biome: 1.9.2 -> 1.9.3
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / build-support / node / fetch-npm-deps / src / parse /
1 use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context};
2 use rayon::slice::ParallelSliceMut;
3 use serde::{
4     de::{self, Visitor},
5     Deserialize, Deserializer,
6 };
7 use std::{
8     cmp::Ordering,
9     collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
10     fmt,
12 use url::Url;
14 pub(super) fn packages(content: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Package>> {
15     let lockfile: Lockfile = serde_json::from_str(content)?;
17     let mut packages = match lockfile.version {
18         1 => {
19             let initial_url = get_initial_url()?;
21             to_new_packages(lockfile.dependencies.unwrap_or_default(), &initial_url)?
22         }
23         2 | 3 => lockfile
24             .packages
25             .unwrap_or_default()
26             .into_iter()
27             .filter(|(n, p)| !n.is_empty() && matches!(p.resolved, Some(UrlOrString::Url(_))))
28             .map(|(n, p)| Package { name: Some(n), ..p })
29             .collect(),
30         _ => bail!(
31             "We don't support lockfile version {}, please file an issue.",
32             lockfile.version
33         ),
34     };
36     packages.par_sort_by(|x, y| {
37         x.resolved
38             .partial_cmp(&y.resolved)
39             .expect("resolved should be comparable")
40             .then(
41                 // v1 lockfiles can contain multiple references to the same version of a package, with
42                 // different integrity values (e.g. a SHA-1 and a SHA-512 in one, but just a SHA-512 in another)
43                 y.integrity
44                     .partial_cmp(&x.integrity)
45                     .expect("integrity should be comparable"),
46             )
47     });
49     packages.dedup_by(|x, y| x.resolved == y.resolved);
51     Ok(packages)
54 #[derive(Deserialize)]
55 struct Lockfile {
56     #[serde(rename = "lockfileVersion")]
57     version: u8,
58     dependencies: Option<HashMap<String, OldPackage>>,
59     packages: Option<HashMap<String, Package>>,
62 #[derive(Deserialize)]
63 struct OldPackage {
64     version: UrlOrString,
65     #[serde(default)]
66     bundled: bool,
67     resolved: Option<UrlOrString>,
68     integrity: Option<HashCollection>,
69     dependencies: Option<HashMap<String, OldPackage>>,
72 #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
73 pub(super) struct Package {
74     #[serde(default)]
75     pub(super) name: Option<String>,
76     pub(super) resolved: Option<UrlOrString>,
77     pub(super) integrity: Option<HashCollection>,
80 #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
81 #[serde(untagged)]
82 pub(super) enum UrlOrString {
83     Url(Url),
84     String(String),
87 impl fmt::Display for UrlOrString {
88     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
89         match self {
90             UrlOrString::Url(url) => url.fmt(f),
91             UrlOrString::String(string) => string.fmt(f),
92         }
93     }
96 #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
97 pub struct HashCollection(HashSet<Hash>);
99 impl HashCollection {
100     pub fn from_str(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> anyhow::Result<HashCollection> {
101         let hashes = s
102             .as_ref()
103             .split_ascii_whitespace()
104             .map(Hash::new)
105             .collect::<anyhow::Result<_>>()?;
107         Ok(HashCollection(hashes))
108     }
110     pub fn into_best(self) -> Option<Hash> {
111         self.0.into_iter().max()
112     }
115 impl PartialOrd for HashCollection {
116     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
117         let lhs = self.0.iter().max()?;
118         let rhs = other.0.iter().max()?;
120         lhs.partial_cmp(rhs)
121     }
124 impl<'de> Deserialize<'de> for HashCollection {
125     fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<HashCollection, D::Error>
126     where
127         D: Deserializer<'de>,
128     {
129         deserializer.deserialize_string(HashCollectionVisitor)
130     }
133 struct HashCollectionVisitor;
135 impl<'de> Visitor<'de> for HashCollectionVisitor {
136     type Value = HashCollection;
138     fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
139         formatter.write_str("a single SRI hash or a collection of them (separated by spaces)")
140     }
142     fn visit_str<E>(self, value: &str) -> Result<HashCollection, E>
143     where
144         E: de::Error,
145     {
146         HashCollection::from_str(value).map_err(E::custom)
147     }
150 #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
151 pub struct Hash(String);
153 // Hash algorithms, in ascending preference.
154 const ALGOS: &[&str] = &["sha1", "sha512"];
156 impl Hash {
157     fn new(s: impl AsRef<str>) -> anyhow::Result<Hash> {
158         let algo = s
159             .as_ref()
160             .split_once('-')
161             .ok_or_else(|| anyhow!("expected SRI hash, got {:?}", s.as_ref()))?
162             .0;
164         if ALGOS.iter().any(|&a| algo == a) {
165             Ok(Hash(s.as_ref().to_string()))
166         } else {
167             Err(anyhow!("unknown hash algorithm {algo:?}"))
168         }
169     }
171     pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str {
172         &self.0
173     }
176 impl fmt::Display for Hash {
177     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
178         self.as_str().fmt(f)
179     }
182 #[allow(clippy::non_canonical_partial_ord_impl)]
183 impl PartialOrd for Hash {
184     fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Hash) -> Option<Ordering> {
185         let lhs = self.0.split_once('-')?.0;
186         let rhs = other.0.split_once('-')?.0;
188         ALGOS
189             .iter()
190             .position(|&s| lhs == s)?
191             .partial_cmp(&ALGOS.iter().position(|&s| rhs == s)?)
192     }
195 impl Ord for Hash {
196     fn cmp(&self, other: &Hash) -> Ordering {
197         self.partial_cmp(other).unwrap()
198     }
201 #[allow(clippy::case_sensitive_file_extension_comparisons)]
202 fn to_new_packages(
203     old_packages: HashMap<String, OldPackage>,
204     initial_url: &Url,
205 ) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<Package>> {
206     let mut new = Vec::new();
208     for (name, mut package) in old_packages {
209         // In some cases, a bundled dependency happens to have the same version as a non-bundled one, causing
210         // the bundled one without a URL to override the entry for the non-bundled instance, which prevents the
211         // dependency from being downloaded.
212         if package.bundled {
213             continue;
214         }
216         if let UrlOrString::Url(v) = &package.version {
217             if v.scheme() == "npm" {
218                 if let Some(UrlOrString::Url(ref url)) = &package.resolved {
219                     package.version = UrlOrString::Url(url.clone());
220                 }
221             } else {
222                 for (scheme, host) in [
223                     ("github", ""),
224                     ("bitbucket", ""),
225                     ("gitlab", ""),
226                 ] {
227                     if v.scheme() == scheme {
228                         package.version = {
229                             let mut new_url = initial_url.clone();
231                             new_url.set_host(Some(host))?;
233                             if v.path().ends_with(".git") {
234                                 new_url.set_path(v.path());
235                             } else {
236                                 new_url.set_path(&format!("{}.git", v.path()));
237                             }
239                             new_url.set_fragment(v.fragment());
241                             UrlOrString::Url(new_url)
242                         };
244                         break;
245                     }
246                 }
247             }
248         }
250         new.push(Package {
251             name: Some(name),
252             resolved: if matches!(package.version, UrlOrString::Url(_)) {
253                 Some(package.version)
254             } else {
255                 package.resolved
256             },
257             integrity: package.integrity,
258         });
260         if let Some(dependencies) = package.dependencies {
261             new.append(&mut to_new_packages(dependencies, initial_url)?);
262         }
263     }
265     Ok(new)
268 fn get_initial_url() -> anyhow::Result<Url> {
269     Url::parse("git+ssh://git@a.b").context("initial url should be valid")
272 #[cfg(test)]
273 mod tests {
274     use super::{
275         get_initial_url, packages, to_new_packages, Hash, HashCollection, OldPackage, Package,
276         UrlOrString,
277     };
278     use std::{
279         cmp::Ordering,
280         collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
281     };
282     use url::Url;
284     #[test]
285     fn git_shorthand_v1() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
286         let old = {
287             let mut o = HashMap::new();
288             o.insert(
289                 String::from("sqlite3"),
290                 OldPackage {
291                     version: UrlOrString::Url(
292                         Url::parse(
293                             "github:mapbox/node-sqlite3#593c9d498be2510d286349134537e3bf89401c4a",
294                         )
295                         .unwrap(),
296                     ),
297                     bundled: false,
298                     resolved: None,
299                     integrity: None,
300                     dependencies: None,
301                 },
302             );
303             o
304         };
306         let initial_url = get_initial_url()?;
308         let new = to_new_packages(old, &initial_url)?;
310         assert_eq!(new.len(), 1, "new packages map should contain 1 value");
311         assert_eq!(new[0], Package {
312             name: Some(String::from("sqlite3")),
313             resolved: Some(UrlOrString::Url(Url::parse("git+ssh://").unwrap())),
314             integrity: None
315         });
317         Ok(())
318     }
320     #[test]
321     fn hash_preference() {
322         assert_eq!(
323             Hash(String::from("sha1-foo")).partial_cmp(&Hash(String::from("sha512-foo"))),
324             Some(Ordering::Less)
325         );
327         assert_eq!(
328             HashCollection({
329                 let mut set = HashSet::new();
330                 set.insert(Hash(String::from("sha512-foo")));
331                 set.insert(Hash(String::from("sha1-bar")));
332                 set
333             })
334             .into_best(),
335             Some(Hash(String::from("sha512-foo")))
336         );
337     }
339     #[test]
340     fn parse_lockfile_correctly() {
341         let packages = packages(
342             r#"{
343                 "name": "node-ddr",
344                 "version": "1.0.0",
345                 "lockfileVersion": 1,
346                 "requires": true,
347                 "dependencies": {
348                     "string-width-cjs": {
349                         "version": "npm:string-width@4.2.3",
350                         "resolved": "",
351                         "integrity": "sha512-wKyQRQpjJ0sIp62ErSZdGsjMJWsap5oRNihHhu6G7JVO/9jIB6UyevL+tXuOqrng8j/cxKTWyWUwvSTriiZz/g==",
352                         "requires": {
353                             "emoji-regex": "^8.0.0",
354                             "is-fullwidth-code-point": "^3.0.0",
355                             "strip-ansi": "^6.0.1"
356                         }
357                     }
358                 }
359             }"#).unwrap();
361         assert_eq!(packages.len(), 1);
362         assert_eq!(
363             packages[0].resolved,
364             Some(UrlOrString::Url(
365                 Url::parse("")
366                     .unwrap()
367             ))
368         );
369     }