Fix tutorials: typo in tutorials/viscoelastic/viscoelasticFluidFoam/S-MDCPP/constant...
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / finiteVolume / fvMesh / fvMeshSubset / fvMeshSubset.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
26     Post-processing mesh subset tool.  Given the original mesh and the
27     list of selected cells, it creates the mesh consisting only of the
28     desired cells, with the mapping list for points, faces, and cells.
30     MJ 23/03/05 on coupled faces change the patch of the face to the
31     oldInternalFaces patch.
33 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
35 #include "fvMeshSubset.H"
36 #include "boolList.H"
37 #include "Pstream.H"
38 #include "emptyPolyPatch.H"
39 #include "demandDrivenData.H"
40 #include "cyclicPolyPatch.H"
42 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
44 namespace Foam
47 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
49 bool Foam::fvMeshSubset::checkCellSubset() const
51     if (fvMeshSubsetPtr_)
52     {
53         FatalErrorIn("bool fvMeshSubset::checkCellSubset() const")
54             << "Mesh subset not set.  Please set the cell map using "
55             << "void setCellSubset(const labelHashSet& cellsToSubset)" << endl
56             << "before attempting to access subset data"
57             << abort(FatalError);
59         return false;
60     }
61     else
62     {
63         return true;
64     }
68 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::markPoints
70     const labelList& curPoints,
71     Map<label>& pointMap
74     forAll (curPoints, pointI)
75     {
76         // Note: insert will only insert if not yet there.
77         pointMap.insert(curPoints[pointI], 0);
78     }
82 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::markPoints
84     const labelList& curPoints,
85     labelList& pointMap
88     forAll (curPoints, pointI)
89     {
90         pointMap[curPoints[pointI]] = 0;
91     }
95 // Synchronize nCellsUsingFace on both sides of coupled patches. Marks
96 // faces that become 'uncoupled' with 3.
97 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::doCoupledPatches
99     const bool syncPar,
100     labelList& nCellsUsingFace
101 ) const
103     const polyBoundaryMesh& oldPatches = baseMesh().boundaryMesh();
105     label nUncoupled = 0;
107     if (syncPar && Pstream::parRun())
108     {
109         // Send face usage across processor patches
110         forAll (oldPatches, oldPatchI)
111         {
112             const polyPatch& pp = oldPatches[oldPatchI];
114             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
115             {
116                 const processorPolyPatch& procPatch =
117                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(pp);
119                 OPstream toNeighbour
120                 (
121                     Pstream::blocking,
122                     procPatch.neighbProcNo()
123                 );
125                 toNeighbour
126                     << SubList<label>(nCellsUsingFace, pp.size(), pp.start());
127             }
128         }
131         // Receive face usage count and check for faces that become uncoupled.
132         forAll (oldPatches, oldPatchI)
133         {
134             const polyPatch& pp = oldPatches[oldPatchI];
136             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(pp))
137             {
138                 const processorPolyPatch& procPatch =
139                     refCast<const processorPolyPatch>(pp);
141                 IPstream fromNeighbour
142                 (
143                     Pstream::blocking,
144                     procPatch.neighbProcNo()
145                 );
147                 labelList nbrCellsUsingFace(fromNeighbour);
149                 // Combine with this side.
151                 forAll (pp, i)
152                 {
153                     if
154                     (
155                         nCellsUsingFace[pp.start()+i] == 1
156                      && nbrCellsUsingFace[i] == 0
157                     )
158                     {
159                         // Face's neighbour is no longer there. Mark face off
160                         // as coupled
161                         nCellsUsingFace[pp.start()+i] = 3;
162                         nUncoupled++;
163                     }
164                 }       
165             }
166         }
167     }
169     // Do same for cyclics.
170     forAll (oldPatches, oldPatchI)
171     {
172         const polyPatch& pp = oldPatches[oldPatchI];
174         if (isA<cyclicPolyPatch>(pp))
175         {
176             const cyclicPolyPatch& cycPatch =
177                 refCast<const cyclicPolyPatch>(pp);
179             forAll (cycPatch, i)
180             {
181                 label thisFaceI = cycPatch.start() + i;
182                 label otherFaceI = cycPatch.transformGlobalFace(thisFaceI);
184                 if
185                 (
186                     nCellsUsingFace[thisFaceI] == 1
187                  && nCellsUsingFace[otherFaceI] == 0
188                 )
189                 {
190                     nCellsUsingFace[thisFaceI] = 3;
191                     nUncoupled++;
192                 }
193             }
194         }
195     }
197     if (syncPar)
198     {
199         reduce(nUncoupled, sumOp<label>());
200     }
202     if (nUncoupled > 0)
203     {
204         Info<< "Uncoupled " << nUncoupled << " faces on coupled patches. "
205             << "(processorPolyPatch, cyclicPolyPatch)" << nl
206             << "You might need to run couplePatches to restore the patch face"
207             << " ordering." << nl << endl;
208     }
212 labelList Foam::fvMeshSubset::subset
214     const label nElems,
215     const labelList& selectedElements,
216     const labelList& subsetMap
219     // Mark selected elements.
220     boolList selected(nElems, false);
221     forAll (selectedElements, i)
222     {
223         selected[selectedElements[i]] = true;
224     }
226     // Count subset of selected elements
227     label n = 0;
228     forAll (subsetMap, i)
229     {
230         if (selected[subsetMap[i]])
231         {
232             n++;
233         }
234     }
236     // Collect selected elements
237     labelList subsettedElements(n);
238     n = 0;
240     forAll(subsetMap, i)
241     {
242         if (selected[subsetMap[i]])
243         {
244             subsettedElements[n++] = i;
245         }
246     }
248     return subsettedElements;
252 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::subsetZones()
254     // Keep all zones, even if zero size.
256     const pointZoneMesh& pointZones = baseMesh().pointZones();
258     // PointZones
259     List<pointZone*> pZonePtrs(pointZones.size());
261     forAll(pointZones, i)
262     {
263         const pointZone& pz = pointZones[i];
265         pZonePtrs[i] = new pointZone
266         (
267   ,
268             subset(baseMesh().allPoints().size(), pz, pointMap()),
269             i,
270             fvMeshSubsetPtr_->pointZones()
271         );
272     }
275     // FaceZones
277     const faceZoneMesh& faceZones = baseMesh().faceZones();
280     // Do we need to remove zones where the side we're interested in
281     // no longer exists? Guess not.
282     List<faceZone*> fZonePtrs(faceZones.size());
284     forAll(faceZones, i)
285     {
286         const faceZone& fz = faceZones[i];
288         // Create list of mesh faces part of the new zone
289         labelList subAddressing
290         (
291             subset
292             (
293                 baseMesh().allFaces().size(),
294                 fz,
295                 faceMap()
296             )
297         );
299         // Flipmap for all mesh faces
300         boolList fullFlipStatus(baseMesh().allFaces().size(), false);
301         forAll(fz, j)
302         {
303             fullFlipStatus[fz[j]] = fz.flipMap()[j];
304         }
305         // Extract sub part
306         boolList subFlipStatus(subAddressing.size(), false);
307         forAll(subAddressing, j)
308         {
309             subFlipStatus[j] = fullFlipStatus[faceMap()[subAddressing[j]]];
310         }
312         fZonePtrs[i] = new faceZone
313         (
314   ,
315             subAddressing,
316             subFlipStatus,
317             i,
318             fvMeshSubsetPtr_->faceZones()
319         );
320     }
323     const cellZoneMesh& cellZones = baseMesh().cellZones();
325     List<cellZone*> cZonePtrs(cellZones.size());
327     forAll(cellZones, i)
328     {
329         const cellZone& cz = cellZones[i];
331         cZonePtrs[i] = new cellZone
332         (
333   ,
334             subset(baseMesh().nCells(), cz, cellMap()),
335             i,
336             fvMeshSubsetPtr_->cellZones()
337         );
338     }
341     // Add the zones
342     fvMeshSubsetPtr_->addZones(pZonePtrs, fZonePtrs, cZonePtrs);
346 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::makeFvDictionaries()
348     // Try accessing dictionaries
349     objectRegistry obr
350     (
351         IOobject
352         (
353             this->name() + "Subset",
354             baseMesh().time().timeName(),
355             baseMesh().time(),
356             IOobject::NO_READ,
357             IOobject::NO_WRITE
358         )
359     );
361     IOdictionary fvSchemes
362     (
363         IOobject
364         (
365             "fvSchemes",
366             obr.time().system(),
367             obr,
368             IOobject::NO_READ,
369             IOobject::NO_WRITE
370         )
371     );
373     if (!fvSchemes.headerOk())
374     {
375         Info << "Cannot read " << fvSchemes.path()
376             << ".  Copy from base" << endl;
378         IOdictionary fvSchemesBase
379         (
380             IOobject
381             (
382                 "fvSchemes",
383                 baseMesh().time().system(),
384                 baseMesh().time(),
385                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
386                 IOobject::NO_WRITE
387             )
388         );
390         fvSchemes = fvSchemesBase;
391         fvSchemes.regIOobject::write();
392     }
394     IOdictionary fvSolution
395     (
396         IOobject
397         (
398             "fvSolution",
399             obr.time().system(),
400             obr,
401             IOobject::NO_READ,
402             IOobject::NO_WRITE
403         )
404     );
406     if (!fvSolution.headerOk())
407     {
408         Info << "Cannot read " << fvSolution.path()
409             << ".  Copy from base" << endl;
411         IOdictionary fvSolutionBase
412         (
413             IOobject
414             (
415                 "fvSolution",
416                 baseMesh().time().system(),
417                 baseMesh().time(),
418                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
419                 IOobject::NO_WRITE
420             )
421         );
423         fvSolution = fvSolutionBase;
424         fvSolution.regIOobject::write();
425     }
429 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Constructors  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
431 // Construct from components
432 Foam::fvMeshSubset::fvMeshSubset
434     const IOobject& io,
435     const fvMesh& baseMesh
438     regIOobject(io),
439     baseMesh_(baseMesh),
440     fvMeshSubsetPtr_(NULL),
441     pointMeshSubsetPtr_(NULL),
442     pointMap_(0),
443     faceMap_(0),
444     cellMap_(0),
445     patchMap_(0)
449 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Destructor  * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
451 Foam::fvMeshSubset::~fvMeshSubset()
453     deleteDemandDrivenData(fvMeshSubsetPtr_);
454     deleteDemandDrivenData(pointMeshSubsetPtr_);
458 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
460 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::setCellSubset
462     const labelHashSet& globalCellMap,
463     const label patchID
466     // Initial check on patches before doing anything time consuming.
467     const polyBoundaryMesh& oldPatches = baseMesh().boundaryMesh();
468     const cellList& oldCells = baseMesh().cells();
469     const faceList& oldFaces = baseMesh().allFaces();
470     const pointField& oldPoints = baseMesh().points();
471     const labelList& oldOwner = baseMesh().faceOwner();
472     const labelList& oldNeighbour = baseMesh().faceNeighbour();
474     label wantedPatchID = patchID;
476     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
477     {
478         // No explicit patch specified. Put in oldInternalFaces patch.
479         // Check if patch with this name already exists.
480         wantedPatchID = oldPatches.findPatchID("oldInternalFaces");
481     }
482     else if (wantedPatchID < 0 || wantedPatchID >= oldPatches.size())
483     {
484         FatalErrorIn
485         (
486             "fvMeshSubset::setCellSubset(const labelHashSet&"
487             ", const label patchID)"
488         )   << "Non-existing patch index " << wantedPatchID << endl
489             << "Should be between 0 and " << oldPatches.size()-1
490             << abort(FatalError);
491     }
494     cellMap_ = globalCellMap.toc();
496     // Sort the cell map in the ascending order
497     sort(cellMap_);
499     label nCellsInSet = cellMap_.size();
501     // Mark all used faces
503     Map<label> facesToSubset(primitiveMesh::facesPerCell_*nCellsInSet);
505     forAll (cellMap_, cellI)
506     {
507         // Mark all faces from the cell
508         const labelList& curFaces = oldCells[cellMap_[cellI]];
510         forAll (curFaces, faceI)
511         {
512             if (!facesToSubset.found(curFaces[faceI]))
513             {
514                 facesToSubset.insert(curFaces[faceI], 1);
515             }
516             else
517             {
518                 facesToSubset[curFaces[faceI]]++;
519             }
520         }
521     }
523     // Mark all used points and make a global-to-local face map
524     Map<label> globalFaceMap(facesToSubset.size());
526     // Make a global-to-local point map
527     Map<label> globalPointMap
528     (
529         primitiveMesh::pointsPerFace_*facesToSubset.size()
530     );
532     // This is done in two goes, so that the boundary faces are last
533     // in the list.  Because of this, I need to create the face map
534     // along the way rather than just grab the table of contents.
535     labelList facesToc = facesToSubset.toc();
536     sort(facesToc);
537     faceMap_.setSize(facesToc.size());
539     // 1. Get all faces that will be internal to the submesh.
540     forAll (facesToc, faceI)
541     {
542         if (facesToSubset[facesToc[faceI]] == 2)
543         {
544             // Mark face and increment number of points in set
545             faceMap_[globalFaceMap.size()] = facesToc[faceI];
546             globalFaceMap.insert(facesToc[faceI], globalFaceMap.size());
548             // Mark all points from the face
549             markPoints(oldFaces[facesToc[faceI]], globalPointMap);
550         }
551     }
553     // These are all the internal faces in the mesh.
554     label nInternalFaces = globalFaceMap.size();
557     // Where to insert old internal faces.
558     label oldPatchStart = labelMax;
559     if (wantedPatchID != -1)
560     {
561         oldPatchStart = oldPatches[wantedPatchID].start();
562     }
565     label faceI = 0;
567     // 2. Boundary faces up to where we want to insert old internal faces
568     for (; faceI< facesToc.size(); faceI++)
569     {
570         if (facesToc[faceI] >= oldPatchStart)
571         {
572             break;
573         }
574         if
575         (
576             !baseMesh().isInternalFace(facesToc[faceI])
577          && facesToSubset[facesToc[faceI]] == 1
578         )
579         {
580             // Mark face and increment number of points in set
581             faceMap_[globalFaceMap.size()] = facesToc[faceI];
582             globalFaceMap.insert(facesToc[faceI], globalFaceMap.size());
584             // Mark all points from the face
585             markPoints(oldFaces[facesToc[faceI]], globalPointMap);
586         }
587     }
589     // 3. old internal faces
590     forAll(facesToc, intFaceI)
591     {
592         if
593         (
594             baseMesh().isInternalFace(facesToc[intFaceI])
595          && facesToSubset[facesToc[intFaceI]] == 1
596         )
597         {
598             // Mark face and increment number of points in set
599             faceMap_[globalFaceMap.size()] = facesToc[intFaceI];
600             globalFaceMap.insert(facesToc[intFaceI], globalFaceMap.size());
602             // Mark all points from the face
603             markPoints(oldFaces[facesToc[intFaceI]], globalPointMap);
604         }
605     }
607     // 4. Remaining boundary faces
608     for (; faceI< facesToc.size(); faceI++)
609     {
610         if
611         (
612             !baseMesh().isInternalFace(facesToc[faceI])
613          && facesToSubset[facesToc[faceI]] == 1
614         )
615         {
616             // Mark face and increment number of points in set
617             faceMap_[globalFaceMap.size()] = facesToc[faceI];
618             globalFaceMap.insert(facesToc[faceI], globalFaceMap.size());
620             // Mark all points from the face
621             markPoints(oldFaces[facesToc[faceI]], globalPointMap);
622         }
623     }
627     // Grab the points map
628     pointMap_ = globalPointMap.toc();
629     sort(pointMap_);
631     forAll (pointMap_, pointI)
632     {
633         globalPointMap[pointMap_[pointI]] = pointI;
634     }
636     if (fvMesh::debug)
637     {
638         Pout<< "Number of cells in new mesh: " << nCellsInSet << nl
639             << "Number of faces in new mesh: " << globalFaceMap.size() << nl
640             << "Number of points in new mesh: " << globalPointMap.size()
641             << endl;
642     }
644     // Make a new mesh
645     pointField newPoints(globalPointMap.size());
647     label nNewPoints = 0;
649     forAll (pointMap_, pointI)
650     {
651         newPoints[nNewPoints] = oldPoints[pointMap_[pointI]];
652         nNewPoints++;
653     }
655     faceList newFaces(globalFaceMap.size());
657     label nNewFaces = 0;
659     // Make internal faces
660     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < nInternalFaces; faceI++)
661     {
662         const face& oldF = oldFaces[faceMap_[faceI]];
664         face newF(oldF.size());
666         forAll (newF, i)
667         {
668             newF[i] = globalPointMap[oldF[i]];
669         }
671         newFaces[nNewFaces] = newF;
672         nNewFaces++;
673     }
675     // Make boundary faces
677     label nbSize = oldPatches.size();
678     label oldInternalPatchID  = -1;
680     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
681     {
682         // Create 'oldInternalFaces' patch at the end
683         // and put all exposed internal faces in there.
684         oldInternalPatchID = nbSize;
685         nbSize++;
687     }
688     else
689     {
690         oldInternalPatchID = wantedPatchID;
691     }
694     // Grad size and start of each patch on the fly.  Because of the
695     // structure of the underlying mesh, the patches will appear in the
696     // ascending order
697     labelList boundaryPatchSizes(nbSize, 0);
699     // Assign boundary faces. Visited in order of faceMap_.
700     for (label faceI = nInternalFaces; faceI < faceMap_.size(); faceI++)
701     {
702         label oldFaceI = faceMap_[faceI];
704         face oldF = oldFaces[oldFaceI];
706         // Turn the faces as necessary to point outwards
707         if (baseMesh().isInternalFace(oldFaceI))
708         {
709             // Internal face. Possibly turned the wrong way round
710             if
711             (
712                 !globalCellMap.found(oldOwner[oldFaceI])
713              && globalCellMap.found(oldNeighbour[oldFaceI])
714             )
715             {
716                 oldF = oldFaces[oldFaceI].reverseFace();
717             }
719             // Update count for patch
720             boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID]++;
721         }
722         else
723         {
724             // Boundary face. Increment the appropriate patch
725             label patchOfFace = oldPatches.whichPatch(oldFaceI);
727             // Update count for patch
728             boundaryPatchSizes[patchOfFace]++;
729         }
731         face newF(oldF.size());
733         forAll (newF, i)
734         {
735             newF[i] = globalPointMap[oldF[i]];
736         }
738         newFaces[nNewFaces] = newF;
739         nNewFaces++;
740     }
744     // Create cells
745     cellList newCells(nCellsInSet);
747     label nNewCells = 0;
749     forAll (cellMap_, cellI)
750     {
751         const labelList& oldC = oldCells[cellMap_[cellI]];
753         labelList newC(oldC.size());
755         forAll (newC, i)
756         {
757             newC[i] = globalFaceMap[oldC[i]];
758         }
760         newCells[nNewCells] = cell(newC);
761         nNewCells++;
762     }
765     // Make a new mesh
766     fvMeshSubsetPtr_ = new fvMesh
767     (
768         IOobject
769         (
770             this->name() + "Subset",
771             baseMesh().time().timeName(),
772             baseMesh().time(),
773             IOobject::NO_READ,
774             IOobject::NO_WRITE
775         ),
776         xferMove(newPoints),
777         xferMove(newFaces),
778         xferMove(newCells)
779     );
781     // Clear point mesh
782     deleteDemandDrivenData(pointMeshSubsetPtr_);
785     // Add old patches
786     List<polyPatch*> newBoundary(nbSize);
787     patchMap_.setSize(nbSize);
788     label nNewPatches = 0;
789     label patchStart = nInternalFaces;
791     forAll(oldPatches, patchI)
792     {
793         if (boundaryPatchSizes[patchI] > 0)
794         {
795             // Patch still exists. Add it
796             newBoundary[nNewPatches] = oldPatches[patchI].clone
797             (
798                 fvMeshSubsetPtr_->boundaryMesh(),
799                 nNewPatches,
800                 boundaryPatchSizes[patchI],
801                 patchStart
802             ).ptr();
804             patchStart += boundaryPatchSizes[patchI];
805             patchMap_[nNewPatches] = patchI;
806             nNewPatches++;
807         }
808     }
810     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
811     {
812         // Newly created patch so is at end. Check if any faces in it.
813         if (boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID] > 0)
814         {
815             newBoundary[nNewPatches] = new polyPatch
816             (
817                 "oldInternalFaces",
818                 boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID],
819                 patchStart,
820                 nNewPatches,
821                 fvMeshSubsetPtr_->boundaryMesh()
822             );
824             // The index for the first patch is -1 as it originates from
825             // the internal faces
826             patchMap_[nNewPatches] = -1;
827             nNewPatches++;
828         }
829     }
831     // Reset the patch lists
832     newBoundary.setSize(nNewPatches);
833     patchMap_.setSize(nNewPatches);
835     // Add the fvPatches
836     fvMeshSubsetPtr_->addFvPatches(newBoundary);
838     // Subset and add any zones
839     subsetZones();
843 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::setLargeCellSubset
845     const labelList& region,
846     const label currentRegion,
847     const label patchID,
848     const bool syncPar
851     const cellList& oldCells = baseMesh().cells();
852     const faceList& oldFaces = baseMesh().faces();
853     const pointField& oldPoints = baseMesh().points();
854     const labelList& oldOwner = baseMesh().faceOwner();
855     const labelList& oldNeighbour = baseMesh().faceNeighbour();
856     const polyBoundaryMesh& oldPatches = baseMesh().boundaryMesh();
857     const label oldNInternalFaces = baseMesh().nInternalFaces();
859     // Initial checks
861     if (region.size() != oldCells.size())
862     {
863         FatalErrorIn
864         (
865             "fvMeshSubset::setCellSubset(const labelList&"
866             ", const label, const label, const bool)"
867         )   << "Size of region " << region.size()
868             << " is not equal to number of cells in mesh " << oldCells.size()
869             << abort(FatalError);
870     }
873     label wantedPatchID = patchID;
875     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
876     {
877         // No explicit patch specified. Put in oldInternalFaces patch.
878         // Check if patch with this name already exists.
879         wantedPatchID = oldPatches.findPatchID("oldInternalFaces");
880     }
881     else if (wantedPatchID < 0 || wantedPatchID >= oldPatches.size())
882     {
883         FatalErrorIn
884         (
885             "fvMeshSubset::setCellSubset(const labelList&"
886             ", const label, const label, const bool)"
887         )   << "Non-existing patch index " << wantedPatchID << endl
888             << "Should be between 0 and " << oldPatches.size()-1
889             << abort(FatalError);
890     }
893     // Get the cells for the current region.
894     cellMap_.setSize(oldCells.size());
895     label nCellsInSet = 0;
897     forAll (region, oldCellI)
898     {
899         if (region[oldCellI] == currentRegion)
900         {
901             cellMap_[nCellsInSet++] = oldCellI;
902         }
903     }
904     cellMap_.setSize(nCellsInSet);
907     // Mark all used faces. Count number of cells using them
908     // 0: face not used anymore
909     // 1: face used by one cell, face becomes/stays boundary face
910     // 2: face still used and remains internal face
911     // 3: face coupled and used by one cell only (so should become normal,
912     //    non-coupled patch face)
913     //
914     // Note that this is not really nessecary - but means we can size things
915     // correctly. Also makes handling coupled faces much easier.
917     labelList nCellsUsingFace(oldFaces.size(), 0);
919     label nFacesInSet = 0;
920     forAll (oldFaces, oldFaceI)
921     {
922         bool faceUsed = false;
924         if (region[oldOwner[oldFaceI]] == currentRegion)
925         {
926             nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI]++;
927             faceUsed = true;
928         }
930         if
931         (
932             baseMesh().isInternalFace(oldFaceI)
933          && (region[oldNeighbour[oldFaceI]] == currentRegion)
934         )
935         {
936             nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI]++;
937             faceUsed = true;
938         }
940         if (faceUsed)
941         {
942             nFacesInSet++;
943         }
944     }
945     faceMap_.setSize(nFacesInSet);
947     // Handle coupled faces. Modifies patch faces to be uncoupled to 3.
948     doCoupledPatches(syncPar, nCellsUsingFace);
951     // See which patch to use for exposed internal faces.
952     label oldInternalPatchID = 0;
954     // Insert faces before which patch
955     label nextPatchID = oldPatches.size();
957     // old to new patches
958     labelList globalPatchMap(oldPatches.size());
960     // New patch size
961     label nbSize = oldPatches.size();
963     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
964     {
965         // Create 'oldInternalFaces' patch at the end (or before
966         // processorPatches)
967         // and put all exposed internal faces in there.
969         forAll(oldPatches, patchI)
970         {
971             if (isA<processorPolyPatch>(oldPatches[patchI]))
972             {
973                 nextPatchID = patchI;
974                 break;
975             }
976             oldInternalPatchID++;
977         }
979         nbSize++;
981         // adapt old to new patches for inserted patch
982         for (label oldPatchI = 0; oldPatchI < nextPatchID; oldPatchI++)
983         {
984             globalPatchMap[oldPatchI] = oldPatchI;
985         }
986         for
987         (
988             label oldPatchI = nextPatchID;
989             oldPatchI < oldPatches.size();
990             oldPatchI++
991         )
992         {
993             globalPatchMap[oldPatchI] = oldPatchI+1;
994         }
995     }
996     else
997     {
998         oldInternalPatchID = wantedPatchID;
999         nextPatchID = wantedPatchID+1;
1001         // old to new patches
1002         globalPatchMap = identity(oldPatches.size());
1003     }
1005     labelList boundaryPatchSizes(nbSize, 0);
1008     // Make a global-to-local point map
1009     labelList globalPointMap(oldPoints.size(), -1);
1011     labelList globalFaceMap(oldFaces.size(), -1);
1012     label faceI = 0;
1014     // 1. Pick up all preserved internal faces.
1015     for (label oldFaceI = 0; oldFaceI < oldNInternalFaces; oldFaceI++)
1016     {
1017         if (nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI] == 2)
1018         {
1019             globalFaceMap[oldFaceI] = faceI;
1020             faceMap_[faceI++] = oldFaceI;
1022             // Mark all points from the face
1023             markPoints(oldFaces[oldFaceI], globalPointMap);
1024         }
1025     }
1027     // These are all the internal faces in the mesh.
1028     label nInternalFaces = faceI;
1030     // 2. Boundary faces up to where we want to insert old internal faces
1031     for
1032     (
1033         label oldPatchI = 0;
1034         oldPatchI < oldPatches.size()
1035      && oldPatchI < nextPatchID;
1036         oldPatchI++
1037     )
1038     {
1039         const polyPatch& oldPatch = oldPatches[oldPatchI];
1041         label oldFaceI = oldPatch.start();
1043         forAll (oldPatch, i)
1044         {
1045             if (nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI] == 1)
1046             {
1047                 // Boundary face is kept.
1049                 // Mark face and increment number of points in set
1050                 globalFaceMap[oldFaceI] = faceI;
1051                 faceMap_[faceI++] = oldFaceI;
1053                 // Mark all points from the face
1054                 markPoints(oldFaces[oldFaceI], globalPointMap);
1056                 // Increment number of patch faces
1057                 boundaryPatchSizes[globalPatchMap[oldPatchI]]++;
1058             }
1059             oldFaceI++;
1060         }
1061     }
1063     // 3a. old internal faces that have become exposed.
1064     for (label oldFaceI = 0; oldFaceI < oldNInternalFaces; oldFaceI++)
1065     {
1066         if (nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI] == 1)
1067         {
1068             globalFaceMap[oldFaceI] = faceI;
1069             faceMap_[faceI++] = oldFaceI;
1071             // Mark all points from the face
1072             markPoints(oldFaces[oldFaceI], globalPointMap);
1074             // Increment number of patch faces
1075             boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID]++;
1076         }
1077     }
1079     // 3b. coupled patch faces that have become uncoupled.
1080     for
1081     (
1082         label oldFaceI = oldNInternalFaces;
1083         oldFaceI < oldFaces.size();
1084         oldFaceI++
1085     )
1086     {
1087         if (nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI] == 3)
1088         {
1089             globalFaceMap[oldFaceI] = faceI;
1090             faceMap_[faceI++] = oldFaceI;
1092             // Mark all points from the face
1093             markPoints(oldFaces[oldFaceI], globalPointMap);
1095             // Increment number of patch faces
1096             boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID]++;
1097         }
1098     }
1100     // 4. Remaining boundary faces
1101     for
1102     (
1103         label oldPatchI = nextPatchID;
1104         oldPatchI < oldPatches.size();
1105         oldPatchI++
1106     )
1107     {
1108         const polyPatch& oldPatch = oldPatches[oldPatchI];
1110         label oldFaceI = oldPatch.start();
1112         forAll (oldPatch, i)
1113         {
1114             if (nCellsUsingFace[oldFaceI] == 1)
1115             {
1116                 // Boundary face is kept.
1118                 // Mark face and increment number of points in set
1119                 globalFaceMap[oldFaceI] = faceI;
1120                 faceMap_[faceI++] = oldFaceI;
1122                 // Mark all points from the face
1123                 markPoints(oldFaces[oldFaceI], globalPointMap);
1125                 // Increment number of patch faces
1126                 boundaryPatchSizes[globalPatchMap[oldPatchI]]++;
1127             }
1128             oldFaceI++;
1129         }
1130     }
1132     if (faceI != nFacesInSet)
1133     {
1134         FatalErrorIn
1135         (
1136             "fvMeshSubset::setCellSubset(const labelList&"
1137             ", const label, const label, const bool)"
1138         )   << "Problem" << abort(FatalError);
1139     }
1142     // Grab the points map
1143     label nPointsInSet = 0;
1145     forAll(globalPointMap, pointI)
1146     {
1147         if (globalPointMap[pointI] != -1)
1148         {
1149             nPointsInSet++;
1150         }
1151     }
1152     pointMap_.setSize(nPointsInSet);
1154     nPointsInSet = 0;
1156     forAll(globalPointMap, pointI)
1157     {
1158         if (globalPointMap[pointI] != -1)
1159         {
1160             pointMap_[nPointsInSet] = pointI;
1161             globalPointMap[pointI] = nPointsInSet;
1162             nPointsInSet++;
1163         }
1164     }
1166     Pout<< "Number of cells in new mesh : " << cellMap_.size() << endl;
1167     Pout<< "Number of faces in new mesh : " << faceMap_.size() << endl;
1168     Pout<< "Number of points in new mesh: " << pointMap_.size() << endl;
1170     // Make a new mesh
1171     pointField newPoints(pointMap_.size());
1173     label nNewPoints = 0;
1175     forAll (pointMap_, pointI)
1176     {
1177         newPoints[nNewPoints] = oldPoints[pointMap_[pointI]];
1178         nNewPoints++;
1179     }
1181     faceList newFaces(faceMap_.size());
1183     label nNewFaces = 0;
1185     // Make internal faces
1186     for (label faceI = 0; faceI < nInternalFaces; faceI++)
1187     {
1188         const face& oldF = oldFaces[faceMap_[faceI]];
1190         face newF(oldF.size());
1192         forAll (newF, i)
1193         {
1194             newF[i] = globalPointMap[oldF[i]];
1195         }
1197         newFaces[nNewFaces] = newF;
1198         nNewFaces++;
1199     }
1202     // Make boundary faces. (different from internal since might need to be
1203     // flipped)
1204     for (label faceI = nInternalFaces; faceI < faceMap_.size(); faceI++)
1205     {
1206         label oldFaceI = faceMap_[faceI];
1208         face oldF = oldFaces[oldFaceI];
1210         // Turn the faces as necessary to point outwards
1211         if (baseMesh().isInternalFace(oldFaceI))
1212         {
1213             // Was internal face. Possibly turned the wrong way round
1214             if
1215             (
1216                 region[oldOwner[oldFaceI]] != currentRegion
1217              && region[oldNeighbour[oldFaceI]] == currentRegion
1218             )
1219             {
1220                 oldF = oldFaces[oldFaceI].reverseFace();
1221             }
1222         }
1224         // Relabel vertices of the (possibly turned) face.
1225         face newF(oldF.size());
1227         forAll (newF, i)
1228         {
1229             newF[i] = globalPointMap[oldF[i]];
1230         }
1232         newFaces[nNewFaces] = newF;
1233         nNewFaces++;
1234     }
1238     // Create cells
1239     cellList newCells(nCellsInSet);
1241     label nNewCells = 0;
1243     forAll (cellMap_, cellI)
1244     {
1245         const labelList& oldC = oldCells[cellMap_[cellI]];
1247         labelList newC(oldC.size());
1249         forAll (newC, i)
1250         {
1251             newC[i] = globalFaceMap[oldC[i]];
1252         }
1254         newCells[nNewCells] = cell(newC);
1255         nNewCells++;
1256     }
1259     // Make a new mesh
1260     makeFvDictionaries();
1262     fvMeshSubsetPtr_ = new fvMesh
1263     (
1264         IOobject
1265         (
1266             this->name() + "Subset",
1267             baseMesh().time().timeName(),
1268             baseMesh().time(),
1269             IOobject::NO_READ,
1270             IOobject::NO_WRITE
1271         ),
1272         xferMove(newPoints),
1273         xferMove(newFaces),
1274         xferMove(newCells),
1275         syncPar           // parallel synchronisation
1276     );
1278     // Clear point mesh
1279     deleteDemandDrivenData(pointMeshSubsetPtr_);
1281     // Add old patches
1282     List<polyPatch*> newBoundary(nbSize);
1283     patchMap_.setSize(nbSize);
1284     label nNewPatches = 0;
1285     label patchStart = nInternalFaces;
1288     // For parallel: only remove patch if none of the processors has it.
1289     // This only gets done for patches before the one being inserted
1290     // (so patches < nextPatchID)
1292     // Get sum of patch sizes. Zero if patch can be deleted.
1293     labelList globalPatchSizes(boundaryPatchSizes);
1294     globalPatchSizes.setSize(nextPatchID);
1296     if (syncPar && Pstream::parRun())
1297     {
1298         // Get patch names (up to nextPatchID)
1299         List<wordList> patchNames(Pstream::nProcs());
1300         patchNames[Pstream::myProcNo()] = oldPatches.names();
1301         patchNames[Pstream::myProcNo()].setSize(nextPatchID);
1302         Pstream::gatherList(patchNames);
1303         Pstream::scatterList(patchNames);
1305         // Get patch sizes (up to nextPatchID).
1306         // Note that up to nextPatchID the globalPatchMap is an identity so
1307         // no need to index through that.
1308         Pstream::listCombineGather(globalPatchSizes, plusEqOp<label>());
1309         Pstream::listCombineScatter(globalPatchSizes);
1311         // Now all processors have all the patchnames.
1312         // Decide: if all processors have the same patch names and size is zero
1313         // everywhere remove the patch.
1314         bool samePatches = true;
1316         for (label procI = 1; procI < patchNames.size(); procI++)
1317         {
1318             if (patchNames[procI] != patchNames[0])
1319             {
1320                 samePatches = false;
1321                 break;
1322             }
1323         }
1325         if (!samePatches)
1326         {
1327             // Patchnames not sync on all processors so disable removal of
1328             // zero sized patches.
1329             globalPatchSizes = labelMax;
1330         }
1331     }
1334     // Old patches
1336     for
1337     (
1338         label oldPatchI = 0;
1339         oldPatchI < oldPatches.size()
1340      && oldPatchI < nextPatchID;
1341         oldPatchI++
1342     )
1343     {
1344         label newSize = boundaryPatchSizes[globalPatchMap[oldPatchI]];
1346         // Clone (even if 0 size)
1347         newBoundary[nNewPatches] = oldPatches[oldPatchI].clone
1348         (
1349             fvMeshSubsetPtr_->boundaryMesh(),
1350             nNewPatches,
1351             newSize,
1352             patchStart
1353         ).ptr();
1355         patchStart += newSize;
1356         patchMap_[nNewPatches] = oldPatchI;    // compact patchMap
1357         nNewPatches++;
1358     }
1360     // Inserted patch
1362     if (wantedPatchID == -1)
1363     {
1364         label oldInternalSize = boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID];
1366         if (syncPar)
1367         {
1368             reduce(oldInternalSize, sumOp<label>());
1369         }
1371         // Newly created patch so is at end. Check if any faces in it.
1372         if (oldInternalSize > 0)
1373         {
1374             newBoundary[nNewPatches] = new polyPatch
1375             (
1376                 "oldInternalFaces",
1377                 boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID],
1378                 patchStart,
1379                 nNewPatches,
1380                 fvMeshSubsetPtr_->boundaryMesh()
1381             );
1383             Pout<< "    oldInternalFaces : "
1384                 << boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID] << endl;
1386             // The index for the first patch is -1 as it originates from
1387             // the internal faces
1388             patchStart += boundaryPatchSizes[oldInternalPatchID];
1389             patchMap_[nNewPatches] = -1;
1390             nNewPatches++;
1391         }
1392     }
1394     // Old patches
1396     for
1397     (
1398         label oldPatchI = nextPatchID;
1399         oldPatchI < oldPatches.size();
1400         oldPatchI++
1401     )
1402     {
1403         label newSize = boundaryPatchSizes[globalPatchMap[oldPatchI]];
1405         // Patch still exists. Add it
1406         newBoundary[nNewPatches] = oldPatches[oldPatchI].clone
1407         (
1408             fvMeshSubsetPtr_->boundaryMesh(),
1409             nNewPatches,
1410             newSize,
1411             patchStart
1412         ).ptr();
1414         //Pout<< "    " << oldPatches[oldPatchI].name() << " : "
1415         //    << newSize << endl;
1417         patchStart += newSize;
1418         patchMap_[nNewPatches] = oldPatchI;    // compact patchMap
1419         nNewPatches++;
1420     }
1423     // Reset the patch lists
1424     newBoundary.setSize(nNewPatches);
1425     patchMap_.setSize(nNewPatches);
1428     // Add the fvPatches
1429     fvMeshSubsetPtr_->addFvPatches(newBoundary, syncPar);
1431     // Subset and add any zones
1432     subsetZones();
1436 void Foam::fvMeshSubset::setLargeCellSubset
1438     const labelHashSet& globalCellMap,
1439     const label patchID,
1440     const bool syncPar
1443     labelList region(baseMesh().nCells(), 0);
1445     forAllConstIter (labelHashSet, globalCellMap, iter)
1446     {
1447         region[iter.key()] = 1;
1448     }
1449     setLargeCellSubset(region, 1, patchID, syncPar);
1453 const fvMesh& Foam::fvMeshSubset::subMesh() const
1455     checkCellSubset();
1457     return *fvMeshSubsetPtr_;
1461 fvMesh& Foam::fvMeshSubset::subMesh()
1463     checkCellSubset();
1465     return *fvMeshSubsetPtr_;
1469 const pointMesh& Foam::fvMeshSubset::subPointMesh() const
1471     if (!pointMeshSubsetPtr_)
1472     {
1473         pointMeshSubsetPtr_ = new pointMesh(subMesh());
1474     }
1476     return *pointMeshSubsetPtr_;
1480 pointMesh& Foam::fvMeshSubset::subPointMesh()
1482     if (!pointMeshSubsetPtr_)
1483     {
1484         pointMeshSubsetPtr_ = new pointMesh(subMesh());
1485     }
1487     return *pointMeshSubsetPtr_;
1491 const labelList& Foam::fvMeshSubset::pointMap() const
1493     checkCellSubset();
1495     return pointMap_;
1499 const labelList& Foam::fvMeshSubset::faceMap() const
1501     checkCellSubset();
1503     return faceMap_;
1507 const labelList& Foam::fvMeshSubset::cellMap() const
1509     checkCellSubset();
1511     return cellMap_;
1515 const labelList& Foam::fvMeshSubset::patchMap() const
1517     checkCellSubset();
1519     return patchMap_;
1523 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //
1525 } // End namespace Foam
1527 // ************************************************************************* //