Fix tutorials: typo in tutorials/viscoelastic/viscoelasticFluidFoam/S-MDCPP/constant...
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / OpenFOAM / matrices / LUscalarMatrix / LUscalarMatrix.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
27 #include "LUscalarMatrix.H"
28 #include "lduMatrix.H"
29 #include "procLduMatrix.H"
30 #include "procLduInterface.H"
32 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
34 Foam::LUscalarMatrix::LUscalarMatrix(const scalarSquareMatrix& matrix)
36     scalarSquareMatrix(matrix),
37     pivotIndices_(n())
39     LUDecompose(*this, pivotIndices_);
43 Foam::LUscalarMatrix::LUscalarMatrix
45     const lduMatrix& ldum,
46     const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceCoeffs,
47     const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList& interfaces
50     if (Pstream::parRun())
51     {
52         PtrList<procLduMatrix> lduMatrices(Pstream::nProcs());
54         label lduMatrixi = 0;
56         lduMatrices.set
57         (
58             lduMatrixi++,
59             new procLduMatrix
60             (
61                 ldum,
62                 interfaceCoeffs,
63                 interfaces
64             )
65         );
67         if (Pstream::master())
68         {
69             for
70             (
71                 int slave=Pstream::firstSlave();
72                 slave<=Pstream::lastSlave();
73                 slave++
74             )
75             {
76                 lduMatrices.set
77                 (
78                     lduMatrixi++,
79                     new procLduMatrix(IPstream(Pstream::scheduled, slave)())
80                 );
81             }
82         }
83         else
84         {
85             OPstream toMaster(Pstream::scheduled, Pstream::masterNo());
86             procLduMatrix cldum
87             (
88                 ldum,
89                 interfaceCoeffs,
90                 interfaces
91             );
92             toMaster<< cldum;
94         }
96         if (Pstream::master())
97         {
98             label nCells = 0;
99             forAll(lduMatrices, i)
100             {
101                 nCells += lduMatrices[i].size();
102             }
104             scalarSquareMatrix m(nCells, 0.0);
105             transfer(m);
106             convert(lduMatrices);
107         }
108     }
109     else
110     {
111         label nCells = ldum.lduAddr().size();
112         scalarSquareMatrix m(nCells, 0.0);
113         transfer(m);
114         convert(ldum, interfaceCoeffs, interfaces);
115     }
117     if (Pstream::master())
118     {
119         pivotIndices_.setSize(n());
120         LUDecompose(*this, pivotIndices_);
121     }
125 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
127 void Foam::LUscalarMatrix::convert
129     const lduMatrix& ldum,
130     const FieldField<Field, scalar>& interfaceCoeffs,
131     const lduInterfaceFieldPtrsList& interfaces
134     const label* __restrict__ uPtr = ldum.lduAddr().upperAddr().begin();
135     const label* __restrict__ lPtr = ldum.lduAddr().lowerAddr().begin();
137     const scalar* __restrict__ diagPtr = ldum.diag().begin();
138     const scalar* __restrict__ upperPtr = ldum.upper().begin();
139     const scalar* __restrict__ lowerPtr = ldum.lower().begin();
141     register const label nCells = ldum.diag().size();
142     register const label nFaces = ldum.upper().size();
144     for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++)
145     {
146         operator[](cell)[cell] = diagPtr[cell];
147     }
149     for (register label face=0; face<nFaces; face++)
150     {
151         label uCell = uPtr[face];
152         label lCell = lPtr[face];
154         operator[](uCell)[lCell] = lowerPtr[face];
155         operator[](lCell)[uCell] = upperPtr[face];
156     }
158     forAll(interfaces, inti)
159     {
160         if (interfaces.set(inti))
161         {
162             const lduInterface& interface = interfaces[inti].interface();
164             const label* __restrict__ ulPtr = interface.faceCells().begin();
165             const scalar* __restrict__ upperLowerPtr =
166                 interfaceCoeffs[inti].begin();
168             register label inFaces = interface.faceCells().size()/2;
170             for (register label face=0; face<inFaces; face++)
171             {
172                 label uCell = ulPtr[face];
173                 label lCell = ulPtr[face + inFaces];
175                 operator[](uCell)[lCell] -= upperLowerPtr[face + inFaces];
176                 operator[](lCell)[uCell] -= upperLowerPtr[face];
177             }
178         }
179     }
181     //printDiagonalDominance();
185 void Foam::LUscalarMatrix::convert
187     const PtrList<procLduMatrix>& lduMatrices
190     procOffsets_.setSize(lduMatrices.size() + 1);
191     procOffsets_[0] = 0;
193     forAll(lduMatrices, ldumi)
194     {
195         procOffsets_[ldumi+1] = procOffsets_[ldumi] + lduMatrices[ldumi].size();
196     }
198     forAll(lduMatrices, ldumi)
199     {
200         const procLduMatrix& lduMatrixi = lduMatrices[ldumi];
201         label offset = procOffsets_[ldumi];
203         const label* __restrict__ uPtr = lduMatrixi.upperAddr_.begin();
204         const label* __restrict__ lPtr = lduMatrixi.lowerAddr_.begin();
206         const scalar* __restrict__ diagPtr = lduMatrixi.diag_.begin();
207         const scalar* __restrict__ upperPtr = lduMatrixi.upper_.begin();
208         const scalar* __restrict__ lowerPtr = lduMatrixi.lower_.begin();
210         register const label nCells = lduMatrixi.size();
211         register const label nFaces = lduMatrixi.upper_.size();
213         for (register label cell=0; cell<nCells; cell++)
214         {
215             label globalCell = cell + offset;
216             operator[](globalCell)[globalCell] = diagPtr[cell];
217         }
219         for (register label face=0; face<nFaces; face++)
220         {
221             label uCell = uPtr[face] + offset;
222             label lCell = lPtr[face] + offset;
224             operator[](uCell)[lCell] = lowerPtr[face];
225             operator[](lCell)[uCell] = upperPtr[face];
226         }
228         const PtrList<procLduInterface>& interfaces =
229             lduMatrixi.interfaces_;
231         forAll(interfaces, inti)
232         {
233             const procLduInterface& interface = interfaces[inti];
235             if (interface.myProcNo_ == interface.neighbProcNo_)
236             {
237                 const label* __restrict__ ulPtr = interface.faceCells_.begin();
239                 const scalar* __restrict__ upperLowerPtr =
240                     interface.coeffs_.begin();
242                 register label inFaces = interface.faceCells_.size()/2;
244                 for (register label face=0; face<inFaces; face++)
245                 {
246                     label uCell = ulPtr[face] + offset;
247                     label lCell = ulPtr[face + inFaces] + offset;
249                     operator[](uCell)[lCell] -= upperLowerPtr[face + inFaces];
250                     operator[](lCell)[uCell] -= upperLowerPtr[face];
251                 }
252             }
253             else if (interface.myProcNo_ < interface.neighbProcNo_)
254             {
255                 const PtrList<procLduInterface>& neiInterfaces =
256                     lduMatrices[interface.neighbProcNo_].interfaces_;
258                 label neiInterfacei = -1;
260                 forAll(neiInterfaces, ninti)
261                 {
262                     if
263                     (
264                         neiInterfaces[ninti].neighbProcNo_
265                      == interface.myProcNo_
266                     )
267                     {
268                         neiInterfacei = ninti;
269                         break;
270                     }
271                 }
273                 if (neiInterfacei == -1)
274                 {
275                     FatalErrorIn("LUscalarMatrix::convert") << exit(FatalError);
276                 }
278                 const procLduInterface& neiInterface =
279                     neiInterfaces[neiInterfacei];
281                 const label* __restrict__ uPtr = interface.faceCells_.begin();
282                 const label* __restrict__ lPtr = neiInterface.faceCells_.begin();
284                 const scalar* __restrict__ upperPtr = interface.coeffs_.begin();
285                 const scalar* __restrict__ lowerPtr = neiInterface.coeffs_.begin();
287                 register label inFaces = interface.faceCells_.size();
288                 label neiOffset = procOffsets_[interface.neighbProcNo_];
290                 for (register label face=0; face<inFaces; face++)
291                 {
292                     label uCell = uPtr[face] + offset;
293                     label lCell = lPtr[face] + neiOffset;
295                     operator[](uCell)[lCell] -= lowerPtr[face];
296                     operator[](lCell)[uCell] -= upperPtr[face];
297                 }
298             }
299         }
300     }
302     //printDiagonalDominance();
306 void Foam::LUscalarMatrix::printDiagonalDominance() const
308     for (label i=0; i<n(); i++)
309     {
310         scalar sum = 0.0;
311         for (label j=0; j<n(); j++)
312         {
313             if (i != j)
314             {
315                 sum += operator[](i)[j];
316             }
317         }
318         Info<< mag(sum)/mag(operator[](i)[i]) << endl;
319     }
323 // ************************************************************************* //