     "google_mail"
6785     "google_photos"
6786     "google_pubsub"
6787     "google_sheets"
6788     "google_tasks"
6789     "google_translate"
6790     "google_travel_time"
6791     "google_wifi"
6792     "govee_ble"
6793     "govee_light_local"
6794     "gpsd"
6795     "gpslogger"
6796     "graphite"
6797     "gree"
6798     "greeneye_monitor"
6799     "group"
6800     "growatt_server"
6801     "guardian"
6802     "habitica"
6803     "hardkernel"
6804     "hardware"
6805     "harmony"
6806     "hassio"
6807     "hddtemp"
6808     "hdmi_cec"
6809     "heos"
6810     "here_travel_time"
6811     "hisense_aehw4a1"
6812     "history"
6813     "history_stats"
6814     "hive"
6815     "hlk_sw16"
6816     "holiday"
6817     "home_connect"
6818     "homeassistant"
6819     "homeassistant_alerts"
6820     "homeassistant_green"
6821     "homeassistant_hardware"
6822     "homeassistant_sky_connect"
6823     "homeassistant_yellow"
6824     "homekit"
6825     "homekit_controller"
6826     "homematic"
6827     "homematicip_cloud"
6828     "homewizard"
6829     "homeworks"
6830     "honeywell"
6831     "html5"
6832     "http"
6833     "huawei_lte"
6834     "hue"
6835     "huisbaasje"
6836     "humidifier"
6837     "hunterdouglas_powerview"
6838     "husqvarna_automower"
6839     "husqvarna_automower_ble"
6840     "huum"
6841     "hvv_departures"
6842     "hydrawise"
6843     "hyperion"
6844     "ialarm"
6845     "iaqualink"
6846     "ibeacon"
6847     "icloud"
6848     "idasen_desk"
6849     "ifttt"
6850     "ign_sismologia"
6851     "image"
6852     "image_processing"
6853     "image_upload"
6854     "imap"
6855     "imgw_pib"
6856     "improv_ble"
6857     "incomfort"
6858     "influxdb"
6859     "inkbird"
6860     "input_boolean"
6861     "input_button"
6862     "input_datetime"
6863     "input_number"
6864     "input_select"
6865     "input_text"
6866     "insteon"
6867     "integration"
6868     "intellifire"
6869     "intent"
6870     "intent_script"
6871     "ios"
6872     "iotty"
6873     "ipma"
6874     "ipp"
6875     "iqvia"
6876     "iron_os"
6877     "isal"
6878     "iskra"
6879     "islamic_prayer_times"
6880     "israel_rail"
6881     "ista_ecotrend"
6882     "isy994"
6883     "ituran"
6884     "izone"
6885     "jellyfin"
6886     "jewish_calendar"
6887     "juicenet"
6888     "justnimbus"
6889     "jvc_projector"
6890     "kaleidescape"
6891     "keenetic_ndms2"
6892     "kegtron"
6893     "keymitt_ble"
6894     "kira"
6895     "kitchen_sink"
6896     "kmtronic"
6897     "knocki"
6898     "knx"
6899     "kodi"
6900     "konnected"
6901     "kostal_plenticore"
6902     "kraken"
6903     "kulersky"
6904     "lamarzocco"
6905     "lametric"
6906     "landisgyr_heat_meter"
6907     "lastfm"
6908     "launch_library"
6909     "laundrify"
6910     "lawn_mower"
6911     "lcn"
6912     "ld2410_ble"
6913     "leaone"
6914     "led_ble"
6915     "lektrico"
6916     "lg_netcast"
6917     "lg_soundbar"
6918     "lg_thinq"
6919     "lidarr"
6920     "life360"
6921     "lifx"
6922     "light"
6923     "linear_garage_door"
6924     "linkplay"
6925     "litejet"
6926     "litterrobot"
6927     "livisi"
6928     "local_calendar"
6929     "local_file"
6930     "local_ip"
6931     "local_todo"
6932     "locative"
6933     "lock"
6934     "logbook"
6935     "logentries"
6936     "logger"
6937     "london_air"
6938     "lookin"
6939     "loqed"
6940     "lovelace"
6941     "luftdaten"
6942     "lupusec"
6943     "lutron"
6944     "lutron_caseta"
6945     "lyric"
6946     "madvr"
6947     "mailgun"
6948     "manual"
6949     "manual_mqtt"
6950     "mastodon"
6951     "matrix"
6952     "matter"
6953     "maxcube"
6954     "mazda"
6955     "mealie"
6956     "meater"
6957     "media_extractor"
6958     "media_player"
6959     "media_source"
6960     "melcloud"
6961     "melnor"
6962     "meraki"
6963     "met"
6964     "met_eireann"
6965     "meteo_france"
6966     "meteoclimatic"
6967     "metoffice"
6968     "mfi"
6969     "microsoft_face"
6970     "microsoft_face_detect"
6971     "microsoft_face_identify"
6972     "mikrotik"
6973     "mill"
6974     "min_max"
6975     "minecraft_server"
6976     "minio"
6977     "mjpeg"
6978     "moat"
6979     "mobile_app"
6980     "modbus"
6981     "modem_callerid"
6982     "modern_forms"
6983     "mold_indicator"
6984     "monzo"
6985     "moon"
6986     "mopeka"
6987     "motion_blinds"
6988     "motionblinds_ble"
6989     "motioneye"
6990     "motionmount"
6991     "mpd"
6992     "mqtt"
6993     "mqtt_eventstream"
6994     "mqtt_json"
6995     "mqtt_room"
6996     "mqtt_statestream"
6997     "mullvad"
6998     "music_assistant"
6999     "mutesync"
7000     "my"
7001     "myq"
7002     "mysensors"
7003     "mystrom"
7004     "mythicbeastsdns"
7005     "myuplink"
7006     "nam"
7007     "namecheapdns"
7008     "nanoleaf"
7009     "neato"
7010     "ness_alarm"
7011     "nest"
7012     "netatmo"
7013     "netgear"
7014     "netgear_lte"
7015     "network"
7016     "nexia"
7017     "nextbus"
7018     "nextcloud"
7019     "nextdns"
7020     "nfandroidtv"
7021     "nibe_heatpump"
7022     "nice_go"
7023     "nightscout"
7024     "niko_home_control"
7025     "nina"
7026     "nmap_tracker"
7027     "no_ip"
7028     "nobo_hub"
7029     "nordpool"
7030     "notify"
7031     "notify_events"
7032     "notion"
7033     "nsw_rural_fire_service_feed"
7034     "nuheat"
7035     "nuki"
7036     "number"
7037     "nut"
7038     "nws"
7039     "nx584"
7040     "obihai"
7041     "octoprint"
7042     "ohme"
7043     "ollama"
7044     "omnilogic"
7045     "onboarding"
7046     "oncue"
7047     "ondilo_ico"
7048     "onewire"
7049     "onkyo"
7050     "onvif"
7051     "open_meteo"
7052     "openai_conversation"
7053     "openalpr_cloud"
7054     "openerz"
7055     "openexchangerates"
7056     "opengarage"
7057     "openhardwaremonitor"
7058     "openhome"
7059     "opensky"
7060     "opentherm_gw"
7061     "openuv"
7062     "openweathermap"
7063     "opnsense"
7064     "opower"
7065     "oralb"
7066     "otbr"
7067     "otp"
7068     "overkiz"
7069     "ovo_energy"
7070     "owntracks"
7071     "p1_monitor"
7072     "palazzetti"
7073     "panasonic_viera"
7074     "panel_custom"
7075     "peco"
7076     "pegel_online"
7077     "permobil"
7078     "persistent_notification"
7079     "person"
7080     "philips_js"
7081     "pi_hole"
7082     "picnic"
7083     "ping"
7084     "plaato"
7085     "plant"
7086     "plex"
7087     "plugwise"
7088     "point"
7089     "poolsense"
7090     "powerfox"
7091     "powerwall"
7092     "private_ble_device"
7093     "profiler"
7094     "prometheus"
7095     "prosegur"
7096     "proximity"
7097     "prusalink"
7098     "pure_energie"
7099     "purpleair"
7100     "push"
7101     "pushbullet"
7102     "pushover"
7103     "pvoutput"
7104     "pvpc_hourly_pricing"
7105     "pyload"
7106     "python_script"
7107     "qbittorrent"
7108     "qingping"
7109     "qld_bushfire"
7110     "qnap"
7111     "qnap_qsw"
7112     "qwikswitch"
7113     "rabbitair"
7114     "rachio"
7115     "radarr"
7116     "radio_browser"
7117     "radiotherm"
7118     "rainbird"
7119     "rainforest_eagle"
7120     "rainforest_raven"
7121     "rainmachine"
7122     "random"
7123     "rapt_ble"
7124     "raspberry_pi"
7125     "rdw"
7126     "recollect_waste"
7127     "recorder"
7128     "recovery_mode"
7129     "reddit"
7130     "refoss"
7131     "remote"
7132     "renault"
7133     "renson"
7134     "reolink"
7135     "repairs"
7136     "rest"
7137     "rest_command"
7138     "rflink"
7139     "rfxtrx"
7140     "rhasspy"
7141     "ridwell"
7142     "ring"
7143     "risco"
7144     "rituals_perfume_genie"
7145     "rmvtransport"
7146     "roborock"
7147     "roku"
7148     "romy"
7149     "roomba"
7150     "roon"
7151     "rova"
7152     "rpi_power"
7153     "rss_feed_template"
7154     "rtsp_to_webrtc"
7155     "ruckus_unleashed"
7156     "russound_rio"
7157     "ruuvi_gateway"
7158     "ruuvitag_ble"
7159     "rympro"
7160     "sabnzbd"
7161     "samsungtv"
7162     "sanix"
7163     "scene"
7164     "schedule"
7165     "schlage"
7166     "scrape"
7167     "screenlogic"
7168     "script"
7169     "search"
7170     "season"
7171     "select"
7172     "sense"
7173     "sensibo"
7174     "sensirion_ble"
7175     "sensor"
7176     "sensorpro"
7177     "sensorpush"
7178     "sensoterra"
7179     "sentry"
7180     "senz"
7181     "seventeentrack"
7182     "sfr_box"
7183     "sharkiq"
7184     "shell_command"
7185     "shelly"
7186     "shopping_list"
7187     "sia"
7188     "sigfox"
7189     "sighthound"
7190     "signal_messenger"
7191     "simplefin"
7192     "simplepush"
7193     "simplisafe"
7194     "siren"
7195     "sky_remote"
7196     "skybell"
7197     "slack"
7198     "sleepiq"
7199     "slide_local"
7200     "slimproto"
7201     "sma"
7202     "smappee"
7203     "smart_meter_texas"
7204     "smartthings"
7205     "smarttub"
7206     "smhi"
7207     "smlight"
7208     "sms"
7209     "smtp"
7210     "snapcast"
7211     "snips"
7212     "snmp"
7213     "snooz"
7214     "solaredge"
7215     "solarlog"
7216     "solax"
7217     "soma"
7218     "somfy_mylink"
7219     "sonarr"
7220     "songpal"
7221     "sonos"
7222     "soundtouch"
7223     "spaceapi"
7224     "spc"
7225     "speedtestdotnet"
7226     "spider"
7227     "spotify"
7228     "sql"
7229     "squeezebox"
7230     "srp_energy"
7231     "ssdp"
7232     "starline"
7233     "startca"
7234     "statistics"
7235     "statsd"
7236     "steam_online"
7237     "steamist"
7238     "stookwijzer"
7239     "stream"
7240     "streamlabswater"
7241     "stt"
7242     "subaru"
7243     "suez_water"
7244     "sun"
7245     "sunweg"
7246     "surepetcare"
7247     "swiss_public_transport"
7248     "switch"
7249     "switch_as_x"
7250     "switchbee"
7251     "switchbot"
7252     "switchbot_cloud"
7253     "switcher_kis"
7254     "syncthing"
7255     "syncthru"
7256     "synology_dsm"
7257     "system_bridge"
7258     "system_health"
7259     "system_log"
7260     "systemmonitor"
7261     "tado"
7262     "tag"
7263     "tailscale"
7264     "tailwind"
7265     "tankerkoenig"
7266     "tasmota"
7267     "tautulli"
7268     "tcp"
7269     "technove"
7270     "telegram"
7271     "telegram_bot"
7272     "tellduslive"
7273     "temper"
7274     "template"
7275     "tesla_fleet"
7276     "tesla_wall_connector"
7277     "teslemetry"
7278     "text"
7279     "thermobeacon"
7280     "thermopro"
7281     "thethingsnetwork"
7282     "thread"
7283     "threshold"
7284     "tibber"
7285     "tile"
7286     "tilt_ble"
7287     "time"
7288     "time_date"
7289     "timer"
7290     "tod"
7291     "todo"
7292     "todoist"
7293     "tolo"
7294     "tomato"
7295     "tomorrowio"
7296     "toon"
7297     "totalconnect"
7298     "touchline_sl"
7299     "tplink"
7300     "tplink_omada"
7301     "traccar"
7302     "traccar_server"
7303     "trace"
7304     "tractive"
7305     "tradfri"
7306     "trafikverket_camera"
7307     "trafikverket_ferry"
7308     "trafikverket_train"
7309     "trafikverket_weatherstation"
7310     "transmission"
7311     "transport_nsw"
7312     "trend"
7313     "tts"
7314     "tuya"
7315     "twentemilieu"
7316     "twilio"
7317     "twinkly"
7318     "twitch"
7319     "uk_transport"
7320     "ukraine_alarm"
7321     "unifi"
7322     "unifiprotect"
7323     "universal"
7324     "upb"
7325     "upcloud"
7326     "update"
7327     "upnp"
7328     "uptime"
7329     "uptimerobot"
7330     "usb"
7331     "usgs_earthquakes_feed"
7332     "utility_meter"
7333     "uvc"
7334     "v2c"
7335     "vacuum"
7336     "vallox"
7337     "valve"
7338     "velbus"
7339     "velux"
7340     "venstar"
7341     "vera"
7342     "verisure"
7343     "version"
7344     "vesync"
7345     "vicare"
7346     "vilfo"
7347     "vizio"
7348     "vlc_telnet"
7349     "vodafone_station"
7350     "voicerss"
7351     "voip"
7352     "volumio"
7353     "volvooncall"
7354     "vulcan"
7355     "vultr"
7356     "wake_on_lan"
7357     "wake_word"
7358     "wallbox"
7359     "waqi"
7360     "water_heater"
7361     "watergate"
7362     "watttime"
7363     "waze_travel_time"
7364     "weather"
7365     "weatherflow"
7366     "weatherflow_cloud"
7367     "weatherkit"
7368     "webhook"
7369     "webmin"
7370     "webostv"
7371     "websocket_api"
7372     "weheat"
7373     "wemo"
7374     "whirlpool"
7375     "whois"
7376     "wiffi"
7377     "wilight"
7378     "withings"
7379     "wiz"
7380     "wled"
7381     "wolflink"
7382     "workday"
7383     "worldclock"
7384     "ws66i"
7385     "wsdot"
7386     "wyoming"
7387     "xbox"
7388     "xiaomi"
7389     "xiaomi_aqara"
7390     "xiaomi_ble"
7391     "xiaomi_miio"
7392     "yale"
7393     "yale_smart_alarm"
7394     "yalexs_ble"
7395     "yamaha"
7396     "yamaha_musiccast"
7397     "yandex_transport"
7398     "yandextts"
7399     "yardian"
7400     "yeelight"
7401     "yolink"
7402     "youless"
7403     "youtube"
7404     "zamg"
7405     "zeroconf"
7406     "zerproc"
7407     "zeversolar"
7408     "zha"
7409     "zodiac"
7410     "zone"
7411     "zwave_js"
7412     "zwave_me"
7413   ];