Merge pull request #119126 from fabaff/pycomfoconnect
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / development / python-modules / ignite / default.nix
1 { lib
2 , buildPythonPackage
3 , fetchFromGitHub
4 , pytestCheckHook
5 , pytest_xdist
6 , pythonOlder
7 , matplotlib
8 , mock
9 , pytorch
10 , pynvml
11 , scikitlearn
12 , tqdm
15 buildPythonPackage rec {
16   pname = "ignite";
17   version = "0.4.2";
19   src = fetchFromGitHub {
20     owner = "pytorch";
21     repo = pname;
22     rev = "v${version}";
23     sha256 = "00vcmhnp14s54g386izgaxzrdr2nqv3pz9nvpyiwrn33zawr308z";
24   };
26   checkInputs = [ pytestCheckHook matplotlib mock pytest_xdist ];
27   propagatedBuildInputs = [ pytorch scikitlearn tqdm pynvml ];
29   # runs succesfully in 3.9, however, async isn't correctly closed so it will fail after test suite.
30   doCheck = pythonOlder "3.9";
32   # Some packages are not in NixPkgs; other tests try to build distributed
33   # models, which doesn't work in the sandbox.
34   # avoid tests which need special packages
35   pytestFlagsArray = [
36     "--ignore=tests/ignite/contrib/handlers/"
37     "--ignore=tests/ignite/metrics/"
38     "--ignore=tests/ignite/metrics/"
39     "tests/"
40   ];
42   # disable tests which need specific packages
43   disabledTests = [
44     "idist"
45     "tensorboard"
46     "mlflow"
47     "trains"
48     "visdom"
49     "test_setup_neptune"
50     "test_output_handler" # needs mlflow
51     "test_integration"
52     "test_pbar" # slight output differences
53     "test_write_results"
54     "test_setup_plx"
55   ];
57   meta = with lib; {
58     description = "High-level training library for PyTorch";
59     homepage = "";
60     license = licenses.bsd3;
61     maintainers = [ maintainers.bcdarwin ];
62   };