1 /* A small release file, with few packages to be built. The aim is to reduce
2 the load on Hydra when testing the `stdenv-updates' branch. */
4 { nixpkgs ? { outPath = (import ../../lib).cleanSource ../..; revCount = 1234; shortRev = "abcdef"; }
5 , supportedSystems ? [ "x86_64-linux" "x86_64-darwin" ]
6 , # Attributes passed to nixpkgs. Don't build packages marked as unfree.
7 nixpkgsArgs ? { config = { allowUnfree = false; inHydra = true; }; }
11 release-lib = import ./release-lib.nix {
12 inherit supportedSystems nixpkgsArgs;
15 inherit (release-lib) all linux darwin mapTestOn unix;
20 tarball = import ./make-tarball.nix {
22 officialRelease = false;
31 avahi = unix; # Cygwin builds fail
33 bashInteractive = all;
59 gnuplot = unix; # Cygwin builds fail
64 guile = linux; # tests fail on Cygwin
77 lapack-reference = linux;
100 # netcat broken on darwin
117 python3 = unix; # Cygwin builds fail
122 screen = linux ++ darwin;
126 sqlite = unix; # Cygwin builds fail
134 syslinux = ["i686-linux"];
144 util-linuxMinimal = linux;
146 webkitgtk_4_0 = linux;
149 wirelesstools = linux;
150 wpa_supplicant = linux;
152 xkeyboard_config = linux;
154 tests-stdenv-gcc-stageCompare = all;