pytrainer: unpin python 3.10
[NixPkgs.git] / pkgs / applications / editors / vim / plugins / aliases.nix
1 # Deprecated aliases - for backward compatibility
2 lib:
4 final: prev:
6 let
7   # Removing recurseForDerivation prevents derivations of aliased attribute
8   # set to appear while listing all the packages available.
9   removeRecurseForDerivations = alias:
10     if alias.recurseForDerivations or false then
11       lib.removeAttrs alias ["recurseForDerivations"]
12     else alias;
14   # Disabling distribution prevents top-level aliases for non-recursed package
15   # sets from building on Hydra.
16   removeDistribute = alias:
17     if lib.isDerivation alias then
18       lib.dontDistribute alias
19     else alias;
21   # Make sure that we are not shadowing something from
22   # all-packages.nix.
23   checkInPkgs = n: alias: if builtins.hasAttr n prev
24                           then throw "Alias ${n} is still in vim-plugins"
25                           else alias;
27   mapAliases = aliases:
28     lib.mapAttrs (n: alias: removeDistribute
29                              (removeRecurseForDerivations
30                               (checkInPkgs n alias)))
31                      aliases;
33   deprecations = lib.mapAttrs (old: info:
34     throw "${old} was renamed to ${} on ${}. Please update to ${}."
35   ) (lib.importJSON ./deprecated.json);
38 mapAliases (with prev; {
39   airline             = vim-airline;
40   alternative         = a-vim; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-21
41   bats                = bats-vim;
42   BufOnly             = BufOnly-vim;
43   calendar            = calendar-vim;
44   coffee-script       = vim-coffee-script;
45   coffeeScript        = vim-coffee-script; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
46   Solarized           = vim-colors-solarized;
47   solarized           = vim-colors-solarized;
48   colors-solarized    = vim-colors-solarized;
49   caw                 = caw-vim;
50   chad                = chadtree;
51   colorsamplerpack    = Colour-Sampler-Pack;
52   Colour_Sampler_Pack = Colour-Sampler-Pack;
53   command_T           = command-t; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
54   commentary          = vim-commentary;
55   committia           = committia-vim;
56   concealedyank       = concealedyank-vim;
57   context-filetype    = context_filetype-vim;
58   Cosco               = cosco-vim;
59   css_color_5056      = vim-css-color;
60   CSApprox            = csapprox;
61   csv                 = csv-vim;
62   ctrlp               = ctrlp-vim;
63   cute-python         = vim-cute-python;
64   denite              = denite-nvim;
65   easy-align          = vim-easy-align;
66   easygit             = vim-easygit;
67   easymotion          = vim-easymotion;
68   echodoc             = echodoc-vim;
69   eighties            = vim-eighties;
70   extradite           = vim-extradite;
71   fugitive            = vim-fugitive;
72   ghc-mod-vim         = ghcmod-vim;
73   ghcmod              = ghcmod-vim;
74   goyo                = goyo-vim;
75   Gist                = vim-gist;
76   gitgutter           = vim-gitgutter;
77   gundo               = gundo-vim;
78   Gundo               = gundo-vim; # backwards compat, added 2015-10-03
79   haskellConceal      = vim-haskellconceal; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
80   haskellConcealPlus  = vim-haskellConcealPlus;
81   haskellconceal      = vim-haskellconceal;
82   hier                = vim-hier;
83   hlint-refactor      = hlint-refactor-vim;
84   hoogle              = vim-hoogle;
85   Hoogle              = vim-hoogle;
86   indent-blankline-nvim-lua = indent-blankline-nvim; # backwards compat, added 2021-07-05
87   ipython             = vim-ipython;
88   latex-live-preview  = vim-latex-live-preview;
89   maktaba             = vim-maktaba;
90   multiple-cursors    = vim-multiple-cursors;
91   necoGhc             = neco-ghc; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
92   neocomplete         = neocomplete-vim;
93   neoinclude          = neoinclude-vim;
94   neomru              = neomru-vim;
95   neosnippet          = neosnippet-vim;
96   nvim-ts-rainbow     = throw "nvim-ts-rainbow has been deprecated: Use rainbow-delimiters-nvim"; # Added 2023-11-30
97   nvim-ts-rainbow2    = throw "nvim-ts-rainbow2 has been deprecated: Use rainbow-delimiters-nvim"; # Added 2023-11-30
98   The_NERD_Commenter  = nerdcommenter;
99   The_NERD_tree       = nerdtree;
100   open-browser        = open-browser-vim;
101   pathogen            = vim-pathogen;
102   peskcolor-vim       = throw "peskcolor-vim has been removed: abandoned by upstream"; # Added 2024-08-23
103   polyglot            = vim-polyglot;
104   prettyprint         = vim-prettyprint;
105   quickrun            = vim-quickrun;
106   rainbow_parentheses = rainbow_parentheses-vim;
107   repeat              = vim-repeat;
108   riv                 = riv-vim;
109   rhubarb             = vim-rhubarb;
110   sensible            = vim-sensible;
111   signature           = vim-signature;
112   snipmate            = vim-snipmate;
113   sourcemap           = sourcemap-vim;
114   "sourcemap.vim"     = sourcemap-vim;
115   surround            = vim-surround;
116   sleuth              = vim-sleuth;
117   solidity            = vim-solidity;
118   stylish-haskell     = vim-stylish-haskell;
119   stylishHaskell      = vim-stylish-haskell; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
120   suda-vim            = vim-suda; # backwards compat, added 2024-05-16
121   Supertab            = supertab;
122   Syntastic           = syntastic;
123   SyntaxRange         = vim-SyntaxRange;
124   table-mode          = vim-table-mode;
125   taglist             = taglist-vim;
126   tabpagebuffer       = tabpagebuffer-vim;
127   tabpagecd           = vim-tabpagecd;
128   Tabular             = tabular;
129   Tagbar              = tagbar;
130   thumbnail           = thumbnail-vim;
131   tlib                = tlib_vim;
132   tmux-navigator      = vim-tmux-navigator;
133   tmuxNavigator       = vim-tmux-navigator; # backwards compat, added 2014-10-18
134   todo-nvim           = throw "todo-nvim has been removed: abandoned by upstream"; # Added 2023-08-23
135   tslime              = tslime-vim;
136   unite               = unite-vim;
137   UltiSnips           = ultisnips;
138   vim-addon-vim2nix   = vim2nix;
139   vim-sourcetrail     = throw "vim-sourcetrail has been removed: abandoned by upstream"; # Added 2022-08-14
140   vimproc             = vimproc-vim;
141   vimshell            = vimshell-vim;
142   vinegar             = vim-vinegar;
143   watchdogs           = vim-watchdogs;
144   WebAPI              = webapi-vim;
145   wombat256           = wombat256-vim; # backwards compat, added 2015-7-8
146   yankring            = YankRing-vim;
147   Yankring            = YankRing-vim;
148   xterm-color-table   = xterm-color-table-vim;
149   zeavim              = zeavim-vim;
150 } // deprecations)