1 OborPaste, a simple pastebin you can run on any server with Apache and PHP.
5 Rename `_htaccess` to `.htaccess`. Replace the placeholder URLs and file paths in `.htaccess`, `textfiles.html`, and `textfiles.php` to appropriate values; replace the placeholder API key in `textfiles.php` with an arbitrary key of your choice (this can be any string you like, but don’t share it with anyone). Put everything in `/textfiles/` (where `/` is your web root).
9 Post textfiles by sending a POST request to `/textfiles/textfiles.php`, with two parameters: `f` (whose value should be the contents of the textfile) and `p` (whose value should be the API key you’ve defined in `textfiles.php`).
11 The response to the POST request will contain the URL of the newly-created paste. You can append `/raw` to that URL to view the raw text of the paste.
13 Setting up a mechanism for posting pastes is currently left as an exercise for the reader. (There are many ways to do this: one could have a simple shell script that takes text from `stdin` and uses `curl` to issue a POST request to the script URL; one could put together something like a Cocoa Service with Apple’s Automator, to allow posting text from any application as a paste; one could even have some sort of web form—backed by another PHP script, running on the same server—to allow posting of pastes from the web. Note that if you opt for the last option, you should take care to secure the posting form somehow, lest your pastebin server be flooded by all manner of junk…)
17 You can, of course, change the path from `/textfiles/` to anything else, modifying the scripts, config files, etc. in the obvious manner.
19 Font Awesome is required for the action icons on paste pages. A free version may be found at https://fontawesome.com/ (they even provide a CDN, so you don’t have to host it yourself).
21 Probably OborPaste can be adapted to work with a webserver other than Apache (as long as it has an equivalent of `mod_php`), but you’d have to replicate the configuration defined in the `.htaccess` file in whatever form of config file that’s appropriate to your webserver of choice.
23 Copyright 2022 Said Achmiz.