fix consistancy of gradient on coupled patches
[OpenFOAM-1.6-ext.git] / src / tetDecompositionFiniteElement / tetPolyMeshCellDecomp / addParallelPointPatchCellDecomp.C
1 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*\
2   =========                 |
3   \\      /  F ield         | OpenFOAM: The Open Source CFD Toolbox
4    \\    /   O peration     |
5     \\  /    A nd           | Copyright held by original author
6      \\/     M anipulation  |
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 License
9     This file is part of OpenFOAM.
11     OpenFOAM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
12     under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
13     Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
14     option) any later version.
16     OpenFOAM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
17     ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
18     FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
19     for more details.
21     You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
22     along with OpenFOAM; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
23     Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
25 Description
27 \*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
29 #include "tetPolyMeshCellDecomp.H"
30 #include "Time.H"
31 #include "PstreamCombineReduceOps.H"
32 #include "processorTetPolyPatchCellDecomp.H"
33 #include "globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp.H"
34 #include "Pstream.H"
35 #include "labelIOList.H"
36 #include "globalMeshData.H"
38 using namespace Foam;
40 // * * * * * * * * * * * * * Private Member Functions  * * * * * * * * * * * //
42 // Thing label combination class
43 template<class Type>
44 class globalPatchCombine
46 public:
48     void operator()
49     (
50         SLList<Type>& globalObjects,
51         const SLList<Type>& myObjects
52     ) const
53     {
54         // For each of my points check whether it exists in the global
55         // points list; if not, add it to the global points
57         for
58         (
59             typename SLList<Type>::const_iterator myObjectsIter = 
60                 myObjects.begin();
61             myObjectsIter != myObjects.end();
62             ++myObjectsIter
63         )
64         {
65             const Type& curMyType = myObjectsIter();
67             bool found = false;
69             for
70             (
71                 typename SLList<Type>::iterator globalObjectsIter = 
72                     globalObjects.begin();
73                 globalObjectsIter != globalObjects.end();
74                 ++globalObjectsIter
75             )
76             {
77                 if (globalObjectsIter() == curMyType)
78                 {
79                     found = true;
80                     break;
81                 }
82             }
84             if (!found)
85             {
86                 globalObjects.append(curMyType);
87             }
88         }
89     }
93 void Foam::tetPolyMeshCellDecomp::addParallelPointPatch()
95     // Note:
96     // The processor point patch will be added if processor boundaries
97     // exist in the case.  If the mesh with processor boundaries is
98     // not created during a parallel run (e.g. decomposePar), the
99     // addressing will be dummy.  HJ, 19/Mar/2002
101     if (mesh_.globalData().parallel())
102     {
103         // This cannot be done if I do not know global point/face/cell mapping;
104         // at the very least I need it on all parallel patches.  Having in mind
105         // the added expense of reading/writing of this data, the global
106         // mapping files will still be used.  I can do the globally
107         // shared points because they carry their own global labels,
108         // but not for cut edges shared by several processors.
109         // HJ, 21/Apr/2003
111         if (debug)
112         {
113             Info<< "void tetPolyMeshCellDecomp::addParallelPointPatch() : "
114                 << "Reading pointProcAddressing." << endl;
115         }
117         labelIOList pointProcAddressing
118         (
119             IOobject
120             (
121                 "pointProcAddressing",
122                 mesh_.time().findInstance(operator()().meshDir(), "faces"),
123                 mesh_.meshSubDir,
124                 mesh_,
125                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
126                 IOobject::NO_WRITE
127             )
128         );
130         if (debug)
131         {
132             Info<< "void tetPolyMeshCellDecomp::addParallelPointPatch() : "
133                 << "Reading cellProcAddressing." << endl;
134         }
136         labelIOList cellProcAddressing
137         (
138             IOobject
139             (
140                 "cellProcAddressing",
141                 mesh_.time().findInstance(operator()().meshDir(), "faces"),
142                 mesh_.meshSubDir,
143                 mesh_,
144                 IOobject::MUST_READ,
145                 IOobject::NO_WRITE
146             )
147         );
149         const label globalCellOffset = mesh_.globalData().nTotalPoints();
151         // Add the cell centres to the lookup list
152         label oldSize = pointProcAddressing.size();
153         pointProcAddressing.setSize(oldSize + cellProcAddressing.size());
155         forAll (cellProcAddressing, cellI)
156         {
157             pointProcAddressing[oldSize + cellI] =
158                 cellProcAddressing[cellI] + globalCellOffset;
159         }
161         // Get the list of local parallel processor points, their addressing
162         // and global labels
163         const labelList& localParPoints =
164           mesh_.globalData().sharedPointLabels();
166         // Do parallel edges
168         // Get the list of local parallel processor edges
169         const edgeList& localParEdges = parallelEdges();
171         // Extract global numbers for each of the parallel edges
172         SLList<edge> globalParEdges;
174         forAll (localParEdges, edgeI)
175         {
176             globalParEdges.append
177             (
178                 edge
179                 (
180                     pointProcAddressing[localParEdges[edgeI].start()],
181                     pointProcAddressing[localParEdges[edgeI].end()]
182                 )
183             );
184         }
186         // Create the local-to-global edge mapping
187         labelList localEdgeMapping(localParEdges.size(), -1);
189         if (Pstream::parRun())
190         {
191             // Create a global list of edges by reduction from all processors
192             combineReduce(globalParEdges, globalPatchCombine<edge>());
194             // Find out which of the parallel edges are local.  For
195             // easier search indexing make a plain list out ot the
196             // singly linked list of global edges
197             edgeList ge(globalParEdges);
199             forAll (localParEdges, edgeI)
200             {
201                 edge curGlobal =
202                     edge
203                     (
204                         pointProcAddressing[localParEdges[edgeI].start()],
205                         pointProcAddressing[localParEdges[edgeI].end()]
206                     );
208                 forAll (ge, geI)
209                 {
210                     if (curGlobal == ge[geI])
211                     {
212                         localEdgeMapping[edgeI] = geI;
213                         break;
214                     }
215                 }
216             }
217         }
219         // Debug check
220         if (debug)
221         {
222             if (localEdgeMapping.size() > 0)
223             {
224                 if (min(localEdgeMapping) < 0)
225                 {
226                     FatalErrorIn
227                     (
228                         "void Foam::tetPolyMeshCellDecomp::"
229                         "addParallelPointPatch()"
230                     )   << "Error in parallel points patch: edges"
231                         << abort(FatalError);
232                 }
233             }
234         }
236         // Do parallel cut edges
238         // Algorithm
239         // Parallel cut edges come in two flavours: the ones local to
240         // the processor and the ones shared between several
241         // processors.  The first lot cause no trouble, but for the
242         // second we need to make sure that only one processor
243         // multiplies out the global sum part of the matrix.
244         // At the same time, the local part of the product needs to be
245         // done on every processor seprately.  This is catered for by
246         // two mechanisms:
247         // 1) Local edges will be calculated here for every patch.
248         //    The list needs to be complete.
249         // 2) As the lists are calculated, a global list of cut edges
250         // is assembled.  The first time the edge is added into the
251         // global list, it is accepted for global sum multiplication.
252         // If the same global edge is found, the contribution to the
253         // global sum is blocked.
255         // Count the maximum number of edges coming from the patch
256         label maxEdgesOnPatch = 0;
258         // For every local point get a list of edges
259         forAll (localParPoints, pointI)
260         {
261             maxEdgesOnPatch += nEdgesForPoint(localParPoints[pointI]);
262         }
264         edgeList localCutEdges(maxEdgesOnPatch);
265         label nCutEdges = 0;
267         // Go through all the local points and get all the edges coming
268         // from that point.  Check if the edge is local, if not, it is cut
270         const unallocLabelList& L = lduAddr().lowerAddr();
271         const unallocLabelList& U = lduAddr().upperAddr();
273         forAll (localParPoints, pointI)
274         {
275             const label curPoint = localParPoints[pointI];
277             labelList curEdges = edgesForPoint(curPoint);
279             forAll (curEdges, edgeI)
280             {
281                 edge e(L[curEdges[edgeI]], U[curEdges[edgeI]]);
282                 label otherEnd = -1;
284                 if (e.start() == curPoint)
285                 {
286                     otherEnd = e.end();
287                 }
288                 else
289                 {
290                     otherEnd = e.start();
291                 }
293                 // If the other end is not a local point, this is a cut edge
294                 bool found = false;
296                 forAll (localParPoints, compI)
297                 {
298                     if (localParPoints[compI] == otherEnd)
299                     {
300                         found = true;
301                         break;
302                     }
303                 }
305                 if (!found)
306                 {
307                     // This is a cut edge. Add it to the list
308                     localCutEdges[nCutEdges] = e;
309                     nCutEdges++;
310                 }
311             }
312         }
314         // Reset the size of the local cut edge list
315         localCutEdges.setSize(nCutEdges);
317         // Create a masking array.  For the edges that do not contribute
318         // to the global product, the mask will be set to zero
319         scalarField localCutEdgeMask(localCutEdges.size(), 1);
321         if (Pstream::parRun())
322         {
323             // Creating the mask
324             // Every processor goes through all of its edges and creates the
325             // global version of the edge. If such an edge does not
326             // already exist, it is added to the list, if it does, its
327             // mask is set to zero (somebody is already doing the
328             // multiplication)
329             if (Pstream::master())
330             {
331                 // Master's mask is always one. Add all edges to the list
332                 SLList<edge> globalCutEdges;
334                 forAll (localCutEdges, edgeI)
335                 {
336                     globalCutEdges.append
337                     (
338                         edge
339                         (
340                             pointProcAddressing[localCutEdges[edgeI].start()],
341                             pointProcAddressing[localCutEdges[edgeI].end()]
342                         )
343                     );
344                 }
346                 // Send the list to the first slave
347                 OPstream toFirstSlave(Pstream::blocking, Pstream::firstSlave());
348                 toFirstSlave << globalCutEdges;
349             }
350             else
351             {
352                 // Slave.  Read the list from the previous slave, do
353                 // local processing and send it to the next slave
354                 for
355                 (
356                     int slave = Pstream::firstSlave();
357                     slave <= Pstream::lastSlave();
358                     slave++
359                 )
360                 {
361                     if (Pstream::myProcNo() == slave)
362                     {
363                         // My turn.
364                         int receiveFrom = slave - 1;
365                         int sendTo = slave + 1;
367                         if (Pstream::myProcNo() == Pstream::firstSlave())
368                         {
369                             // Receive from master
370                             receiveFrom = Pstream::masterNo();
371                         }
373                         IPstream rf(Pstream::blocking, receiveFrom);
374                         SLList<edge> globalCutEdges(rf);
376                         // Check local cut edges against the list
377                         forAll (localCutEdges, edgeI)
378                         {
379                             edge e
380                             (
381                                 pointProcAddressing
382                                     [localCutEdges[edgeI].start()],
383                                 pointProcAddressing[localCutEdges[edgeI].end()]
384                             );
386                             bool found = false;
388                             for
389                             (
390                                 SLList<edge>::iterator gEdgeIter =
391                                     globalCutEdges.begin();
392                                 gEdgeIter != globalCutEdges.end();
393                                 ++gEdgeIter
394                             )
395                             {
396                                 if (gEdgeIter() == e)
397                                 {
398                                     found = true;
399                                     break;
400                                 }
401                             }
403                             if (found)
404                             {
405                                 // Edge already exists.  Set mask to zero
406                                 localCutEdgeMask[edgeI] = 0;
407                             }
408                             else
409                             {
410                                 // Edge not found. Add it to the list
411                                 globalCutEdges.append(e);
412                             }
413                         }
415                         // Re-transmit the list to the next processor
416                         if (slave < Pstream::lastSlave())
417                         {
418                             OPstream passOnEdges(Pstream::blocking, sendTo);
419                             passOnEdges << globalCutEdges;
420                         }
421                     }
422                 }
423             }
424         }
426         if (debug)
427         {
428             Info<< "void tetPolyMeshCellDecomp::addParallelPointPatch() : "
429                 << "Adding globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp."
430                 << "  nGlobalPoints: "
431                 << mesh_.globalData().nGlobalPoints() << endl;
432         }
434         // Add the processor point patch
435         boundary_.setSize(boundary_.size() + 1);
437         boundary_.set
438         (
439             boundary_.size() - 1,
440             new globalTetPolyPatchCellDecomp
441             (
442                 mesh_.globalData().nGlobalPoints(),
443                 localParPoints,
444                 mesh_.globalData().sharedPointAddr(),
445                 globalParEdges.size(),
446                 localParEdges,
447                 localEdgeMapping,
448                 localCutEdges,
449                 localCutEdgeMask,
450                 boundary_,
451                 boundary_.size() - 1
452             )
453         );
454     }
458 // ************************************************************************* //