Fix tutorials: typo in tutorials/viscoelastic/viscoelasticFluidFoam/S-MDCPP/constant...
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / dynamicMesh / polyMeshModifiers / slidingInterface / coupleSlidingInterface.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Class
26     slidingInterface
28 Description
29     Couple sliding interface
31 Author
32     Hrvoje Jasak, Wikki Ltd.  All rights reserved.  Copyright Hrvoje Jasak.
34 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
36 #include "slidingInterface.H"
37 #include "polyTopoChange.H"
38 #include "polyMesh.H"
39 #include "primitiveMesh.H"
40 #include "enrichedPatch.H"
41 #include "DynamicList.H"
42 #include "pointHit.H"
43 #include "triPointRef.H"
44 #include "plane.H"
45 #include "polyTopoChanger.H"
46 #include "Time.H"
47 #include "standAlonePatch.H"
49 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Static Data Members * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
51 const Foam::scalar Foam::slidingInterface::edgeCoPlanarTol_
53     debug::tolerances("slidingEdgeCoPlanarTol", 0.8)
57 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
59 // Index of debug signs:
60 // . - loop of the edge-to-face interaction detection
61 // x - reversal of direction in edge-to-face interaction detection
62 // + - complete edge-to-face interaction detection
63 // z - incomplete edge-to-face interaction detection.  This may be OK for edges
64 //     crossing from one to the other side of multiply connected master patch
66 // e - adding a point on edge
67 // f - adding a point on face
68 // . - collecting edges off another face for edge-to-edge cut
69 // + - finished collection of edges
70 // * - cut both master and slave
71 // n - cutting new edge
72 // t - intersection exists but it is outside of tolerance
73 // x - missed slave edge in cut
74 // - - missed master edge in cut
75 // u - edge already used in cutting
77 void Foam::slidingInterface::coupleInterface(polyTopoChange& ref) const
79     if (debug)
80     {
81         Pout<< "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface"
82             << "(polyTopoChange& ref) : "
83             << "Coupling sliding interface " << name() << endl;
84     }
86     const polyMesh& mesh = topoChanger().mesh();
88     const pointField& points = mesh.allPoints();
89     const faceList& faces = mesh.faces();
91     const labelList& own = mesh.faceOwner();
92     const labelList& nei = mesh.faceNeighbour();
93     const faceZoneMesh& faceZones = mesh.faceZones();
95     // Note: master and slave patch will give already oriented faces from the
96     // face zone.  They are flipped to correct orientation by the zone
97     // functionality.  Therefore, the flip will simply be a true or false,
98     // depending on what should be done with the face, rather than
99     // reversing the existing face zone flip
100     // HJ, 24/Oct/2007
102     const primitiveFacePatch& masterPatch =
103         faceZones[masterFaceZoneID_.index()]();
105     const labelList& masterPatchAddr = faceZones[masterFaceZoneID_.index()];
107     const primitiveFacePatch& slavePatch =
108         faceZones[slaveFaceZoneID_.index()]();
110     const labelList& slavePatchAddr = faceZones[slaveFaceZoneID_.index()];
112     const edgeList& masterEdges = masterPatch.edges();
113     const labelListList& masterPointEdges = masterPatch.pointEdges();
114     const labelList& masterMeshPoints = masterPatch.meshPoints();
115     const pointField& masterLocalPoints = masterPatch.localPoints();
116     const labelListList& masterFaceFaces = masterPatch.faceFaces();
117     const labelListList& masterFaceEdges = masterPatch.faceEdges();
118     const Map<label>& masterMeshPointMap = masterPatch.meshPointMap();
120     const edgeList& slaveEdges = slavePatch.edges();
121     const labelListList& slavePointEdges = slavePatch.pointEdges();
122     const labelList& slaveMeshPoints = slavePatch.meshPoints();
123     const pointField& slaveLocalPoints = slavePatch.localPoints();
124     const Map<label>& slaveMeshPointMap = slavePatch.meshPointMap();
125     const vectorField& slavePointNormals = slavePatch.pointNormals();
127     // Collect projection addressing
128     if
129     (
130         !(
131             slavePointPointHitsPtr_
132          && slavePointEdgeHitsPtr_
133          && slavePointFaceHitsPtr_
134          && masterPointEdgeHitsPtr_
135         )
136     )
137     {
138         FatalErrorIn
139         (
140             "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
141             "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
142         )   << "Point projection addressing not available."
143             << abort(FatalError);
144     }
146     const labelList& slavePointPointHits = *slavePointPointHitsPtr_;
147     const labelList& slavePointEdgeHits = *slavePointEdgeHitsPtr_;
148     const List<objectHit>& slavePointFaceHits = *slavePointFaceHitsPtr_;
149     const labelList& masterPointEdgeHits = *masterPointEdgeHitsPtr_;
150     const pointField& projectedSlavePoints = *projectedSlavePointsPtr_;
152     // Create enriched patch
153     enrichedPatch cutPatch
154     (
155         masterPatch,
156         slavePatch,
157         slavePointPointHits,
158         slavePointEdgeHits,
159         slavePointFaceHits
160     );
162     // Get reference to list of added point for the enriched patch.
163     // This will be used for point addition
164     Map<point>& pointMap = cutPatch.pointMap();
166     // Get reference to the list of merged points
167     Map<label>& pointMergeMap = cutPatch.pointMergeMap();
169     // Create mapping for every merged point of the slave patch
170     forAll (slavePointPointHits, pointI)
171     {
172         if (slavePointPointHits[pointI] >= 0)
173         {
174 //             Pout<< "Inserting point merge pair: " << slaveMeshPoints[pointI]
175 //                 << " : " << masterMeshPoints[slavePointPointHits[pointI]]
176 //                 << endl;
177             pointMergeMap.insert
178             (
179                 slaveMeshPoints[pointI],
180                 masterMeshPoints[slavePointPointHits[pointI]]
181             );
182         }
183     }
185     // Collect the list of used edges for every slave edge
187     List<labelHashSet> usedMasterEdges(slaveEdges.size());
189     // Collect of slave point hits
190     forAll (slavePointPointHits, pointI)
191     {
192         // For point hits, add all point-edges from master side to all point
193         const labelList& curSlaveEdges = slavePointEdges[pointI];
195         if (slavePointPointHits[pointI] > -1)
196         {
197             const labelList& curMasterEdges =
198                 masterPointEdges[slavePointPointHits[pointI]];
200             // Mark all current master edges as used for all the current slave
201             // edges
202             forAll (curSlaveEdges, slaveEdgeI)
203             {
204                 labelHashSet& sm = usedMasterEdges[curSlaveEdges[slaveEdgeI]];
206                 forAll (curMasterEdges, masterEdgeI)
207                 {
208                     sm.insert(curMasterEdges[masterEdgeI]);
209                 }
210             }
211         }
212         else if (slavePointEdgeHits[pointI] > -1)
213         {
214             // For edge hits, add the master edge
215             forAll (curSlaveEdges, slaveEdgeI)
216             {
217                 usedMasterEdges[curSlaveEdges[slaveEdgeI]].insert
218                 (
219                     slavePointEdgeHits[pointI]
220                 );
221             }
222         }
223     }
225     // Collect off master point hits
226     // For every master point that has hit an edge, add all edges coming from
227     // that point to the slave edge that has been hit
228     forAll (masterPointEdgeHits, masterPointI)
229     {
230         if (masterPointEdgeHits[masterPointI] > -1)
231         {
232             const labelList& curMasterEdges = masterPointEdges[masterPointI];
234             labelHashSet& sm =
235                 usedMasterEdges[masterPointEdgeHits[masterPointI]];
237             forAll (curMasterEdges, masterEdgeI)
238             {
239                 sm.insert(curMasterEdges[masterEdgeI]);
240             }
241         }
242     }
244 //     Pout << "used edges: " << endl;
245 //     forAll (usedMasterEdges, edgeI)
246 //     {
247 //         Pout<< "edge: " << edgeI << " used: "
248 //             << usedMasterEdges[edgeI].toc() << endl;
249 //     }
251     // For every master and slave edge make a list of points to be added into
252     // that edge.
253     List<DynamicList<label> > pointsIntoMasterEdges(masterEdges.size());
254     List<DynamicList<label> > pointsIntoSlaveEdges(slaveEdges.size());
256     // Add all points from the slave patch that have hit the edge
257     forAll (slavePointEdgeHits, pointI)
258     {
259         if (slavePointEdgeHits[pointI] > -1)
260         {
261             // Create a new point on the master edge
263             point edgeCutPoint =
264                 masterEdges[slavePointEdgeHits[pointI]].line
265                 (
266                     masterLocalPoints
267                 ).nearestDist(projectedSlavePoints[pointI]).hitPoint();
269             label newPoint =
270                 ref.setAction
271                 (
272                     polyAddPoint
273                     (
274                         edgeCutPoint,             // point
275                         slaveMeshPoints[pointI],  // master point
276                         cutPointZoneID_.index(),  // zone for point
277                         true                      // supports a cell
278                     )
279                 );
280 //             Pout<< "Inserting merge pair off edge: "
281 //                 << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << " "
282 //                 << newPoint << " cut point: " << edgeCutPoint
283 //                 << " orig: " << slaveLocalPoints[pointI]
284 //                 << " proj: " << projectedSlavePoints[pointI]
285 //                 << " master point: " << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << endl;
287             // Add the new edge point into the merge map
288             pointMergeMap.insert(slaveMeshPoints[pointI], newPoint);
290             pointsIntoMasterEdges[slavePointEdgeHits[pointI]].append
291             (
292                 newPoint
293             );
295             // Add the point into the enriched patch map
296             pointMap.insert
297             (
298                 newPoint,
299                 edgeCutPoint
300             );
302             if (debug)
303             {
304                 Pout<< "e";
305 //                 Pout<< newPoint << " = " << edgeCutPoint << endl;
306             }
307         }
308     }
310     if (debug)
311     {
312         Pout<< endl;
313     }
315     // Add all points from the slave patch that have hit a face
316     forAll (slavePointFaceHits, pointI)
317     {
318         if
319         (
320             slavePointPointHits[pointI] < 0
321          && slavePointEdgeHits[pointI] < 0
322          && slavePointFaceHits[pointI].hit()
323         )
324         {
325             label newPoint =
326                 ref.setAction
327                 (
328                     polyAddPoint
329                     (
330                         projectedSlavePoints[pointI],   // point
331                         slaveMeshPoints[pointI],        // master point
332                         cutPointZoneID_.index(),        // zone for point
333                         true                            // supports a cell
334                     )
335                 );
336 //             Pout<< "Inserting merge pair off face: "
337 //                 << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << " " << newPoint
338 //                 << " orig: " << slaveLocalPoints[pointI]
339 //                 << " at " << projectedSlavePoints[pointI]
340 //                 << " master point: " << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << endl;
342             // Add the new edge point into the merge map
343             pointMergeMap.insert(slaveMeshPoints[pointI], newPoint);
345             // Add the point into the enriched patch map
346             pointMap.insert
347             (
348                 newPoint,
349                 projectedSlavePoints[pointI]
350             );
352             if (debug)
353             {
354                 Pout<< "f";
355 //                 Pout<< newPoint << " = "
356 //                     << projectedSlavePoints[pointI] << endl;
357             }
358         }
359     }
361     forAll (masterPointEdgeHits, pointI)
362     {
363         if (masterPointEdgeHits[pointI] > -1)
364         {
365             pointsIntoSlaveEdges[masterPointEdgeHits[pointI]].append
366             (
367                 masterMeshPoints[pointI]
368             );
369         }
370     }
372     // Cut all slave edges.
373     // Collect all master edges the slave edge interacts with.  Skip
374     // all the edges already marked as used.  For every unused edge,
375     // calculate the cut and insert the new point into the master and
376     // slave edge.
377     // For the edge selection algorithm, see, comment in
378     // slidingInterfaceProjectPoints.C.
379     // Edge cutting algoritm:
380     // As the master patch defines the cutting surface, the newly
381     // inserted point needs to be on the master edge.  Also, in 3-D
382     // the pair of edges generally misses each other rather than
383     // intersect.  Therefore, the intersection is calculated using the
384     // plane the slave edge defines during projection.  The plane is
385     // defined by the centrepoint of the edge in the original
386     // configuration and the projected end points.  In case of flat
387     // geometries (when the three points are colinear), the plane is
388     // defined by the two projected end-points and the slave edge
389     // normal used as the in-plane vector.  When the intersection
390     // point is created, it is added as a new point for both the
391     // master and the slave edge.
392     // In order to be able to re-create the points on edges in mesh
393     // motion without the topology change, the edge pair used to
394     // create the cut point needs to be recorded in
395     // cutPointEdgePairMap
397     // Note.  "Processing slave edges" code is repeated twice in the
398     // sliding intergace coupling in order to allow the point
399     // projection to be done separately from the actual cutting.
400     // Please change consistently with slidingInterfaceProjectPoints.C
401     // HJ, 23/Oct/2003
402     if (debug)
403     {
404         Pout << "Processing slave edges " << endl;
405     }
407     if (!cutPointEdgePairMapPtr_)
408     {
409         FatalErrorIn
410         (
411             "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
412             "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
413         )   << "Cut point edge pair map pointer not set."
414             << abort(FatalError);
415     }
417     Map<Pair<edge> >& addToCpepm = *cutPointEdgePairMapPtr_;
419     // Clear the old map
420     addToCpepm.clear();
422     // Create a map of faces the edge can interact with
423     labelHashSet curFaceMap
424     (
425         nFacesPerSlaveEdge_*primitiveMesh::edgesPerFace_
426     );
428     labelHashSet addedFaces(2*primitiveMesh::edgesPerFace_);
430     forAll (slaveEdges, edgeI)
431     {
432         const edge& curEdge = slaveEdges[edgeI];
434         if
435         (
436             slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.start()].hit()
437          || slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.end()].hit()
438         )
439         {
440             labelHashSet& curUme = usedMasterEdges[edgeI];
441 //             Pout<< "Doing edge " << edgeI << " curEdge: " << curEdge
442 //                 << " curUme: " << curUme << endl;
443             // Clear the maps
444             curFaceMap.clear();
445             addedFaces.clear();
447             // Grab the faces for start and end points.
448             const label startFace =
449                 slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.start()].hitObject();
450             const label endFace =
451                 slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.end()].hitObject();
452 //             Pout<< "startFace: " << slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.start()]
453 //                 << " endFace: " << slavePointFaceHits[curEdge.end()]
454 //                 << endl;
455             // Insert the start face into the list
456             curFaceMap.insert(startFace);
457             addedFaces.insert(startFace);
458 //             Pout << "curFaceMap: " << curFaceMap.toc() << endl;
459             label nSweeps = 0;
460             bool completed = false;
462             while (nSweeps < edgeFaceEscapeLimit_)
463             {
464                 nSweeps++;
466                 if (addedFaces.found(endFace))
467                 {
468                     completed = true;
469                 }
471                 // Add all face neighbours of face in the map
472                 const labelList cf = addedFaces.toc();
473                 addedFaces.clear();
475                 forAll (cf, cfI)
476                 {
477                     const labelList& curNbrs = masterFaceFaces[cf[cfI]];
479                     forAll (curNbrs, nbrI)
480                     {
481                         if (!curFaceMap.found(curNbrs[nbrI]))
482                         {
483                             curFaceMap.insert(curNbrs[nbrI]);
484                             addedFaces.insert(curNbrs[nbrI]);
485                         }
486                     }
487                 }
489                 if (completed) break;
491                 if (debug)
492                 {
493                     Pout << ".";
494                 }
495             }
497             if (!completed)
498             {
499                 if (debug)
500                 {
501                     Pout << "x";
502                 }
504                 // It is impossible to reach the end from the start, probably
505                 // due to disconnected domain.  Do search in opposite direction
507                 label nReverseSweeps = 0;
509                 addedFaces.clear();
510                 addedFaces.insert(endFace);
512                 while (nReverseSweeps < edgeFaceEscapeLimit_)
513                 {
514                     nReverseSweeps++;
516                     if (addedFaces.found(startFace))
517                     {
518                         completed = true;
519                     }
521                     // Add all face neighbours of face in the map
522                     const labelList cf = addedFaces.toc();
523                     addedFaces.clear();
525                     forAll (cf, cfI)
526                     {
527                         const labelList& curNbrs = masterFaceFaces[cf[cfI]];
529                         forAll (curNbrs, nbrI)
530                         {
531                             if (!curFaceMap.found(curNbrs[nbrI]))
532                             {
533                                 curFaceMap.insert(curNbrs[nbrI]);
534                                 addedFaces.insert(curNbrs[nbrI]);
535                             }
536                         }
537                     }
539                     if (completed) break;
541                     if (debug)
542                     {
543                         Pout << ".";
544                     }
545                 }
546             }
548             if (completed)
549             {
550                 if (debug)
551                 {
552                     Pout << "+ ";
553                 }
554             }
555             else
556             {
557                 if (debug)
558                 {
559                     Pout << "z ";
560                 }
561             }
563             // Collect the edges
565             // Create a map of edges the edge can interact with
566             labelHashSet curMasterEdgesMap
567             (
568                 nFacesPerSlaveEdge_*primitiveMesh::edgesPerFace_
569             );
571             const labelList curFaces = curFaceMap.toc();
572 //             Pout << "curFaces: " << curFaces << endl;
573             forAll (curFaces, faceI)
574             {
575 //                 Pout<< "face: " << curFaces[faceI] << " "
576 //                     << masterPatch[curFaces[faceI]] 
577 //                     << " local: "
578 //                     << masterPatch.localFaces()[curFaces[faceI]]
579 //                     << endl;
580                 const labelList& me = masterFaceEdges[curFaces[faceI]];
582                 forAll (me, meI)
583                 {
584                     curMasterEdgesMap.insert(me[meI]);
585                 }
586             }
588             const labelList curMasterEdges = curMasterEdgesMap.toc();
590             // For all master edges to intersect, skip the ones
591             // already used and cut the rest with a cutting plane.  If
592             // the intersection point, falls inside of both edges, it
593             // is valid.
595             // Note: The edge cutting code is repeated in
596             // slidingInterface::modifyMotionPoints.  This is done for
597             // efficiency reasons and avoids multiple creation of cutting
598             // planes.  Please update both simultaneously.  HJ, 28/Jul/2003
600             const point& a = projectedSlavePoints[curEdge.start()];
601             const point& b = projectedSlavePoints[curEdge.end()];
603             point c =
604                 0.5*
605                 (
606                     slaveLocalPoints[curEdge.start()]
607                   + slavePointNormals[curEdge.start()] // Add start normal
608                   + slaveLocalPoints[curEdge.end()]
609                   + slavePointNormals[curEdge.end()] // Add end normal
610                 );
612             // Create the plane
613             plane cutPlane(a, b, c);
614 //             Pout << "a: " << a << " b: " << b << " c: " << c << " plane: " << cutPlane << endl;
616             linePointRef curSlaveLine = curEdge.line(projectedSlavePoints);
617             const scalar curSlaveLineMag = curSlaveLine.mag();
618 //             Pout << "curSlaveLine: " << curSlaveLine << endl;
619             forAll (curMasterEdges, masterEdgeI)
620             {
621                 if (!curUme.found(curMasterEdges[masterEdgeI]))
622                 {
623                     // New edge
624                     if (debug)
625                     {
626                         Pout << "n";
627                     }
629                     const label cmeIndex = curMasterEdges[masterEdgeI];
630                     const edge& cme = masterEdges[cmeIndex];
631 //                     Pout<< "Edge " << cmeIndex << " cme: " << cme << " line: " << cme.line(masterLocalPoints) << endl;
632                     scalar cutOnMaster =
633                         cutPlane.lineIntersect
634                         (
635                             cme.line(masterLocalPoints)
636                         );
638                     if
639                     (
640                         cutOnMaster > edgeEndCutoffTol_
641                      && cutOnMaster < 1.0 - edgeEndCutoffTol_
642                     )
643                     {
644                         // Master is cut, check the slave
645                         point masterCutPoint =
646                             masterLocalPoints[cme.start()]
647                           + cutOnMaster*cme.vec(masterLocalPoints);
649                         pointHit slaveCut =
650                             curSlaveLine.nearestDist(masterCutPoint);
652                         if (slaveCut.hit())
653                         {
654                             // Strict checking of slave cut to avoid capturing
655                             // end points.  HJ, 15/Oct/2004
656                             scalar cutOnSlave =
657                                 (
658                                     (
659                                         slaveCut.hitPoint()
660                                       - curSlaveLine.start()
661                                     ) & curSlaveLine.vec()
662                                 )/sqr(curSlaveLineMag);
664                             // Calculate merge tolerance from the
665                             // target edge length
666                             scalar mergeTol =
667                                 edgeCoPlanarTol_*mag(b - a);
668 //                             Pout<< "cutOnMaster: " << cutOnMaster
669 //                                 << " masterCutPoint: " << masterCutPoint
670 //                                 << " slaveCutPoint: " << slaveCut.hitPoint()
671 //                                 << " slaveCut.distance(): "
672 //                                 << slaveCut.distance()
673 //                                 << " slave length: " << mag(b - a)
674 //                                 << " mergeTol: " << mergeTol
675 //                                 << " 1: " << mag(b - a)
676 //                                 << " 2: " << cme.line(masterLocalPoints).mag()
677 //                                 << endl;
678                             if
679                             (
680                                 cutOnSlave > edgeEndCutoffTol_
681                              && cutOnSlave < 1.0 - edgeEndCutoffTol_
682                              && slaveCut.distance() < mergeTol
683                             )
684                             {
685                                 // Cut both master and slave.  Add point
686                                 // to edge points The point is nominally
687                                 // added from the start of the master edge
688                                 // and added to the cut point zone
689                                 label newPoint =
690                                     ref.setAction
691                                     (
692                                         polyAddPoint
693                                         (
694                                             masterCutPoint,           // point
695                                             masterMeshPoints[cme.start()],// m p
696                                             cutPointZoneID_.index(),  // zone
697                                             true                      // active
698                                         )
699                                     );
700 //                                 Pout << "Inserting point: " << newPoint
701 //                                     << " as edge to edge intersection.  "
702 //                                     << "Slave edge: " << edgeI << " "
703 //                                     << curEdge << " master edge: "
704 //                                     << cmeIndex << " " << cme
705 //                                     << " at " << masterCutPoint
706 //                                     << " master point: "
707 //                                     << masterMeshPoints[cme.start()] << endl;
709                                 pointsIntoSlaveEdges[edgeI].append(newPoint);
710                                 pointsIntoMasterEdges[cmeIndex].append(newPoint);
712                                 // Add the point into the enriched patch map
713                                 pointMap.insert
714                                 (
715                                     newPoint,
716                                     masterCutPoint
717                                 );
719                                 // Record which two edges intersect to
720                                 // create cut point
721                                 addToCpepm.insert
722                                 (
723                                     newPoint,    // Cut point index
724                                     Pair<edge>
725                                     (
726                                         edge
727                                         (
728                                             masterMeshPoints[cme.start()],
729                                             masterMeshPoints[cme.end()]
730                                         ),    // Master edge
731                                         edge
732                                         (
733                                             slaveMeshPoints[curEdge.start()],
734                                             slaveMeshPoints[curEdge.end()]
735                                         )// Slave edge
736                                     )
737                                 );
739                                 if (debug)
740                                 {
741                                     Pout<< " " << newPoint << " = "
742                                         << masterCutPoint << " ";
743                                 }
744                             }
745                             else
746                             {
747                                 if (debug)
748                                 {
749                                     // Intersection exists but it is too far
750                                     Pout << "t";
751                                 }
752                             }
753                         }
754                         else
755                         {
756                             if (debug)
757                             {
758                                 // Missed slave edge
759                                 Pout << "x";
760                             }
761                         }
762                     }
763                     else
764                     {
765                         if (debug)
766                         {
767                             // Missed master edge
768                             Pout << "-";
769                         }
770                     }
771                 }
772                 else
773                 {
774                     if (debug)
775                     {
776                         Pout << "u";
777                     }
778                 }
779             }
781             if (debug)
782             {
783                 Pout << endl;
784             }
785         } // End if both ends missing
786     } // End for all slave edges
788 //     Pout << "pointsIntoMasterEdges: " << pointsIntoMasterEdges << endl;
789 //     Pout << "pointsIntoSlaveEdges: " << pointsIntoSlaveEdges << endl;
791     // Re-pack the points into edges lists
792     labelListList pime(pointsIntoMasterEdges.size());
794     forAll (pointsIntoMasterEdges, i)
795     {
796         pime[i].transfer(pointsIntoMasterEdges[i].shrink());
797     }
799     labelListList pise(pointsIntoSlaveEdges.size());
801     forAll (pointsIntoSlaveEdges, i)
802     {
803         pise[i].transfer(pointsIntoSlaveEdges[i].shrink());
804     }
806     // Prepare the enriched faces
807     cutPatch.completePointMap();
809     cutPatch.calcEnrichedFaces
810     (
811         pime,
812         pise,
813         projectedSlavePoints
814     );
816     if (debug > 1)
817     {
818         Info<< "Writing VTK file for enriched faces"
819             << endl;
821         fileName fvPath(mesh.time().path()/"VTK");
823         standAlonePatch::writeVTK
824         (
825             fvPath/fileName( + "EnrichedPatch"),
826             cutPatch.localFaces(),
827             cutPatch.localPoints()
828         );
829     }
831     const faceList& cutFaces = cutPatch.cutFaces();
832     const labelList& cutFaceMaster = cutPatch.cutFaceMaster();
833     const labelList& cutFaceSlave = cutPatch.cutFaceSlave();
835     const labelList& masterFc = masterFaceCells();
836     const labelList& slaveFc = slaveFaceCells();
838     if (debug > 1)
839     {
840         Info<< "Writing VTK file for cut faces"
841             << endl;
843         fileName fvPath(mesh.time().path()/"VTK");
845         standAlonePatch::writeVTK
846         (
847             fvPath/fileName( + "CutFacesPatch"),
848             cutPatch.localCutFaces(),
849             cutPatch.localPoints()
850         );
851     }
853     // Couple the interface
855     // Algorithm:
856     // 1) Go through the cut faces and check if the cut face is the same as the
857     //    defining master or slave.  If so, modify the appropriate
858     //    face and mark the other for relegation into the face zone.
859     // 2) If different, mark both sides for relegation and insert the new face
862     boolList orphanedMaster(masterPatch.size(), false);
863     boolList orphanedSlave(slavePatch.size(), false);
865     forAll (cutFaces, faceI)
866     {
867         const face& curCutFace = cutFaces[faceI];
868         const label curMaster = cutFaceMaster[faceI];
869         const label curSlave = cutFaceSlave[faceI];
871 //         Pout<< "Doing insertion of face " << curCutFace << " " << faceI << ": ";
873         // Check if the face has changed topologically
874         bool insertedFace = false;
876         if (curMaster >= 0)
877         {
878             // Face has got a master
879             if (curCutFace == masterPatch[curMaster])
880             {
881                 // Face is equal to master.  Modify master face.
882 //                 Pout << "Face is equal to master and is ";
884                 // If the face has got both master and slave, it is an
885                 // internal face; othewise it's a patch face in the
886                 // master patch.  Keep it in the master face zone.
888                 if (curSlave >= 0)
889                 {
890 //                     Pout << "internal ";
891                     if (masterFc[curMaster] < slaveFc[curSlave])
892                     {
893                         // Cut face should point into slave.
894                         // Be careful about flips in zone!
895 //                         Pout << "without flip" << endl;
896                         ref.setAction
897                         (
898                             polyModifyFace
899                             (
900                                 curCutFace,                  // new face
901                                 masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face id
902                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // owner
903                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // neighbour
904                                 false,                       // flux flip
905                                 -1,                          // patch ID
906                                 false,                       // remove from zone
907                                 masterFaceZoneID_.index(),   // zone ID
908                                 // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
909                                 false                        // zone flip
910                             )
911                         );
912 //                         Pout << "modifying master face. Old master: " << masterPatch[curMaster] << " new face: " << curCutFace.reverseFace() << " own: " << masterFc[curMaster] << " nei: " << slaveFc[curSlave] << endl;
913                     }
914                     else
915                     {
916                         // Cut face should point into master.  Flip required.
917                         // Be careful about flips in zone!
918 //                         Pout << "flipped" << endl;
919                         ref.setAction
920                         (
921                             polyModifyFace
922                             (
923                                 curCutFace.reverseFace(),    // new face
924                                 masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face id
925                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // owner
926                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // neighbour
927                                 true,                        // flux flip
928                                 -1,                          // patch ID
929                                 false,                       // remove from zone
930                                 masterFaceZoneID_.index(),   // zone ID
931                                 // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
932                                 true                         // zone flip
933                             )
934                         );
935                     }
937                     // Orphan the slave
938                     orphanedSlave[curSlave] = true;
939                 }
940                 else
941                 {
942                     ref.setAction
943                     (
944                         polyModifyFace
945                         (
946                             curCutFace,                  // new face
947                             masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face index
948                             masterFc[curMaster],         // owner
949                             -1,                          // neighbour
950                             false,                       // flux flip
951                             masterPatchID_.index(),      // patch ID
952                             false,                       // remove from zone
953                             masterFaceZoneID_.index(),   // zone ID
954                             // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
955                             false                        // zone flip
956                         )
957                     );
958                 }
960                 insertedFace = true;
961             }
962         }
963         else if (curSlave >= 0)
964         {
965             // Face has got a slave
967             // Renumber the slave face into merged labels
968             face rsf(slavePatch[curSlave]);
970             forAll (rsf, i)
971             {
972                 Map<label>::const_iterator mpIter = pointMergeMap.find(rsf[i]);
974                 if (mpIter != pointMergeMap.end())
975                 {
976                     rsf[i] = mpIter();
977                 }
978             }
980             if (curCutFace == rsf)
981             {
982                 // Face is equal to slave.  Modify slave face.
983 //                 Pout << "Face is equal to slave and is ";
985                 if (curMaster >= 0)
986                 {
987 //                     Pout << "regular internal" << endl;
988                     if (masterFc[curMaster] < slaveFc[curSlave])
989                     {
990                         ref.setAction
991                         (
992                             polyModifyFace
993                             (
994                                 curCutFace,                  // new face
995                                 slavePatchAddr[curSlave],    // master face id
996                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // owner
997                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // neighbour
998                                 true,                        // flux flip
999                                 -1,                          // patch ID
1000                                 false,                       // remove from zone
1001                                 slaveFaceZoneID_.index(),    // zone ID
1002                                 // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
1003                                 true                         // zone flip
1004                             )
1005                         );
1006                     }
1007                     else
1008                     {
1009                         // Cut face should point into master.
1010                         // Be careful about flips in zone!
1011 //                         Pout << "flipped internal" << endl;
1012                         ref.setAction
1013                         (
1014                             polyModifyFace
1015                             (
1016                                 curCutFace.reverseFace(),    // new face
1017                                 slavePatchAddr[curSlave],    // master face id
1018                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // owner
1019                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // neighbour
1020                                 false,                       // flux flip
1021                                 -1,                          // patch ID
1022                                 false,                       // remove from zone
1023                                 slaveFaceZoneID_.index(),    // zone ID
1024                                 // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
1025                                 false                        // zone flip
1026                             )
1027                         );
1028                     }
1030                     // Orphan the master
1031                     orphanedMaster[curMaster] = true;
1032                 }
1033                 else
1034                 {
1035 //                     Pout << "slave boundary" << endl;
1036                     ref.setAction
1037                     (
1038                         polyModifyFace
1039                         (
1040                             curCutFace,                  // new face
1041                             slavePatchAddr[curSlave],    // master face index
1042                             slaveFc[curSlave],           // owner
1043                             -1,                          // neighbour
1044                             false,                       // flux flip
1045                             slavePatchID_.index(),       // patch ID
1046                             false,                       // remove from zone
1047                             slaveFaceZoneID_.index(),    // zone ID
1048                             // Bug fix: HJ, 24/Oct/2007
1049                             false                        // zone flip
1050                         )
1051                     );
1052                 }
1054                 insertedFace = true;
1055             }
1056         }
1057         else
1058         {
1059             FatalErrorIn
1060             (
1061                 "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1062                 "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1063             )   << "Face " << faceI << " in cut faces has neither a master "
1064                 << "nor a slave.  Error in the cutting algorithm on modify."
1065                 << abort(FatalError);
1066         }
1068         if (!insertedFace)
1069         {
1070             // Face is different from both master and slave
1071 //             Pout << "Face different from both master and slave" << endl;
1073             if (curMaster >= 0)
1074             {
1075                 if (curSlave >= 0)
1076                 {
1077                     // Add internal face
1078                     if (masterFc[curMaster] < slaveFc[curSlave])
1079                     {
1080 //                         Pout << "Adding internal face " << curCutFace << " owner: " << masterFc[curMaster] << " slave: " << slaveFc[curSlave] << " master face: " << masterPatchAddr[curMaster] << endl;
1081                         // Cut face should point into slave.
1082                         ref.setAction
1083                         (
1084                             polyAddFace
1085                             (
1086                                 curCutFace,                  // new face
1087                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // owner
1088                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // neighbour
1089                                 -1,                          // master point
1090                                 -1,                          // master edge
1091                                 masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face id
1092                                 false,                       // flux flip
1093                                 -1,                          // patch ID
1094                                 cutFaceZoneID_.index(),      // zone ID
1095                                 false                        // zone flip
1096                             )
1097                         );
1098                     }
1099                     else
1100                     {
1101                         // Cut face should point into master.  Flip required.
1102                         ref.setAction
1103                         (
1104                             polyAddFace
1105                             (
1106                                 curCutFace.reverseFace(),    // new face
1107                                 slaveFc[curSlave],           // owner
1108                                 masterFc[curMaster],         // neighbour
1109                                 -1,                          // master point
1110                                 -1,                          // master edge
1111                                 masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face id
1112                                 true,                        // flux flip
1113                                 -1,                          // patch ID
1114                                 cutFaceZoneID_.index(),      // zone ID
1115                                 true                         // zone flip
1116                             )
1117                         );
1118                     }
1120                     // Orphan slave
1121                     orphanedSlave[curSlave] = true;
1122                 }
1123                 else
1124                 {
1125 //                     Pout << "Adding solo master face " << curCutFace << " owner: " << masterFc[curMaster] << " master face: " << masterPatchAddr[curMaster] << endl;
1126                     // Add master patch face
1127                     ref.setAction
1128                     (
1129                         polyAddFace
1130                         (
1131                             curCutFace,                  // new face
1132                             masterFc[curMaster],         // owner
1133                             -1,                          // neighbour
1134                             -1,                          // master point
1135                             -1,                          // master edge
1136                             masterPatchAddr[curMaster],  // master face index
1137                             false,                       // flux flip
1138                             masterPatchID_.index(),      // patch ID
1139                             cutFaceZoneID_.index(),      // zone ID
1140                             false                        // zone flip
1141                         )
1142                     );
1143                 }
1145                 // Orphan master
1146                 orphanedMaster[curMaster] = true;
1147             }
1148             else if (curSlave >= 0)
1149             {
1150 //                 Pout << "Adding solo slave face " << curCutFace << " owner: " << slaveFc[curSlave] << " master face: " << slavePatchAddr[curSlave] << endl;
1151                 // Add slave patch face
1152                 ref.setAction
1153                 (
1154                     polyAddFace
1155                     (
1156                         curCutFace,                  // new face
1157                         slaveFc[curSlave],           // owner
1158                         -1,                          // neighbour
1159                         -1,                          // master point
1160                         -1,                          // master edge
1161                         slavePatchAddr[curSlave],    // master face index
1162                         false,                       // flux flip
1163                         slavePatchID_.index(),       // patch ID
1164                         cutFaceZoneID_.index(),      // zone ID
1165                         false                        // zone flip
1166                     )
1167                 );
1169                 // Orphan slave
1170                 orphanedSlave[curSlave] = true;
1171             }
1172             else
1173             {
1174                 FatalErrorIn
1175                 (
1176                     "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1177                     "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1178                 )   << "Face " << faceI << " in cut faces has neither a master "
1179                     << "nor a slave.  Error in the cutting algorithm on add."
1180                     << abort(FatalError);
1181             }
1182         }
1183     }
1185     // Move the orphaned faces into the face zone
1187     label nOrphanedMasters = 0;
1189     forAll (orphanedMaster, faceI)
1190     {
1191         if (orphanedMaster[faceI])
1192         {
1193             nOrphanedMasters++;
1195 //             vector n = masterPatch[faceI].normal(masterPatch.points());
1196 //             Pout << "Doing orphaned master " << faceI << " normal: " << n/mag(n) << endl;
1197             // Recover original orientation
1198             ref.setAction
1199             (
1200                 polyModifyFace
1201                 (
1202                     masterPatch[faceI],                 // new face
1203                     masterPatchAddr[faceI],             // master face index
1204                     -1,                                 // owner
1205                     -1,                                 // neighbour
1206                     false,                              // flux flip
1207                     -1,                                 // patch ID
1208                     false,                              // remove from zone
1209                     masterFaceZoneID_.index(),          // zone ID
1210                     false                               // zone flip
1211                 )
1212             );
1213         }
1214     }
1216     label nOrphanedSlaves = 0;
1218     forAll (orphanedSlave, faceI)
1219     {
1220         if (orphanedSlave[faceI])
1221         {
1222             nOrphanedSlaves++;
1223 //             Pout<< "Orphaned slave face " << faceI << " "
1224 //                 << slavePatch[faceI] << endl;
1226             // Recover original orientation
1227             ref.setAction
1228             (
1229                 polyModifyFace
1230                 (
1231                     slavePatch[faceI],                // new face
1232                     slavePatchAddr[faceI],            // slave face index
1233                     -1,                               // owner
1234                     -1,                               // neighbour
1235                     false,                            // flux flip
1236                     -1,                               // patch ID
1237                     false,                            // remove from zone
1238                     slaveFaceZoneID_.index(),         // zone ID
1239                     false                             // zone flip
1240                 )
1241             );
1242         }
1243     }
1245     if (debug)
1246     {
1247         Pout<< "Number of orphaned faces: "
1248             << "master = " << nOrphanedMasters << " out of "
1249             << orphanedMaster.size()
1250             << " slave = " << nOrphanedSlaves << " out of "
1251             << orphanedSlave.size() << endl;
1252     }
1254     // Finished coupling the plane of sliding interface.
1256     // Modify faces influenced by the sliding interface
1257     // These are the faces belonging to the master and slave cell
1258     // layer which have not already been modified.
1259     // Modification comes in three types:
1260     // 1) eliminate the points that have been removed when the old sliding
1261     //    interface has been removed
1262     // 2) Merge the slave points that have hit points on the master patch
1263     // 3) Introduce new points resulting from the new sliding interface cut
1265     // Collect all affected faces
1267     // Master side
1269     // Grab the list of faces in the layer
1270     const labelList& masterStickOuts = masterStickOutFaces();
1272 //     Pout << "masterStickOuts: " << masterStickOuts << endl;
1274     // Re-create the master stick-out faces
1275     forAll (masterStickOuts, faceI)
1276     {
1277         // Renumber the face and remove additional points
1279         const label curFaceID = masterStickOuts[faceI];
1281         const face& oldRichFace = faces[curFaceID];
1283         bool changed = false;
1285         // Remove removed points from the face
1286         face oldFace(oldRichFace.size());
1287         label nOldFace = 0;
1289         forAll (oldRichFace, pointI)
1290         {
1291             if (ref.pointRemoved(oldRichFace[pointI]))
1292             {
1293                 changed = true;
1294             }
1295             else
1296             {
1297                 // Point off patch
1298                 oldFace[nOldFace] = oldRichFace[pointI];
1299                 nOldFace++;
1300             }
1301         }
1303         oldFace.setSize(nOldFace);
1305 //         Pout<< "old rich master face: " << oldRichFace
1306 //             << " old face: " << oldFace << endl;
1307         DynamicList<label> newFaceLabels(2*oldFace.size());
1309         forAll (oldFace, pointI)
1310         {
1311             if (masterMeshPointMap.found(oldFace[pointI]))
1312             {
1313                 // Point is in master patch. Add it
1315                 // If the point is a direct hit, grab its label; otherwise
1316                 // keep the original
1317                 if (pointMergeMap.found(oldFace[pointI]))
1318                 {
1319                     changed = true;
1320                     newFaceLabels.append
1321                     (
1322                         pointMergeMap.find(oldFace[pointI])()
1323                     );
1324                 }
1325                 else
1326                 {
1327                     newFaceLabels.append(oldFace[pointI]);
1328                 }
1330                 // Find if there are additional points inserted onto the edge
1331                 // between current point and the next point
1332                 // Algorithm:
1333                 // 1) Find all the edges in the master patch coming
1334                 //    out of the current point.
1335                 // 2) If the next point in the face to pick the right edge
1336                 const label localFirstLabel =
1337                     masterMeshPointMap.find(oldFace[pointI])();
1339                 const labelList& curEdges = masterPointEdges[localFirstLabel];
1341                 const label  nextLabel = oldFace.nextLabel(pointI);
1343                 Map<label>::const_iterator mmpmIter =
1344                     masterMeshPointMap.find(nextLabel);
1346                 if (mmpmIter != masterMeshPointMap.end())
1347                 {
1348 //                     Pout<< "found label pair " << oldFace[pointI]
1349 //                         << " and " << nextLabel;
1350                     // Find the points on the edge between them
1351                     const label localNextLabel = mmpmIter();
1353                     forAll (curEdges, curEdgeI)
1354                     {
1355                         if
1356                         (
1357                             masterEdges[curEdges[curEdgeI]].otherVertex
1358                             (
1359                                 localFirstLabel
1360                             )
1361                          == localNextLabel
1362                         )
1363                         {
1364 //                             Pout<< " found edge: " << curEdges[curEdgeI]
1365 //                                 << endl;
1367                             // Get points on current edge
1368                             const labelList& curPime =
1369                                 pime[curEdges[curEdgeI]];
1371                             if (curPime.size() > 0)
1372                             {
1373                                 changed = true;
1374                                 // Pout << "curPime: " << curPime << endl;
1375                                 // Insert the edge points into the face
1376                                 // in the correct order
1377                                 const point& startPoint =
1378                                     masterLocalPoints[localFirstLabel];
1380                                 vector e =
1381                                     masterLocalPoints[localNextLabel]
1382                                   - startPoint;
1384                                 e /= magSqr(e);
1386                                 scalarField edgePointWeights(curPime.size());
1388                                 forAll (curPime, curPimeI)
1389                                 {
1390                                     edgePointWeights[curPimeI] =
1391                                         (
1392                                             e
1393                                           & (
1394                                               pointMap.find(curPime[curPimeI])()
1395                                             - startPoint
1396                                             )
1397                                         );
1398                                 }
1400                                 if (debug)
1401                                 {
1402                                     if
1403                                     (
1404                                         min(edgePointWeights) < 0
1405                                      || max(edgePointWeights) > 1
1406                                     )
1407                                     {
1408                                         FatalErrorIn
1409                                         (
1410                                             "void slidingInterface::"
1411                                             "coupleInterface("
1412                                             "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1413                                         )   << "Error in master stick-out edge "
1414                                             << "point collection."
1415                                             << abort(FatalError);
1416                                     }
1417                                 }
1419                                 // Go through the points and collect
1420                                 // them based on weights from lower to
1421                                 // higher.  This gives the correct
1422                                 // order of points along the edge.
1423                                 for
1424                                 (
1425                                     label passI = 0;
1426                                     passI < edgePointWeights.size();
1427                                     passI++
1428                                 )
1429                                 {
1430                                     // Max weight can only be one, so
1431                                     // the sorting is done by
1432                                     // elimination.
1433                                     label nextPoint = -1;
1434                                     scalar dist = 2;
1436                                     forAll (edgePointWeights, wI)
1437                                     {
1438                                         if (edgePointWeights[wI] < dist)
1439                                         {
1440                                             dist = edgePointWeights[wI];
1441                                             nextPoint = wI;
1442                                         }
1443                                     }
1445                                     // Insert the next point and reset
1446                                     // its weight to exclude it from
1447                                     // future picks
1448                                     newFaceLabels.append(curPime[nextPoint]);
1449                                     edgePointWeights[nextPoint] = GREAT;
1450                                 }
1451                             }
1453                             break;
1454                         } // End of found edge
1455                     } // End of looking through current edges
1456                 }
1457             }
1458             else
1459             {
1460                 newFaceLabels.append(oldFace[pointI]);
1461             }
1462         }
1464         if (changed)
1465         {
1466             if (newFaceLabels.size() < 3)
1467             {
1468                 FatalErrorIn
1469                 (
1470                     "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1471                     "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1472                 )   << "Face " << curFaceID << " reduced to less than "
1473                     << "3 points.  Topological/cutting error A." << nl
1474                     << "Old face: " << oldFace << " new face: " << newFaceLabels
1475                     << abort(FatalError);
1476             }
1478             // Get face zone and its flip
1479             label modifiedFaceZone = faceZones.whichZone(curFaceID);
1480             bool modifiedFaceZoneFlip = false;
1482             if (modifiedFaceZone >= 0)
1483             {
1484                 modifiedFaceZoneFlip =
1485                     faceZones[modifiedFaceZone].flipMap()
1486                     [
1487                         faceZones[modifiedFaceZone].whichFace(curFaceID)
1488                     ];
1489             }
1491             face newFace;
1492             newFace.transfer(newFaceLabels.shrink());
1494 //             Pout<< "Modifying master stick-out face " << curFaceID
1495 //                 << " old face: " << oldFace
1496 //                 << " new face: " << newFace << endl;
1498             // Modify the face
1499             label neiIndex = -1;
1500             if (mesh.isInternalFace(curFaceID))
1501             {
1502                 neiIndex = nei[curFaceID];
1503             }
1505             ref.setAction
1506             (
1507                 polyModifyFace
1508                 (
1509                     newFace,                // modified face
1510                     curFaceID,              // label of face being modified
1511                     own[curFaceID],         // owner
1512                     neiIndex,               // neighbour
1513                     false,                  // face flip
1514                     mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(curFaceID), // patch for face
1515                     false,                  // remove from zone
1516                     modifiedFaceZone,       // zone for face
1517                     modifiedFaceZoneFlip    // face flip in zone
1518                 )
1519             );
1520         }
1521     }
1523 //     Pout << "Finished master side" << endl;
1525     // Slave side
1527     // Grab the list of faces in the layer
1528     const labelList& slaveStickOuts = slaveStickOutFaces();
1530 //     Pout << "slaveStickOuts: " << slaveStickOuts << endl;
1532     const Map<label>& rpm = retiredPointMap();
1534     // Re-create the slave stick-out faces
1536     forAll (slaveStickOuts, faceI)
1537     {
1538         // Renumber the face and remove additional points
1539         const label curFaceID = slaveStickOuts[faceI];
1541         const face& oldRichFace = faces[curFaceID];
1543         bool changed = false;
1545         // Remove removed points from the face
1546         face oldFace(oldRichFace.size());
1547         label nOldFace = 0;
1549         forAll (oldRichFace, pointI)
1550         {
1551             if
1552             (
1553                 rpm.found(oldRichFace[pointI])
1554              || slaveMeshPointMap.found(oldRichFace[pointI])
1555             )
1556             {
1557                 // Point definitely live. Add it
1558                 oldFace[nOldFace] = oldRichFace[pointI];
1559                 nOldFace++;
1560             }
1561             else if
1562             (
1563                 ref.pointRemoved(oldRichFace[pointI])
1564              || masterMeshPointMap.found(oldRichFace[pointI])
1565             )
1566             {
1567                 // Point removed and not on slave patch
1568                 // (first if takes care of that!) or
1569                 // point belonging to master patch
1570                 changed = true;
1571             }
1572             else
1573             {
1574                 // Point off patch
1575                 oldFace[nOldFace] = oldRichFace[pointI];
1576                 nOldFace++;
1577             }
1578         }
1580         oldFace.setSize(nOldFace);
1582         DynamicList<label> newFaceLabels(2*oldFace.size());
1584 //         Pout << "old rich slave face: " << oldRichFace << " old face: " << oldFace << endl;
1585         forAll (oldFace, pointI)
1586         {
1587             // Try to find the point in retired points
1588             label curP = oldFace[pointI];
1590             Map<label>::const_iterator rpmIter = rpm.find(oldFace[pointI]);
1592             if (rpmIter != rpm.end())
1593             {
1594                 changed = true;
1595                 curP = rpmIter();
1596             }
1598             if (slaveMeshPointMap.found(curP))
1599             {
1600                 // Point is in slave patch. Add it
1602                 // If the point is a direct hit, grab its label; otherwise
1603                 // keep the original
1604                 if (pointMergeMap.found(curP))
1605                 {
1606                     changed = true;
1607                     newFaceLabels.append
1608                     (
1609                         pointMergeMap.find(curP)()
1610                     );
1611                 }
1612                 else
1613                 {
1614                     newFaceLabels.append(curP);
1615                 }
1617                 // Find if there are additional points inserted onto the edge
1618                 // between current point and the next point
1619                 // Algorithm:
1620                 // 1) Find all the edges in the slave patch coming
1621                 //    out of the current point.
1622                 // 2) Use the next point in the face to pick the right edge
1624                 const label localFirstLabel =
1625                     slaveMeshPointMap.find(curP)();
1627                 const labelList& curEdges = slavePointEdges[localFirstLabel];
1629                 label nextLabel = oldFace.nextLabel(pointI);
1631                 Map<label>::const_iterator rpmNextIter =
1632                     rpm.find(nextLabel);
1634                 if (rpmNextIter != rpm.end())
1635                 {
1636                     nextLabel = rpmNextIter();
1637                 }
1639                 Map<label>::const_iterator mmpmIter =
1640                     slaveMeshPointMap.find(nextLabel);
1642                 if (mmpmIter != slaveMeshPointMap.end())
1643                 {
1644                     // Both points on the slave patch.
1645                     // Find the points on the edge between them
1646                     const label localNextLabel = mmpmIter();
1648                     forAll (curEdges, curEdgeI)
1649                     {
1650                         if
1651                         (
1652                             slaveEdges[curEdges[curEdgeI]].otherVertex
1653                             (
1654                                 localFirstLabel
1655                             )
1656                          == localNextLabel
1657                         )
1658                         {
1659 //                             Pout << " found edge: " << curEdges[curEdgeI] << endl;
1661                             // Get points on current edge
1662                             const labelList& curPise = pise[curEdges[curEdgeI]];
1664                             if (curPise.size() > 0)
1665                             {
1666                                 changed = true;
1667 //                                 Pout << "curPise: " << curPise << endl;
1668                                 // Insert the edge points into the face
1669                                 // in the correct order
1670                                 const point& startPoint =
1671                                     projectedSlavePoints[localFirstLabel];
1673                                 vector e =
1674                                     projectedSlavePoints[localNextLabel]
1675                                   - startPoint;
1677                                 e /= magSqr(e);
1679                                 scalarField edgePointWeights(curPise.size());
1681                                 forAll (curPise, curPiseI)
1682                                 {
1683                                     edgePointWeights[curPiseI] =
1684                                     (
1685                                         e
1686                                       & (
1687                                             pointMap.find(curPise[curPiseI])()
1688                                           - startPoint
1689                                         )
1690                                     );
1691                                 }
1693                                 if (debug)
1694                                 {
1695                                     if
1696                                     (
1697                                         min(edgePointWeights) < 0
1698                                      || max(edgePointWeights) > 1
1699                                     )
1700                                     {
1701                                         FatalErrorIn
1702                                         (
1703                                             "void slidingInterface::"
1704                                             "coupleInterface("
1705                                             "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1706                                         )   << "Error in slave stick-out edge "
1707                                             << "point collection."
1708                                             << abort(FatalError);
1709                                         }
1710                                     }
1712                                 // Go through the points and collect
1713                                 // them based on weights from lower to
1714                                 // higher.  This gives the correct
1715                                 // order of points along the edge.
1716                                 for
1717                                 (
1718                                     label passI = 0;
1719                                     passI < edgePointWeights.size();
1720                                     passI++
1721                                 )
1722                                 {
1723                                     // Max weight can only be one, so
1724                                     // the sorting is done by
1725                                     // elimination.
1726                                     label nextPoint = -1;
1727                                     scalar dist = 2;
1729                                     forAll (edgePointWeights, wI)
1730                                     {
1731                                         if (edgePointWeights[wI] < dist)
1732                                         {
1733                                             dist = edgePointWeights[wI];
1734                                             nextPoint = wI;
1735                                         }
1736                                     }
1738                                     // Insert the next point and reset
1739                                     // its weight to exclude it from
1740                                     // future picks
1741                                     newFaceLabels.append(curPise[nextPoint]);
1742                                     edgePointWeights[nextPoint] = GREAT;
1743                                 }
1744                             }
1746                             break;
1747                         }
1748                     } // End of found edge
1749                 } // End of looking through current edges
1750             }
1751             else
1752             {
1753                 newFaceLabels.append(oldFace[pointI]);
1754             }
1755         }
1757         if (changed)
1758         {
1759             if (newFaceLabels.size() < 3)
1760             {
1761                 FatalErrorIn
1762                 (
1763                     "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1764                     "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1765                 )   << "Face " << curFaceID << " reduced to less than "
1766                     << "3 points.  Topological/cutting error B." << nl
1767                     << "Old face: " << oldFace << " new face: " << newFaceLabels
1768                     << abort(FatalError);
1769             }
1771             // Get face zone and its flip
1772             label modifiedFaceZone = faceZones.whichZone(curFaceID);
1773             bool modifiedFaceZoneFlip = false;
1775             if (modifiedFaceZone >= 0)
1776             {
1777                 modifiedFaceZoneFlip =
1778                     faceZones[modifiedFaceZone].flipMap()
1779                     [
1780                         faceZones[modifiedFaceZone].whichFace(curFaceID)
1781                     ];
1782             }
1784             face newFace;
1785             newFace.transfer(newFaceLabels.shrink());
1787 //             Pout << "Modifying slave stick-out face " << curFaceID << " old face: " << oldFace << " new face: " << newFace << endl;
1789             // Modify the face
1790             label neiIndex = -1;
1791             if (mesh.isInternalFace(curFaceID))
1792             {
1793                 neiIndex = nei[curFaceID];
1794             }
1796             ref.setAction
1797             (
1798                 polyModifyFace
1799                 (
1800                     newFace,                // modified face
1801                     curFaceID,              // label of face being modified
1802                     own[curFaceID],         // owner
1803                     neiIndex,               // neighbour
1804                     false,                  // face flip
1805                     mesh.boundaryMesh().whichPatch(curFaceID), // patch for face
1806                     false,                  // remove from zone
1807                     modifiedFaceZone,       // zone for face
1808                     modifiedFaceZoneFlip    // face flip in zone
1809                 )
1810             );
1811         }
1812     }
1814     // Activate and retire slave patch points
1815     // This needs to be done last, so that the map of removed points
1816     // does not get damaged by point modifications
1818     if (!retiredPointMapPtr_)
1819     {
1820         FatalErrorIn
1821         (
1822             "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1823             "polyTopoChange& ref) const"
1824         )   << "Retired point map pointer not set."
1825             << abort(FatalError);
1826     }
1828     Map<label>& addToRpm = *retiredPointMapPtr_;
1830     // Clear the old map
1831     addToRpm.clear();
1833     label nRetiredPoints = 0;
1835     forAll (slaveMeshPoints, pointI)
1836     {
1837         if (pointMergeMap.found(slaveMeshPoints[pointI]))
1838         {
1839             // Retire the point - only used for supporting the detached
1840             // slave patch
1841             nRetiredPoints++;
1842 //             Pout<< "Retired point " << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << " "
1843 //                 << points[slaveMeshPoints[pointI]] << " Merged into "
1844 //                 << pointMergeMap.find(slaveMeshPoints[pointI])()
1845 //                 << " belongs to zone "
1846 //                 << mesh.pointZones().whichZone(slaveMeshPoints[pointI])
1847 //                 << endl;
1848             ref.setAction
1849             (
1850                 polyModifyPoint
1851                 (
1852                     slaveMeshPoints[pointI],             // point ID
1853                     points[slaveMeshPoints[pointI]],     // point
1854                     false,                               // remove from zone
1855                     mesh.pointZones().whichZone(slaveMeshPoints[pointI]),// zone
1856                     false                                // in a cell
1857                 )
1858             );
1860             addToRpm.insert
1861             (
1862                 pointMergeMap.find(slaveMeshPoints[pointI])(),
1863                 slaveMeshPoints[pointI]
1864             );
1865         }
1866         else
1867         {
1868 //             Pout<< "Touching point " << slaveMeshPoints[pointI] << " at "
1869 //                 << points[slaveMeshPoints[pointI]] << " zone "
1870 //                 << mesh.pointZones().whichZone(slaveMeshPoints[pointI])
1871 //                 << endl;
1872             //HJ This does nothing?  HJ, 17/Dec/2008
1873             ref.setAction
1874             (
1875                 polyModifyPoint
1876                 (
1877                     slaveMeshPoints[pointI],             // point ID
1878                     points[slaveMeshPoints[pointI]],     // point
1879                     false,                               // remove from zone
1880                     mesh.pointZones().whichZone(slaveMeshPoints[pointI]),// zone
1881                     true                                 // in a cell
1882                 )
1883             );
1884         }
1885     }
1887     if (debug)
1888     {
1889         Pout << "Retired " << nRetiredPoints << " out of "
1890             << slaveMeshPoints.size() << " points." << endl;
1891     }
1893     // Grab cut face master and slave addressing
1894     if (cutFaceMasterPtr_) deleteDemandDrivenData(cutFaceMasterPtr_);
1895     cutFaceMasterPtr_ = new labelList(cutPatch.cutFaceMaster());
1897     if (cutFaceSlavePtr_) deleteDemandDrivenData(cutFaceSlavePtr_);
1898     cutFaceSlavePtr_ = new labelList(cutPatch.cutFaceSlave());
1900     // Finished coupling
1901     attached_ = true;
1903     if (debug)
1904     {
1905         Pout<< "void slidingInterface::coupleInterface("
1906             << "polyTopoChange& ref) : "
1907             << "Finished coupling sliding interface " << name() << endl;
1908     }
1912 // ************************************************************************* //