1 diff --git a/src/emu/emuopts.cpp b/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
2 index 3defd33d0bb..33daacc4fc8 100644
3 --- a/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
4 +++ b/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
5 @@ -39,16 +39,16 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
6 { nullptr, nullptr, core_options::option_type::HEADER, "CORE SEARCH PATH OPTIONS" },
7 { OPTION_PLUGINDATAPATH, ".", core_options::option_type::PATH, "path to base folder for plugin data (read/write)" },
8 { OPTION_MEDIAPATH ";rp;biospath;bp", "roms", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to ROM sets and hard disk images" },
9 - { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to software definition files" },
10 - { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to audio sample sets" },
11 - { OPTION_ARTPATH, "artwork", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to artwork files" },
12 - { OPTION_CTRLRPATH, "ctrlr", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to controller definitions" },
13 - { OPTION_INIPATH, ".;ini;ini/presets", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to ini files" },
14 - { OPTION_FONTPATH, ".", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to font files" },
15 + { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash;@mamePath@/hash", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to software definition files" },
16 + { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples;@mamePath@/samples", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to audio sample sets" },
17 + { OPTION_ARTPATH, "artwork;@mamePath@/artwork", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to artwork files" },
18 + { OPTION_CTRLRPATH, "ctrlr;@mamePath@/ctrlr", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to controller definitions" },
19 + { OPTION_INIPATH, ".;ini;ini/presets;@mamePath@/ini/presets", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to ini files" },
20 + { OPTION_FONTPATH, ".;@mamePath@", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to font files" },
21 { OPTION_CHEATPATH, "cheat", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to cheat files" },
22 { OPTION_CROSSHAIRPATH, "crosshair", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to crosshair files" },
23 - { OPTION_PLUGINSPATH, "plugins", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to plugin files" },
24 - { OPTION_LANGUAGEPATH, "language", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to UI translation files" },
25 + { OPTION_PLUGINSPATH, "plugins;@mamePath@/plugins", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to plugin files" },
26 + { OPTION_LANGUAGEPATH, "language;@mamePath@/language", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to UI translation files" },
27 { OPTION_SWPATH, "software", core_options::option_type::MULTIPATH, "path to loose software" },
29 // output directory options