grafana-alloy: don't build the frontend twice
[NixPkgs.git] / nixos / modules / services / cluster / kubernetes / addons / dns.nix
1 { config, options, pkgs, lib, ... }:
2 let
3   version = "1.10.1";
4   cfg =;
5   ports = {
6     dns = 10053;
7     health = 10054;
8     metrics = 10055;
9   };
10 in {
11 = {
12     enable = lib.mkEnableOption "kubernetes dns addon";
14     clusterIp = lib.mkOption {
15       description = "Dns addon clusterIP";
17       # this default is also what kubernetes users
18       default = (
19         lib.concatStringsSep "." (
20           lib.take 3 (lib.splitString "."
21         ))
22       ) + ".254";
23       defaultText = lib.literalMD ''
24         The `x.y.z.254` IP of
25         `config.${}`.
26       '';
27       type = lib.types.str;
28     };
30     clusterDomain = lib.mkOption {
31       description = "Dns cluster domain";
32       default = "cluster.local";
33       type = lib.types.str;
34     };
36     replicas = lib.mkOption {
37       description = "Number of DNS pod replicas to deploy in the cluster.";
38       default = 2;
39       type =;
40     };
42     reconcileMode = lib.mkOption {
43       description = ''
44         Controls the addon manager reconciliation mode for the DNS addon.
46         Setting reconcile mode to EnsureExists makes it possible to tailor DNS behavior by editing the coredns ConfigMap.
48         See: <>.
49       '';
50       default = "Reconcile";
51       type = lib.types.enum [ "Reconcile" "EnsureExists" ];
52     };
54     coredns = lib.mkOption {
55       description = "Docker image to seed for the CoreDNS container.";
56       type = lib.types.attrs;
57       default = {
58         imageName = "coredns/coredns";
59         imageDigest = "sha256:a0ead06651cf580044aeb0a0feba63591858fb2e43ade8c9dea45a6a89ae7e5e";
60         finalImageTag = version;
61         sha256 = "0wg696920smmal7552a2zdhfncndn5kfammfa8bk8l7dz9bhk0y1";
62       };
63     };
65     corefile = lib.mkOption {
66       description = ''
67         Custom coredns corefile configuration.
69         See: <>.
70       '';
71       type = lib.types.str;
72       default = ''
73         .:${toString ports.dns} {
74           errors
75           health :${toString}
76           kubernetes ${cfg.clusterDomain} {
77             pods insecure
78             fallthrough
79           }
80           prometheus :${toString ports.metrics}
81           forward . /etc/resolv.conf
82           cache 30
83           loop
84           reload
85           loadbalance
86         }'';
87       defaultText = lib.literalExpression ''
88         '''
89           .:${toString ports.dns} {
90             errors
91             health :${toString}
92             kubernetes ''${} {
93               pods insecure
94               fallthrough
95             }
96             prometheus :${toString ports.metrics}
97             forward . /etc/resolv.conf
98             cache 30
99             loop
100             reload
101             loadbalance
102           }
103         '''
104       '';
105     };
106   };
108   config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
109     services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages =
110       lib.singleton (pkgs.dockerTools.pullImage cfg.coredns);
112     services.kubernetes.addonManager.bootstrapAddons = {
113       coredns-cr = {
114         apiVersion = "";
115         kind = "ClusterRole";
116         metadata = {
117           labels = {
118             "" = "Reconcile";
119             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
120             "" = "true";
121             "" = "rbac-defaults";
122           };
123           name = "system:coredns";
124         };
125         rules = [
126           {
127             apiGroups = [ "" ];
128             resources = [ "endpoints" "services" "pods" "namespaces" ];
129             verbs = [ "list" "watch" ];
130           }
131           {
132             apiGroups = [ "" ];
133             resources = [ "nodes" ];
134             verbs = [ "get" ];
135           }
136           {
137             apiGroups = [ "" ];
138             resources = [ "endpointslices" ];
139             verbs = [ "list" "watch" ];
140           }
141         ];
142       };
144       coredns-crb = {
145         apiVersion = "";
146         kind = "ClusterRoleBinding";
147         metadata = {
148           annotations = {
149             "" = "true";
150           };
151           labels = {
152             "" = "Reconcile";
153             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
154             "" = "true";
155             "" = "rbac-defaults";
156           };
157           name = "system:coredns";
158         };
159         roleRef = {
160           apiGroup = "";
161           kind = "ClusterRole";
162           name = "system:coredns";
163         };
164         subjects = [
165           {
166             kind = "ServiceAccount";
167             name = "coredns";
168             namespace = "kube-system";
169           }
170         ];
171       };
172     };
174     services.kubernetes.addonManager.addons = {
175       coredns-sa = {
176         apiVersion = "v1";
177         kind = "ServiceAccount";
178         metadata = {
179           labels = {
180             "" = "Reconcile";
181             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
182             "" = "true";
183           };
184           name = "coredns";
185           namespace = "kube-system";
186         };
187       };
189       coredns-cm = {
190         apiVersion = "v1";
191         kind = "ConfigMap";
192         metadata = {
193           labels = {
194             "" = cfg.reconcileMode;
195             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
196             "" = "true";
197           };
198           name = "coredns";
199           namespace = "kube-system";
200         };
201         data = {
202           Corefile = cfg.corefile;
203         };
204       };
206       coredns-deploy = {
207         apiVersion = "apps/v1";
208         kind = "Deployment";
209         metadata = {
210           labels = {
211             "" = cfg.reconcileMode;
212             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
213             "" = "true";
214             "" = "CoreDNS";
215           };
216           name = "coredns";
217           namespace = "kube-system";
218         };
219         spec = {
220           replicas = cfg.replicas;
221           selector = {
222             matchLabels = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; };
223           };
224           strategy = {
225             rollingUpdate = { maxUnavailable = 1; };
226             type = "RollingUpdate";
227           };
228           template = {
229             metadata = {
230               labels = {
231                 k8s-app = "kube-dns";
232               };
233             };
234             spec = {
235               containers = [
236                 {
237                   args = [ "-conf" "/etc/coredns/Corefile" ];
238                   image = with cfg.coredns; "${imageName}:${finalImageTag}";
239                   imagePullPolicy = "Never";
240                   livenessProbe = {
241                     failureThreshold = 5;
242                     httpGet = {
243                       path = "/health";
244                       port =;
245                       scheme = "HTTP";
246                     };
247                     initialDelaySeconds = 60;
248                     successThreshold = 1;
249                     timeoutSeconds = 5;
250                   };
251                   name = "coredns";
252                   ports = [
253                     {
254                       containerPort = ports.dns;
255                       name = "dns";
256                       protocol = "UDP";
257                     }
258                     {
259                       containerPort = ports.dns;
260                       name = "dns-tcp";
261                       protocol = "TCP";
262                     }
263                     {
264                       containerPort = ports.metrics;
265                       name = "metrics";
266                       protocol = "TCP";
267                     }
268                   ];
269                   resources = {
270                     limits = {
271                       memory = "170Mi";
272                     };
273                     requests = {
274                       cpu = "100m";
275                       memory = "70Mi";
276                     };
277                   };
278                   securityContext = {
279                     allowPrivilegeEscalation = false;
280                     capabilities = {
281                       drop = [ "all" ];
282                     };
283                     readOnlyRootFilesystem = true;
284                   };
285                   volumeMounts = [
286                     {
287                       mountPath = "/etc/coredns";
288                       name = "config-volume";
289                       readOnly = true;
290                     }
291                   ];
292                 }
293               ];
294               dnsPolicy = "Default";
295               nodeSelector = {
296                 "" = "linux";
297               };
298               serviceAccountName = "coredns";
299               tolerations = [
300                 {
301                   effect = "NoSchedule";
302                   key = "";
303                 }
304                 {
305                   key = "CriticalAddonsOnly";
306                   operator = "Exists";
307                 }
308               ];
309               volumes = [
310                 {
311                   configMap = {
312                     items = [
313                       {
314                         key = "Corefile";
315                         path = "Corefile";
316                       }
317                     ];
318                     name = "coredns";
319                   };
320                   name = "config-volume";
321                 }
322               ];
323             };
324           };
325         };
326       };
328       coredns-svc = {
329         apiVersion = "v1";
330         kind = "Service";
331         metadata = {
332           annotations = {
333             "" = toString ports.metrics;
334             "" = "true";
335           };
336           labels = {
337             "" = "Reconcile";
338             k8s-app = "kube-dns";
339             "" = "true";
340             "" = "CoreDNS";
341           };
342           name = "kube-dns";
343           namespace = "kube-system";
344         };
345         spec = {
346           clusterIP = cfg.clusterIp;
347           ports = [
348             {
349               name = "dns";
350               port = 53;
351               targetPort = ports.dns;
352               protocol = "UDP";
353             }
354             {
355               name = "dns-tcp";
356               port = 53;
357               targetPort = ports.dns;
358               protocol = "TCP";
359             }
360           ];
361           selector = { k8s-app = "kube-dns"; };
362         };
363       };
364     };
366     services.kubernetes.kubelet.clusterDns = lib.mkDefault [ cfg.clusterIp ];
367   };
369   meta.buildDocsInSandbox = false;