toxic: 0.15.1 -> 0.16.0
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / tools / admin / pgadmin /
1 #!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
2 #!nix-shell -i bash -p curl wget jq yq common-updater-scripts prefetch-yarn-deps yarn-lock-converter
4 set -eu -o pipefail
6 TMPDIR=/tmp/pgadmin-update-script
8 ################################################################
9 # This script will update pgadmin4 in nixpkgs #
10 # Due to recent changes upstream, we will need to convert the #
11 # `yarn.lock` file back to version 1. #
12 # This isn't trivially done and relies on 3rd party tools #
13 # and a hand-written converter (in this script). #
14 # Also, the converter cannot check for `github` repos in the #
15 # `yarn.lock` file, which this script will add automatically #
16 ################################################################
18 cleanup() {
19 if [ -e $TMPDIR/.done ]
20 then
21 rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
22 else
23 echo
24 read -p "Script exited prematurely. Do you want to delete the temporary directory $TMPDIR ? " -n 1 -r
25 echo
26 if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
27 then
28 rm -rf "$TMPDIR"
33 trap cleanup EXIT
35 scriptDir=$(cd "${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}" && pwd)
36 nixpkgs=$(realpath "$scriptDir"/../../../..)
38 newest_version="$(curl -s | jq -r .pgadmin4.version)"
39 old_version=$(nix-instantiate --eval -E "(import \"$nixpkgs\" { config = {}; overlays = []; }).pgadmin4.version" | tr -d '"')
40 url="${newest_version}/source/pgadmin4-${newest_version}.tar.gz"
42 if [[ $newest_version == $old_version ]]; then
43 printf "Already at latest version $newest_version\n"
44 exit 0
46 printf "New version: $newest_version \n"
48 # don't use mktemp, so if a network error happens, we can resume from there
49 mkdir -p $TMPDIR
50 pushd $TMPDIR
51 wget -c $url
52 tar -xzf "pgadmin4-$newest_version.tar.gz"
53 cd "pgadmin4-$newest_version/web"
55 printf "Will now convert the v2 lockfile. This will download the npm packages to get the metadata.\n"
56 printf "Please note: This will take some time! For details, see the logfile ${TMPDIR}/update.log\n"
57 yarn-lock-converter -i yarn.lock -o yarn_v1.lock --cache .cache > $TMPDIR/update.log
58 printf "Conversion done\n"
60 printf "Will now do some regex substitution post-processing\n"
61 sed -i -E "s|(.), |\1\", \"|g" yarn_v1.lock
62 sed -i -E "s|npm:||g" yarn_v1.lock
63 printf "Substituion done\n"
65 printf "Will now add missing github packages back to the v1 yarn.lock file\n"
66 # remove header
67 tail +8 yarn.lock > yarn_mod.lock
68 LENGTH=$(yq '. | with_entries(select(.value.resolution | contains("github"))) | keys | length' yarn_mod.lock)
69 for i in $(seq 0 $(($LENGTH-1)));
71 ENTRY=$(yq ". | with_entries(select(.value.resolution | contains(\"github\"))) | keys | .[$i]" yarn_mod.lock)
72 URL=$(echo $ENTRY | cut -d "@" -f 2)
73 VERSION=$(yq ".$ENTRY.version" yarn_mod.lock)
74 LENGTH_DEP=$(yq ".$ENTRY.dependencies | keys | length" yarn_mod.lock)
75 echo "$ENTRY:" >> adendum.lock
76 echo " version $VERSION" >> adendum.lock
77 echo " resolved \"$URL" >> adendum.lock
78 echo " dependencies:" >> adendum.lock
80 for j in $(seq 0 $(($LENGTH_DEP-1)));
82 DEPENDENCY_KEY=$(yq ".$ENTRY.dependencies | keys | .[$j]" yarn_mod.lock)
83 DEPENDENCY_VALUE=$(yq ".$ENTRY.dependencies.$DEPENDENCY_KEY" yarn_mod.lock)
84 # remove '"'
86 echo " \"$DEPENDENCY_KEY\" $DEPENDENCY_VALUE" >> adendum.lock
87 done
88 done
90 echo "" >> yarn_v1.lock
91 cat adendum.lock >> yarn_v1.lock
92 printf "Done\n"
94 rm yarn.lock
95 mv yarn_v1.lock yarn.lock
97 printf "Will now generate the hash. This will download the packages to the nix store and also take some time\n"
98 YARN_HASH=$(prefetch-yarn-deps yarn.lock)
99 YARN_HASH=$(nix hash to-sri --type sha256 "$YARN_HASH")
100 printf "Done\n"
102 printf "Copy files to nixpkgs\n"
103 cp yarn.lock "$nixpkgs/pkgs/tools/admin/pgadmin/"
104 printf "Done\n"
105 popd
107 sed -i -E -e "s#yarnHash = \".*\"#yarnHash = \"$YARN_HASH\"#" ${scriptDir}/default.nix
109 update-source-version pgadmin4 "$newest_version" --print-changes
110 touch $TMPDIR/.done